Teve lugar ontem um dos compromissos oficiais mais polémicos do ano até agora, envolvendo a Duquesa de Cambridge. Catherine foi editora convidada durante um dia do jornal The Huffington Post UK, numa sessão de trabalho que teve como objectivo chamar a atenção para a saúde mental infantil.
Took place yesterday one of the most controversial official engagements in the year to date, involving the Duchess of Cambridge. Catherine was guest editor for a day for the Huffington Post UK, during a work session which aimed to draw attention to children's mental health.
Took place yesterday one of the most controversial official engagements in the year to date, involving the Duchess of Cambridge. Catherine was guest editor for a day for the Huffington Post UK, during a work session which aimed to draw attention to children's mental health.
A Duquesa transformou o apartamento 8 do Palácio de Kensington numa sala de noticias improvisada, onde durante o dia o foco foi para o trabalho, testemunhos, e partilha de conhecimentos nas mais variadas áreas de intervenção da saúde mental infantil e o seu papel preventivo.
The Duchess turned the apartment 8 of Kensington Palace into a newsroom, where during the day the focus was the work, testimonies, and sharing of knowledge in various areas of intervention of children's mental health and its preventive role.
The Duchess turned the apartment 8 of Kensington Palace into a newsroom, where during the day the focus was the work, testimonies, and sharing of knowledge in various areas of intervention of children's mental health and its preventive role.
Este original evento parece marcar definitivamente o compromisso da Duquesa de Cambridge em combater o estigma que ainda existe sobre este tema e chamar a atenção para a importância de uma intervenção conjunta entre família, educadores e profissionais da saúde na área da saúde mental infantil.
This unique event seems to mark definitely the commitment of the Duchess of Cambridge to combat the stigma that still exists on this topic and draw attention to the importance of a joint operation between families, educators and health professionals in the area of children's mental health.
This unique event seems to mark definitely the commitment of the Duchess of Cambridge to combat the stigma that still exists on this topic and draw attention to the importance of a joint operation between families, educators and health professionals in the area of children's mental health.
A Duquesa recebeu o editor-chefe do Huff Post UK, Sr. Stephen Hull e a sua equipa com o propósito de lançar a iniciativa Young Minds Matter (As mentes jovens importam). Esta iniciativa tem como objectivo a discussão dos problemas, causas e principalmente soluções para o estigma que ainda rodeia a saúde mental das crianças no Reino Unido.
The Duchess welcomed the chief editor of HuffPost UK, Mr. Stephen Hull and his team in order to launch the initiative Young Minds Matter. This initiative aims to discuss the problems, causes and , above all, the solutions to the stigma that still surrounds mental health of children in the UK.
The Duchess welcomed the chief editor of HuffPost UK, Mr. Stephen Hull and his team in order to launch the initiative Young Minds Matter. This initiative aims to discuss the problems, causes and , above all, the solutions to the stigma that still surrounds mental health of children in the UK.
Segundo Mr. Hull, numa recente estatística "estima-se que no Reino Unido actualmente cerca de 70.000 crianças com 11 anos de idade vivam com uma problema de saúde mental - isso basta para encher o Estádio de futebol do Manchester United".
According to Mr. Hull, a recent statistic "In the UK today there are an estimated 70,000 11-years-olds currently living with a mental health issue - that's enough people to fill Manchester United's football stadium."
According to Mr. Hull, a recent statistic "In the UK today there are an estimated 70,000 11-years-olds currently living with a mental health issue - that's enough people to fill Manchester United's football stadium."
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The Huffington Post UK (click on the image to be redirected) |
Ele continua na sua entrada no blog, acrescentado que: "É estimado que três crianças em cada sala de aula no reino Unido tenham um problema de saúde mental e sintomas de depressão são evidentes em uma de cada cinco crianças. Não é surpresa que problemas relacionados com ansiedade ou suicídio que se prolongam até à vida adulta deixem um rasto de oportunidades falhadas, potencial desperdiçado e perda".
He continues on his blog: " It is estimated that three children en every British school classroom has a mental health problem and symptoms of depressions are evident in a fifth of children. It's no surprise that related issues such as anxiety and suicide roll seamlessly on into adult life leaving a trail of missed opportunity, unfulfilled potencial and loss."
He continues on his blog: " It is estimated that three children en every British school classroom has a mental health problem and symptoms of depressions are evident in a fifth of children. It's no surprise that related issues such as anxiety and suicide roll seamlessly on into adult life leaving a trail of missed opportunity, unfulfilled potencial and loss."
A Duquesa também escreveu uma entrada no blog de ontem do jornal - "Let's Make a Real Difference for an Entire Generation of Young Children " onde referiu, entre outras coisas, que tanto ela como William esperam encorajar George e Charlotte a falar desde cedo sobre os seus sentimentos, e dar-lhes as ferramentas e sensibilidade para que sejam pilares de apoio para os seus amigos, à medida que cresçam.
The Duchess also wrote an entry in yesterday's newspaper blog - "Let's Make a Real Difference for an Entire Generation of Young Children," where she said, among other things, that both she and William hope to encourage George and Charlotte to speak early on their feelings, and give them the tools and sensitivity to be supportive peers to their friends as they get older."
The Duchess also wrote an entry in yesterday's newspaper blog - "Let's Make a Real Difference for an Entire Generation of Young Children," where she said, among other things, that both she and William hope to encourage George and Charlotte to speak early on their feelings, and give them the tools and sensitivity to be supportive peers to their friends as they get older."
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The Huffington Post UK (click on the image to be redirected) |
Kate realça ainda que é importante ter consciência que não é vergonha uma criança estar em luta com as suas emoções ou sofrer de um problema de saúde mental. Mas que, ainda assim, existem muitos pais, que perante este tipo de situações, sentem medo de serem rotulados como maus pais, e como tão não procuram ajuda e escondem a condição da criança que têm ao seu cuidado. E isso tem que mudar!
Kate also stresses that it is important to be aware that it is not shame a child to be struggling with their emotions or suffer from a mental health problem. But still, there are many parents who face this type of situations, and they are afraid of being labeled as bad parents, and as such they do not seek help and hide the child's condition they have in their care. And that has to change!
Kate also stresses that it is important to be aware that it is not shame a child to be struggling with their emotions or suffer from a mental health problem. But still, there are many parents who face this type of situations, and they are afraid of being labeled as bad parents, and as such they do not seek help and hide the child's condition they have in their care. And that has to change!
1/3 parents would worry about looking bad if their child has a mental health problem: https://t.co/qjbVW1JKUr pic.twitter.com/sYFL4XQqWO— Kensington Palace (@KensingtonRoyal) 17 fevereiro 2016
#YoungMindsMatter pretende abrir caminho para uma maior conversa sobre o tema entre crianças e suas famílias, para que elas falem sobre os seus sentimentos, para que se sintam seguras, amadas, compreendidas e valorizadas.
#YoungMindsMatter Aims to pave the way for further conversation on the subject among children and their families for them to talk about their feelings, to make them feel safe, loved, understood and valued.
#YoungMindsMatter Aims to pave the way for further conversation on the subject among children and their families for them to talk about their feelings, to make them feel safe, loved, understood and valued.
Para o dia de ontem, a Duquesa pediu a elaboração de várias peças e artigos, blogs e videos de várias pessoas influentes no sector da saúde mental, com as quais já tinha trabalhado, como é o caso do seu patronato The Art Room.
For yesterday launch, the Duchess asked to elaboration of various pieces and articles, blogs and videos of several influential people in the mental health sector, with which she had worked, as is the case for her patronage The Art Room.
For yesterday launch, the Duchess asked to elaboration of various pieces and articles, blogs and videos of several influential people in the mental health sector, with which she had worked, as is the case for her patronage The Art Room.
Take a look @TheArtRoomUK film report on children's mental health, commissioned by The Duchess for #YoungMindsMatterhttps://t.co/pQGGm66oJc— Kensington Palace (@KensingtonRoyal) 17 fevereiro 2016
Um dos contributos chave veio do outro lado do oceano, com a Primeira-Dama americana Michelle Obama a insistir para que o discurso sobre saúde mental tem que ser mudado.
One of the key contributions came from across the ocean, with American First Lady Michelle Obama to urge for a change of conversation on mental health.
One of the key contributions came from across the ocean, with American First Lady Michelle Obama to urge for a change of conversation on mental health.
'Let's change the conversation around mental health' @FLOTUS blogs for #YoungMindsMatter https://t.co/6KQXECWA6Z pic.twitter.com/zXdpQ5uKHK— HuffPost UK (@HuffPostUK) 17 fevereiro 2016
Podem ver este e outros artigos chaves aqui. Vale muito a pena serem lidos.
You can see this and other key articles here. Very worthwhile to read.
You can see this and other key articles here. Very worthwhile to read.
A Duquesa teve ainda a oportunidade conhecer algumas crianças apoiadas por organizações focadas na saúde mental infantil, como Place2Be, The Art Room, Chance UK e o The Anna Freud Centre.
The Duchess had a chance to meet some children supported by organizations focused on children's mental health, as Place2Be, The Art Room, Chance UK and The Anna Freud Centre.
The Duchess had a chance to meet some children supported by organizations focused on children's mental health, as Place2Be, The Art Room, Chance UK and The Anna Freud Centre.
Posto isto, eu acho que foi um dia pleno. Independentemente do que achamos de cada membro da realeza (e no caso de Catherine, a crítica tem sido bastante nos últimos meses), em dias como este, o mais importante é o resultado.
That said, I think it was a full day. Regardless of what we think of each member of royalty (and in the case of Catherine, the criticism has been big in the past few months), on days like this, the most important is the result.
That said, I think it was a full day. Regardless of what we think of each member of royalty (and in the case of Catherine, the criticism has been big in the past few months), on days like this, the most important is the result.
Catherine parece ter descoberto aqui uma causa pela qual lutar afincadamente e foi maravilhoso ler as histórias de superação, as lutas, as estratégias e as aprendizagens que esta iniciativa permitiu serem conhecidas.
Catherine seems to have discovered here a cause to fight very hard and it was wonderful to read the stories of overcoming, struggles, strategies and learning that this initiative made it public yesterday.
Catherine seems to have discovered here a cause to fight very hard and it was wonderful to read the stories of overcoming, struggles, strategies and learning that this initiative made it public yesterday.
Em Portugal, o acompanhamento de casos de Saúde Mental Infantil ainda está sobre praticamente exclusiva alçada da Direcção Geral de Saúde , em que a maior parte das situações problemáticas recorre inicialmente aos Cuidados de Saúde Primários.
In Portugal, the monitoring of cases of Children's Mental Health issues still is, almost exclusively exclusive, under the jurisdiction of the General Health Directorate, where the most problematic situations refers initially to Primary Health Care.
In Portugal, the monitoring of cases of Children's Mental Health issues still is, almost exclusively exclusive, under the jurisdiction of the General Health Directorate, where the most problematic situations refers initially to Primary Health Care.
A Associação Portuguesa de Psiquiatria da Infância e da Adolescência (APPIA) criou um espaço de contacto e de partilha de informação entre os associados e todos os que se interessam pela saúde mental das crianças e dos adolescentes, onde podem encontrar documentos informativos no âmbito da temática.
The Portuguese Association of Childhood and Adolescence Psychiatry (APPIA) created a contact and information sharing space for members and all who are interested in the mental health of children and adolescents where they can find information and documents under the thematic .
The Portuguese Association of Childhood and Adolescence Psychiatry (APPIA) created a contact and information sharing space for members and all who are interested in the mental health of children and adolescents where they can find information and documents under the thematic .
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Associação Portuguesa de Psiquiatria da Infância e da Adolescência |
Mas, e admitindo que não conheço tudo, sinto que falta muito mais a ser feito. Grande parte das famílias por condições profissionais e financeiras estão impossibilitadas de recorrer a alguns destes serviços. Penso que grande parte do trabalho poderia ser feito em pareceria com as escolas, que são ao fim ao cabo, o local onde as crianças passam mais tempo. E para isso, o nosso sistema de ensino também deveria sofrer uma revolução.
But, assuming that I do not know everything, I feel that there is much more to be done. Most families by professional and financial conditions are unable to use some of these services. I think that much of the work could be done in partnership with schools, which are for all means, the spaces where children spend more time. And for that, our education system should also suffer a revolution.
But, assuming that I do not know everything, I feel that there is much more to be done. Most families by professional and financial conditions are unable to use some of these services. I think that much of the work could be done in partnership with schools, which are for all means, the spaces where children spend more time. And for that, our education system should also suffer a revolution.
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David Horsey Cartoons |
Potenciar os talentos e não criar crianças padrão formatadas para uma realidade em constante mudança, avaliadas de igual forma, quando nitidamente o seu potencial é diferente. E a diferença é algo que deveria ser valorizado e não marginalizado.
Enhance the talents and not create standard children formatted for a reality, when that reality is allways changing, avalued equally, when clearly all children have a different potential. And the difference is something that should be valued and not marginalized.
Enhance the talents and not create standard children formatted for a reality, when that reality is allways changing, avalued equally, when clearly all children have a different potential. And the difference is something that should be valued and not marginalized.
Vale a pena pensar nisso, quando as crianças de hoje serão os adultos de amanhã!
It's worth thinking about it, when the children of today will be the adults of tomorrow!
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