Últimos eventos da Princesa Charlène do Mónaco / Last events from Princess Charlène of Monaco
Dia 29 de Fevereiro. Um dos dias mais especiais do nosso calendário. Será que teremos um nascimento real neste dia? Por enquanto tudo calmo por terras suecas.
E por isso, vamos falar de Charlène (eu sou óptima a mudar de assunto).
February 29th. One of the most special days of our calendar. Will we have a royal birth on this day? For now all quiet by Swedish lands.
And so, let's talk about Charlène (I'm great to change the subject).
February 29th. One of the most special days of our calendar. Will we have a royal birth on this day? For now all quiet by Swedish lands.
And so, let's talk about Charlène (I'm great to change the subject).
A Princesa Consorte do Mónaco está durante muitas semanas fora do radar, mas quando aparece, é logo com vários compromissos oficiais.
The Consort Princess of Monaco is for many weeks off the radar, but when she appears, she does it with several official engagements.
The Consort Princess of Monaco is for many weeks off the radar, but when she appears, she does it with several official engagements.
Na passada Sexta-feira, a Princesa monegasca visitou uma creche de uma escola carmelita.
Last Friday, the Monegasque Princess visited a nursery of a Carmelite school.
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Picture courtesy of Palais Princier de Monaco Official Facebook |
Na realidade esta escola é um exemplo porque abriga cerca de 163 alunos de 28 nacionalidades diferentes. Além da visita à aula de inglês, a Princesa interessou-se particularmente pela aula de FLE (francês como língua estrangeira) que promove a integração de alunos não francófonos.
In fact this school is an example because it has about 163 students of 28 different nationalities. Besides the visit to the English class, the Princess was particularly interested by the class of FFL (French as a foreign language) that promotes the integration of non-French-speaking students.
In fact this school is an example because it has about 163 students of 28 different nationalities. Besides the visit to the English class, the Princess was particularly interested by the class of FFL (French as a foreign language) that promotes the integration of non-French-speaking students.
S.A.S. la Princesse Charlène a visité ce matin l'école maternelle des Carmes. Elle a pu découvrir les ateliers pour...
Publicado por Palais Princier de Monaco - Prince's Palace of Monaco em Sexta-feira, 26 de Fevereiro de 2016
No mesmo dia, Charlène assistiu a uma aula de Natação dos alunos da equipa sul-africana que vieram em intercâmbio participar do Torneio Saint Dévote de Rugby.
On the same day, Charlène attended a swimming class for students of the South African team who came to participate in the exchange Saint Devote Rugby Tournament .
O pequeno Jacques não escondeu a sua alegria ao pisar o relvado.
Little Jacques did not hide his joy when he stepped on the lawn.
10 equipas com menos de 12 anos de 9 países competiram no Estádio Louis II.
10 teams under 12 from 9 countries competed at the Stade Louis II.
Entre os participantes, a equipa Sul-Africana, país de onde Charlène é natural, e que ficou em quarto lugar na competição.
Among the participants, the South African team, country from Charlène is natural, and ranked fourth in the competition.
A vencedora do Torneio foi a Tunísia pelo segundo ano consecutivo.
The tournament winner was Tunisia for the second consecutive year.
Foi bom rever a Princesa Charlène e o pequeno Jacques.
It was good to see Charlène Princess and little Jacques once again.
On the same day, Charlène attended a swimming class for students of the South African team who came to participate in the exchange Saint Devote Rugby Tournament .
O intercâmbio de estudantes monegascos e sul-africanos é organizado pela Fundação Princesse Charlène entre os Colégios Charles III e o Colégio Francisco de Assis.
The exchange between Monaco and South African students is organized by Princess Charlène Foundation and the College Charles III and the College Francis of Assisi.
The exchange between Monaco and South African students is organized by Princess Charlène Foundation and the College Charles III and the College Francis of Assisi.
Durante o encontro, Charlene conversou com a deputada Lisette Botha que gere a academia "Kiddie Aqua Swimming Academy" na África do Sul, que visa promover a aprendizagem da natação e combater a morte por afogamento.
During the meeting, Charlene talked to Ms Lisette Botha who runs the academy "Kiddie Aqua Swimming Academy" in South Africa, which aims to promote the learning of swimming and fight the drowning death.
During the meeting, Charlene talked to Ms Lisette Botha who runs the academy "Kiddie Aqua Swimming Academy" in South Africa, which aims to promote the learning of swimming and fight the drowning death.
Mme Lisette Botha
Publicado por Fondation Princesse Charlène de Monaco em Sexta-feira, 26 de Fevereiro de 2016
No Sábado, o Príncipe Albert II e a Princesa Charlène marcaram presença do Torneio de Rugby Sainte Dévote, organizado pela Federação monegasca de rugby com o apoio da Fundação Princesse Charlene du Monaco.
On Saturday, the Prince Albert II and Princess Charlène marked presence at Sainte Dévote Rugby Tournament, organized by the Rugby Monegasque Federation with the support of Princess Charlène of Monaco Foundation.
On Saturday, the Prince Albert II and Princess Charlène marked presence at Sainte Dévote Rugby Tournament, organized by the Rugby Monegasque Federation with the support of Princess Charlène of Monaco Foundation.
O Hereditário Príncipe Jacques também marcou presença no evento e mostrou-se muito entusiasmado com o desporto.
The Hereditary Prince Jacques was also present at the event and proved to be a very enthusiastic sports fan.
The Hereditary Prince Jacques was also present at the event and proved to be a very enthusiastic sports fan.
O pequeno Jacques não escondeu a sua alegria ao pisar o relvado.
Little Jacques did not hide his joy when he stepped on the lawn.
10 equipas com menos de 12 anos de 9 países competiram no Estádio Louis II.
10 teams under 12 from 9 countries competed at the Stade Louis II.
Publicado por Fondation Princesse Charlène de Monaco em Sábado, 27 de Fevereiro de 2016
Entre os participantes, a equipa Sul-Africana, país de onde Charlène é natural, e que ficou em quarto lugar na competição.
Among the participants, the South African team, country from Charlène is natural, and ranked fourth in the competition.
A vencedora do Torneio foi a Tunísia pelo segundo ano consecutivo.
The tournament winner was Tunisia for the second consecutive year.
LL.AA.SS. le Prince Albert et la Princesse Charlène et l’équipe Jemmal (Tunisie) qui a remporté le Tournoi Sainte Dévote
Publicado por Fondation Princesse Charlène de Monaco em Sábado, 27 de Fevereiro de 2016
Foi bom rever a Princesa Charlène e o pequeno Jacques.
It was good to see Charlène Princess and little Jacques once again.
S.A.S. le Prince Héréditaire Jacques
Publicado por Fondation Princesse Charlène de Monaco em Sábado, 27 de Fevereiro de 2016
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