Harry de volta para acompanhar provas para os InvictusGames2016 / Harry is back to watch trials for InvictusGames2016
Na passada sexta-feira, naquele que foi o seu primeiro acto oficial do ano, o Príncipe Harry visitou o complexo desportivo da Universidade de Bath, onde a equipa britânica está a realizar provas de preparação para os próximos Invictus Games, em Maio, em Orlando.
Last Friday, in what was his first official act of the year, Prince Harry visited the sports complex of the University of Bath, where the British team is undertaking preparation trials for the next Invictus Games in May in Orlando .
Last Friday, in what was his first official act of the year, Prince Harry visited the sports complex of the University of Bath, where the British team is undertaking preparation trials for the next Invictus Games in May in Orlando .
Na qualidade de patrono dos Invictus Games, Harry conversou com vários atletas que em Maio representarão as cores Nacionais nos Estados Unidos.
As a patron of Invictus Games, Harry talked to several athletes who will represent the National colors, next May in the United States.
As a patron of Invictus Games, Harry talked to several athletes who will represent the National colors, next May in the United States.
Será a segunda edição do evento, destinado a homens e mulheres feridos ao serviço do seu país em cenários militares. Veteranos que, através do desporto encontraram força, motivação e uma razão pare seguirem com as suas vidas para a frente, após serem seriamente feridos.
It will be the second edition of the event, aimed for men and women wounded in the service of their country in military scenarios. Veterans who, through sport found the strength, motivation and a reason push their lives forward, after being seriously injured.
It will be the second edition of the event, aimed for men and women wounded in the service of their country in military scenarios. Veterans who, through sport found the strength, motivation and a reason push their lives forward, after being seriously injured.
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Via Invictus Games 2016 website |
Invictus Games é definitivamente o menino dos olhos de Harry que não conseguiu esconder o seu entusiasmo com a proximidade desta grande e importante prova de competição. O seu apoio durante as provas foi contagiante, e a sua simpatia com os participantes também.
Invictus Games is definitely Harry's pride joy and he could not hide his enthusiasm with the proximity of this great and important competition. His support during the trials was contagious, and his sympathy with the participants as well.
Invictus Games is definitely Harry's pride joy and he could not hide his enthusiasm with the proximity of this great and important competition. His support during the trials was contagious, and his sympathy with the participants as well.
No seu discurso, o filho mais novo do Príncipe de Gales, comentou o crescimento que esta niciativa está a ter e apelou a todos os atletas que mostrem todo o potencial que têm, com toda a garra que possuem.
In his speech, the younger son of the Prince of Wales, said the growth that is taking this initiative and called on all athletes to show all potential they have, with all vigor they possess.
Achei que seria uma boa forma de começar a semana, concordam? Ora oiçam:
I thought it would be a good way to start the week, agree? Now listen:
Prince Harry @KensingtonRoyal speaking to #InvictusGames hopefuls about the importance of @InvictusOrlando. pic.twitter.com/q8kIuo9moO
— Royal British Legion (@PoppyLegion) 29 janeiro 2016
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