As Princesas Bernadotte e as suas doses mortais de doçura / The Bernadotte Princesses and their deadly doses of sweetness
Não será por acaso que tenho falado muito ultimamente da casa real sueca. Além de estarmos oficialmente em #RoyalBabyWatch, as princesas Bernadotte parecem definitivamente decididas a matarem-nos um pouco, todos os dias, com doses mortais de pura ternura.
It is not by chance that I have been talking a lot lately of the Swedish royal house. In addition to the #RoyalBabyWatch official state, the Bernadotte princesses seem definitely decided to kill us a little every day, with deadly doses of pure tenderness.
It is not by chance that I have been talking a lot lately of the Swedish royal house. In addition to the #RoyalBabyWatch official state, the Bernadotte princesses seem definitely decided to kill us a little every day, with deadly doses of pure tenderness.
Depois do aniversário do seu "raio de sol" no passado dia 20, a Princesa Madeleine que se encontra em Estocolmo para compromissos oficiais, decidiu oferecer uma festa do chá ontem à tarde no Palácio real. Leonore também participou na actividade, o que na minha opinião deu ainda mais valor ao maravilhoso todo, pois transmite o exemplo que Madeleine quer passar à filha acerca do seu trabalho e da solidariedade e generosidade em geral.
After her little "sunshine" birthday on the 20th, the Princess Madeleine who is in Stockholm for official engagements, decided to offer a tea party yesterday afternoon at the Royal Palace. Leonore also participated in the activity, which in my opinion still gave more value to the whole wonderful affair, because it transmits the example Madeleine wants to pass to her daughter about her work, solidarity and generosity in general.
After her little "sunshine" birthday on the 20th, the Princess Madeleine who is in Stockholm for official engagements, decided to offer a tea party yesterday afternoon at the Royal Palace. Leonore also participated in the activity, which in my opinion still gave more value to the whole wonderful affair, because it transmits the example Madeleine wants to pass to her daughter about her work, solidarity and generosity in general.
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Photo Kate Gabor, The Royal Court, Sweden |
E obviamente se vamos dar uma festa de princesa temática, é bom que levemos o papel a sério. Isso inclui claro um vestido de gala, insignias e claro está, uma tiara a sério.
And obviously if we will have a princess-themed party, it's better to take the role seriously. This includes, of course, a gala dress, insignia and, because we are taking this seriously, a real tiara.
And obviously if we will have a princess-themed party, it's better to take the role seriously. This includes, of course, a gala dress, insignia and, because we are taking this seriously, a real tiara.
E existe um vídeo para a nossa morte ser um pouco mais lenta.
And there is a video to make our death a little slower.
And there is a video to make our death a little slower.
Sagokalas på Stockholms Slott med Prinsessan Madeleine och Min...
Första unika filmen från sagokalaset på Stockholms Slott som Min Stora Dag arrangerade tillsammans med Prinsessan Madeleine. 12 barn med svåra sjukdomar, från hela Sverige, lekte med Prinsessan, underhölls av Tobbe Trollkarl, åt tårta och fiskade fiskdamm.
Publicado por Min Stora Dag em Terça-feira, 23 de Fevereiro de 2016
Madeleine é Patrona da organização Min Stora Dag (O meu Dia Especial). Esta organização sem fins lucrativos, uma espécie de Terra dos Sonhos portuguesa, propõe-se a concretizar os sonhos de crianças e jovens suecos diagnosticados com doenças sérias.
Madeleine is patron of the organization Min Stora Dag (My Special Day). This non-profit organization, a kind of the Portuguese Terra dos Sonhos (Dreamland), aims to realize the dreams of children and young Swedes diagnosed with serious illnesses.
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Min Stora Dag website |
Além de concretizar cerca de 300 sonhos individuais cada ano, Min Stora Dag também organiza actividades de grupo, como concertos pop, eventos desportivos, shows de circo e outras actividades especiais que são bastante apreciados, pois proporcionam pausas vitais numa rotina diária centrada na doença.
In addition to achieving 300 individual dreams each year, Min Stora Dag also organizes group activities, such as pop concerts, sporting events, circus shows and other special activities that are highly valued because this kinf of activities provide vital breaks of a daily routine centered on disease.
In addition to achieving 300 individual dreams each year, Min Stora Dag also organizes group activities, such as pop concerts, sporting events, circus shows and other special activities that are highly valued because this kinf of activities provide vital breaks of a daily routine centered on disease.
Publicado por Min Stora Dag em Terça-feira, 2 de Fevereiro de 2016
Min Stora Dag também incentiva o encontro entre diferentes grupos de crianças em campos de aventura, para que as crianças tenham a oportunidade de conhecer outras crianças em situações similares e assim formar-se um vinculo de compreensão e apoio muito especial.
Min Stora Dag also encourages the encounter between different groups of children in adventure camps, so that children have the opportunity to meet other children in similar situations and to form a bond of understanding and very special support.
Min Stora Dag also encourages the encounter between different groups of children in adventure camps, so that children have the opportunity to meet other children in similar situations and to form a bond of understanding and very special support.
Publicado por Min Stora Dag em Terça-feira, 14 de Julho de 2015
Como Voluntária da Terra dos Sonhos, sei bem o que é sentir a alegria destas crianças num dia em que tudo e possível, em que a fantasia faz esquecer qualquer doença, qualquer dor. Um dia que certamente não irão esquecer.
As Volunteer of Dreamland, I know what it is to feel the joy of these children on a day where everything is possible, where fantasy makes them forget any disease, any pain. A day that certainly they will never forget.
As Volunteer of Dreamland, I know what it is to feel the joy of these children on a day where everything is possible, where fantasy makes them forget any disease, any pain. A day that certainly they will never forget.
Publicado por Min Stora Dag em Segunda-feira, 22 de Fevereiro de 2016
{Secando as lágrimas...}
{Drying the tears ...}
{Drying the tears ...}
Hoje a Princesa Estelle comemora o seu 4º aniversário. E a Corte Sueca divulgou duas novas fotografias da segunda na linha de sucessão ao trono, tiradas no Palácio de Haga.
Today Princess Estelle turns 4. And the Swedish Court released two new photos of the second in line to the throne, taken at Haga Palace.
Today Princess Estelle turns 4. And the Swedish Court released two new photos of the second in line to the throne, taken at Haga Palace.
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Photo Kate Gabor, The Royal Court, Sweden |
#EstelleAsBigSisterEra está iminente e será maravilhoso ver a interecção entre os irmãos.
#EstelleAsBigSisterEra is imminent and will be wonderful to see the interaction between the siblings.
#EstelleAsBigSisterEra is imminent and will be wonderful to see the interaction between the siblings.
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Photo Kate Gabor, The Royal Court, Sweden |
Até porque já é maravilhoso ver Estelle com os primos. Uma opinião partilhada pela Titi Madeleine que hoje, em nome de Leonore, desejou um Feliz Aniversário à sobrinha com a partilha de uma foto das duas primas.
Because it's already wonderful to see Estelle with her cousins. An opinion shared by Auntie Madeleine who today, on behalf of Leonore, wished a Happy Birthday to her niece by sharing a photo of the two cousins.
Because it's already wonderful to see Estelle with her cousins. An opinion shared by Auntie Madeleine who today, on behalf of Leonore, wished a Happy Birthday to her niece by sharing a photo of the two cousins.
Cousins are friends that will love you forever. Happy birthday dear Estelle! From your cousin Leonore
Publicado por Princess Madeleine of Sweden em Segunda-feira, 22 de Fevereiro de 2016
Um ano em cheio avizinha-se para a família real sueca. Entre dois nascimentos reais e consequentemente dois baptizados, 2016 trás também o 70º aniversário do Rei e o 40º aniversário de casamento de Carl Gustaf e Sílvia. Uma nova colecção de selos será lançada em Março.
A great year ahead for the Swedish royal family. Between two royal births and consequently two baptisms, 2016 also brings the 70th anniversary of the King and the 40th wedding anniversary of Carl Gustaf and Silvia. A new stamp collection will be launched in March.
A great year ahead for the Swedish royal family. Between two royal births and consequently two baptisms, 2016 also brings the 70th anniversary of the King and the 40th wedding anniversary of Carl Gustaf and Silvia. A new stamp collection will be launched in March.
Entre os três selos, surge este que reúne as três gerações Bernadotte. Adorável, certo? Mas talvez com demasiado Photoshop...
Among the three new stamps, comes one that brings together the three Bernadotte generations. Adorable, right? Maybe a bit too much Photoshop...
Among the three new stamps, comes one that brings together the three Bernadotte generations. Adorable, right? Maybe a bit too much Photoshop...
Ah sim, se quiserem dar os Parabéns à Princesa Estelle podem fazê-lo através deste formulário online no site da Casa Real Sueca.
Oh yeas, if you want to wish a Very Happy Birthday to Princess Estelle, you can make it through this online form at the Swedish Royal House website.
Oh yeas, if you want to wish a Very Happy Birthday to Princess Estelle, you can make it through this online form at the Swedish Royal House website.
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