Pascua Militar 2016 + Primeiro dia de escola / Pascua Militar 2016 + First day in School.
E mais um evento na quê? Já acabaram? Ah está bem, mas continuamos em onda de inicio de ano com eventos pomposos, desta vez em Espanha.
And one more event in Denmark ..... hum .... ups ... What? It's already over? Oh all right, but we continue to feature new year's pompous events, this time in Spain.
And one more event in Denmark ..... hum .... ups ... What? It's already over? Oh all right, but we continue to feature new year's pompous events, this time in Spain.
Em dia de Feriado Espanhol (Dia de Reis), Felipe VI e Letizia presidiram às habituais cerimónias da Pascua Militar. Uma celebração que remonta ao reinado de Carlos III, quando a 6 de Janeiro de 1782, os espanhóis recuperaram a localidade balnear de Mahón, que estava sobre domínio inglês.
In Spanish Holiday Day (Epiphany), Felipe and Letizia VI presided as usual to the Pascua Militar traditional ceremonies. A celebration that dates back to the reign of Carlos III, when on the January 6, 1782, the Spaniards regained the seaside town of Mahón, who was over British rule.
In Spanish Holiday Day (Epiphany), Felipe and Letizia VI presided as usual to the Pascua Militar traditional ceremonies. A celebration that dates back to the reign of Carlos III, when on the January 6, 1782, the Spaniards regained the seaside town of Mahón, who was over British rule.
Para manifestar a sua alegria, Carlos III ordenou a todos os vice-reis, capitães generais, governadores e comandantes militares que neste dia se reunissem com os seus regimentos e cumprimentassem em seu nome todos os chefes e oficiais do exército.
To express his joy, Carlos III ordered that all viceroys, generals captains, governors and military commanders should meet on this day with their regiments and greet on his behalf all the chiefs and army officers.
To express his joy, Carlos III ordered that all viceroys, generals captains, governors and military commanders should meet on this day with their regiments and greet on his behalf all the chiefs and army officers.
A primeira parte da cerimónia decorre como é hábito na Plaza de Armería no Palácio Real, na presença de vários membros do governo espanhol, onde após o Hino Nacional o Rei passou revista às tropas.
The first part of the ceremony takes place as always in Armería Square of the Royal Palace, in the presence of several members of the Spanish government, and after the National Anthem, the King inspected the Guardia Real formation.
The first part of the ceremony takes place as always in Armería Square of the Royal Palace, in the presence of several members of the Spanish government, and after the National Anthem, the King inspected the Guardia Real formation.
Mais tarde teve lugar no interior do Palácio Real, a recepção onde após a entrega de condecorações militares, os presentes puderam escutar as intervenções do Rei Felipe VI e do Ministro da Defesa.
Later a reception takes place inside the Royal Palace, where after the delivery of military decorations, the guests could hear the speeches of King Felipe VI and the Minister of Defense.
Later a reception takes place inside the Royal Palace, where after the delivery of military decorations, the guests could hear the speeches of King Felipe VI and the Minister of Defense.
O protocolo exige uniforme militar para o Rei e traje longo para a Rainha. A avaliar pelos últimos anos, tenho duplos sentimentos em relação a este look de Letizia.
The protocol requires military uniform for the King and long outfit for the Queen. Judging from recent years, I have double feelings about this year look for Letizia.
The protocol requires military uniform for the King and long outfit for the Queen. Judging from recent years, I have double feelings about this year look for Letizia.
Por um lado adorei que pela primeira vez desde 2005, ela tivesse usado o seu cabelo num elegante apanhado. Por outro lado o vestido de seda preto com bordados na parte inferior combinado com um blazer branco Felipe Varela, não me convenceu. De todo!
On the one hand I loved the fact that for the first time since 2005, she had used her hair in an elegant updo. On the other hand the black silk dress with embroidery on the bottom combined with a white blazer by Felipe Varela, did not convince me. At all!
Em outros grandes acontecimentos, adivinhem quem começou a escola?
In other major events, guess who started school?
On the one hand I loved the fact that for the first time since 2005, she had used her hair in an elegant updo. On the other hand the black silk dress with embroidery on the bottom combined with a white blazer by Felipe Varela, did not convince me. At all!
Em outros grandes acontecimentos, adivinhem quem começou a escola?
In other major events, guess who started school?
É verdade duas novas fotografias, tiradas pela Duquesa de Cambridge foram divulgadas ontem para assinalar o primeiro dia na escola do Príncipe George. G., de 2 anos e meio, como anunciado no final do ano iniciou a creche na Westacre Montessori School em Norfolk, perto da residência dos Cambridges Amner Hall.
True, two new photographs, taken by the Duchess of Cambridge were released yesterday to mark Prince George's first day in school. G., aged 2.5, as announced at the end of the year started the nursery in Westacre Montessori School in Norfolk, near the Cambridges's country residence, Amner Hall.
True, two new photographs, taken by the Duchess of Cambridge were released yesterday to mark Prince George's first day in school. G., aged 2.5, as announced at the end of the year started the nursery in Westacre Montessori School in Norfolk, near the Cambridges's country residence, Amner Hall.
A ocasião foi privada e tanto William como Catherine estiveram presentes. Muito diferente do primeiro dia de escola de William, em 1987 que foi mais mais um evento público. E o pequeno não parecia confortável.
The occasion was private and both William and Catherine were present. Very different from William's first day at School in 1987, which was further a public event. And the little one did not seem comfortable at all.
The occasion was private and both William and Catherine were present. Very different from William's first day at School in 1987, which was further a public event. And the little one did not seem comfortable at all.
Mudam-se os tempos, mudam-se as vontades...
Move-times, change is the will ...
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