Mimos extra de 2015 e mais esplendor em 2016 / Extra spoils from 2015 and more splendor in 2016
Enquanto nos recompomos do esplendor dinamarquês do inicio do ano (amanhã e quarta-feira têm lugar as restantes recepções de ano novo), deixo-vos com alguns miminhos extra que algumas das nossas caras favoritas nos deram no final de 2015 e inicio de 2016.
While we recover of the Danish New Year Splendor (tomorrow and Wednesday take place the remaining New Year's receptions), I leave you with some extra cuddle from that some of our favorite faces gave us at the end of 2015 and early 2016.
While we recover of the Danish New Year Splendor (tomorrow and Wednesday take place the remaining New Year's receptions), I leave you with some extra cuddle from that some of our favorite faces gave us at the end of 2015 and early 2016.
Começamos pelo Japão, onde como é habitual os Imperadores e restantes membros da família imperial compareceram à Cerimónia de Celebração do Ano Novo que tem lugar no Palácio Imperial no primeiro dia do novo ano.
We started in Japan, where as usual the Emperors and other members of the imperial family attended the New Year celebration ceremony that takes place at the Imperial Palace on the first day of the new year.
We started in Japan, where as usual the Emperors and other members of the imperial family attended the New Year celebration ceremony that takes place at the Imperial Palace on the first day of the new year.
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Picture Courtesy of Huffington Post |
Segundo nos conta o blog Imperial Family of Japan, nesta cerimónia o Imperador e Imperatriz recebem cumprimentos dos outros membros da Família Imperial; representantes da Câmara dos Representantes e da Câmara do Conselho; Membros da Assembleia; Primeiro-Ministro, Ministros de Estado; Membros do Supremo Tribunal de Justiça e outros oficiais, representantes governamentais e membros de missões diplomáticas do Império do Japão.
According to the Imperial Family of Japan blog, on this ceremony the Emperor and Empress receive greetings from the other members of the Imperial Family; representatives of the House of Representatives and the Council Chamber; Members of the Assembly; Prime Minister, Ministers of State; Members of the Supreme Court and other officials, government representatives and members of diplomatic missions of the Empire of Japan.
According to the Imperial Family of Japan blog, on this ceremony the Emperor and Empress receive greetings from the other members of the Imperial Family; representatives of the House of Representatives and the Council Chamber; Members of the Assembly; Prime Minister, Ministers of State; Members of the Supreme Court and other officials, government representatives and members of diplomatic missions of the Empire of Japan.
A ocasião é considerada um Evento de Estado e todas as Princesas ostentam os seus respectivos conjuntos de jóias, compostos geralmente por uma tiara e um colar a condizer. Cada Princesa Imperial recebe por altura dos seus 18 anos um conjunto para seu uso pessoal. As pedras preciosas coloridas são excluídas dos cofres japoneses.
The occasion is considered a state event and all the princesses wear their respective sets of jewelry, usually composed by a tiara and a matching necklace. Each Imperial Princess receives when they turn 18 a set for their personal use. Colored gemstones are excluded from Japanese jewels vaults.
The occasion is considered a state event and all the princesses wear their respective sets of jewelry, usually composed by a tiara and a matching necklace. Each Imperial Princess receives when they turn 18 a set for their personal use. Colored gemstones are excluded from Japanese jewels vaults.
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Picture Courtesy of Huffington Post |
A imperatriz Michiko deixou de usar tiara em eventos de Estado por razões de saúde.
Empress Michiko stopped using tiara in state events for health reasons.
Empress Michiko stopped using tiara in state events for health reasons.
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Picture Courtesy of Huffington Post |
Apesar de ausente da cerimónia pública oficial, a Princesa da Coroa Masako, acompanhada pela sua filha a Princesa Aiko, foram fotografadas à chegada ao Palácio para saudar os Imperadores.
Despite missing the public official ceremony, Crown Princess Masako, accompanied by her daughter Princess Aiko, were photographed on arrival at the palace to greet the emperors.
Despite missing the public official ceremony, Crown Princess Masako, accompanied by her daughter Princess Aiko, were photographed on arrival at the palace to greet the emperors.
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Picture Courtesy of Asahi |
No dia seguinte, a família imperial saudou cerca de mais de 62.000 pessoas na habitual saudação de Ano Novo desde o balcão do Palácio Imperial de Tóquio.
On the next day, the imperial family welcomed more than 62,000 people in the usual New Year's greeting from the balcony of the Imperial Palace in Tokyo.
O Imperador dirigiu aos seus súbditos a habitual saudação de Ano Novo como é costume.
The emperor addressed his subjects the usual New Year's greeting as usual.
E é sempre bom ver Masako!
And it's allways nice to see Masako!
Entretanto os nossos queridos suecos divulgaram uma nova fotografia oficial no fim de ano.
Meanwhile our Swedish loved ones released a new official photograph at the end of the year.
O casal à espera do primeiro filho, um rapaz, aparece relaxado numa pose ternurenta e representativa da fase feliz que estão a viver.
On the next day, the imperial family welcomed more than 62,000 people in the usual New Year's greeting from the balcony of the Imperial Palace in Tokyo.
O Imperador dirigiu aos seus súbditos a habitual saudação de Ano Novo como é costume.
The emperor addressed his subjects the usual New Year's greeting as usual.
É sempre interessante de ver a semelhança na maneira de vestir e nos acessórios das Princesas nipónicas.
It's always interesting to see the similarities in dress and accessories of the Nipponese Princesses.
It's always interesting to see the similarities in dress and accessories of the Nipponese Princesses.
E é sempre bom ver Masako!
And it's allways nice to see Masako!
Entretanto os nossos queridos suecos divulgaram uma nova fotografia oficial no fim de ano.
Meanwhile our Swedish loved ones released a new official photograph at the end of the year.
A fotografia foi tirada no mesmo dia que a cerimónia de entrega dos Prémios Nobel! Uma família feliz e a crescer onde só faltaram as crianças Estelle, Leonore e Nicolas.
The photograph was taken on the same day as the ceremony of the Nobel Prize! An happy and growing family portrait where only the children Estelle, Leonore and Nicolas are missing.
No Butão, como é habitual em cada mês, foi divulgada a fotografia do mês de Janeiro no calendário, que tem sempre como protagonistas os soberanos.
In Bhutan, as usual each month, it was released the January's picture in the calendar, which always has the sovereign couple as protagonist.
The calendars of 2015 were more popular than we could have ever imagined. We truly enjoyed releasing them, and bringing...
Publicado por Yellow Bhutan em Quinta-feira, 31 de Dezembro de 2015
O casal à espera do primeiro filho, um rapaz, aparece relaxado numa pose ternurenta e representativa da fase feliz que estão a viver.
The couple expecting their first child, a boy, appears relaxed on this sweet and representative pose of the happy stage they are living.
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