Máxima está de volta! / Máxima is back!
Sabem o que eu mais gosto na Holanda, além da nossa querida Maxi girl? Túlipas, muitas túlipas até perder de vista! São as minhas flores favoritas! E porque não misturar as duas?
Do you know what I like the most in the Netherlands, as well as our beloved Maxi girl? Tulips, many tulips out of sight! Are my favorite flowers! And why not to gether both?
Do you know what I like the most in the Netherlands, as well as our beloved Maxi girl? Tulips, many tulips out of sight! Are my favorite flowers! And why not to gether both?
Voilá! A surpresa vem da sobriedade das cores escolhidas pela Rainha Máxima no seu primeiro compromisso oficial de 2016. A Rainha compareceu à entrega do Prémio Empreendedor Hortícola 2016 (Tuinbouw Ondernemersprijs 2016) que teve lugar nos Jardins Keukenhof em Lisse.
Voila! The surprise comes from the sobriety of the colors chosen by Queen Maxima in her first official engagement in 2016. The Queen attended the delivery of the Horticultural Entrepreneur Award 2016 (Tuinbouw Ondernemersprijs 2016) that took place in the Keukenhof Gardens in Lisse.
Voila! The surprise comes from the sobriety of the colors chosen by Queen Maxima in her first official engagement in 2016. The Queen attended the delivery of the Horticultural Entrepreneur Award 2016 (Tuinbouw Ondernemersprijs 2016) that took place in the Keukenhof Gardens in Lisse.
Um sítio que vale a pena conhecer e que conta com mais de 800 (!) variedades de túlipas. Eu fiquei encantada!
A place that is worth knowing and that has more than 800 (!) varieties of tulips. I was blown away!
A place that is worth knowing and that has more than 800 (!) varieties of tulips. I was blown away!
O galardão é concedido pela Fundação Prémio Enpreendedor Hortícola (Tuinbouw Ondernemersprijs) e foi criado para aumentar a consciencialização do sector, gerando interesse em promover a evolução positiva no sector hortícola e ao empreendedorismo inovador e sustentável. Este ano foram nomeadas 4 empresas. Estas são caracterizadas pela Fundação de acordo com a coragem, determinação, perseverança, sustentabilidade e inovação. O vencedor é durante um ano Embaixador da Horticultura.
The prize is awarded by the Horticultural Entrepreneur Award Foundation (Tuinbouw Ondernemersprijs) and is designed to raise awareness of the sector, generating interest in promoting the positive development in the horticultural sector and the innovative and sustainable entrepreneurship. This year were named four companies. These are characterized by the Foundation in accordance with their courage, determination, perseverance, sustainability and innovation. The winner is named Ambassador of Horticulture for one year.
O vencedor desta edição foi Toon Ebben, director da empresa familiar Ebben Trees e sua equipa. A empresa cujo lema é "Saber como fazer crescer" conta com mais 150 anos de experiência no cultivo de árvores e arbustos únicos em forma, cores e aplicações. Com mais de 450.000 árvores plantadas por ano, a incubadora Ebben Tree é líder mundial no seu sector, com projectos inovadores sustentáveis e únicos desenvolvidos em colaboração com arquitectos paisagistas.
The winner of this edition was Toon Ebben, director of the family business Ebben Trees and his team. The company whose motto is "To know how to grow" has over 150 years of experience in the cultivation of unique trees and bushes in shape, colors and applications. With more than 450,000 trees planted a year, Ebben Tree Nursery is a world leader in its sector, with sustainable and unique innovative projects developed in collaboration with landscape architects.
Segundo os júri: " A incubadora Ebben Tree destaca-se pelas relações mantêm a companhia, nacional e internacionalmente, com considerável atenção para a comunicação em todos os níveis da cadeia de distribuição. As actividades são voltadas para a troca de conhecimento, a abertura dentro e promoção do sector. O cuidado para com a sustentabilidade do ambiente vivo e melhoria do solo é verdadeiramente excepcional."
According to the jury: "The Ebben Tree Nursery stands out in the relations that manintain the company nationally and internationally, with considerable attention to the communication at all levels in the supply chain. The activities are geared towards an exchange of knowledge, openness within and promotion of the sector. The care paid to sustainability of the living environment and soil improvement is truly exceptional. "
Parabéns aos vencedores!
Congratulations to the winners!
A Holanda irá assumir este ano a presidência da União Europeia e os seus soberanos receberam ontem membros da comissão europeia no Palácio Real.
The Netherlands will take this year the presidency of the European Union and the sovereign couple received yesterday members of the European Commission at the Royal Palace.
Já tínhamos saudades daquela saia ( verdadeiramente!).
We did miss that skirt (truly!).
The prize is awarded by the Horticultural Entrepreneur Award Foundation (Tuinbouw Ondernemersprijs) and is designed to raise awareness of the sector, generating interest in promoting the positive development in the horticultural sector and the innovative and sustainable entrepreneurship. This year were named four companies. These are characterized by the Foundation in accordance with their courage, determination, perseverance, sustainability and innovation. The winner is named Ambassador of Horticulture for one year.
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Picture via Tuinbouw Ondernemersprijs website |
The winner of this edition was Toon Ebben, director of the family business Ebben Trees and his team. The company whose motto is "To know how to grow" has over 150 years of experience in the cultivation of unique trees and bushes in shape, colors and applications. With more than 450,000 trees planted a year, Ebben Tree Nursery is a world leader in its sector, with sustainable and unique innovative projects developed in collaboration with landscape architects.
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Ebben Trees website |
Segundo os júri: " A incubadora Ebben Tree destaca-se pelas relações mantêm a companhia, nacional e internacionalmente, com considerável atenção para a comunicação em todos os níveis da cadeia de distribuição. As actividades são voltadas para a troca de conhecimento, a abertura dentro e promoção do sector. O cuidado para com a sustentabilidade do ambiente vivo e melhoria do solo é verdadeiramente excepcional."
According to the jury: "The Ebben Tree Nursery stands out in the relations that manintain the company nationally and internationally, with considerable attention to the communication at all levels in the supply chain. The activities are geared towards an exchange of knowledge, openness within and promotion of the sector. The care paid to sustainability of the living environment and soil improvement is truly exceptional. "
Parabéns aos vencedores!
Congratulations to the winners!
A Holanda irá assumir este ano a presidência da União Europeia e os seus soberanos receberam ontem membros da comissão europeia no Palácio Real.
The Netherlands will take this year the presidency of the European Union and the sovereign couple received yesterday members of the European Commission at the Royal Palace.
Já tínhamos saudades daquela saia ( verdadeiramente!).
We did miss that skirt (truly!).
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