Mary & Women Deliver prontos para Maio / Mary & Women Deliver ready for May
Há algumas semanas que a nossa querida Mary estava desaparecida. A Princesa da Coroa da Dinamarca tinha uma visita humanitária a Burkina Faso agendada para a semana passada que foi adiada na sequência dos atentados ocorridos naquele país africano.
A few weeks ago that our dear Mary was missing. Denmark's Crown Princess had a humanitarian visit to Burkina Faso scheduled for last week, which was postponed following the terrorist attacks that occurred in that African country.
A few weeks ago that our dear Mary was missing. Denmark's Crown Princess had a humanitarian visit to Burkina Faso scheduled for last week, which was postponed following the terrorist attacks that occurred in that African country.
Ontem Mary reapareceu, para uma recepção a membros do comité da organização Women Deliver, a propósito da Conferência da organização que terá lugar 16-19 de Maio em Copenhaga, e da qual Mary é Patrona.
Yesterday Mary appeared to a reception for members of the Women Deliver organizing committee, the purpose of the organization Conference to be held in 16-19 May in Copenhagen, of which Mary is Patron.
Yesterday Mary appeared to a reception for members of the Women Deliver organizing committee, the purpose of the organization Conference to be held in 16-19 May in Copenhagen, of which Mary is Patron.
Esta conferência é uma das mais importantes a nível global no que diz respeito à defesa dos direitos, saúde e bem-estar das raparigas e mulheres.
This conference is one of the most important globally with regard to the defense of rights, health and well-being of girls and women.
This conference is one of the most important globally with regard to the defense of rights, health and well-being of girls and women.
Este ano, a conferência focar-se-á em como implementar os objectivos de desenvolvimento sustentável, lançados o ano passado para a Agenda2030, e de que forma estes objectivos são importantes para as raparigas e mulheres, com especial atenção para a saúde - em particular a saúde materna, sexual e reprodutiva e seus direitos - para a igualdade de género, educação, ambiente e emancipação económica.
This year's conference will be focusing on how to implement sustainable development goals, launched last year for Agenda2030, and how these objectives are important for girls and women, with special attention to health - in particular maternal health, sexual and reproductive and its rights - to gender equality, education, environment and economic emancipation.
This year's conference will be focusing on how to implement sustainable development goals, launched last year for Agenda2030, and how these objectives are important for girls and women, with special attention to health - in particular maternal health, sexual and reproductive and its rights - to gender equality, education, environment and economic emancipation.
"It’s interesting that we can put a man in space, but we can’t save a woman from dying in childbirth." It's time to...
Publicado por Women Deliver em Quinta-feira, 12 de Novembro de 2015
Mary conversou com membros do comité, na presença do Ministro dos Negócios Estrangeiros Dinamarquês que fez questão de partilhar o momento no seu twitter oficial.
Mary talked with members of the Committee, in the presence of the Minister of Foreign Affairs Danish who was keen to share the moment on his official twitter.
Ready for Women Deliver in Copenhagen. Focus on women's rights to health and reproductive rights #wd2016 #dkaid
— Kristian Jensen (@Kristian_Jensen) 28 janeiro 2016
São esperados nesta conferência mais de 5000 líderes globais. Mary estará entre eles.
They are expected for this conference over 5,000 global leaders . Mary will be among them.
They are expected for this conference over 5,000 global leaders . Mary will be among them.
Tak for dejlig nytårs kur og stærkt fremmøde @WomenDeliver
— Lotte Hansen (@LotteHansen) 28 janeiro 2016
E devo dizer que nenhuma princesa se veste de maneira tão casual/moderna e ao mesmo tempo tão profissional como Mary!
And I must say that no princess dresses so casual / modern and at the same time as professional as Mary!
And I must say that no princess dresses so casual / modern and at the same time as professional as Mary!
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