Letizia contra o preconceito e pela prevenção / Letizia against prejudice and in favor of prevention
Depois da Pascua Militar também a Rainha Letizia de Espanha está de volta ao trabalho.
Na semana passada, no seu primeiro acto a solo de 2016, a Rainha espanhola recebeu em audiência na Zarzuela, representantes da Fundación Secretariado Gitano.
After the Pascua Militar ceremony also the Queen Letizia of Spain is back at work.
Last week, in her first solo act of in 2016, the Spanish Queen received in audience at the Zarzuela, representatives of the Fundación Secretariado Gitano.
After the Pascua Militar ceremony also the Queen Letizia of Spain is back at work.
Last week, in her first solo act of in 2016, the Spanish Queen received in audience at the Zarzuela, representatives of the Fundación Secretariado Gitano.
Esta organização conta com 30 anos de existência no combate à desigualdade educativa, na melhoria da qualificação profissional e ao acesso ao mercado laboral, erradicação dos bairros de barracas e à segregação racial, o direito à igualdade e a luta contra a descriminação na comunidade cigana.
This organization has 30 years of existence in combating educational inequality, improving professional qualifications and access to the labor market, eradication of shantytowns and racial segregation, the right to equality and the fight against discrimination in the Roma community.
This organization has 30 years of existence in combating educational inequality, improving professional qualifications and access to the labor market, eradication of shantytowns and racial segregation, the right to equality and the fight against discrimination in the Roma community.
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Fundación Secretariado Gitano website |
A Fundação foi distinguida com o Prémio Princesa de Girona 2015 na categoria de "Entidade" que reconhece o trabalho com jovens, especialmente no incentivo ao espírito empreendedor, empregabilidade e inserção laboral, educação e êxito escolar, vocação e talento. A Fundação viu reconhecido o seu trabalho a favor da inclusão social e igualdade de oportunidades da comunidade cigana. Existem ainda muitos preconceitos em relação à comunidade cigana. Como em todo o lado, não devemos julgar a generalidade por a ocorrência de alguns casos. No entanto, nos dias de hoje, um cigano é ainda pintado como alguém que engana, se aproveita, que rouba e não trabalha.
The Foundation was awarded in 2015 with the Princess of Girona Award in the category of "Entity" that recognizes work with the youth, particularly in encouraging entrepreneurship, employability and job placement, education and academic achievement, vocation and talent. The Foundation saw recognized their work in favor of social inclusion and equal opportunities of the Roma community. There are still many prejudices against the Roma community. As everywhere, we should not judge the majority by the occurrence of some cases. However, these days, a gypsy is still painted as someone who cheats, exploits, steals and doesn't add anything to the society.
The Foundation was awarded in 2015 with the Princess of Girona Award in the category of "Entity" that recognizes work with the youth, particularly in encouraging entrepreneurship, employability and job placement, education and academic achievement, vocation and talent. The Foundation saw recognized their work in favor of social inclusion and equal opportunities of the Roma community. There are still many prejudices against the Roma community. As everywhere, we should not judge the majority by the occurrence of some cases. However, these days, a gypsy is still painted as someone who cheats, exploits, steals and doesn't add anything to the society.
Letizia quis conhecer melhor os objectivos e actividades desta entidade e informar-se melhor sobre a situação da mulher cigana e o trabalho desenvolvido na sua promoção pessoal, educativa e profissional.
Letizia wanted to better understand the objectives and activities of this entity and to know more about the situation of Roma women and the work done on their personal, educational and career development.
Letizia wanted to better understand the objectives and activities of this entity and to know more about the situation of Roma women and the work done on their personal, educational and career development.
Para a ocasião a Rainha espanhola optou pela sobriedade com um toque de irreverência e cor. Adorei o look. As capas são um must have da estação e este modelo específico já está no closet de pelo menos duas damas reais. A blusa dá um toque de cor ao look.
For the occasion the Spanish Queen opted for sobriety with a touch of irreverence and color. I loved the look. The capes are a must have of the season and this particular model is already in the closet of at least two royal ladies. The blouse gives a touch of color to the look.
For the occasion the Spanish Queen opted for sobriety with a touch of irreverence and color. I loved the look. The capes are a must have of the season and this particular model is already in the closet of at least two royal ladies. The blouse gives a touch of color to the look.
Ontem na qualidade de Presidente honorária da Fundação de Ajuda contra a Toxicodependência (Fundación de Ayuda contra la Drogadicción - FAD) compareceu a uma reunião de trabalho da Fundação.
Yesterday as Honorary President of the Foundation for Help Against Drug Addiction (Fundación de Ayuda contra la Drogadicción - FAD) Letizia attended a Foundation's work meeting.
Publicado por FAD em Terça-feira, 12 de Janeiro de 2016
Esta Fundação privada e sem fins lucrativos tem como objectivo principal a prevenção do consumo de drogas e outros comportamentos de risco que dificultem o desenvolvimento pessoal e social dos adolescentes.
This private non-profit Foundation has as main objective the prevention of drug use and other risky behaviors that hinder personal and social development of adolescents.
This private non-profit Foundation has as main objective the prevention of drug use and other risky behaviors that hinder personal and social development of adolescents.
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Fundación de Ayuda contra la Drogadicción website |
A FAD foi criada em 1986 e colabora com outras organizações da sociedade civil que entendam que os problemas de toxicodependência requerem uma resposta solidária que se deve articular principalmente no âmbito da prevenção.
FAD was established in 1986 and collaborates with other civil society organizations who understand that addiction problems require a joint response that must articulate mainly in the prevention.
FAD was established in 1986 and collaborates with other civil society organizations who understand that addiction problems require a joint response that must articulate mainly in the prevention.
Publicado por FAD em Quinta-feira, 20 de Dezembro de 2012
Letizia substituiu a Rainha Sofia como presidente honorária da Fundação em 2015.
Letizia replaced Queen Sofia as honorary president of the Foundation in 2015.
Letizia replaced Queen Sofia as honorary president of the Foundation in 2015.
Publicado por FAD em Terça-feira, 27 de Outubro de 2015
À chegada a Rainha de Espanha escolheu os tons rosa. Adorei a complementaridade de cores embora ache que o comprimento do casaco não se adequa ao resto da roupa.
On the arrival the Queen of Spain chose pink tones. I loved the colors complementarity although I think that the coat length does not fit the rest of the outfit quite well.
On the arrival the Queen of Spain chose pink tones. I loved the colors complementarity although I think that the coat length does not fit the rest of the outfit quite well.
Uns centímetros a mais não estariam a mais.
Extra centimeters won't harm.
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