Jubileu de Prata do Rei Harald V da Noruega / King Harald V of Norway Silver Jubilee
A 17 de Janeiro de 1991 (sim, muitos de nós já éramos nascidos) o Rei Olav V da Noruega morre, e o seu filho mais velho Harald sobe ao trono como Rei Harald V. Tinha 53 anos.
On January 17, 1991 (yes, many of us were already born) King Olav V of Norway dies, and his eldest son Harald ascends the throne as King Harald V. He was 53 years old.
On January 17, 1991 (yes, many of us were already born) King Olav V of Norway dies, and his eldest son Harald ascends the throne as King Harald V. He was 53 years old.
A 21 de Janeiro de 1991 um Harald V em uniforme militar e uma Rainha Sonja em luto integral prestavam juramento perante o Parlamento norueguês.
On January 21, 1991 a military uniform dressed King Harald V and Queen Sonja in full mourning lent a oath before the Norwegian Parliament.
6 meses depois teria lugar a cerimónia de consagração oficial na Catedral de Nidaros.
Six months later would take place the official consecration ceremony in Nidaros Cathedral.
Durante o passado fim-de-semana a Noruega celebrou os 25 anos no trono do seu Rei e Rainha. E nós também!
Over the past weekend, Norway celebrated the 25 years on the throne of their King and Queen. And so do we!
Um Jubileu de Prata é sempre uma ocasião importante. Mas há quem celebre com toda a pompa e há quem prefira uma abordagem mais intimista, familiar e desportiva. Já lá vamos...As celebrações arrancaram na sexta-feira com uma recepção no palácio real.
A Silver Jubilee is always an important occasion. But there are those who celebrate with all the pomp and some people prefer a more intimate, family and sporting approach. Wait and see ... The Celebrations kicked off on Friday with a reception at the royal palace.
A Silver Jubilee is always an important occasion. But there are those who celebrate with all the pomp and some people prefer a more intimate, family and sporting approach. Wait and see ... The Celebrations kicked off on Friday with a reception at the royal palace.
Harald e Sonja receberam os cumprimentos de vários representantes do Governo, diplomatas e autoridades civis.
Harald and Sonja received the compliments of several government representatives, diplomats and civil authorities.
No mesmo dia novas fotografias oficiais foram divulgadas pela Corte Real Norueguesa. Podem ver aqui todas as fotografias. Aqui ficam as minhas favoritas:
On the same day new official photographs were published by the Royal Norwegian Court. Here you can see all the photos. Here are my favorite:
No Sábado, o Rei e a Rainha reuniram a família e amigos mais próximas para um jantar de comemoração.
On Saturday, the King and Queen gatherd their family and closest friends to a celebratory dinner.
Entre os convidados destaque para o Rei Carl Gustaf e a Rainha Sílvia da Suécia e para a Rainha Margrethe da Dinamarca, que não quiserem perder esta ocasião em nome dos grandes laços familiares e de amizade que unem as três casas reais da Escandinávia. As Rainhas de branco e vermelho foi um bonito tributo à bandeira norueguesa.
Among the prominent guests , King Carl Gustaf and Queen Silvia of Sweden and Queen Margrethe of Denmark, didn't want to miss this opportunity on behalf of the great family and friendship ties that unite the three royal houses of Scandinavia. The White and Red Queens was a beautiful tribute to the Norwegian flag.
Harald and Sonja received the compliments of several government representatives, diplomats and civil authorities.
No mesmo dia novas fotografias oficiais foram divulgadas pela Corte Real Norueguesa. Podem ver aqui todas as fotografias. Aqui ficam as minhas favoritas:
On the same day new official photographs were published by the Royal Norwegian Court. Here you can see all the photos. Here are my favorite:
O Presente e o Futuro / The Present and the Future
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Picture courtesy of Jørgen Gomnæs, Det kongelige hoff |
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Picture courtesy of Jørgen Gomnæs, Det kongelige hoff |
O Régio Esplendor dos Soberanos ( e aquelas esmeraldas!!) / The Regal Sovereign Splendor (and those emeralds !!)
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Picture courtesy of Jørgen Gomnæs, Det kongelige hoff |
O Romantismo dos herdeiros (e MM de branco!) / The Romanticism of the heirs (and MM in white!)
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Picture courtesy of Jørgen Gomnæs, Det kongelige hoff |
On Saturday, the King and Queen gatherd their family and closest friends to a celebratory dinner.
Entre os convidados destaque para o Rei Carl Gustaf e a Rainha Sílvia da Suécia e para a Rainha Margrethe da Dinamarca, que não quiserem perder esta ocasião em nome dos grandes laços familiares e de amizade que unem as três casas reais da Escandinávia. As Rainhas de branco e vermelho foi um bonito tributo à bandeira norueguesa.
Among the prominent guests , King Carl Gustaf and Queen Silvia of Sweden and Queen Margrethe of Denmark, didn't want to miss this opportunity on behalf of the great family and friendship ties that unite the three royal houses of Scandinavia. The White and Red Queens was a beautiful tribute to the Norwegian flag.
Outra foto foi divulgada. Nela podemos ver a família real norueguesa numa pose mais familiar. Harald e Sonja rodeados à esquerda pela filha, a Princesa Märtha Louise e do seu marido Ari Behn e das suas três filhas, Leah Isadora Bhen, Emma Tallulah Behn e Maud Angelica Behn (ao lado da Princesa Ingrid Alexandra à direita), ao centro o Príncipe da Coroa Haakon e a Princesa da Coroa Mette-Marit com os seus filhos a Princesa Ingrid Alexandra (à direita) e o Príncipe Sverre Magnus no meio dos avós.
Another photo was released. In it we see the Norwegian royal family in a more familiar pose. Harald and Sonja surrounded to the left by their daughter, Princess Märtha Louise and her husband Ari Behn and their three daughters, Leah Isadora Bhen, Emma Tallulah Behn and Maud Angelica Behn (next to Princess Ingrid Alexandra to the right), in the center Crown Prince Haakon Crown Princess Mette-Marit with their children Princess Ingrid Alexandra (right) and Prince Sverre Magnus in the middle of his grandparents.
O dia do Jubileu começou com um serviço religioso na Capela do Palácio Real, seguido do Festival de Inverno na Praça do Palácio Real.
The day of Jubilee began with a religious service in the chapel of the Royal Palace, followed by the Winter Festival at the Royal Palace Square.
Another photo was released. In it we see the Norwegian royal family in a more familiar pose. Harald and Sonja surrounded to the left by their daughter, Princess Märtha Louise and her husband Ari Behn and their three daughters, Leah Isadora Bhen, Emma Tallulah Behn and Maud Angelica Behn (next to Princess Ingrid Alexandra to the right), in the center Crown Prince Haakon Crown Princess Mette-Marit with their children Princess Ingrid Alexandra (right) and Prince Sverre Magnus in the middle of his grandparents.
O dia do Jubileu começou com um serviço religioso na Capela do Palácio Real, seguido do Festival de Inverno na Praça do Palácio Real.
The day of Jubilee began with a religious service in the chapel of the Royal Palace, followed by the Winter Festival at the Royal Palace Square.
Todos os membros da família real e alguns convidados usaram a medalha comemorativa do Jubileu de Prata.
All members of the royal family and some guests used the commemorative medal of the Silver Jubilee.
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Picture Courtesy of Det kongelige hoff |
Se o evento religioso, também presenciado pelos amigos da Suécia e Dinamarca, foi mais solene...
If the religious event, also witnessed by Sweden and Denmark friends was more solemn ...
Royals attended a service today commemorating King Harald V's Silver Jubilee at the Palace Chapel pic.twitter.com/OZ9N3KU8jT
— Royaltyspeaking (@Royal_talk) 17 janeiro 2016
...o festival de Inverno, repleto de actividades desportivas na neve fez a delicia dos pequenos príncipes...
...the winter festival full of sports activities in the snow made the delights of the little princes ...
E dos menos pequenos também.
And the least little too.
A família real posou à varanda do palácio real, naquela que deve ter sido a aparição real ao balcão mais inusitada de sempre, dado os trajes desportivos dos intervenientes.
The royal family went to the balcony of the royal palace to wave the crowds, in what must have been the most unusual balcony royal appearance ever, given the sporting costumes of the family.
A contrastar com as toilettes da varanda ao lado...
In contrast to the toiletees on the next balcony ...
Ao fim do dia a comitiva real seguiu para a Aula de Oslo onde uma gala teve lugar para celebrar o jubileu de prata dos soberanos.
In the evening the royal party went to the Aula of Oslo where a gala was held to celebrate the silver jubilee of the sovereign.
Ao final do dia e para encerrar as celebrações foram divulgadas mais algumas fotografias alusivas ao Jubileu de Prata dos Reis da Noruega.
At the end of the day and to end the celebrations were released more photographs depicting the Silver Jubilee of the Kings of Norway.
At the end of the day and to end the celebrations were released more photographs depicting the Silver Jubilee of the Kings of Norway.
E não podiam faltar alguns instantâneos históricos, como esta fotografia dos colegas do norte com os respectivos consortes (senti pena de Margrethe sozinha sem Henrik).
And we can see some historical snapshots, as this photograph of the northern colleagues with their consorts (felt sorry for Margrethe alone without Henrik).
And we can see some historical snapshots, as this photograph of the northern colleagues with their consorts (felt sorry for Margrethe alone without Henrik).
Os três soberanos por direito de nascimento.
The three sovereign by birthright.
The three sovereign by birthright.
E as três Rainhas do Norte numa fantástica complementaridade de cores.
And the three North Queens in a fantastic complementary of colors.
And the three North Queens in a fantastic complementary of colors.
Momentos como estes são raros. Conseguem imaginar um dia um encontro destes entre Victoria, Frederik e Haakon? :)
Moments like these are rare. Can you imagine one day such a gathering between Victoria, Frederik and Haakon? :)
Psss, é só para avisar que ainda podem deixar aqui a vossa mensagem de parabéns aos Reis da Noruega.
Psss, just to say he can still leave here your message of congratulations to the King and Queen of Norway.
Eu já o fiz....
I did...
Moments like these are rare. Can you imagine one day such a gathering between Victoria, Frederik and Haakon? :)
Psss, é só para avisar que ainda podem deixar aqui a vossa mensagem de parabéns aos Reis da Noruega.
Psss, just to say he can still leave here your message of congratulations to the King and Queen of Norway.
Eu já o fiz....
I did...
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