Carl-Philip e Sofia premeiam o desporto sueco / Carl-Philip and Sofia honor the Swedish Sports
O Príncipe Carl-Philip acompanhado da Princesa Sofia da Suécia marcaram presença ontem na Gala do Desporto Sueco, que teve lugar no Ericsson Globe, em Estocolmo.
Prince Carl-Philip accompanied by Princess Sofia of Sweden attended yesterday at the Swedish Sports Gala, which took place at the Ericsson Globe in Stockholm.
Prince Carl-Philip accompanied by Princess Sofia of Sweden attended yesterday at the Swedish Sports Gala, which took place at the Ericsson Globe in Stockholm.
"Poucas coisas quebrarão barreiras de forma tão eficaz como o desporto. O desporto é aberto a todos. E estão a ser feitos esforços fantásticos nos nosso país para que ainda mais pessoas tenham a oportunidade de participar e fazer parte de uma comunidade positiva. Uma comunidade que aumente a auto-estima das crianças e onde todos possam obter uma boa experiência de vida".
"Few things break down barriers as effectively as sport. The sport is open to everyone. And there are being made fantastic efforts in our country so that even more people have the opportunity to participate and be part of a positive community. A community that increase the self-esteem of children and where everyone can get a good life experience ".
Palavras do Príncipe Carl-Philip que acrescentou ainda no seu discurso que "o envolvimento de adultos e líderes desempenha um papel vital para que as crianças e jovens pratiquem desporto. É um compromisso que raramente é visto, mas que é extremamente importante."
Words of Prince Carl-Philip who also added in his speech that "the involvement of adults and leaders plays a vital role for children and young people to practice sport. It is a commitment that is rarely seen, but it's extremely important."
Words of Prince Carl-Philip who also added in his speech that "the involvement of adults and leaders plays a vital role for children and young people to practice sport. It is a commitment that is rarely seen, but it's extremely important."
O Príncipe deu os parabéns a todos os presentes que dedicam o seu tempo inspirando crianças e jovens a praticar desporto por toda a Suécia.
The Prince congratulated all those present who devote their time to inspire children and young people to play sport all over Sweden.
The Prince congratulated all those present who devote their time to inspire children and young people to play sport all over Sweden.
Carl-Philip entregou o Prémio Radiosporten Jerring a Sarah Sjöström, vencedora do galardão pelo segundo ano consecutivo. O prémio premeia a pessoa que obteve o melhor desempenho desportivo na Suécia. Sarah é nadadora, campeã e recordista mundial dos 100m borboleta. Podem consultar os restantes vencedores da gala aqui.
Carl-Philip handed the Radiosporten Jerking Award to Sarah Sjöström, winner of the award for the second consecutive year. The prize rewards the person who got the best sporting performance in Sweden. Sarah is swimmer, champion and world record holder of the 100m butterfly. You can see all the remaining 2015 winners here.
Carl-Philip handed the Radiosporten Jerking Award to Sarah Sjöström, winner of the award for the second consecutive year. The prize rewards the person who got the best sporting performance in Sweden. Sarah is swimmer, champion and world record holder of the 100m butterfly. You can see all the remaining 2015 winners here.
Para a ocasião, Sofia, grávida de 6 meses, deslumbrou com um vestido de seda azul escuro muito elegante e um requintado penteado e um par de brincos ZARA no valor de €10, segundo nos conta o blog Royal Fashion.
For the occasion, Sofia, 6 months pregnant, dazzled in a very elegant dark blue silk gown and a refined updo and a pair of earrings from ZARA, costing €10, according to Royals Fashion Blog.
Confesso que a escolha do vestido me surpreendeu e adorei!
I confess that the dress choice surprised me, but I loved it!
I confess that the dress choice surprised me, but I loved it!
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