Camilla comovida entre Vítimas de Violência Doméstica / Camilla moved between Victims of Domestic Violence
É conhecida a dedicação da Duquesa da Cornualha a causas ainda consideradas tabu. Ontem, a esposa do Príncipe de Gales deu mais uma vez a cara a uma causa controversa e pesada ao visitar as instalações da organização SafeLives, dedicada a apoiar vítimas de abuso/violência doméstica e colocar-lhe fim.
It is known the dedication of the Duchess of Cornwall to causes still considered as taboo. Yesterday, the Prince of Wales's wife was once again the face of a controversial and heavy cause, when she visited the premises of SafeLives charity dedicated to supporting victims of domestic violence/abuse and put an end to it.
It is known the dedication of the Duchess of Cornwall to causes still considered as taboo. Yesterday, the Prince of Wales's wife was once again the face of a controversial and heavy cause, when she visited the premises of SafeLives charity dedicated to supporting victims of domestic violence/abuse and put an end to it.
Camilla, conheceu o staff e ouviu as histórias de sobreviventes de violência doméstica e também pessoas que perderam pessoas que amavam para este flagelo silencioso, escondido muitas vezes entre quatro paredes.
Camila, met the staff and heard the stories of survivors of domestic violence and also people who have lost their loved one to this silent scourge, often hidden behind closed doors.
Camila, met the staff and heard the stories of survivors of domestic violence and also people who have lost their loved one to this silent scourge, often hidden behind closed doors.
A Duquesa emocionou-se como muitos dos testemunhos, e segundo nos conta Rebecca English correspondente do Daily Mail, a história de uma mulher cuja filha foi espancada até à morte com um bastão pelo marido enquanto os dois filhos estavam em casa, comoveu particularmente Camilla.
The Duchess was very moved with the testimonies, and according Rebecca English corresponding of the Daily Mail, the story of a woman whose daughter was beaten to death with a stick by her husband while the two children were at home, moved particularly Camilla.
The Duchess was very moved with the testimonies, and according Rebecca English corresponding of the Daily Mail, the story of a woman whose daughter was beaten to death with a stick by her husband while the two children were at home, moved particularly Camilla.
A vítima Joanna Brown, teve na sua melhor amiga, a sua representante na Terra para contar a sua história. A mãe também estava presente em silêncio. Quando a amiga acabou de relatar a história de violência que culminou na morte de Joanna, Camilla rapidamente se dirige para consolar a mãe da vítima, Diana Parkes, que se encontrava bastante emocionada e sussurra-lhe que "tudo fará para a ajudar".
The victim, Joanna Brown, had on her best friend, her representative on Earth to tell her story. The mother was also present in silence. When the friend finished the story of violence that culminated in Joanna's death, Camilla quickly runs to console the victim's mother, Diana Parkes, who was quite emotional and whispers to her that "I will do everything to help."
The victim, Joanna Brown, had on her best friend, her representative on Earth to tell her story. The mother was also present in silence. When the friend finished the story of violence that culminated in Joanna's death, Camilla quickly runs to console the victim's mother, Diana Parkes, who was quite emotional and whispers to her that "I will do everything to help."
É estimado que cerca de 1 milhão (sim, 1 milhão) de mulheres sofrem actualmente nas mãos de companheiros violentos e emocionalmente abusivos, no Reino Unido. Estudos recentes parecem sugerir que duas mulheres são mortas a cada semana em Inglaterra e em Gales às mãos de actuais ou antigos companheiros.
It is estimated that about 1 million (yes, one million) of women currently suffer at the hands of violent and emotionally abusive partners in the UK. Recent studies seem to suggest that two women are killed each week in England and Wales at the hands of current or former companions.
It is estimated that about 1 million (yes, one million) of women currently suffer at the hands of violent and emotionally abusive partners in the UK. Recent studies seem to suggest that two women are killed each week in England and Wales at the hands of current or former companions.
It's #IDEVAW day - please share if you're taking a stand against domestic violence!#16days
Publicado por SafeLives em Quarta-feira, 25 de Novembro de 2015
Em declarações ao Daily Mail, a Duquesa da Cornualha afirmou que "histórias como estas têm que ser transmitidas, caso contrário a violência e abuso doméstico torna-se um tema tabu". A Duquesa reafirmou a sua vontade em continuar a trabalhar com estas causas: "Eu quero fazer tudo o que possa para ajudar a divulgar este assunto. Todos os que falarem sobre este assunto criam atenção sobre o tema".
Speaking to the Daily Mail, the Duchess of Cornwall said "stories like these just have to be aired, otherwise the violence and domestic abuse becomes a taboo subject." The Duchess reaffirmed her willingness to continue to work with these causes: "I want to do anything I can to help raise this issue. All of you going around and talking about it does creat awareness".
Speaking to the Daily Mail, the Duchess of Cornwall said "stories like these just have to be aired, otherwise the violence and domestic abuse becomes a taboo subject." The Duchess reaffirmed her willingness to continue to work with these causes: "I want to do anything I can to help raise this issue. All of you going around and talking about it does creat awareness".
We need to get it right first time for victims of domestic abuse and their families. What does that mean? Find out here -
Publicado por SafeLives em Quarta-feira, 18 de Março de 2015
SafeLives foi criada em 2005. Desde então, nos seus primeiros dez anos de existência a organização já ajudou dezenas de milhares de mulheres e crianças que estão hoje seguras, graças ao apoio e acção desta caridade.
SafeLives was created in 2005. Since then, in its first ten years of existence the organization has already helped tens of thousands of women and children who are now safe, thanks to the support and action of this charity.
SafeLives was created in 2005. Since then, in its first ten years of existence the organization has already helped tens of thousands of women and children who are now safe, thanks to the support and action of this charity.
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SafeLives Website |
Na sua visão, SafeLives pretende trabalhar para acabar com a violência doméstica e garantir a segurança das vítimas. No seu trabalho dia-a-dia a organização tenta usar senso comum e respostas efectivas que possam ser transmitidas por todo o país.
In its vision, SafeLives wants to work to end domestic violence and ensure the safety of the victims. In its day-to-day work the organization tries to use common sense and cost-effective answers that can be transmitted throughout the country.
In its vision, SafeLives wants to work to end domestic violence and ensure the safety of the victims. In its day-to-day work the organization tries to use common sense and cost-effective answers that can be transmitted throughout the country.
SafeLives valoriza: a Segurança (das vítimas e dos seus filhos) em primeiro lugar; Factores de risco (assim que uma vitima e as suas crianças sejam sinalizados de acordo com o risco que correm, assim a organização pode actuar o mais rapidamente possível); Diversidade (apesar da maior parte das vítimas serem do sexo feminino e suas crianças, SafeLives também trabalha com vítimas do sexo masculino e comunidade LGBT, além disso fazem questão dos seus serviços também respondam às necessidades das minorias étnicas, jovens e idosos); Responsabilidade de todos (vítimas de violência doméstica e suas crianças merecem uma boa rede de serviços de apoio público à sua disposição, que trabalhem em rede com agências de voluntariado).
SafeLives values: Safety (of victims and their children) first of all; Led by Risk (as a victim and their children are flagged according to their risk, so the organization can act as soon as possible); Diversity (although most of the victims are women and their children, SafeLives also works with male victims and LGBT community and they assure its services also respond to the needs of ethnic minorities, young and old people); Everyone's business (victims of domestic violence and their children deserve a good network of public support services at their disposal, working in network with voluntary agencies).
SafeLives values: Safety (of victims and their children) first of all; Led by Risk (as a victim and their children are flagged according to their risk, so the organization can act as soon as possible); Diversity (although most of the victims are women and their children, SafeLives also works with male victims and LGBT community and they assure its services also respond to the needs of ethnic minorities, young and old people); Everyone's business (victims of domestic violence and their children deserve a good network of public support services at their disposal, working in network with voluntary agencies).
Many older people living with domestic abuse don't get the support they need to stay safe. This has to change, fast. #olderpeoplesday
Publicado por SafeLives em Quinta-feira, 1 de Outubro de 2015
Mais uma vez fico sensibilizada com estas causas e impressionada com o trabalho destas pessoas. Camilla, conquista cada vez mais o coração do público com o apoio a causas deste tipo. Causas tabu, que existem e necessitam de uma crescente divulgação, pois ainda são encaradas com vergonha e preconceito pela sociedade.
Again I'm touched with such causes and impressed by the work of these people. Camilla, conquering more and more hearts while she supports such causes. Taboo causes still, but they are real issues and require disclosure, as they are still regarded with shame and prejudice by society.
Again I'm touched with such causes and impressed by the work of these people. Camilla, conquering more and more hearts while she supports such causes. Taboo causes still, but they are real issues and require disclosure, as they are still regarded with shame and prejudice by society.
Why go back to the dark ages? Our Marac development programme manager Sally Steadman-South reflects on life as an Idva...
Publicado por SafeLives em Segunda-feira, 13 de Julho de 2015
Obrigada Camilla e obrigada a todas as organizações que todos os dias trabalham para tornar mais seguras a vida de muitas pessoas ai fora. Pessoas comuns, pelas quais podemos passar todos os dias na rua, sem nos apercebermos no perigo que correm. Crianças que assistem a coisas que nenhuma criança deveria assistir. Crianças que vão ser os adultos de amanhã.
Thank you Camilla and thank you to all organizations that work every day to make the lives of many people out there safer. Ordinary people, who we can pass by every day on the street, without realizing the danger they are in. Children who watch things that no child should attend. Children who will be tomorrow's adults.
Thank you Camilla and thank you to all organizations that work every day to make the lives of many people out there safer. Ordinary people, who we can pass by every day on the street, without realizing the danger they are in. Children who watch things that no child should attend. Children who will be tomorrow's adults.
There are 130,000 children in the UK living in homes with domestic abuse where there’s a high risk of murder or serious...
Publicado por SafeLives em Terça-feira, 21 de Julho de 2015
A ideia que "Entre marido e mulher, não se mete a colher", não pode ser levada à letra. Não agora, que temos o conhecimento e a responsabilidade de falar e actuar.
The idea that "Between husband and wife, nobody can speak", can not be taken literally. Not now, we have the knowledge and responsibility to speak and act.
The idea that "Between husband and wife, nobody can speak", can not be taken literally. Not now, we have the knowledge and responsibility to speak and act.
She's a beautiful caring person :-)