As restantes Recepções de Ano Novo na Dinamarca / The remaining New Year receptions in Denmark
Continuamos a cobrir os eventos que nos dão maiores alegrias na Dinamarca: As Recepções de Ano Novo.
We continue to cover the events that give us the greatest joys in Denmark: New Year's Receptions.
We continue to cover the events that give us the greatest joys in Denmark: New Year's Receptions.
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Picture courtesy of Christian Meyer, Kongehuset |
Ontem em dose dupla. Nevava em Copenhaga quando a Rainha Margrethe II acompanhada pelo Casal herdeiro compareceu à Recepção de Ano Novo para os Juízes do Supremo Tribunal de Justiça e membros do Royal Life Guards e Oficiais do Regimento Hussar. A cerimónia teve lugar no Palácio Christian VII.
Yesterday in double dose. It was snowing in Copenhagen when Queen Margrethe II accompanied by the Crown Prince Couple attended the New Year reception for the Judges of the Supreme Court and members of the Royal Life Guards and Officers of the Hussar Regiment. The ceremony took place at the Christian VII Palace .
Yesterday in double dose. It was snowing in Copenhagen when Queen Margrethe II accompanied by the Crown Prince Couple attended the New Year reception for the Judges of the Supreme Court and members of the Royal Life Guards and Officers of the Hussar Regiment. The ceremony took place at the Christian VII Palace .
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Picture courtesy of Christian Meyer, Kongehuset |
De seguida, o trio real compareceu à Recepção de Ano Novo para o Corpo Diplomático, no palácio de Christianborg. Uma ocasião sempre muito colorida uma vez que estão presentes vários representantes de outros países que fazem questão de comparecer a este evento com os seus trajes tradicionais.
Then the real trio attended the New Year's reception for the diplomatic corps at the Christianborg Palace. A very colorful occasion as it is attended by several representatives from other countries who are keen to attend this event with their traditional costumes.
Then the real trio attended the New Year's reception for the diplomatic corps at the Christianborg Palace. A very colorful occasion as it is attended by several representatives from other countries who are keen to attend this event with their traditional costumes.
Foi a primeira vez que a Rainha compareceu a estas cerimónias sem o Príncipe Consorte (foi anunciado que Henrik se iria retirar gradualmente dos actos oficiais), mas Daisy no seu habitual uniforme azul brocado com aplicações em pele, esteve bem acompanhada por um Frederik imponente e elegante e....
It was the first time the Queen attended this ceremony without the Prince Consort (it was announced that Henrik would gradually retire from official acts), but Daisy in her blue brocade standard uniform with brown fur applications was well accompanied by an imposing and elegant Frederik on his uniform and...
It was the first time the Queen attended this ceremony without the Prince Consort (it was announced that Henrik would gradually retire from official acts), but Daisy in her blue brocade standard uniform with brown fur applications was well accompanied by an imposing and elegant Frederik on his uniform and...
Flying Solo Queen Margrethe on her first engagement without The Prince Consort who retired on New Years Day #Royals
— Rookie (@royalfocus1) 5 janeiro 2016
...por uma Princesa da Coroa como há poucas. Mary deslumbrou com um simples vestido marfim (uma adaptação do modelo que usou o ano passado a 1 de Janeiro e mais tarde no Jantar de Estado oferecido aos Reis holandeses), que completou com acessórios e jóias rosa. Um penteado simples, completou o look, aquecido por um casaco que a Princesa usou aos ombros à chegada a Christianborg. a Crown Princess as there are few. Mary dazzled with a simple ivory dress (an adaptation from the dress she used last year to January 1st New Year's Banquet and later at the State Dinner hosted for the Dutch Kings), which she matched with soft pink accessories and jewelry. A simple hairstyle, completed the look, warmed by a wool coat the Princess used on her shoulders upon arrival to Christianborg. a Crown Princess as there are few. Mary dazzled with a simple ivory dress (an adaptation from the dress she used last year to January 1st New Year's Banquet and later at the State Dinner hosted for the Dutch Kings), which she matched with soft pink accessories and jewelry. A simple hairstyle, completed the look, warmed by a wool coat the Princess used on her shoulders upon arrival to Christianborg.
Elegant as always Princess Mary attends a diplomatic reception at Christiansborg Palace #Royals #Denmark #Australia
— Rookie (@royalfocus1) 5 janeiro 2016
Para mim, digam o que disserem, é nestas coisas que Mary marca pela diferença. E é por isso que sou sua fã incondicional.
For me, say what you will, these are the tinny things where Mary marks the difference. And that's why I'm a diehard fan of hers.
E estava linda! Ainda não consigo decidir se gosto ou não da gargantilha de pérolas que usou, um design de Marianne Dulong que já tem alguns anos segundo nos conta Henriette do Style of Mary.
And she was beautiful! I still can not decide if I like or not the pearl choker, a Marianne Dulong design that was previous seen before, according to Henrieete of Style of Mary.
Penso que foi a primeira vez, em muito tempo em que simplesmente adorei todas as escolhas de Mary para as Recepções de Ano Novo. E vocês?
I think it was the first time in a long time where I just loved all Mary's choices for New Year's Receptions. And you?
For me, say what you will, these are the tinny things where Mary marks the difference. And that's why I'm a diehard fan of hers.
Nas palavras da sua sogra "Mary é especial." E eu concordo.
On the words of her mother-in law "Mary is special." And I agree.
Hoje decorreu também a última recepção do Novo ano. Desta vez a Rainha, Frederik e Mary receberam representantes das Forças Armadas, da Agência administrativa de emergência e representantes dos vários patronatos e organizações nacionais. A cerimónia decorreu no Palácio Christianborg, para o qual a Rainha foi transportada numa carruagem dourada e escoltada por guardas do regimento Hussar.
Today tookplace the last new year's reception. This time the Queen, Frederik and Mary receive d representatives of the armed forces, the emergency menagement agency and representatives of several patronages and national organizations. The ceremony took place at Christianborg Palace, to which the Queen traveled in a golden carriage and escorted by guards from the Hussar regiment.
Posso dizer que Margrethe repetiu o vestido de ontem (como é hábito) e Mary reciclou mais um vestido usado no ano passado. Galeria de fotos aqui.
I can say that Margrethe repeated yesterday's dress (as always) and Mary recycled another dress worn last year. Photo gallery here.
I can say that Margrethe repeated yesterday's dress (as always) and Mary recycled another dress worn last year. Photo gallery here.
E estava linda! Ainda não consigo decidir se gosto ou não da gargantilha de pérolas que usou, um design de Marianne Dulong que já tem alguns anos segundo nos conta Henriette do Style of Mary.
And she was beautiful! I still can not decide if I like or not the pearl choker, a Marianne Dulong design that was previous seen before, according to Henrieete of Style of Mary.
Penso que foi a primeira vez, em muito tempo em que simplesmente adorei todas as escolhas de Mary para as Recepções de Ano Novo. E vocês?
I think it was the first time in a long time where I just loved all Mary's choices for New Year's Receptions. And you?
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