Aniversário e Resposta às fotografias de Paparazzi / Birthday and reply to Paparazzi pictures
Momentos doces. É isto que tenho para vocês hoje.
Começamos por dar os parabéns à filha mais velha dos Príncipes da Coroa Haakon e Mette-Marit da Noruega.
Sweet moments. That's what I have for you today.
We begin by congratulating the eldest daughter of Crown Prince Haakon and Crown Princess Mette-Marit of Norway.
Sweet moments. That's what I have for you today.
We begin by congratulating the eldest daughter of Crown Prince Haakon and Crown Princess Mette-Marit of Norway.
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Picture courtesy of Jørgen Gomnæs, Det kongelige hoff |
Ingrid Alexandra, completa hoje 12 anos e a Corte Real divulgou mais fotografias novas da futura Rainha.
Ingrid Alexandra, turns12 today, and the Royal Court has released the newest photos of the future Queen.
Ingrid Alexandra, turns12 today, and the Royal Court has released the newest photos of the future Queen.
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Picture courtesy of Jørgen Gomnæs, Det kongelige hoff |
Nos retratos Ingrid está a usar aquela que parece ser a sua primeira jóia de família, segundo nos conta o blog de Kjell Arne Totland (via Order of Sartorial Splendor), o colar com um pendente em forma de coração com rubis e diamantes terá sido uma prenda de baptismo oferecida pela Rainha Sonja à sua neta. Parece tratar-se de uma pequena jóia de família que terá sido oferecida a Sonja, quando o Príncipe Haakon nasceu. A própria Mette-Marit já usou o pendente.
In the pictures Ingrid is wearing one what seems to be her first family jewel, according to Kjell Arne Totland's blog (via Order of Sartorial Splendor), the necklace with an heart shaped pendant with rubies and diamonds have been a baptism gift offered by Queen Sonja to her granddaughter. It seems to be a little family jewel that has been offered to Sonja when Prince Haakon when was born. Mette-Marit also wore it before.
In the pictures Ingrid is wearing one what seems to be her first family jewel, according to Kjell Arne Totland's blog (via Order of Sartorial Splendor), the necklace with an heart shaped pendant with rubies and diamonds have been a baptism gift offered by Queen Sonja to her granddaughter. It seems to be a little family jewel that has been offered to Sonja when Prince Haakon when was born. Mette-Marit also wore it before.
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Picture courtesy of Jørgen Gomnæs, Det kongelige hoff |
Numa outra fotografia a pequena Princesa aparece com os pais.
In another picture the little princess poses with her parents.
In another picture the little princess poses with her parents.
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Picture courtesy of Jørgen Gomnæs, Det kongelige hoff |
Cada vez que olho para Ingrid o sentimento é o mesmo: esta menina é divertida (já sabemos que adora cantar), mas tem um ar nostálgico na maior parte das vezes. As suas sardas dão-lhe um ar exótico, e a sua aura é pura. Ingrid parece-me ter qualquer coisa de Fada! E isso é fascinante!
Every time I look at Ingrid the feeling is the same: this girl is fun (we already know that she loves to sing), but she gives me a nostalgic vibe most of the times. Her freckles give her an exotic air, and her aura is pure. Ingrid seems a Fairy to me! And that's fascinating!
Every time I look at Ingrid the feeling is the same: this girl is fun (we already know that she loves to sing), but she gives me a nostalgic vibe most of the times. Her freckles give her an exotic air, and her aura is pure. Ingrid seems a Fairy to me! And that's fascinating!
Noutras noticias, Madeleine, Chris, Leonore e Nicolas estiveram recentemente de férias nas Maldivas. Há alguns dias que andam a circular fotos da família nos media, captadas por paparazzis durante o período de férias da família.
In other news, Madeleine, Chris, Leonore and Nicolas were recently vacationing in the Maldives. Pictures of the family captured by paparazzi during the family vacation are circulating on media for a couple of days now.
In other news, Madeleine, Chris, Leonore and Nicolas were recently vacationing in the Maldives. Pictures of the family captured by paparazzi during the family vacation are circulating on media for a couple of days now.
Hoje Madeleine publica fotos privadas da família no destino paradisíaco na sua página oficial no Facebook.
A questão não é nova, porque há muito que se fala até que ponto, nós enquanto royal watchers, devemos compactuar com este tipo de fotos tiradas sem permissão, principalmente quando envolvem crianças e actos não oficiais. E tendo em conta, que casas como a Sueca, publicam com regularidade novas fotos dos seus membros.
Today Madeleine posted private photos of the family in the paradise destination on her official Facebook page.
The issue is not new, there has been a lot of talk in how we, as royal watchers, should condone this type of photos taken without permission, especially when they involve children and unofficial acts. And given that royal houses, like the Swedish, publish very often new photos of their members.
Today Madeleine posted private photos of the family in the paradise destination on her official Facebook page.
The issue is not new, there has been a lot of talk in how we, as royal watchers, should condone this type of photos taken without permission, especially when they involve children and unofficial acts. And given that royal houses, like the Swedish, publish very often new photos of their members.
Family time, sadly interrupted. What a pity we weren't just asked for photos, because here are some sweet ones.
Publicado por Princess Madeleine of Sweden em Quarta-feira, 20 de Janeiro de 2016
Os que me conhecem já sabem: sim, vejo as fotos quando estão disponíveis para serem vistas. Mas a mim, não me interessa ver pessoas que admiro de férias ou a passear na rua. Isso eu já faço também. O que me interessa é o trabalho que elas desenvolvem e que marca a diferença. E por isso fotografias de férias não são publicadas aqui no T&T, a não ser que sejam divulgadas pelos próprios intervenientes.
Those who know me already know: yes, I see the photos when they are available to be seen. But to me, I do not care to see people I admire vacation or walking on the street. I already do it as well. What interests me is the work they do and could make a difference. And for this, vacations photos won't be published here in T & T, unless they are released by the royals themselves.
Those who know me already know: yes, I see the photos when they are available to be seen. But to me, I do not care to see people I admire vacation or walking on the street. I already do it as well. What interests me is the work they do and could make a difference. And for this, vacations photos won't be published here in T & T, unless they are released by the royals themselves.
Quando à reação de Madeleine....SUPER!!!
About Madeleine's reply .... SUPER !!!
About Madeleine's reply .... SUPER !!!
"Ah queriam fotografias? Podiam ter pedido. As nossas são sempre melhores que as vossas"
"Ah did you want pictures? We could have asked for it. Ours are always better than yours."
ResponderEliminarAcho sempre muita piada às tuas comparações, por serem engraçadas e por sempre concordar com elas!!
Ingrid realmente ¨transpira¨ algo de ¨Conto de Fadas¨!!! E isso é sempre muito positivo!!
Que as fadas boas (!) estejam sempre com ela!! Parabéns Ingrid!!
Quanto a Madeleine, resposta na ¨ponta da língua¨ e não poderia ser melhor!!
As crianças estão muito fofas!! Adoro a foto do gelado!!! E Nicolas tem um ar muito divertido!!