Passagem de testemunho e decorações de Natal no UK / Handover and Christmas decorations in the UK
Lentamente as nossas caras conhecidas vão fazendo os últimos compromissos oficiais antes do Natal e por aqui no T&T, a frequência de posts acompanha esse ritmo.
Hoje trago-vos noticias do Reino Unido.
Slowly our familiar faces are making the last official engagements before Christmas and here in T & T, the frequency of posts is accompanying this pace.
Today we bring you news from the UK.
Slowly our familiar faces are making the last official engagements before Christmas and here in T & T, the frequency of posts is accompanying this pace.
Today we bring you news from the UK.
Ontem, a tia Belinha reuniu em sua casa (aka Palácio de Buckingham) cerca de 30 membros da sua família para o tradicional almoço de Natal, antes da soberana partir para Sandringham onde costuma passar, juntamente com os seus filhos e netos, esta época festiva. O almoço foi privado e apenas temos fotos da chegada de algumas caras conhecidas. Podem ver as fotos aqui.
Yesterday, auntie Lilibeth gathered at her home (aka Buckingham Palace) about 30 family members for the traditional Christmas lunch, before the sovereign travel to Sandringham, where she passes along with their children and grandchildren, this festive season . The lunch was private and we only have photos of the arrival of some familiar faces. You can see the pictures here.
Yesterday, auntie Lilibeth gathered at her home (aka Buckingham Palace) about 30 family members for the traditional Christmas lunch, before the sovereign travel to Sandringham, where she passes along with their children and grandchildren, this festive season . The lunch was private and we only have photos of the arrival of some familiar faces. You can see the pictures here.
Mas o dia de ontem marcaria um acontecimento especial. Foi anunciado que o Duque de Edimburgo de 94 anos, delegou o seu patronato dos Cadetes da Força Área Real para a Duquesa de Cambridge. A passagem de testemunho foi feita no Palácio de Buckingham ontem. Catherine será Comandante Honorária dos Cadetes do Ar.
But yesterday mark a special event. It was announced that the Duke of Edinburgh aged 94 delegated his patronage of the Royal Air Force Cadets to the Duchess of Cambridge. The handover was made at Buckingham Palace yesterday. Catherine will be Honorary Air Commandant of the Air Cadets.
But yesterday mark a special event. It was announced that the Duke of Edinburgh aged 94 delegated his patronage of the Royal Air Force Cadets to the Duchess of Cambridge. The handover was made at Buckingham Palace yesterday. Catherine will be Honorary Air Commandant of the Air Cadets.
The Duke has been committed to @aircadets for 63 years, regularly visiting cadets and encouraging links with @DofE
— BritishMonarchy (@BritishMonarchy) 16 dezembro 2015
Philip foi durante 63 anos Comodoro Geral desta organização que conta com cerca de 42.000 cadetes e 15.000 adultos voluntários em mais de 1.200 unidades no Reino Unido e no estrangeiro. Em 2010 foi anunciada a intenção do Duque delegar a alguns dos seus patronatos a outros membros da família real. Philip é Patrono ou Presidente de mais de 780 organizações e caridades.
Philip was during 63 years Commodore-in-Chief of this organization that has approximately 42,000 cadets and 15,000 adult volunteers in more than 1,200 units in the UK and abroad. In 2010 it was announced the intention of the Duke stand down some of his patronages to other members of the royal family. Philip is Patron or President of over 780 organizations and charities.
Philip was during 63 years Commodore-in-Chief of this organization that has approximately 42,000 cadets and 15,000 adult volunteers in more than 1,200 units in the UK and abroad. In 2010 it was announced the intention of the Duke stand down some of his patronages to other members of the royal family. Philip is Patron or President of over 780 organizations and charities.
A escolha de Catherine para o cargo, naquele que acaba por ser a sua primeira ligação oficial a um ramo militar, prende-se com a forte ligação que a Duquesa tem com a Força Área Real (RAF), dada a função do Príncipe William como piloto de busca e salvamento e ainda o facto do seu avô Peter Middleton ter servido como Piloto da RAF. Para celebrar a ocasião a Duquesa foi presenteada com um livro que conta a história e tradições da Organização.
The choice of Catherine for this role, in what turns out to be her first official connection to a military branch, relates to the strong link that the Duchess has with the Royal Air Force (RAF) as Prince William's wife (himself a search and rescue pilot) and also the fact that her grandfather Peter Middleton have served as pilot of the RAF. To celebrate the occasion the Duchess was presented with a book that tells the history and traditions of the Organization.
The choice of Catherine for this role, in what turns out to be her first official connection to a military branch, relates to the strong link that the Duchess has with the Royal Air Force (RAF) as Prince William's wife (himself a search and rescue pilot) and also the fact that her grandfather Peter Middleton have served as pilot of the RAF. To celebrate the occasion the Duchess was presented with a book that tells the history and traditions of the Organization.
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Royal Air Force Air Cadets website |
O Corpo de Treino Aéreo celebrará o seu 75º aniversário em 2016 e espera-se que a Duquesa compareça a vários eventos comemorativos do seu novo Patronato.
The Air Training Corps celebrates its 75th anniversary in 2016 and it is expected the Duchess to attend several commemorative events of her new patronage.
The Air Training Corps celebrates its 75th anniversary in 2016 and it is expected the Duchess to attend several commemorative events of her new patronage.
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Royal Air Force Air Cadets website |
Nas palavras do Comodoro McCafferty: "Estamos absolutamente entusiasmados com o facto de SAR, a Duquesa de Cambridge ter aceite tornar-se nossa Patrona. Os seus laços com a família RAF estão bem estabelecidos e o seu desejo em apoiar o desenvolvimento dos jovens é bem reconhecido mundialmente. Esperamos que na qualidade de nosso Comandante de Ar Honorário, ela possa ver, em primeira mão o fantástico trabalho dos nossos voluntários adultos que proporcionam uma experiência de primeira classe a nível mundial a muitos milhares de jovens".
In the words of Commodore McCafferty: "We are absolutely thrilled that HRH, the Duchess of Cambridge has agreed to be our Patron . Her links to the RAF family are well established and her desire to support youth development is well recognized around the world. We hope that as our Honorary Air Commandant, she can see at firsthand the amazing work of our adult volunteers who deliver a truly world-class cadet experience to many thousands of young people. "
In the words of Commodore McCafferty: "We are absolutely thrilled that HRH, the Duchess of Cambridge has agreed to be our Patron . Her links to the RAF family are well established and her desire to support youth development is well recognized around the world. We hope that as our Honorary Air Commandant, she can see at firsthand the amazing work of our adult volunteers who deliver a truly world-class cadet experience to many thousands of young people. "
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Via Air Cadet Online |
Fiquei super contente com este Patronato. Patronatos que apoiem os militares nunca são de mais! E nisso, a família real britânica é excelente.
I was really pleased with this Patronage. Patronages supporting the military are never enough! In fact, the British royal family is excellent on supporting them.
I was really pleased with this Patronage. Patronages supporting the military are never enough! In fact, the British royal family is excellent on supporting them.
Hum..já agora, é do conhecimento geral que a Duquesa cortou o cabelo, certo? the way it is well known that the Duchess had a hair cut, right? the way it is well known that the Duchess had a hair cut, right?
Noutras noticias, a Duquesa da Cornualha conduziu na passada Terça-feira, a decoração da árvore de natal na sua residência oficial, Clarence House.
In other news, the Duchess of Cornwall led last Tuesday, Christmas tree's decorations at her official residence, Clarence House.
In other news, the Duchess of Cornwall led last Tuesday, Christmas tree's decorations at her official residence, Clarence House.
Decorations are laid out ready to be put on the @ClarenceHouse Christmas tree today.
— Clarence House (@ClarenceHouse) 15 dezembro 2015
Para o efeito, a esposa do Príncipe de Gales convida todos os anos crianças de várias instituições para a ajudarem nessa tarefa. Um dos eventos mais lindos e tocantes do ano, na minha opinião. Este ano, a Duquesa convidou crianças da Helene & Douglas House e do Fundo London Taxi Drivers, dos quais é patrona.
To this end, the Prince of Wales's wife invites every year children from several institutions to help in this task. One of the most beautiful and touching events of the year, in my opinion. This year, the Duchess invited children of Helene & Douglas House and from the London Taxi Drivers Fund. Camilla is Patron of both organizations.
To this end, the Prince of Wales's wife invites every year children from several institutions to help in this task. One of the most beautiful and touching events of the year, in my opinion. This year, the Duchess invited children of Helene & Douglas House and from the London Taxi Drivers Fund. Camilla is Patron of both organizations.
The finishing touches have been made to the @ClarenceHouse Christmas tree and it looks beautiful!🎄
— Clarence House (@ClarenceHouse) 15 dezembro 2015
A árvore, ficou linda, não acham?
The tree was beautiful, don't you think?
The tree was beautiful, don't you think?
E para acabar em beleza um último elemento decorativo....
And to finish in beauty a last decorative element ....
And to finish in beauty a last decorative element ....
Exclusive: This year's official Christmas card from The Prince of Wales and The Duchess of Cornwall
— Clarence House (@ClarenceHouse) 17 dezembro 2015
O cartão de Natal 2015 do Príncipe de Gales e da Duquesa da Cornualha, corre o risco de ser uma das mais belas fotos de sempre. Gostos à parte, esta é a verdadeira história de amor!
Christmas Card 2015 from the Prince of Wales and the Duchess of Cornwall, is likely to be one of the most beautiful pictures ever. Tastes aside, this is the real love story!
Christmas Card 2015 from the Prince of Wales and the Duchess of Cornwall, is likely to be one of the most beautiful pictures ever. Tastes aside, this is the real love story!
Delegado o patronato e árvore decorada...mas....a realidade é que o que realmente salta à vista é essa última foto que ganhou o meu olhar mais romântico e amoroso de 2015!!! Deliciosa!!!
Lindos, certo??? Adorei também!!