#NobelsBling - the sequel
Achavam mesmo que todo o esplendor dos Nobel tinha ficado no último post? Se sim, é porque não conhecem a Casa Real dos Bernadotte!!
Did you really think all the splendor of Nobel had been in the last post? If so, it is because you do not really know the Royal House of Bernadotte !!
Did you really think all the splendor of Nobel had been in the last post? If so, it is because you do not really know the Royal House of Bernadotte !!
No dia seguinte à entrega dos Prémios Nobel em Estocolmo, o Rei oferece sempre um Jantar em honra dos laureados no Palácio Real. O evento conta com a presença de toda a família real, e sim implica tudo o que nós gostamos no dresscode.
The day after the awarding of the Nobel Prizes in Stockholm, the swedish King always offers a dinner in honor of the laureates at the Royal Palace. The event it's attended by the entire royal family, and implies everything we like regarding the dresscode.
The day after the awarding of the Nobel Prizes in Stockholm, the swedish King always offers a dinner in honor of the laureates at the Royal Palace. The event it's attended by the entire royal family, and implies everything we like regarding the dresscode.
A Rainha Sílvia escolheu um vestido azul super colado ao corpo com uma saia inacabada. Sim, para mim aquele pedaço de tecido pendurado foi o começo de uma saia promissora, mas que se ficou somente pela ideia. Uma pena. A completar o fantástico Parure de Safiras Leuchentberg.
Queen Silvia chose a blue dress glued to her body with an unfinished skirt. Yes, for me that piece of fabric hanging from her hip was the beginning of a promising skirt, but that remains only an idea. A pitty. Completing the fantastic Leuchentberg Sapphires Parure.
Queen Silvia chose a blue dress glued to her body with an unfinished skirt. Yes, for me that piece of fabric hanging from her hip was the beginning of a promising skirt, but that remains only an idea. A pitty. Completing the fantastic Leuchentberg Sapphires Parure.
A Princesa da Coroa Victoria terá pensado: "Ora bem, a mummy vai de azul, e eu tenho um fantástico vestido a condizer que usei nos Nobel em 2011, precisamente quando tinha uma barriga sensivelmente deste tamanho. E se há coisa em que qualquer mulher tem de poupar é em vestidos de gala para grávidas. Mesmo sendo Princesa". A completar a Banden Fringe Tiara.
Crown Princess Victoria will have thought:. "Now, mummy goes blue, and I have a fantastic dress to match that I wore in the Nobel's in 2011, precisely when I had a belly roughly this size and if there's one thing that any woman must save her money at, is in gala meternity dresses. Even when that women is a Princess ". She wore the Banden Fringe Tiara.
Crown Princess Victoria will have thought:. "Now, mummy goes blue, and I have a fantastic dress to match that I wore in the Nobel's in 2011, precisely when I had a belly roughly this size and if there's one thing that any woman must save her money at, is in gala meternity dresses. Even when that women is a Princess ". She wore the Banden Fringe Tiara.
Outra Princesa que seguiu o tema azul, foi Sofia. Num vestido azul em renda especialmente criado por si pela marca Zetterberg Couture (via The Royals and I) a mulher de Carl-Philip estava deslumbrante. Confesso que o semi apanhado no cabelo me deixou na dúvida, mas Sofia estava simplesmente adorável. O único senão foi a tiara. Quem me conhece sabe que não morro de amores por tiaras com pedras coloridas, e há vestidos em que diamantes e pérolas, seriam tão mais apropriados....
Another princess followed the blue theme was Sofia. In a lace light blue gown specially created for you by Zetterberg Couture brand (via The Royals and I) Carl-Philip's wife was stunning. I confess that the semi caught in the hair left me in doubt, but Sofia was simply lovely. The only drawback was the tiara. Anyone who knows me knows mine no love for tiaras with colored stones, and there are dresses where simple diamonds and/or pearls would be more appropriate ....
Another princess followed the blue theme was Sofia. In a lace light blue gown specially created for you by Zetterberg Couture brand (via The Royals and I) Carl-Philip's wife was stunning. I confess that the semi caught in the hair left me in doubt, but Sofia was simply lovely. The only drawback was the tiara. Anyone who knows me knows mine no love for tiaras with colored stones, and there are dresses where simple diamonds and/or pearls would be more appropriate ....
Madeleine, Madeleine....Esta mulher nestes Nobel's esteve decidida em deixar-me rendida. Voltando com a sua habitual Modern Fringe Tiara, Madde escolheu este vestido cinza, repleto de detalhes em renda e transparências de Alberta Ferretti (via The Royals and I). O penteado, a cor, a renda: pura Perfeição!
Madeleine, Madeleine .... This woman on this year Nobel's was decided to let me surrendered. Returning with her usual Modern Fringe Tiara, Madde chose this gray dress filled with lace details and transparency by Alberta Ferretti (via The Royals and I). The hairstyle, the color, the lace: Pure perfection!
Por falar em Madeleine, recentemente a Princesa Sueca e o marido Christopher O'Neill deram uma entrevista ao talk show Skavlan. A entrevista contou também com a presença da cantora britânica Adele e do chef Jamie Oliver. O programa completo pode ser visto aqui. Deixo-vos apenas com a parte "real".
Speaking of Madeleine, recently the Swedish Princess and her husband Christopher O'Neill gave an interview to the talk show Skavlan. The interview also included the presence of the British singer Adele and Jamie Oliver. The full program can be watched here. I leave you with only the royal part.
Confesso que adorei. Madde & Chris revelam-se um casal apaixonado e muito cúmplice. O bom-humor foi uma nota dominante e achei o seu testemunho muito honesto e simplesmente adorável. Até Adele ficou rendida. A ver!
I confess that I loved. Madde & Chris turn out to be a passionate and very accomplice couple. The good humor was a dominant note and found it a very honest and adorable testimony. Even Adele went gaga with them. A must see!
Ah, sim na Noruega também houve o habitual Concerto Anual em homenagem aos Vencedores do Prémio Nobel da Paz. Haakon e MM estiveram lá...
Ah, but in Norway there was also the usual Annual Concert in honor of the winners of the Nobel Peace Prize. Haakon and MM were there ...
I confess that I loved. Madde & Chris turn out to be a passionate and very accomplice couple. The good humor was a dominant note and found it a very honest and adorable testimony. Even Adele went gaga with them. A must see!
Ah, sim na Noruega também houve o habitual Concerto Anual em homenagem aos Vencedores do Prémio Nobel da Paz. Haakon e MM estiveram lá...
Ah, but in Norway there was also the usual Annual Concert in honor of the winners of the Nobel Peace Prize. Haakon and MM were there ...
O vestido parece-me promissor, mas não tanto quando há tiaras na vizinha Suécia!
The dress seems to me promising, but not so much when there are tiaras in neighboring Sweden!
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