Favoritos dos Nobel / Nobel's favorites
Ora bem, como sempre por esta altura estamos oficialmente e em todos os sentidos na "most wonderful time of the year".
A cerimónia da entrega dos Prémios Nobel é hoje à noite em Estocolmo ( o Prémio Nobel da Paz é entregue também hoje Oslo) e em jeito de antevisão venho eleger os meus looks favoritos desde que há registo para as damas suecas. Só porque sim....
Well, as always at this time we are officially and in every way in "the most wonderful time of the year."
The ceremony of delivery of Nobel Prizes takes place tonight at Stockholm (the Nobel Peace Prize is also delivered today at Oslo) and I decided to elect my favorite Nobel's looks for the Swedish ladies. Just because I want to...
Well, as always at this time we are officially and in every way in "the most wonderful time of the year."
The ceremony of delivery of Nobel Prizes takes place tonight at Stockholm (the Nobel Peace Prize is also delivered today at Oslo) and I decided to elect my favorite Nobel's looks for the Swedish ladies. Just because I want to...
Rainha Sílvia / Queen Sílvia
Ao longo dos anos a Rainha da Suécia habitou-nos a grandes volumes (nos vestidos e cabelos) na cerimónia dos Nobel. Os anos 80 e 90 foram particularmente exuberantes. Este modelo de 2006 ganha pela diferença. A escolha do branco não foi uma estreia, mas a forma do vestido e a simplicidade exuberante completada pelo azul das safiras do Parure Leuchtenberg deixa-me rendida.
Over the years the Queen of Sweden show us large volumes (in dresses and hairstyle) at the ceremony of the Nobel. The 80s and 90s were particularly lush. This 2006 model earns the difference. The choice of white wasn´t a first, but the shape of the dress and the gorgeous simplicity complemented by the blue sapphires frome the Leuchtenberg Parure let me surrendered.
Over the years the Queen of Sweden show us large volumes (in dresses and hairstyle) at the ceremony of the Nobel. The 80s and 90s were particularly lush. This 2006 model earns the difference. The choice of white wasn´t a first, but the shape of the dress and the gorgeous simplicity complemented by the blue sapphires frome the Leuchtenberg Parure let me surrendered.
Ah e o decote nas costas também!
Ah, and also the back of the dress!
Ah, and also the back of the dress!
Mas não resisto a uma boa renda e este vestido azul cinza bordado a azul real mais uma vez conjuga na perfeição com as safiras que parecem ser as pedras favoritas da Rainha sueca para este evento...
But I can not resist a good lace and this gray blue dress embroidered with royal blue details once again combines perfectly with sapphires that appear to be the favorite stones of the Swedish Queen for this event ...
But I can not resist a good lace and this gray blue dress embroidered with royal blue details once again combines perfectly with sapphires that appear to be the favorite stones of the Swedish Queen for this event ...
E como julgá-la por isso??
And how to blame her for that??
And how to blame her for that??
Princesa da Coroa Victoria / Crown Princess Victoria
Não há realmente dúvidas certo? Este vestido vermelho ficará para a história da moda dos prémios Nobel. Vicky escolheu diamantes para completar o look, usando a sua imagem de marca a Baden Fringe Tiara e um colar com um crucifixo que foi uma estreia. Aliás a princesa desde que foi mãe tem estreado peças novas neste evento.
No doubts here, right? This red dress will go down in fashion history of the Nobel prizes. Vicky chose diamonds to complete the look, using her trademark Baden Fringe tiara and a necklace with a crucifix which was a first. In fact the princess since become a mother has premiered new jewel pieces in this event.
E como resistir a um mega vestido com cauda enquanto se desce uma escadaria?
And how to resist a mega dress with tail on the staircase?
Princesa Madalena / Princess Madeleine
No doubts here, right? This red dress will go down in fashion history of the Nobel prizes. Vicky chose diamonds to complete the look, using her trademark Baden Fringe tiara and a necklace with a crucifix which was a first. In fact the princess since become a mother has premiered new jewel pieces in this event.
E como resistir a um mega vestido com cauda enquanto se desce uma escadaria?
And how to resist a mega dress with tail on the staircase?
Princesa Madalena / Princess Madeleine
2012 foi realmente um bom ano e não esquecerei este look de Madeleine. Recém morena, a filha mais nova dos Reis suecos escolheu um vestido branco-cinza e usou pela primeira vez o Parure de Ametistas da Rainha Josephine.
2012 was a really good year and I will never forget Madeleine's look. Newly brunette, the youngest daughter of the Swedish Kings chose a white-gray dress and she wore for the first time Queen Josephine's Amethyst Parure.
2012 was a really good year and I will never forget Madeleine's look. Newly brunette, the youngest daughter of the Swedish Kings chose a white-gray dress and she wore for the first time Queen Josephine's Amethyst Parure.
Na minha opinião, o melhor uso da tiara de ametistas suecas de sempre!
In my opinion, the best use of the Swedish amethysts tiara ever!
In my opinion, the best use of the Swedish amethysts tiara ever!
Sofia Hellqvist
A agora Princesa Sofia da Suécia compareceu pela primeira vez a esta importante cerimónia no ano passado na qualidade de noiva do Príncipe Carl-Philip. A futura princesa escolheu um vestido com aplicações em tule fuscia e esteve a meu ver muito bem.
The now Princesa Sofia of Sweden attended for the first time to this important ceremony last year as Prince Carl-Philip's bride. The future princess chose a dress with applications in fuscia tulle and was in my opinion very well.
The now Princesa Sofia of Sweden attended for the first time to this important ceremony last year as Prince Carl-Philip's bride. The future princess chose a dress with applications in fuscia tulle and was in my opinion very well.
Curioso que apesar de não poder usar tiara, uma jóia no cabelo não foi esquecida. Só na Suécia mesmo...
Curious that despite not being able to use tiara, a hair jewel has not been forgotten. Only in Sweden...
Curious that despite not being able to use tiara, a hair jewel has not been forgotten. Only in Sweden...
Este ano toda a família real sueca vai comparecer. No palco os monarcas e o casal herdeiro. Na primeira fila, o Príncipe Carl-Philip e a Princesa Sofia, a Princesa Madeleine e Christopher O'Neill.
Victoria e Sofia estão grávidas e será o primeiro evento de tiara para Sofia depois do casamento. A cerimónia pode ser seguida aqui a partir das 4:30 PM (a cerimónia começará mais tarde...).
This year all the Swedish royal family will attend. On the stage the monarchs and the Crown Princesss couple. In the front row, Prince Carl-Philip and Princess Sofia, Princess Madeleine and Christopher O'Neill.
Victoria and Sofia are pregnant and will be the first tiara event for Sofia after the wedding. The ceremony can be followed here from 4:30 PM (the actual ceremony will start later ...)
This year all the Swedish royal family will attend. On the stage the monarchs and the Crown Princesss couple. In the front row, Prince Carl-Philip and Princess Sofia, Princess Madeleine and Christopher O'Neill.
Victoria and Sofia are pregnant and will be the first tiara event for Sofia after the wedding. The ceremony can be followed here from 4:30 PM (the actual ceremony will start later ...)
Razões mais que suficientes para os royal watchers de todo o mundo estarem LOUCOS hoje.
Querem previsões em relação a jóias? Está bem aqui vão os meus feelings:
Enough reasons for royal watchers are MAD worldwide today.
Do you want some forecasts concerning jewelry? Okay here are my bets:
Enough reasons for royal watchers are MAD worldwide today.
Do you want some forecasts concerning jewelry? Okay here are my bets:
Não são necessariamente os meus favoritos, mas acho que mais tarde saberemos.
Not necessarily my favorite, but I think we will know later.
Not necessarily my favorite, but I think we will know later.
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