Best of 2015- Charlene
Bem-vindos ao segundo dia de Best of 2015 do T&T. Ontem elegi o melhor e o pior de 2015 de algumas das nossas meninas favoritas. Hoje vamos falar das restantes. Este ano conto com a opinião e escolhas de algumas bloggers que sigo, algumas delas especialistas no estilo de uma determinada menina.
Welcome to the second day of Best of 2015 by T & T. Yesterday I have chosen the best and worst of 2015 for some of our favorite girls. Today we will speak of the rest of them. This year we are counting on the opinions and choices of some bloggers that I follow, some of them experts in a particular royal girl style.
Welcome to the second day of Best of 2015 by T & T. Yesterday I have chosen the best and worst of 2015 for some of our favorite girls. Today we will speak of the rest of them. This year we are counting on the opinions and choices of some bloggers that I follow, some of them experts in a particular royal girl style.
A princesa consorte do Mónaco está uma mulher nova. Desde que foi mãe em Dezembro de 2014 de Jacques e Gabriella, a esposa de Albert do Mónaco está mais sorridente e extrovertida. O seu estilo permaneceu mais ou menos fiel aquilo que era, embora se tenha intensificado a sua preferência por linhas direitas e na minha opinião pouco femininas.
The consort Princess of Monaco is a brand new woman. Since she became mother on December 2014 of Jacques and Gabriella, the wife of Albert of Monaco is more smiling and outgoing. Her style remained more or less faithful to what it was, although she has intensified her preference for straight lines , very less feminine in my opinion.
Categoria "Eu sou Princesa" by Royals & Fashion
Category "I'm a Princess" by Royals & Fashion
Categoria "Requinte é Classe"
Category "Polish is Classy"
The consort Princess of Monaco is a brand new woman. Since she became mother on December 2014 of Jacques and Gabriella, the wife of Albert of Monaco is more smiling and outgoing. Her style remained more or less faithful to what it was, although she has intensified her preference for straight lines , very less feminine in my opinion.
Categoria "Eu sou Princesa"
Category "I'm a Princess"
Mais um ano passou e ainda não foi desta que vimos Charlene com um look de tiara. Assim sendo acho que posso escolher dois visuais para o substituir. O primeiro porque Charlene provou que pode ficar esplendorosa com um vestido longo branco e um baton vermelho (Cuidado MM!). O segundo porque adoro quando Charlene nos dá um pouco de brilho Dior.
Another year has passed and no tiara for Charlene yet. So I think I can choose two gala looks to replace it. The first because Charlene proved she could look stunning with a long white dress and a red lipstick (watch out MM!). The second because I love when Charlene gives us a little Dior sparkle.
Another year has passed and no tiara for Charlene yet. So I think I can choose two gala looks to replace it. The first because Charlene proved she could look stunning with a long white dress and a red lipstick (watch out MM!). The second because I love when Charlene gives us a little Dior sparkle.
Categoria "Eu sou Princesa" by Royals & Fashion
Category "I'm a Princess" by Royals & Fashion
Mais uma vez Cecille do Royals & Fashion também deu a sua opinião sobre Charlene do Mónaco. E estamos de acordo quanto ao vestido Dior.
Again Cecille from the Royals & Fashion also gave her oppinions on Charlene of Monaco. And we agree on the Dior dress.
Again Cecille from the Royals & Fashion also gave her oppinions on Charlene of Monaco. And we agree on the Dior dress.
Category "Polish is Classy"
Em relação ao look mais elegante de dia, a escolha foi mais ou menos unânime. Charlene era uma Princesa elegante e feliz no baptizado dos seus gémeos em Maio.
Regarding this category the choice was more or less unanimous. Charlene was an elegant and happy princess at the christening of her twins in May.
Cecille apesar de também gostar do look do baptizado dos gémeos, tem uma especial preferência pelo look usado por Charlene na apresentação oficial dos filhos em Janeiro. Confesso que sou fã do cabelo de Charlene desta forma.
Cecille while also liked the previous look has a special preference for the look worn by Charlene at the official presentation of her children in January. I confess that I love Charlene's hair like this.
Categoria "Grrr...." by Royals & Fashion
Category "Grrr..." by Royals & Fashion
Regarding this category the choice was more or less unanimous. Charlene was an elegant and happy princess at the christening of her twins in May.
Categoria "Requinte é Classe" by Royals & Fashion
Cecille apesar de também gostar do look do baptizado dos gémeos, tem uma especial preferência pelo look usado por Charlene na apresentação oficial dos filhos em Janeiro. Confesso que sou fã do cabelo de Charlene desta forma.
Cecille while also liked the previous look has a special preference for the look worn by Charlene at the official presentation of her children in January. I confess that I love Charlene's hair like this.
Categoria "Grrr...."
Category "Grrr..."
O estilo de Charlene não é consensual. Há quem lhe chame irreverente mas elegante, chique e contemporâneo e há simplesmente quem o ache minimalista e pouco feminino. Perante estes dois looks, eu faço parte do terceiro grupo.
Charlene's style is not consensual. Some call it irreverent yet elegant, chic and contemporary and there those who simplw find it minimal and unladylike. Faced with these two looks, I'm part of the third group.
Charlene's style is not consensual. Some call it irreverent yet elegant, chic and contemporary and there those who simplw find it minimal and unladylike. Faced with these two looks, I'm part of the third group.
Category "Grrr..." by Royals & Fashion
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Picture courtesy of Palais Princier de Monaco Facebook official page |
Cecille não é fã destes calções largos de Charlene. Pessoalmente até gostei bastante deste look bastante veraneio.
Cecille is not a fan of these baggy shorts on Charlene. Personally I liked this summer look quite well.
E para vós? Charlene teve um bom 2015?
And for you? Charlene had a good 2015?
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