Olá a todos.
Primeiro que tudo quero expressar o meu pesar, consternação e solidariedade com todas as vítimas de todos os atentados sofridos nos últimos dias nos mais variados locais do mundo. Pessoalmente, os atentados de Paris fizeram um ferido na comunidade T&T e os últimos dias foram de energia positiva enviada à nossa querida J.O. Tenho a certeza que a bondade vencerá o mal e que é no rescaldo destes acontecimentos, que vemos o melhor de cada ser humano. Há que sobreviver, crer e actuar para todos não esquecermos o pior, mas acima de tudo o melhor, que cada ser humano é capaz de fazer.
Hello everyone.
First of all I want to express my regret, dismay and solidarity with all the victims of all the attacks suffered in recent days in various locations in the world. Personally, the attacks of Paris made a hunded in the T & T community and the last days were full filled of positive energy sent to our dear J.O. I am sure that the goodness will overcome evil and that is, on the aftermath of these events, we see the best of every human being. It is necessary to survive, believed and act on a good way to all won't able to forget the worst but most of all the best that each human being is capable of.
Hello everyone.
First of all I want to express my regret, dismay and solidarity with all the victims of all the attacks suffered in recent days in various locations in the world. Personally, the attacks of Paris made a hunded in the T & T community and the last days were full filled of positive energy sent to our dear J.O. I am sure that the goodness will overcome evil and that is, on the aftermath of these events, we see the best of every human being. It is necessary to survive, believed and act on a good way to all won't able to forget the worst but most of all the best that each human being is capable of.
E voltando a outras noticias (atenção começa mal, mas acaba bem):
And now back to other news (attention starts badly but ends very well):
And now back to other news (attention starts badly but ends very well):
A Princesa da Coroa Mary da Dinamarca fez uma viagem humanitária ao Senegal na semana passada para assistir aos projectos desenvolvidos pelo Orchid Project e pelo Tostan para colocar fim à mutilação genital feminina.
Crown Princess Mary of Denmark made a humanitarian trip to Senegal last week to watch the projects developed by Orchid Project and Tostan to end female genital mutilation.
Crown Princess Mary of Denmark made a humanitarian trip to Senegal last week to watch the projects developed by Orchid Project and Tostan to end female genital mutilation.
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Orchid Project website |
O Orchid Project foi fundado em 2011 por Julia Lalla-Maharajh que, após tomar conhecido da prática de mutilação sexual feminina, sentiu necessidade de criar um organização cujo objectivo fosse simplesmente colocar fim a esta prática.
The Orchid Project was founded in 2011 by Julia Lollo-Maharajh that after making known of female genital mutilation practice, felt the need to create an organization whose aim was simply put an end to this practice.
The Orchid Project was founded in 2011 by Julia Lollo-Maharajh that after making known of female genital mutilation practice, felt the need to create an organization whose aim was simply put an end to this practice.
Publicado por Orchid Project em Quarta-feira, 2 de Setembro de 2015
Porque é que esta prática é feita? São vários os factores apontados, entre os quais o risco de sanções sociais, incluindo o casamento, respeito e inclusão na comunidade. Por estes motivos, a prática de mutilação sexual feminina (MGF) ainda é uma tradição recorrente na África ocidental e completamente encorajada por homens e até mulheres, pais destas raparigas, e por isso tão difícil de combater.
Why this practice is done? Several pointed factors, including the risk of social sanctions, including marriage, respect and inclusion in the community. For these reasons, the practice of female genital mutilation (FGM) is still a recurring tradition in West Africa and fully encouraged by men and even women, parents of these girls, and that's why it is so difficult to fight against.
Why this practice is done? Several pointed factors, including the risk of social sanctions, including marriage, respect and inclusion in the community. For these reasons, the practice of female genital mutilation (FGM) is still a recurring tradition in West Africa and fully encouraged by men and even women, parents of these girls, and that's why it is so difficult to fight against.
Publicado por Orchid Project em Sexta-feira, 2 de Março de 2012
Muitos pais receiam se uma filha não for cortada, provavelmente não irá casar bem, pode ser vista como impura, ser rejeitada pela comunidade, ser considerada promiscua, e em alguns casos menos fértil.
Many parents fear if a daughter won't be cut probably she will not marry well, can be seen as impure, be rejected by the community, be considered promiscuous, and in some cases less fertile.
Many parents fear if a daughter won't be cut probably she will not marry well, can be seen as impure, be rejected by the community, be considered promiscuous, and in some cases less fertile.
5. Why does it happen?Many reasons have been given: culture, tradition, marriageability, health and hygiene,...
Publicado por Orchid Project em Sexta-feira, 2 de Março de 2012
E em que consiste a MGF? Trata-se da remoção completa ou parcial dos órgãos exteriores genitais femininos (lábios, clitóris e prepúcio). Tal prática não acarreta qualquer beneficio para a saúde e resulta, por vezes em danos físicos permanentes para a mulher, devido à maneira como é realizado, muitas vezes sem anestesia ou material estéril.
And what is the FGM? This is the partial or complete removal of female external genitals (labia, clitoris and clotoral hood). This practice does not entail any benefit to the health and sometimes results in permanent physical damage to the woman, because of the way it is done, often without anesthesia or sterile material.
And what is the FGM? This is the partial or complete removal of female external genitals (labia, clitoris and clotoral hood). This practice does not entail any benefit to the health and sometimes results in permanent physical damage to the woman, because of the way it is done, often without anesthesia or sterile material.
What is female genital cutting?We believe that not that many people know about the true realities of FGC. Once you’ve...
Publicado por Orchid Project em Sexta-feira, 2 de Março de 2012
Mais de 130 milhões de raparigas e mulheres vivem actualmente com as consequências de uma MGF. O procedimento é barbárico e drástico, podendo resultar na sua forma mais severa no fecho total do canal genital feminino. Um orifício é deixado para a menstruação e urina. A cicatriz eventualmente sara, formando um "selo" - a vagina - que terá que ser novamente cortado para permitir relações sexuais, antes de ser novamente aberto para permitir que as mulheres possam entrar em parto em caso de gravidez. E em alguns casos, após um parto, o processo volta todo ao inicio novamente.
More than 130 million girls and women are currently living with the consequences of FGM. The procedure is barbaric and drastic, and may result in its most severe form, in the total closure of the female genital tract. A hole is left for menstrual blood and urine. The scar possibly heal, forming a "seal" - the vagina - which will have to be re-cut to allow sexual intercourse before being opened again to allow women to go into labor, if they get pregnant. And in some cases, after a birth, the process returns to start all over again.
More than 130 million girls and women are currently living with the consequences of FGM. The procedure is barbaric and drastic, and may result in its most severe form, in the total closure of the female genital tract. A hole is left for menstrual blood and urine. The scar possibly heal, forming a "seal" - the vagina - which will have to be re-cut to allow sexual intercourse before being opened again to allow women to go into labor, if they get pregnant. And in some cases, after a birth, the process returns to start all over again.
2. Who does it happen to? The average age at which girls are cut is now between 5 – 8 years old. Whilst the data shows...
Publicado por Orchid Project em Sexta-feira, 2 de Março de 2012
Desculpem se a descrição foi muito dura, mas nem eu tinha ideia de como este procedimento se realizava. E atenção, não olhemos só para a África. É estimado que actualmente existam 500.000 mulheres na Europa a viver com consequências de um MGF e estima-se que cerca de 30 milhões de raparigas e mulheres em todo o mundo estão em risco de sofrer esta prática nos próximos 10 anos.
Sorry if the description was very tough, but I had no idea how this procedure is performed. And please lett's pay attention because this is happening not only for Africa. It is estimated that there are currently 500,000 women in Europe living with the consequences of FGM and it is estimated that about 30 million girls and women worldwide are at risk to be cut in the next 10 years.
Sorry if the description was very tough, but I had no idea how this procedure is performed. And please lett's pay attention because this is happening not only for Africa. It is estimated that there are currently 500,000 women in Europe living with the consequences of FGM and it is estimated that about 30 million girls and women worldwide are at risk to be cut in the next 10 years.
6. What are the consequences? 7. And impacts throughout life?Far from being a one-off incident, FGC has grave...
Publicado por Orchid Project em Sexta-feira, 2 de Março de 2012
A Orchid Project trabalha directamente com a ONG Tostan.
The Orchid Project works directly with the NGO Tostan.
The Orchid Project works directly with the NGO Tostan.
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Tostan website |
Esta organização promove programas de educação e informação baseados nos direitos humanos em vários países africanos, como o Senegal, Mauritânia, Mali, Gâmbia, Guiné e Guiné-Bissau.
This organization promotes education and information programs based on human rights in several African countries such as Senegal, Mauritania, Mali, Gambia, Guinea and Guinea-Bissau.
This organization promotes education and information programs based on human rights in several African countries such as Senegal, Mauritania, Mali, Gambia, Guinea and Guinea-Bissau.
Today we wanted to introduce you to Demba Fatty, a 58 year-old women's rights activist and health worker in the Gambia....
Publicado por Tostan em Terça-feira, 3 de Novembro de 2015
O seu programa de educação informal de três anos encoraja várias comunidades rurais na África ocidental a tomarem o seu futuro nas suas mãos, através do desenvolvimento de uma visão para o futuro.
Their no-formal education program for three years encouraged many rural communities in West Africa to take their future in their hands, by developing a vision for the future.
Their no-formal education program for three years encouraged many rural communities in West Africa to take their future in their hands, by developing a vision for the future.
In case you missed it, find out what First Lady Michelle Obama says about Tostan's human rights education program and the power of educating girls! #ThrowbackThursday http://ow.ly/KEVGI
Publicado por Tostan em Quinta-feira, 26 de Março de 2015
Graças ao programa, Tostan conseguiu chegar a mais de 3 milhões de pessoas aumentando entre outros, os números para a liderança feminina, o número de comunidades que colocaram fim à MGF e diminuindo o número de casos de casamentos infantis na região.
Thanks to this program, Tostan was able to reach more than 3 million people rising, among others, the numbers for the female empowering, the number of communities that put an end to FGM and decreasing the number of cases of child marriages in the region.
Thanks to this program, Tostan was able to reach more than 3 million people rising, among others, the numbers for the female empowering, the number of communities that put an end to FGM and decreasing the number of cases of child marriages in the region.
Women and girls make up more than half of our Community Empowerment Program participants. During Tostan's program, women...
Publicado por Tostan em Quarta-feira, 25 de Fevereiro de 2015
Mary, este presente numa ocasião festiva no seu último dia de viagem, ontem.
Mary, attended a festive occasion on the last day of the trip ,yesterday.
Mary, attended a festive occasion on the last day of the trip ,yesterday.
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Picture courtesy of Orchid project via their website |
A Princesa, nas poucas fotografias que foram divulgadas, marcou presença na declaração do fim da MGF em cerca de 15 comunidades da região de Kaolack no Senegal. A cerimónia foi testemunhada por cerca de 1000 pessoas, incluindo UNICEF, UNFPA e vários representantes do Governo.
The Princess, in the few photographs that have been disclosed, was present at the Declaration of the end of FGM in about 15 communities in the Kaolack region, Senegal. The ceremony was witnessed by about 1,000 people, including UNICEF, UNFPA and several representatives of the Government.
The Princess, in the few photographs that have been disclosed, was present at the Declaration of the end of FGM in about 15 communities in the Kaolack region, Senegal. The ceremony was witnessed by about 1,000 people, including UNICEF, UNFPA and several representatives of the Government.
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Picture courtesy of Orchid project via their website |
E foi tão bom ver isto!!
And it was so nice to see it !!
And it was so nice to see it !!
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Picture courtesy of Orchid project via their website |
Amigos leitores: Não deixemos que a revolta, a intolerância, o medo e a o ódio sejam maiores. Não podemos mudar o mundo da noite para o dia, mas o trabalho que cada um de nós tem que fazer para o tornar um lugar melhor, é tarefa para uma vida. E por mais incerta que ela seja, e mesmo que possa subitamente acabar, faça com que cada dia conte. De maneira gentil e bondosa podemos abalar o mundo!
Dear readers: Do not let the revolt, intolerance, fear adn hate become greater than the human essence. Maybe we can not change the world overnight, but the work that each of us can do to become it a better place is a task for a lifetime. And however uncertain it may be, and even though it may suddenly end, make each day count. On a gentle and kind way we can shake the world!
Dear readers: Do not let the revolt, intolerance, fear adn hate become greater than the human essence. Maybe we can not change the world overnight, but the work that each of us can do to become it a better place is a task for a lifetime. And however uncertain it may be, and even though it may suddenly end, make each day count. On a gentle and kind way we can shake the world!
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