O discurso de Mary no 3WCWS / Mary's speech at the 3WCWS
Lembram-se do post sobre a presença de Maxima e Mary na 3ª Conferência Mundial sobre Abrigos para Mulheres?
No segundo dia em Haia, Mary visitou as novas instalações do Tribunal de Crimes internacionais, desenhados por uma empresa de arquitectos dinamarquesa.
Remember the post about the presence of Maxima and Mary in the 3rd World Conference of Women's Shelters?
On the second day in The Hague, Mary visited the new premises of the International Crimes Court, designed by a firm of Danish architects.
Remember the post about the presence of Maxima and Mary in the 3rd World Conference of Women's Shelters?
On the second day in The Hague, Mary visited the new premises of the International Crimes Court, designed by a firm of Danish architects.
Crown Princess Mary of Denmark visits new #ICC premises https://t.co/d0MfycbDoa pic.twitter.com/EaSzqJQUQS
— Int'l Criminal Court (@IntlCrimCourt) 5 novembro 2015
De volta à conferência foi a vez de Mary discursar sobre a importância do fortalecimento da cooperação internacional no apoio às mulheres e raparigas vítimas de violência doméstica.
Back at the conference was Mar's turn to speech on the importance of strengthening international cooperation in supporting women and girls victims of domestic violence.
Mary não poupou palavras na hora de considerar fundamental o apoio dos homens neste assunto. A princesa dinamarquesa afirmou que os "Os Homens precisam de ser mais activos nesta discussão: não como o problema, mas como parte da solução".
Mary did not mince words when it comes to consider fundamental the support of men in this matter. The Danish princess said that "Men need more actively part of this discussion: not the problem, but as part of the solution."
Back at the conference was Mar's turn to speech on the importance of strengthening international cooperation in supporting women and girls victims of domestic violence.
'Men need more actively be part of the discussion: not the problem, but the solution.' Princess Mary @3WorldShelter pic.twitter.com/icFYLQuery
— Kris van der Veen (@ikbenKRIS) 5 novembro 2015
Mary não poupou palavras na hora de considerar fundamental o apoio dos homens neste assunto. A princesa dinamarquesa afirmou que os "Os Homens precisam de ser mais activos nesta discussão: não como o problema, mas como parte da solução".
Mary did not mince words when it comes to consider fundamental the support of men in this matter. The Danish princess said that "Men need more actively part of this discussion: not the problem, but as part of the solution."
HRH Crown Princess Mary talks on international cooperation on preventing violence against women #3wcws pic.twitter.com/EiDPRbZgAB
— WorldShelter (@3WorldShelter) 5 novembro 2015
Palavras sensíveis dirigidas a um público maioritariamente feminino, mas que reflectem uma sabedoria única no sentido de ir à raiz do problema e não apenas "castigar" os responsáveis e apoiar as vítimas. Esta opinião de Mary é resultado da sua experiência e da cooperação entre a Fundação e Mary e por exemplo a organização Brothers for Life, da África do Sul que desenvolve programas de recuperação para homens com histórico de comportamentos violentos. Estes irmãos assumiram o seu problema e escolheram um novo rumo através de recuperação e da ajuda a outros homens com os mesmos problemas e que revelem o desejo e compromisso em mudar o seu comportamento e a tornarem-se melhores maridos, companheiros, pais.
Sensitive words addressed to a predominantly female audience, but which reflect a unique wisdom in order to get to the root of the problem and not just "punish" those responsible and support the victims. Mary believes this is a result of her experience and cooperation between the Mary Foundation and for example the organization Brothers for Life in South Africa developing recovery programs for men with a history of violent behavior. These brothers took their problem and chose a new direction through recovery and by helping other men with the same problems who showed the desire and commitment to change their behavior and become better husbands, partners, parents.
Sensitive words addressed to a predominantly female audience, but which reflect a unique wisdom in order to get to the root of the problem and not just "punish" those responsible and support the victims. Mary believes this is a result of her experience and cooperation between the Mary Foundation and for example the organization Brothers for Life in South Africa developing recovery programs for men with a history of violent behavior. These brothers took their problem and chose a new direction through recovery and by helping other men with the same problems who showed the desire and commitment to change their behavior and become better husbands, partners, parents.
Um discurso que vale a pena ser ouvido. Em loop.
A speech that is worth being heard. In loop.
A speech that is worth being heard. In loop.
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