Mary da Dinamarca #ReplantThePlanet / Mary of Denmark #ReplantThePlanet
Após um fantástico evento familiar que proporcionou fotografias muito doces que merecem ser vistas aqui, a Princesa da Coroa Mary compareceu ontem ao evento do projecto "Replantar o Planeta" lançado pela Skoven i Skolen & Udeskole (A Floresta na Escola e Educação ao Ar-livre).
After a fantastic family event which provided sweet photographs that are worth seeing here, Crown Princess Mary attended yesterday to "Replant the Planet" event launched by Skoven i Skolen & Udeskole (The Forest at School and Outdoors Education).
After a fantastic family event which provided sweet photographs that are worth seeing here, Crown Princess Mary attended yesterday to "Replant the Planet" event launched by Skoven i Skolen & Udeskole (The Forest at School and Outdoors Education).
"Replantar o Planeta" trata-se de um projecto climático que convida crianças de todo o país a plantar um árvore na primeira semana de Novembro nos anos de 2015, 2016 e 2017.
"Replant the Planet" it is a climate project that invites children from all over the country to plant a tree in the first week of November in 2015, 2016 and 2017.
"Replant the Planet" it is a climate project that invites children from all over the country to plant a tree in the first week of November in 2015, 2016 and 2017.
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Skoven i Skolen & Undeskole website |
Este projecto está inserido numa cooperação entre a Organização educacional e as indústrias florestal e das madeiras. O objectivo é fazer as crianças mais conscientes da natureza e do impacto que o Homem tem na natureza com a sua exploração. As crianças são encorajadas a plantar uma árvores, a cuidar dela e a seguir o seu crescimento.
This project is included in a cooperation between the educational organization and the forest and woods industries. Their goal is to make children more aware of the nature and impact that man has on nature with its exploitation. Children are encouraged to plant a tree, to look after her and watch their growth.
This project is included in a cooperation between the educational organization and the forest and woods industries. Their goal is to make children more aware of the nature and impact that man has on nature with its exploitation. Children are encouraged to plant a tree, to look after her and watch their growth.
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Via Skoven i Skolen & Undeskole website |
Skoven i Skolen promove ainda várias actividades ao ar livre, proporcionado materiais de ensino sobre a natureza para as escolas através do seu website.
Skoven i Skolen also promotes various outdoor activities, provided educational materials about nature for schools through its website.
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Via Skoven i Skolen & Undeskole website |
As crianças são ensinadas que podem fazer algo verdadeiramente activo em relação às alterações climáticos com pequenos contributos diários para as boas práticas ambientais tendo em vista uma Natureza sustentável.
Children are taught that they can do something truly active regarding climate change with small daily contributions to good environmental practices in view of a sustainable nature.
Children are taught that they can do something truly active regarding climate change with small daily contributions to good environmental practices in view of a sustainable nature.
Posted by Skoven i Skolen on Domingo, 15 de Abril de 2012
O projecto pretende plantar árvores em florestas já existentes, em áreas desflorestadas e nas imediações de escolas.
The project aims to plant trees in existing forests in deforested areas and in schools's surroundings.
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Via Skoven i Skolen & Undeskole website |
Mary plantou uma árvore no Centro de Natureza de Herstedhøje, a primeira árvore da nova floresta Princesa Lunden. A princesa contou com a ajuda de cerca de 120 crianças que a ajudaram na construção desta nova floresta.
Mary planted a tree in Herstedhøje Nature Center, the first tree of the New Forest Princess Lunden. The princess was joined by about 120 children who helped in the construction of this new forest.
Este projecto é um patronato do Príncipe de Coroa Frederik que não pode estar presente, devido a compromissos na África do Sul. Mary substituiu-o e levou Ziggy consigo, naquele que foi o primeiro acto oficial do cão da família da Coroa.
This project is a Crown Prince Frederik's Patronage. He could not attend due to commitments in South Africa. Mary replaced him and took Ziggy with her, in what was the first official act of the Crown Prince Family's dog.
This project is a Crown Prince Frederik's Patronage. He could not attend due to commitments in South Africa. Mary replaced him and took Ziggy with her, in what was the first official act of the Crown Prince Family's dog.
And today was also Ziggy's first official act! I do love this!!!!
— Tesouras&Tiaras (@TesourasTiaras) 2 novembro 2015
Pessoalmente, a bióloga em mim, aplaude estas iniciativas. Somos meros convidados deste planeta. Acho lindo repor à Natureza aquilo que lhe retiramos para nosso conforto.
Personally, the biologist in me applauds these initiatives. We are mere guests of this planet. I think it's great to replace in nature what we take for our comfort.
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