M&M - pelas Mulheres / M&M - For the Women
Boas Noticias: a nossa querida Máxima já saiu do hospital e encontra-se a recuperar.
Bem a tempo de ir receber a sua amiga Mary ao aeroporto ontem de manhã e seguirem juntas para a 3ª Conferência Mundial de Abrigos para Mulheres a decorrer em Haia. Uma causa muito querida para duas das nossas protagonistas principais.
Good News: Our dear Max has left the hospital and is recovering.
Just in time to go get her friend Mary at the airport yesterday morning and follow together for the 3rd World Conference on Women's Shelters taking place in The Hague. A dear cause of two of our leading ladies.
Good News: Our dear Max has left the hospital and is recovering.
Just in time to go get her friend Mary at the airport yesterday morning and follow together for the 3rd World Conference on Women's Shelters taking place in The Hague. A dear cause of two of our leading ladies.
Esta terceira conferência global surgiu da uma ideia conjunta da Rede Global de Abrigos para Mulheres (GNWS) e da Fundação de Abrigos para Mulheres na Holanda e o seu objectivo foca-se na partilha de experiências e conhecimento entre várias culturas e nacionalidades com o fim de travar a violência doméstica contra as mulheres.
This third global conference arose from a joint idea of the Global Network for Women's Shelters (GNWS) and Shelters for Women Foundation in the Netherlands and its objective focuses on the sharing of experiences and knowledge among various cultures and nationalities in order to end domestic violence against women.
This third global conference arose from a joint idea of the Global Network for Women's Shelters (GNWS) and Shelters for Women Foundation in the Netherlands and its objective focuses on the sharing of experiences and knowledge among various cultures and nationalities in order to end domestic violence against women.
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3rd World Conference of Women's Shelters website |
Num mundo em que a igualdade de géneros continua a ser um objectivo a atingir, durante 3 dias em Haga, mulheres de vários locais partilham as suas experiências, relatam o seu processo de cura (que muitas vezes ainda não está fechado) e dão o seu testemunho ao mundo, inspirando outras mulheres que vivem em silêncio, vítimas de abusos da mais variada ordem, a pedir ajuda e a falarem. Porque há ainda um longo caminho a percorrer, e apenas quando nos debruçamos sobre esta realidade a nível global é que nos apercebemos no quão grande e complexa ela é.
In a world where gender equality is still a goal to be achieved, for 3 days in Haga, women from several countries share their experiences, report their healing process (which often is not yet closed) and give their witness to the world, inspiring other women living in silence, victims of the most varied abuses order, to ask for help and to speak up. Because there is still a long way to go, and just when we worked through this reality on a global level is that we realize on how large and complex this matter really is.
In a world where gender equality is still a goal to be achieved, for 3 days in Haga, women from several countries share their experiences, report their healing process (which often is not yet closed) and give their witness to the world, inspiring other women living in silence, victims of the most varied abuses order, to ask for help and to speak up. Because there is still a long way to go, and just when we worked through this reality on a global level is that we realize on how large and complex this matter really is.
De entre os organizadores destaco aqui a Rede Global de Abrigos para Mulheres. A sua visão passa para um mundo de igualdade de direitos onde as mulheres e suas crianças possam viver livres de violência. O seu propósito é unir a nível global todos os abrigos existentes para mulheres para colocar fim à violência contra as mulheres e suas crianças.
Among the organizers I emphasize here the Global Network for Women's Shelters. Its vision goes to an equal rights world where women and their children can live free of violence. Its purpose is to unite globally all existing shelters for women to end violence against women and their children.
Among the organizers I emphasize here the Global Network for Women's Shelters. Its vision goes to an equal rights world where women and their children can live free of violence. Its purpose is to unite globally all existing shelters for women to end violence against women and their children.
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Global Network of Women's Shelters website |
O Networking é um ponto chave desta organização que serve para trabalhar este movimento a nível global, possibilitando uma acção e apoio com as várias redes a nível regional, nacional e internacional, de forma efectiva desenvolvendo e fortalecendo a sua capacidade de actuação e reconhecimento.
Networking is a key point of this organization that serves to work this movement globally, enabling action and support with the various networks at regional, national and international level, effectively developing and strengthening its capacity to act and to make these women's voices to be heard.
Networking is a key point of this organization that serves to work this movement globally, enabling action and support with the various networks at regional, national and international level, effectively developing and strengthening its capacity to act and to make these women's voices to be heard.
The 3rd World Conference of Women's Shelters will truly be a global event with already registrations from 105 countries...
Publicado por Global Network of Women's Shelters em Terça-feira, 14 de Julho de 2015
Os principais valores desta organização associadas às oportunidades promotoras que o networking possibilita permite a existência de vários abrigos e centros a trabalhar para colocar fim à violência contra as mulheres. Quando vários abrigos e centros trabalham em conjunto é possível detectar barreiras em comum que as vitimas sobreviventes estão a encarar. Juntos conseguem trabalhar com abordagens eficazes, num processo de aprendizagem constante, usando todo o conhecimento e ferramentas para garantir a segurança da mulher.
The main values of this organization associated with the promoting opportunities that networking enables allows for several shelters and centers working together to end violence against women. When several shelters and centers work together it can be detected the common barriers that surviving victims are facing. Together with effective approaches they can work in a process of constant learning, using all the knowledge and tools to ensure the safety of women.
The main values of this organization associated with the promoting opportunities that networking enables allows for several shelters and centers working together to end violence against women. When several shelters and centers work together it can be detected the common barriers that surviving victims are facing. Together with effective approaches they can work in a process of constant learning, using all the knowledge and tools to ensure the safety of women.
Best way to empower survivors:Give them an opportunity to make a living and be economically independent. SeeMe is a...
Publicado por Global Network of Women's Shelters em Sexta-feira, 7 de agosto de 2015
Vários centros de apoio à vitima, abrigos, centros de recuperação e refúgio estão conectados de forma a garantir a máxima segurança, apoio e know-how necessários perante situações de violência doméstica.
Several victim support centers, shelters, rehabilitation centers and refuges are connected in order to ensure maximum safety, support and the know-how required in situations of domestic violence.
Several victim support centers, shelters, rehabilitation centers and refuges are connected in order to ensure maximum safety, support and the know-how required in situations of domestic violence.
Iffat Gill highlights the importance of economic justice and housing at the opening of Day 2. #3WCWS #NNEDVatWCWS pic.twitter.com/rS7dErxlmB
— NNEDV (@nnedv) 4 novembro 2015
Mais uma vez é maravilhoso saber e poder partilhar convosco a existência destas organizações e do trabalho que é desenvolvido. E atenção: os homens não foram esquecidos neste evento só de mulheres:
Once again it is wonderful to know and be able to share with you the existence of these organizations and the work that is developed. And attention: the men have not been forgotten in this ladies's event:
Once again it is wonderful to know and be able to share with you the existence of these organizations and the work that is developed. And attention: the men have not been forgotten in this ladies's event:
— Fundación Ana Bella (@Fund_Ana_Bella) 4 novembro 2015
Máxima, dada a sua experiência em micro-economia, tem ao longo dos anos dado o seu contributo nesta área ao serviço de sobreviventes de violência doméstica. A ideia é que as mulheres tomem controlo da sua (nova) vida e das suas finanças pessoais. Noções de economia, ainda que a nível doméstico, podem ajudar a mulher a construir uma nova vida de modo autónomo e empreendedor.
Maxima, given her experience in microeconomics, has over the years given her contribution in this area to serve survivors of domestic violence. The idea is that women take control of their (new) life and their personal finances. Notions of economy, although at a domestic level, can help women build new lives independently and entrepreneur.
Maxima, given her experience in microeconomics, has over the years given her contribution in this area to serve survivors of domestic violence. The idea is that women take control of their (new) life and their personal finances. Notions of economy, although at a domestic level, can help women build new lives independently and entrepreneur.
No seu discurso no primeiro plenário, foi isso mesmo que a Rainha da Holanda realçou.
In his speech on the first plenary, that's exactly what the Queen of the Netherlands stressed.
In his speech on the first plenary, that's exactly what the Queen of the Netherlands stressed.
Das várias actividades durante o dia, Mary assistiu ao filme "Brave Miss World" que conta a história verídica da Miss Israel Linor Abergil que foi raptada, agredida e violada em Milão, quando tinha 18 anos, semanas antes de representar o seu país no concurso Miss Mundo.
Among the various activities during the day, Mary watched the movie "Brave Miss World" which tells the true story of Miss Israel Linor Abergil who was abducted, assaulted and raped in Milan, when he was 18, weeks before representing her country in the contest Miss World.
Among the various activities during the day, Mary watched the movie "Brave Miss World" which tells the true story of Miss Israel Linor Abergil who was abducted, assaulted and raped in Milan, when he was 18, weeks before representing her country in the contest Miss World.
Linor Abargil @3WorldShelter with Princess Mary of Denmark, Israeli Ambassador, and 4 #IAmBrave high school students pic.twitter.com/RQiEVJZzSR
— Brave Miss World (@BraveMissWorld) 5 novembro 2015
Mary conversou com Linor.
Mary speaking with Linor.
Linor Abargil with Princess Mary from the Netherlands talk about ending rape against Women and girls in The Hague pic.twitter.com/qErAHnYL84
— Maria Rösslhumer (@roe_maria) 4 novembro 2015
Mary, comparece a esta conferência na qualidade de Presidente da Fundação Mary, que como bem sabemos, tem como causas principais, entre outras, a defesa dos direitos das mulheres, o fim da violência doméstica e a promoção de uma maternidade saudável e segura. Todas estas causas são abordadas nesta conferência.
Mary, attended this conference as President of the Mary Foundation, which as we know, among its main causes are the defense of women's rights, an end to domestic violence and promote healthy and safe motherhood. All these causes are addressed in this conference.
Mary, attended this conference as President of the Mary Foundation, which as we know, among its main causes are the defense of women's rights, an end to domestic violence and promote healthy and safe motherhood. All these causes are addressed in this conference.
"SPEAK OUT!" Det var budskabet til alle kvinder, der udsættes for vold, da den tidligere Miss World Linor Abargil talte...
Publicado por Mary Fonden em Quarta-feira, 4 de Novembro de 2015
Da parte da tarde a Princesa da Coroa dinamarquesa ainda visitou a Casa Rosa Manus que acolhe mulheres vulneráveis e crianças.
In the afternoon the Crown Princess of Denmark also visited the Rosa Manus House hosting vulnerable women and children.
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Photo courtesy of Jerry Lampen, Scanpix© via kongehuset.dk |
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Photo courtesy of Jerry Lampen, Scanpix© via kongehuset.dk |
O primeiro dia de conferência acabou com uma dança contra a violência, porque sabemos que não há melhor maneira de afugentar o negativismo e a tristeza como "dança-los".
The first day of the conference ended with a dance against violence, because we know that there is no better way to chase away negativity and sadness as "dance them."
Mary falará hoje de tarde sobre a importância de fortalecer as redes de abrigos globais e regionais.
Mary will speak later today on the importance of strengthening the networks of global and regional shelters.
Não sei quanto a vós, mas após este post deixo-vos com uma música que não me sai da cabeça! E se alguma de vós passa ou conhece alguém que esteja a passar por violência doméstica, que isto vos inspire.
I do not about you, but after this post I leave you with a song that sticks in my head! And if any of you passes or know someone who is experiencing domestic violence, this may inspire you.
The first day of the conference ended with a dance against violence, because we know that there is no better way to chase away negativity and sadness as "dance them."
Mary falará hoje de tarde sobre a importância de fortalecer as redes de abrigos globais e regionais.
Mary will speak later today on the importance of strengthening the networks of global and regional shelters.
Não sei quanto a vós, mas após este post deixo-vos com uma música que não me sai da cabeça! E se alguma de vós passa ou conhece alguém que esteja a passar por violência doméstica, que isto vos inspire.
I do not about you, but after this post I leave you with a song that sticks in my head! And if any of you passes or know someone who is experiencing domestic violence, this may inspire you.
E acreditem: todos somos especiais!
And remember: we all are special!
And remember: we all are special!
You've got the words to change a nation
But you're biting your tongue
You've spent a life time stuck in silence
Afraid you'll say something wrong
If no one ever hears it how we gonna learn your song?
So come on, come on
Come on, come on
You've got a heart as loud as lightning
So why let your voice be tamed?
Maybe we're a little different
There's no need to be ashamed
You've got the light to fight the shadows
So stop hiding it away
Come on, come on
I wanna sing, I wanna shout
I wanna scream 'til the words dry out
So put it in all of the papers,
I'm not afraid
They can read all about it
Read all about it, oh
Oh oh oh
Oh oh oh
Oh oh oh
Oh oh oh
Oh oh oh
Oh oh oh
At night we're waking up the neighbors
While we sing away the blues
Making sure that we're remembered, yeah
'Cause we all matter too
If the truth has been forbidden
Then we're breaking all the rules
So come on, come on
Come on, come on,
Let's get the TV and the radio
To play our tune again
It's 'bout time we got some airplay of our version of events
There's no need to be afraid
I will sing with you my friend
Come on, come on
I wanna sing, I wanna shout
I wanna scream 'til the words dry out
So put it in all of the papers,
I'm not afraid
They can read all about it
Read all about it, oh
Oh oh oh
Oh oh oh
Oh oh oh
Oh oh oh
Oh oh oh
Oh oh oh
Yeah, we're all wonderful, wonderful people
So when did we all get so fearful?
Now we're finally finding our voices
So take a chance, come help me sing this
Yeah, we're all wonderful, wonderful people
So when did we all get so fearful?
And now we're finally finding our voices
Just take a chance, come help me sing this
I wanna sing, I wanna shout
I wanna scream 'til the words dry out
So put it in all of the papers,
I'm not afraid
They can read all about it
Read all about it, oh
Oh oh oh
Oh oh oh
Oh oh oh
Oh oh oh
Oh oh oh
Oh oh oh
I wanna sing, I wanna shout
I wanna scream 'til the words dry out
So put it in all of the papers,
I'm not afraid
They can read all about it
Read all about it, oh
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