Confesso que as cerimónias da Remembrance no Reino Unido são dos eventos do calendário que eu mais gosto de ver.
A maneira como os britânicos homenageiam os seus veteranos de guerra é emocionante. E acho que ninguém o faz tão bem quanto eles.
I confess that Remembrance ceremonies in the UK are some of the royal calendar events that I like the most.
The way the British honor their war veterans is touching. And I think no one does it better as them.
I confess that Remembrance ceremonies in the UK are some of the royal calendar events that I like the most.
The way the British honor their war veterans is touching. And I think no one does it better as them.
As homenagens começaram com dois dos membros da Família Real por quem eu tenho mais carinho ultimamente.
The tributes began with two members of the royal family for whom I have more affection lately.
The tributes began with two members of the royal family for whom I have more affection lately.
Oh sim, o Príncipe Harry acompanhou o seu avô, o Duque de Edimburgo de 94 anos à abertura do Campo de Memória ( Remembrance Field) na Abadia de Westminster.
Oh yes, Prince Harry accompanied his grandfather, the Duke of Edinburgh ,94, to the opening of the Remembrance Field in Westminster Abbey.
Oh yes, Prince Harry accompanied his grandfather, the Duke of Edinburgh ,94, to the opening of the Remembrance Field in Westminster Abbey.
A dupla imbatível em dedicação e humor (e sim, também em uniformes) depositou duas cruzes num arranjo de papoilas, flores simbolos desta ocasião.
The unbeatable team in dedication and humor (and yes, also in uniform) placed two crosses in a poppies arrangement, symbols flowers of this occasion.
The unbeatable team in dedication and humor (and yes, also in uniform) placed two crosses in a poppies arrangement, symbols flowers of this occasion.
Philip e Harry conversaram ainda com vários veteranos que assistiram ao serviço que marcaria o pontapé de saída para as celebrações que se seguiriam.
Philip and Harry still talk to several veterans who attended the service to mark the kick-off for the celebrations that followed.
Philip and Harry still talk to several veterans who attended the service to mark the kick-off for the celebrations that followed.
No Sábado a Família Real apresentou-se me peso no Royal Albert Hall para o Festival da Remembrance, um evento anual da Royal British Legion da qual a Rainha é Patrona.
On Saturday the Royal Family attended in weight at the Royal Albert Hall for the Festival of Remembrance, an annual event of the Royal British Legion which the Queen is Patron.
On Saturday the Royal Family attended in weight at the Royal Albert Hall for the Festival of Remembrance, an annual event of the Royal British Legion which the Queen is Patron.
A Royal British Legion é uma caridade que providencia apoio financeiro, social e emocional a membros e veteranos das Forças Armadas Britânicas, às suas famílias e dependentes. A Legião Britânica foi fundada em 1921, como uma voz para a comunidade de ex-combatentes da Primeira Grande Guerra e promove até hoje o bem-estar e interesses dos actuais e antigos membros das Forças Armadas Britânicas.
The Royal British Legion is a charity that provides financial, social and emotional support to members and veterans of the British Armed Forces, their families and dependents. The British Legion was founded in 1921 as a voice for the community of ex-combatants of the First World War and today promotes the welfare and interests of current and former members of the British Armed Forces.
The Royal British Legion is a charity that provides financial, social and emotional support to members and veterans of the British Armed Forces, their families and dependents. The British Legion was founded in 1921 as a voice for the community of ex-combatants of the First World War and today promotes the welfare and interests of current and former members of the British Armed Forces.
Supporting the Armed Forces is as important today as it was 100 years ago. Your Royal British Legion poppy helps us...
Publicado por Royal British Legion em Quarta-feira, 21 de Outubro de 2015
Todos os anos entre Outubro e Novembro os mortos em combate são homenageados através do Poppy Appeal e vários cidadãos do Reino Unido usam uma papoila, símbolo da memória pelos mortos e apoio pelos actuais combatentes.
Every year between October and November the dead in combat are honored through the Poppy Appeal and several UK citizens use a poppy, symbol of remembrance for the dead and support the current fighters.
Every year between October and November the dead in combat are honored through the Poppy Appeal and several UK citizens use a poppy, symbol of remembrance for the dead and support the current fighters.
The poppy is a powerful symbol. It's worn to commemorate sacrifices of our Armed Forces and to show support to those still serving today.
— Royal British Legion (@PoppyLegion) 7 novembro 2015
Este Festival homenageia de uma maneira soberba todos aqueles que pagaram o último sacrifício em tempos de Guerra, bem como as suas famílias e tem lugar na véspera do Domingo de Remembrance.
This Festival pays tribute in a superb way all those who paid the ultimate sacrifice in times of war and their families and takes place on the eve of Remembrance Sunday.
This Festival pays tribute in a superb way all those who paid the ultimate sacrifice in times of war and their families and takes place on the eve of Remembrance Sunday.
The Standards of the Legion line @RoyalAlbertHall in preperation for the arrival HM The Queen @BritishMonarchy. pic.twitter.com/WgH6vI2l6X
— Royal British Legion (@PoppyLegion) 7 novembro 2015
São realizados de verdade dois eventos: o primeiro de tarde é aberto ao público. O evento de noite é restrito a membros da Legião, às suas famílias, oficiais e claro está, à família real. São vários os artistas convidados a participar e vários militares dão o seu testemunho. As receitas deste festival revertem para a Royal British Legion.
There are actually two events: the first one in the afternoon is open to the public. The evening event is restricted to members of the Legion, their families, officers and of course, the royal family. Several artists are invited to participate in several Armed Forces members give their testimony. The revenues of this festival revert to the Royal British Legion.
There are actually two events: the first one in the afternoon is open to the public. The evening event is restricted to members of the Legion, their families, officers and of course, the royal family. Several artists are invited to participate in several Armed Forces members give their testimony. The revenues of this festival revert to the Royal British Legion.
Este ano além da Rainha e o Duque de Edimburgo, também estiveram presentes o Duque e Duquesa de Cambridge, o Duque de York, o Conde e a Condessa de Wessex, a Princesa Real e o Vice-Almirante Sir Tim Laurence, o Duque e a Duquesa de Gloucester, o Duque e a Duquesa de Kent, o Príncipe e a Princesa Michael de Kent e a Princesa Alexandra de Kent.
This year besides the Queen and the Duke of Edinburgh, were also present the Duke and Duchess of Cambridge, the Duke of York, the Earl and Countess of Wessex, the Princess Royal and the Vice Admiral Sir Tim Laurence, the Duke and Duchess of Gloucester, the Duke and Duchess of Kent, Prince and Princess Michael of Kent and Princess Alexandra of Kent.
This year besides the Queen and the Duke of Edinburgh, were also present the Duke and Duchess of Cambridge, the Duke of York, the Earl and Countess of Wessex, the Princess Royal and the Vice Admiral Sir Tim Laurence, the Duke and Duchess of Gloucester, the Duke and Duchess of Kent, Prince and Princess Michael of Kent and Princess Alexandra of Kent.
Publicado por Royal British Legion em Sábado, 7 de Novembro de 2015
O dress code pede sobriedade e foi isso mesmo que as damas reais fizeram. Todas vestidas de preto integral, ainda assim algumas notas especiais.
The dress code calls for sobriety and that's exactly what the royal ladies did. All dressed in full black, still some special notes.
The dress code calls for sobriety and that's exactly what the royal ladies did. All dressed in full black, still some special notes.
Primeiro que tudo, ninguém superou a Rainha. Elizabeth II, 89 anos, estava simplesmente deslumbrante num simples vestido preto, onde as pérolas, o fantástico broche e o vermelho do seu ramalhete de papoilas completou o seu look fantástico.
First of all, no one surpassed the Queen. Elizabeth II, 89, was simply stunning in a simple black dress, where the pearls, the fantastic brooch and the red of her bouquet of poppies completed the fantastic look.
First of all, no one surpassed the Queen. Elizabeth II, 89, was simply stunning in a simple black dress, where the pearls, the fantastic brooch and the red of her bouquet of poppies completed the fantastic look.
Mas ninguém faz melhor uso das papoilas que a nossa querida Sophie, que não se limitou a usar o broche como a sua clutch era também alusiva ao tema.
But no one does her poppy-thing better than our dear Sophie, who did not just use the poppy brooch as her clutch was also alluding to the theme.
But no one does her poppy-thing better than our dear Sophie, who did not just use the poppy brooch as her clutch was also alluding to the theme.
Wonderful reading by The Countess of Wessex who is QARANC Colonel in Chief & @qarancassn Patron pic.twitter.com/MBrc7uqBpP
— Anna N. MSO (@AnnieElizabethN) 7 novembro 2015
Sophie destacou-se ainda pela leitura que fez durante o festival como Coronel do Corpo de Enfermeiras do Real Exército Rainha Alexandra (QARANC).
Sophie is also noted for her reading during the festival as Colonel of the Queen Alexandra's Royal Army Nurses Corps (QARANC).
Sophie is also noted for her reading during the festival as Colonel of the Queen Alexandra's Royal Army Nurses Corps (QARANC).
A Duquesa de Cambridge na sua primeira aparição no festival usou (mais) um vestido de renda Dolce&Gabanna, desta vez preto. Repito o que disse anteriormente, não gosto nada destes vestidos.
The Duchess of Cambridge on her first appearance at the festival used (again) a lace dress from Dolce & Gabanna, this time in black. I repeat what I said before, I do not like these dresses at all.
The Duchess of Cambridge on her first appearance at the festival used (again) a lace dress from Dolce & Gabanna, this time in black. I repeat what I said before, I do not like these dresses at all.
Silence falls across the Royal Albert Hall whilst the poppies softly fall.#FestivalofRemembrance
Publicado por Royal British Legion em Sábado, 7 de Novembro de 2015
No fim do evento uma chuva de papoilas cai sobre o palco, durante os minutos de silêncio em homenagem aos caídos em batalha. Emocionante. Aqui fica uma pequena parte do evento só para ficarem com vontade de ver o evento na integra assim que ficar disponível.
At the end of the event a shower of poppies falls on stage during the minutes of silence in tribute to the fallen in battle. So emotional. Here is a small glimpse of the event just to put you in the mood to see the event in full once it becomes available.
No Domingo tiveram lugar as comemorações oficiais do Dia da Rememberance, como é hábito no Cenotaph (Memorial de Guerra) em Londres. Nesse evento a Nação honra todos aqueles que sofreram e morreram durante a Guerra.
On Sunday took place the official celebrations of the Rememberance Day, as always at the Cenotaph (War Memorial) in London. In that event the nation honors all those who suffered and died during the war.
Mais de 10000 veteranos marcharam na habitual Parada dos Horse Guards.
More than 10,000 veterans marched in the usual Horse Guards Parade .
Um evento muito especial num ano repleto de comemorações e marcos importantes em relação à memória de conflitos militares passados.
A very special event in a year full of celebrations and milestones in relation to the memory of past military conflicts.
At the end of the event a shower of poppies falls on stage during the minutes of silence in tribute to the fallen in battle. So emotional. Here is a small glimpse of the event just to put you in the mood to see the event in full once it becomes available.
No Domingo tiveram lugar as comemorações oficiais do Dia da Rememberance, como é hábito no Cenotaph (Memorial de Guerra) em Londres. Nesse evento a Nação honra todos aqueles que sofreram e morreram durante a Guerra.
On Sunday took place the official celebrations of the Rememberance Day, as always at the Cenotaph (War Memorial) in London. In that event the nation honors all those who suffered and died during the war.
At the going down of the sun, and in the morning, WE WILL REMEMBER THEM. #Remembrance pic.twitter.com/ByRqvV0uJW
— Ministry of Defence (@DefenceHQ) 8 novembro 2015
São várias as individualidades dos mais variados quadrantes que se juntam à Rainha nesta homenagem. Este ano foi particularmente especial.
There are several individualities of various quadrants joining the Queen on this tribute. This year was particularly special.
There are several individualities of various quadrants joining the Queen on this tribute. This year was particularly special.
A Rainha lidera esta homenagem e é sempre bem visível a sua expressão de respeito e pesar nesta ocasião.
The Queen leads this tribute and it is always quite visible her expression of respect and sorrow on this occasion.
The Queen leads this tribute and it is always quite visible her expression of respect and sorrow on this occasion.
Este ano a monarca convidou o Rei Willem-Alexander da Holanda para depositar juntamente com membro da familia real uma coroa de flores no monumento de homenagem aos mortos de guerra.
This year the monarch invited King Willem-Alexander of The Netherlands to deposit along with the members of the british royal family a wreath at the monument of homage to the war dead.
This year the monarch invited King Willem-Alexander of The Netherlands to deposit along with the members of the british royal family a wreath at the monument of homage to the war dead.
O convite veio a propósito do 70º aniversário da libertação da Holanda das forças nazis pelos Aliados. Algo que o Rei Holandês não esqueceu no seu cartão de homenagem.
The invitation came in connection with the 70th anniversary of the liberation of the Netherlands from Nazi forces by the Allies. Something the Dutch King did not forget in his tribute card.
Com ele, veio a Rainha Maxima que assistiu à cerimónia na varanda do Gabinete dos Assuntos Internacionais, acompanhada pela Duquesa d e Cambridge, pela Condessa de Wessex e pelo Vice-Almirante Sir Tim Laurence, marido da Princesa Real.
With him came Queen Maxima who attended the ceremony at the balcony of the Foreign Office, accompanied by the Duchess of Cambridge, the Countess of Wessex and Vice Admiral Sir Tim Laurence, husband of the Princess Royal.
With him came Queen Maxima who attended the ceremony at the balcony of the Foreign Office, accompanied by the Duchess of Cambridge, the Countess of Wessex and Vice Admiral Sir Tim Laurence, husband of the Princess Royal.
Junto às Forças Armadas e veteranos de Guerra, o Duque de Cambridge, o Príncipe Harry e o Duque de York, também depositaram as suas coroas.
Along the armed forces and war veterans, the Duke of Cambridge, Prince Harry and the Duke of York, also pinned their wreaths.
Along the armed forces and war veterans, the Duke of Cambridge, Prince Harry and the Duke of York, also pinned their wreaths.
E também aqui um momento especial. Foi a primeira vez que Harry depositou uma coroa de flores a título pessoal neste dia. Tal acto abre um precedente, uma vez que tal gesto é geralmente exclusivo para Coronéis do Regimento (como o caso de William) ou filhos do monarca.
And here's a special moment too. It was the first time Harry laid his own wreath on this day. Such an act sets a precedent, as this gesture is generally exclusive to Royal Colonels (as William) or the monarch's children.
And here's a special moment too. It was the first time Harry laid his own wreath on this day. Such an act sets a precedent, as this gesture is generally exclusive to Royal Colonels (as William) or the monarch's children.
Há quem diga que tal gesto simboliza que Harry é agora um membro da realeza a tempo inteiro (embora eu nunca tenha percebido este termo e prefira ver esta situação como resultado de uma dedicação soberba de Harry às forças armadas britânicas).
Some say that such a gesture symbolizes that Harry is now a full-time royal (although I never quite understood this meaning and I prefer to see this situation as a result of a superb dedication of Harry to the British Armed Forces).
Some say that such a gesture symbolizes that Harry is now a full-time royal (although I never quite understood this meaning and I prefer to see this situation as a result of a superb dedication of Harry to the British Armed Forces).
Seguiram-se a Princesa Real, o Conde de Wessex e o Duque de Kent.
This was followed by the Princess Royal, the Earl of Wessex and the Duke of Kent.
This was followed by the Princess Royal, the Earl of Wessex and the Duke of Kent.
Publicado por Majesty magazine em Domingo, 8 de Novembro de 2015
Depois de um Serviço religioso, este ano mais curto, conduzido pelo Bispo de Londres, quando o relógio bateu as onze horas, seguiu-se dois minutos de silêncio. O silêncio simboliza a 11ª hora do 11º dia do 11º mês em 1918 quando as armas da primeira guerra mundial cessaram.
After a religious service, this year shorter, led by the Bishop of London, when the clock struck eleven, a two minutes of silence followed. The Silence symbolizes the 11th hour of the 11th day of the 11th month in 1918 when the guns of World War ceased fire.
After a religious service, this year shorter, led by the Bishop of London, when the clock struck eleven, a two minutes of silence followed. The Silence symbolizes the 11th hour of the 11th day of the 11th month in 1918 when the guns of World War ceased fire.
Who are you remembering this #RemembranceSunday? pic.twitter.com/1qHqRMQTBH
— Royal British Legion (@PoppyLegion) 8 novembro 2015
Mais de 10000 veteranos marcharam na habitual Parada dos Horse Guards.
More than 10,000 veterans marched in the usual Horse Guards Parade .
Here are some of the photo highlights from #RemembranceSunday march-past. pic.twitter.com/GDOexGcgbk
— Royal British Legion (@PoppyLegion) 8 novembro 2015
Um evento muito especial num ano repleto de comemorações e marcos importantes em relação à memória de conflitos militares passados.
A very special event in a year full of celebrations and milestones in relation to the memory of past military conflicts.
Publicado por Royal British Legion em Sábado, 15 de agosto de 2015
Na minha opinião todas as damas reais estavam bem. É difícil não estar quando o code dress é muito sóbrio.
In my opinion all royal ladies were good. It's hard not to be when the dress code is very sober.
In my opinion all royal ladies were good. It's hard not to be when the dress code is very sober.
Ausentes em visita oficial à Nova Zelândia, o Príncipe de Gales e a Duquesa da Cornualha, não esqueceram as homenagens deste dia.
Absent on an official visit to New Zealand, the Prince of Wales and the Duchess of Cornwall, have not forgotten the honors on this day.
Absent on an official visit to New Zealand, the Prince of Wales and the Duchess of Cornwall, have not forgotten the honors on this day.
Their Royal Highnesses wear their poppies with pride, in memory of those who paid the ultimate sacrifice. #MyPoppy pic.twitter.com/CP0Fa5gxRs
— Clarence House (@ClarenceHouse) 8 novembro 2015
E agora um segredo. Desde há dois ano que também eu uso broches de papoilas, vindas directamente do Reino Unido como presentes da minha querida L. e da A.F.G. O ano passado recebi um pin oficial da Royal British Legion.
And now a secret. For two year now I also wore Poppis from middle October until middle November, coming directly from the United Kingdom as gifts from my dear L. and A.F.G. Last year I received an official poppy pin of the Royal British Legion.
And now a secret. For two year now I also wore Poppis from middle October until middle November, coming directly from the United Kingdom as gifts from my dear L. and A.F.G. Last year I received an official poppy pin of the Royal British Legion.
Igual ao usado pela Condessa de Wessex. :)
Deve ser a única coisa que tenho igual a algum membro da realeza.
The same one used by the Countess of Wessex. :)
It should be the only thing I have equal to any royal.
The same one used by the Countess of Wessex. :)
It should be the only thing I have equal to any royal.
ResponderEliminarI was doing some research for my own post regarding Harry&Remembrance Sunday and if I read it correctly William has laid his own freath since 2007 although he's been a colonel only from 2011. So apparently there is some other qualification for the wreath. Also as we all know William is not full time royal so I wouldn't read too much into this either. I'm inclined to think Harry was there because him leaving the army, really concentrating on veterans in his charity work etc. have made him serious and dedicated enough to attend as you said. :)
ResponderEliminarThanks so much for this comment and information. I read that about William too, despiste people didn't find it a big deal at the time, as he is the future king. But I only found this after I wrote the post. Thanks once again and don´t be a strange around here. :)