Há coisas que eu gosto.../ Somethings I do like...
* Tal como uma loura sorridente usando um fantasticamente simples vestido azul, completando o look com acessórios com brilho.
* As a smiling blonde wearing a fantastically simple blue dress, completing the look with serious bling accessories.
* As a smiling blonde wearing a fantastically simple blue dress, completing the look with serious bling accessories.
Mesmo que dentro desses acessórios se incluam dois broches em forma de aranha....
Even within these accessories includes two in the shape of spider ....
* Outra loira e aquele look que corre o risco de ser um dos mais elegantes de 2015 para si.
* Another blonde spotting with a look that is likely to be one of the most elegant of 2015 for her.
* Another blonde spotting with a look that is likely to be one of the most elegant of 2015 for her.
Mesmo que as cores não sejam alegres, o padrão e corte do vestido é sóbrio, elegante e invernal.
Even if the colors are not happy, the pattern and cut of the dress is sober, elegant and winter.
*Uma morena usando um sóbrio look preto na qual se destaca uma blusa com pormenores em renda.
* A brunette wearing a sober black outfit which stresses a blouse with lace details.
* A brunette wearing a sober black outfit which stresses a blouse with lace details.
Mesmo que estejamos a falar de Mary e por isso eu gosto sempre...
Even if we are talking about Mary and so I always like ...
* Uma inesperada (mas desejada) divulgação de novos retratos oficias da Princesa Charlotte de Cambridge.
* An unexpected (most desired) release of new official portraits of Princess Charlotte of Cambridge.
* An unexpected (most desired) release of new official portraits of Princess Charlotte of Cambridge.
The Duke and Duchess hope everyone enjoys these new photos of Princess Charlotte as much as they do. pic.twitter.com/ylZ7VvOuIY
— Kensington Palace (@KensingtonRoyal) 29 novembro 2015
Mesmo que as duas fotografias, tiradas pela Duquesa de Cambridge, revelem uma enorme semelhança com as divulgadas por ocasião do 1º aniversário de uma certa princesa sueca.
Even though the two photographs, taken by the Duchess of Cambridge, reveal a huge resemblance to those disclosed on the occasion of the 1st anniversary of a certain Swedish princess.
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