E uma boa-nova vinda do Butão / And now a very good news from Bhutan
Hoje trago-vos uma boa noticia vinda de um local exótico que eu sei muitos de vós gostem que eu fale.
Today I bring you good news coming from an exotic place I know many of you like me to talk about.
Today I bring you good news coming from an exotic place I know many of you like me to talk about.
AUDIO: His Majesty's Address to the nation on the celebration of His Majesty the Fourth Druk Gyalpo's 60th Birth...
Publicado por His Majesty King Jigme Khesar Namgyel Wangchuck em Terça-feira, 10 de Novembro de 2015
Não entenderam? Eu explico. O aúdio é o discurso que o Rei do Butão fez por ocasião do 60º aniversário do quarto monarca da sua dinastia e seu antecessor. No seu discurso cheio de gratidão e amabilidade a divulgação de uma boa nova: o Rei e a Rainha esperam o seu primeiro filho.
Did not understand? I explain. The audio is the speech that King of Bhutan made on the occasion of the 60th anniversary of the fourth monarch of his dynasty and his predecessor. In his speech full of gratitude and kindness , some very special news: the King and Queen are expecting their first child.
Did not understand? I explain. The audio is the speech that King of Bhutan made on the occasion of the 60th anniversary of the fourth monarch of his dynasty and his predecessor. In his speech full of gratitude and kindness , some very special news: the King and Queen are expecting their first child.
O lindo casal casou em 2011, e Jetsun Pema, 25, é a rainha mais jovem do Mundo e muito amada pelo seu povo.
The lovely couple married in 2011, and Jetsun Pema, 25, is the youngest queen in the world and much loved by her people.
The lovely couple married in 2011, and Jetsun Pema, 25, is the youngest queen in the world and much loved by her people.
Publicado por Jetsun Pema em Terça-feira, 20 de Outubro de 2015
A boa-nova foi recebida com grande alegria. O nascimento é esperado para o primeiro trimestre de 2016, e segundo alguns comentários na página oficial no Facebook, parece que vamos ter um pequeno príncipe.
The good news was received with great joy. The birth is expected for the first quarter of 2016, and according to some comments on the official Facebook page, it looks like we'll have a little prince.
The good news was received with great joy. The birth is expected for the first quarter of 2016, and according to some comments on the official Facebook page, it looks like we'll have a little prince.
Parabéns ao casal soberano do Reino do Butão.
Congratulations to the couple's sovereign of the Kingdom of Bhutan.
Congratulations to the couple's sovereign of the Kingdom of Bhutan.
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