Duelo de Titãs / Duel of titans
O título é meramente ilustrativo, pois não acho que entre Rania da Jordânia e Letizia de Espanha haja o mínimo conflito. Principalmente agora...
The title is purely illustrative because there is not any conflict between Queen Rania of Jordan and Queen Letizia of Spain. Especially now ...
The title is purely illustrative because there is not any conflict between Queen Rania of Jordan and Queen Letizia of Spain. Especially now ...
Os Reis da Jordânia estiveram em Espanha durante dois dias em visita de trabalho. À chegada foram recebidos pelo casal real espanhol, com quem tiveram alguns encontros durante estes dias.
Jordanian Kings have been in Spain for two days on a working visit. On arrival they were greeted by the Spanish Royal couple, with who they had several meetings during these days.
Jordanian Kings have been in Spain for two days on a working visit. On arrival they were greeted by the Spanish Royal couple, with who they had several meetings during these days.
Na recepção no aeroporto os olhares concentraram-se nos dois casais (e principalmente nas senhoras) numa altura em que a Europa vive dias de desconfiança, medo e insegurança. A presença dos monarcas da Jordânia não passou em branco e foi repleta de medidas de segurança.
At the reception at the airport all eyes were concentrated in the two couples (and especially in the ladies) at a time when Europe is living days of distrust, fear and insecurity. The presence of the Jordanian monarch was not lost on and was filled with security measures.
Rania e Letizia escolheram cores que se completaram mutuamente de forma bastante harmoniosa.
Rania and Letizia chose colors that complement each other quite smoothly.
Rania and Letizia chose colors that complement each other quite smoothly.
Apesar de gostar dos dois looks, prefiro o de Letizia. O casaco de Rania parece-me demasiado veraneio, apesar de adorar a coordenação entre o tom de azul bebé do casaco, vestido e mala.
Although I liked both, I prefer Letizia. Rania's coat seems to me too summer, although I did love the coordination between the baby blue tone on coat, dress and handbag.
Although I liked both, I prefer Letizia. Rania's coat seems to me too summer, although I did love the coordination between the baby blue tone on coat, dress and handbag.
Mais tarde a Rainha da Jordânia visitou o Centro Cultural Prado Media Lab.
Later Jordan's Queen visited the Prado Media Lab Cultural Center.
Para a ocasião a Rainha da Jordânia escolheu um conjunto no qual o meu único senão são os sapatos. O cabelo um pouco despenteado também não ajudou.
For the occasion the Queen of Jordan chose a set in which my only drawback were the shoes. And the hair a little mussed did not help neither.
De noite o casal real jordano foi recebido para um jantar no Palácio El Prado a convite dos Reis de Espanha. Também presentes os Reis eméritos Juan Carlos e Sofia.
At night the Jordanian royal couple was welcomed for dinner at El Prado Palace at the invitation of the King and Queen of Spain. Also present the emeritus Kings Juan Carlos and Sofia.
At night the Jordanian royal couple was welcomed for dinner at El Prado Palace at the invitation of the King and Queen of Spain. Also present the emeritus Kings Juan Carlos and Sofia.
Apesar de nenhuma dama se destacar na escolha da indumentária, na minha opinião, tiro o meu chapéu à coordenação de cores: Sofia de dourado, Rania de preto e dourado (ou será prata?) e Letizia de preto. Um degradée real perfeito!
Although no lady stand out, in my opinion, I take my hat off to color coordination: Sofia in gold, Rania in black and gold (or is it silver?) and Letizia in black. A perfect royal degradée!
Mas penso que o expoente máximo da elegância estava guardado para o segundo dia de visita.
But I think the epitome of elegance was in store for the second day of visit.
Rania e Letizia visitaram o Centro de Biologia Molecular Severo Ochoa da Universidade de Madrid e amei as suas escolhas.
Rania and Letizia visited the Molecular Biology Center Severo Ochoa at the University of Madrid and I loved their choices.
O look fashion de Rania ganha pela mestria em conjugar uma saia plissada com volume com uma simples blusa branca e acrescentar um toque de originalidade em forma de cinto vermelho trabalhado.
Rania's fashion look gained by the mastery in combining a volume pleated skirt with a simple white blouse and add a touch of originality in the form of worked red belt.
Acima de tudo foi bonito de ver o à vontade com que nitidamente as duas Rainhas estão perto uma da outra.
Above all it was beautiful to see clearly the way both Queens felt confortable next with to each other.
Although no lady stand out, in my opinion, I take my hat off to color coordination: Sofia in gold, Rania in black and gold (or is it silver?) and Letizia in black. A perfect royal degradée!
Mas penso que o expoente máximo da elegância estava guardado para o segundo dia de visita.
But I think the epitome of elegance was in store for the second day of visit.
Rania e Letizia visitaram o Centro de Biologia Molecular Severo Ochoa da Universidade de Madrid e amei as suas escolhas.
Rania and Letizia visited the Molecular Biology Center Severo Ochoa at the University of Madrid and I loved their choices.
O fato cinza de Letizia ganha pontos pela forma, elegância intemporal e profissionalismo que dá ao look, completado com mestria com um elegante penteado e sóbrios acessórios.
Letizia's gray suit earn points by its shape, timeless elegance and professionalism that gives to the look, complete with mastery with a stylish hairstyle and sober accessories.
Letizia's gray suit earn points by its shape, timeless elegance and professionalism that gives to the look, complete with mastery with a stylish hairstyle and sober accessories.
O look fashion de Rania ganha pela mestria em conjugar uma saia plissada com volume com uma simples blusa branca e acrescentar um toque de originalidade em forma de cinto vermelho trabalhado.
Rania's fashion look gained by the mastery in combining a volume pleated skirt with a simple white blouse and add a touch of originality in the form of worked red belt.
Acima de tudo foi bonito de ver o à vontade com que nitidamente as duas Rainhas estão perto uma da outra.
Above all it was beautiful to see clearly the way both Queens felt confortable next with to each other.
Muito se escreve sobre estas duas Rainhas que nitidamente não reúnem consenso, principalmente no que diz respeito à preocupação que têm com a sua imagem, e ao recurso (para muitos abusivo) a procedimentos estéticos.
Much has been written about these two Queens that clearly do not meet consensus, particularly with regard to the concern they seem to have with their image, and the resource (for many abusive) to cosmetic procedures.
Much has been written about these two Queens that clearly do not meet consensus, particularly with regard to the concern they seem to have with their image, and the resource (for many abusive) to cosmetic procedures.
Tanto Rania como Letizia recorreram nitidamente a procedimentos estéticos. A minha opinião sobre o assunto é muito inglória. Tenho conhecimento para dizer que apesar de terem definitivamente recorrido ao bisturi, também sei que muitos dos tratamentos que são feitos hoje em dia não são necessariamente cirúrgicos. E penso que acima de tudo, as pessoas têm que saber quando parar ao mesmo tempo que se devem sentir bem com as suas escolhas.
Both Rania as Letizia neatly did cosmetic procedures. My opinion on the matter is very inglorious. I have knowledge to say that although they definitely used the scalpel, I also know that many of the treatments that are made today are not necessarily surgical. And I think that above all, people have to know when to stop at the same time they should feel good about their choices.
Both Rania as Letizia neatly did cosmetic procedures. My opinion on the matter is very inglorious. I have knowledge to say that although they definitely used the scalpel, I also know that many of the treatments that are made today are not necessarily surgical. And I think that above all, people have to know when to stop at the same time they should feel good about their choices.
Rania e Letizia têm belezas muito diferentes, e são naturalmente mulheres bonitas, mas foram também fruto da sua época e condição social. Parece-me inglório comparar fotografias de uma Rania estudante nos anos 80/90 com a Rainha Rania actualmente. O mesmo serve para Letizia.
Rania and Letizia have very different beauties, and are naturally beautiful women, but were also the result of their time and social condition. It seems to me inglorious compare photographs of a student Rania in 80/90's with the current Queen Rania from today. The same goes for Letizia.
Rania and Letizia have very different beauties, and are naturally beautiful women, but were also the result of their time and social condition. It seems to me inglorious compare photographs of a student Rania in 80/90's with the current Queen Rania from today. The same goes for Letizia.
Acho que ambas exageraram. Deviam ter parado há coisa de 3/4 anos atrás. Mas na minha humilde opinião, e talvez pelos seus traços naturalmente mais finos, o resultado acabou por favorecer mais Letizia do que Rania. Mas também acho que procedimentos estéticos em exagero fazem as mulheres parecerem todas iguais.
I think both exaggerated. They should have stopped 3/4 years ago. But in my humble opinion, and perhaps for their naturally more fine features, the result turned out to favor more Letizia than Rania.But I also think cosmetic procedures in exaggeration make women look all the same.
I think both exaggerated. They should have stopped 3/4 years ago. But in my humble opinion, and perhaps for their naturally more fine features, the result turned out to favor more Letizia than Rania.But I also think cosmetic procedures in exaggeration make women look all the same.
Mas o mais importante para mim, fora botox, magreza, cabelos ou estilo e claro está preferências, é ver o trabalho destas mulheres. Cada uma delas à sua maneira me encanta.
Em relação ao resto, cada um é livre de dizer o que quer.
But the most important for me, despiste botox, thinness, or hair style and, of course, preferences is to see the work of these women. Each one in their own way enchants me.
Regarding the rest, everyone is free to say what they want.
But the most important for me, despiste botox, thinness, or hair style and, of course, preferences is to see the work of these women. Each one in their own way enchants me.
Regarding the rest, everyone is free to say what they want.
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