#RoyalBumpOnTour and #PutTheOrderInOrderSofia
Sabem o que também aconteceu na semana passada? O bebé sueco que ainda não nasceu foi passear à América do Sul.
Chamei-lhe #RoyalBumpOnTour. E foi lindo de ver.
Do you know what also happened last week? The Swedish unborn royal baby has been traveling around South America.
I called it #RoyalBumpOnTour. And it was beautiful to watch.
Do you know what also happened last week? The Swedish unborn royal baby has been traveling around South America.
I called it #RoyalBumpOnTour. And it was beautiful to watch.
A Princesa da Coroa da Victoria acompanhada da sua cada vez maior barriguinha e do seu Príncipe Daniel estiveram em Visita Oficial no Peru e na Colômbia, onde estreitaram laços comerciais e diplomáticos entre estes dois países e a Suécia.
Crown Princess Victoria accompanied by her growing belly and her Prince Daniel were in official visit Peru and Colombia, where they narrowed trade and diplomatic ties between the two countries and Sweden.
Crown Princess Victoria accompanied by her growing belly and her Prince Daniel were in official visit Peru and Colombia, where they narrowed trade and diplomatic ties between the two countries and Sweden.
A visita começou no Peru. Aqui ficam algumas fotografias.
The visit began in Peru. Here are some photos.
The visit began in Peru. Here are some photos.
Seguiu-se a Colômbia.
Then Colombia.
Then Colombia.
Foi maravilhoso ver as escolhas de Victoria para esta viagem e particularmente durante esta gravidez. As cores escuras e roupas sem forma que foram bastante frequentes na gravidez de Estelle, foram substituídas por vestidos que salientam o estado de graça da futura rainha sueca quase todas elas peças Séraphine Maternity e ASOS-Maternity. Marcas inglesas muito usadas pela Duquesa de Cambridge e pela Princesa Madeleine durante a gravidez.
It was wonderful to see the Victoria choices for this trip and particularly during this pregnancy. Dark colors and shapeless clothes that were quite common whis she was expecting Estelle, were replaced by dresses that emphasize the state of grace of the future Swedish Queen, almost all of them by Séraphine Maternity and ASOS-Maternity. English brands widely used by the Duchess of Cambridge and by Princess Madeleine during pregnancy.
It was wonderful to see the Victoria choices for this trip and particularly during this pregnancy. Dark colors and shapeless clothes that were quite common whis she was expecting Estelle, were replaced by dresses that emphasize the state of grace of the future Swedish Queen, almost all of them by Séraphine Maternity and ASOS-Maternity. English brands widely used by the Duchess of Cambridge and by Princess Madeleine during pregnancy.
Com Victoria longe de casa, parece que faltou a Sofia quem lhe desse uns conselhos em como 1)Escolher um vestido de gala 2)Como segurar a faixa da Ordem do Serafim e 3) Colocar correctamente a estrela da insígnia da Ordem. Chamei-lhe #PutTheOrderInOrderSofia. E não foi bonito de ver.
With Victoria away from home, it seems that Sofia needed someone to give her some advice on how to 1) Choose a gala dress 2) Hold the Order of the Seraphim's sash and 3) Properly place the Order's Star insignia. I called it #PutTheOrderInOrderSofia. And it was not nice to see.
With Victoria away from home, it seems that Sofia needed someone to give her some advice on how to 1) Choose a gala dress 2) Hold the Order of the Seraphim's sash and 3) Properly place the Order's Star insignia. I called it #PutTheOrderInOrderSofia. And it was not nice to see.
A Princesa Sofia fez o seu debut, após o anúncio da gravidez, ao acompanhar o Príncipe Carl-Philip à Reunião Anual da Academia Real Sueca para as Ciências da Engenharia.
Princesa Sofia made her debut, after the announcement of her pregnancy, joining Prince Carl-Philip for the Annual Meeting of the Royal Swedish Academy of Engineering Sciences.
Princesa Sofia made her debut, after the announcement of her pregnancy, joining Prince Carl-Philip for the Annual Meeting of the Royal Swedish Academy of Engineering Sciences.
Sofia escolheu um vestido rosa pálido, que apesar de possuir uma cor linda, dá um ar um pouco vulgar ao visual pela sua forma e tecido. Usando pela primeira vez a Ordem do Serafim, a mais recente princesa europeia ainda tem que aprender uns truques. A faixa precisa de ser melhor segura, a estrela é usada um pouco mais a baixo, e no local onde está a estrela deveria estar a sua Ordem de Família, que já sabemos que possui.
Sofia chose a pale pink dress, which despite having a beautiful color, looks a bit "cheap" for its shape and fabric. Using for the first time the Royal Order of the Seraphim, the newest European princess still have to learn some tricks. The sash needs to be better secured, the Star is used a little more down, and at the spot where the star is, it should be her Family Order, we already know she has.
Sofia chose a pale pink dress, which despite having a beautiful color, looks a bit "cheap" for its shape and fabric. Using for the first time the Royal Order of the Seraphim, the newest European princess still have to learn some tricks. The sash needs to be better secured, the Star is used a little more down, and at the spot where the star is, it should be her Family Order, we already know she has.
Aiiii!! Levei um susto quando vi Sofia!! Realmente as coisas estavam fora de ordem ! O que salvou foi o bonito penteado e sempre a simpatia dela e o apoio e carinho do seu Carl!!
ResponderEliminarVicky é Vicky!! Mesmo com o cabelo sempre a pontuar pela negativa, ficou linda no último vestido preto e branco com o casaquinho branco!!
Hummm...será menino ou menina??!
Obrigada pelo comentário. Confesso que não me interessa muito se é menino ou menina. Esta gravidez foi tão desejada que não me importa. Mas tenho um feeling que é um menino. :)