Regresso em armas / Return in arms
Olá a todos!
Demorei mais uns dias do que seria suposto, mas a vida tem destas coisas.
Como estão as coisas por aqui? Muitas coisas aconteceram nestas duas semanas.
Metade da realeza mundial esteve reunida em Nova Iorque para várias conferências das Nações Unidas, os espanhóis concluíram a sua visita oficial aos Estados Unidos, os holandeses celebraram os 200 anos do Reino da Holanda, os ingleses foram ao rugby, a Duquesa de Cambridge voltou aos actos oficiais, os fãs da realeza ficaram em pânico com a possibilidade de o baptizado do príncipe Nicolas não ser transmitido, como habitualmente, pela SVT, vários membros da realeza apelaram (e contribuíram) para a ajuda à crise dos refugiados, o Príncipe Frederik mostrou o seu lado mais solidário no Nepal e novos retratos oficiais foram divulgados.
Hello everyone!
It took me a few more days than would be supposed, but life has these things.
How are things around here? A lot has happened in these two weeks.
Half of the royal world was reunited in New York to various United Nations conferences, the Spaniards concluded their official visit to the United States, the Dutch celebrated the 200th anniversary of the Kingdom of Netherlands, the English went out to watch rugby, the Duchess of Cambridge returned to official acts, royal fans were panicked with the possibility of the baptism of Prince Nicolas not be transmitted, as usual, by SVT, several royals spoke up (and contributed) to help the refugee crisis, Crown Prince Frederik showed his most sympathetic side in Nepal and new official portraits were released.
Hello everyone!
It took me a few more days than would be supposed, but life has these things.
How are things around here? A lot has happened in these two weeks.
Half of the royal world was reunited in New York to various United Nations conferences, the Spaniards concluded their official visit to the United States, the Dutch celebrated the 200th anniversary of the Kingdom of Netherlands, the English went out to watch rugby, the Duchess of Cambridge returned to official acts, royal fans were panicked with the possibility of the baptism of Prince Nicolas not be transmitted, as usual, by SVT, several royals spoke up (and contributed) to help the refugee crisis, Crown Prince Frederik showed his most sympathetic side in Nepal and new official portraits were released.
Não irei tentar escrever sobre tudo o que se passou (mas se quiserem que eu aborde um tema específico, mandem mensagem), mas porque é algo que não vemos todos os dias, deixo-vos com duas mulheres de armas:
I will not try to write about everything that happened (but if you want me to address a specific topic, please send message), but because it is something that we don't see every day, I leave you with two women in arms:
I will not try to write about everything that happened (but if you want me to address a specific topic, please send message), but because it is something that we don't see every day, I leave you with two women in arms:
Na qualidade de Honorário Comodoro Aéreo, a Condessa de Wessex visitou a Royal Air Force Wittering.
As Honorary Air Commodore, the Countess of Wessex visited RAF Wittering.
As Honorary Air Commodore, the Countess of Wessex visited RAF Wittering.
Posted by RAF Wittering on Quinta-feira, 24 de Setembro de 2015
Sophie com um verdadeiro ar Top Gun. Yeah!!
Sophie with a serious Top Gun vibe. Yeah!!
Posted by RAF Wittering on Quinta-feira, 24 de Setembro de 2015
Mary, que normalmente vemos com roupas muito glamourosas, trocou os saltos altos pelo fato camuflado e participou com mais 500 outros membros num exercício de campo militar da Home Guard.
Mary, we normally see on very glamorous clothes, exchanged the high heels for the camouflaged by when she participated with over 500 other members in the Home Guard field exercise.
Mary, we normally see on very glamorous clothes, exchanged the high heels for the camouflaged by when she participated with over 500 other members in the Home Guard field exercise.
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Membro da Home Guard desde 2008, Mary praticou tiro e guarda durante o exercício e no fim foi promovida a Primeiro Tenente, em reconhecimento pela participação voluntária na Home Guard e pelo contributo com tais tarefas para as Forças Armadas e para a sociedade.
Member of the Home Guard since 2008, Mary practiced shooting and guarding during the exercise and at the end she was promoted to First Lieutenant in recognition of voluntary participation in the Home Guard and for her contribution in such tasks to the Armed Forces and society.
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Eu gosto de um homem de uniforme militar, mas há qualquer coisa de fantástico quando o uniforme é usado por uma mulher, não acham?
I like a man wearing a military uniform, but there is something special when the uniform is worn by a woman, isn't it?
I like a man wearing a military uniform, but there is something special when the uniform is worn by a woman, isn't it?
Querida Lurdes!!!
ResponderEliminarSaudades!! Não poderias ter começado melhor neste teu regresso!! Muita coisa aconteceu nestes últimos tempos...mas a mais importante foi sem dúvida a tua volta para nos saciares com os teus conhecimentos, olhar e opinião!!!
Tão bom, tão bom ler os teus comentários!! <3
EliminarQue alegria!!!! voltastes!
ResponderEliminarUm bom regresso e vamos com tudo agora!
Não existe nada mais enriquecedor do que saber as noticias reais pelas suas palavras sempre tão doces e atentas.
Gostaria que falasse mais sobre a posição da realeza com a crise dos refugiados.
Muitoooo Bom regresso
Ahahaha. Lindo. Já escreves à Portuguesa. :)
EliminarObrigada pelas palavras e pela sugestão de tema. Irei tentar fazê-lo brevemente.