Na sexta-feira passada foi dia de Prémios Princesa das Astúrias, em Oviedo. Os famosos galardões, entregues pela primeira vez em 1980, são atribuídos pela Fundação Princesa das Astúrias (anteriormente denominada Fundação Príncipe das Astúrias) e reconhecem pessoas, entidades ou organizações de qualquer parte do mundo que tenham alcançado feitos notáveis a nível científico, técnico, cultural, social e humanitário.
Last Friday was Princess of Asturias Awards Day in Oviedo. The famous awards, first handed out in 1980, are awarded by the Princess of Asturias Foundation (formerly Prince of Asturias Foundation) and recognize persons, entities or organizations anywhere in the world that have achieved remarkable marks on several fields as the scientific, technical, cultural, social and humanitarian.
Last Friday was Princess of Asturias Awards Day in Oviedo. The famous awards, first handed out in 1980, are awarded by the Princess of Asturias Foundation (formerly Prince of Asturias Foundation) and recognize persons, entities or organizations anywhere in the world that have achieved remarkable marks on several fields as the scientific, technical, cultural, social and humanitarian.
Até à actual Princesa das Astúrias (Leonor) atingir a maioridade, os prémios continuam a ser entregues pelos seus pais, o Rei Felipe VI e a Rainha Letizia de Espanha.
Until the current Princess of Asturias (Leonor) coming of age, the awards continue to be delivered by her parents, King Felipe VI and Queen Letizia of Spain.
Until the current Princess of Asturias (Leonor) coming of age, the awards continue to be delivered by her parents, King Felipe VI and Queen Letizia of Spain.
A cerimónia decorreu como é hábito no Teatro Campoamor em Oviedo, no Príncipado das Astúrias.
The ceremony took place as usual at the Teatro Campoamor in Oviedo, Asturias.
The ceremony took place as usual at the Teatro Campoamor in Oviedo, Asturias.
Os Vencedores 2015 /The 2015 Winners:
Prémio Princesa das Artes: Francis Ford Coppola (EUA)
Prize Princess of Arts: Francis Ford Coppola (USA)
Prémio Princesa das Letras: Leonardo Pandura (CUBA)
Prize Princess of Letters: Leonardo Pandura (CUBA)
Prémio Princesa das Ciências Sociais: Esther Duflo (FRANÇA)
Prize Princess of Social Sciences: Esther Duflo (FRANCE)
Prémio Princesa da Comunicação e Humanidades: Emilio Lledó Íñigo (ESPANHA)
Prize Princess of Communication and Humanities: Emilio Lledó Íñigo (SPAIN)
Prémio Princesa da Investigação Científica e Técnica: Emmanuelle Charpentier e Jennifer Doudna (FRANÇA E EUA)
Prize Princess of Scientific and Technical Research: Emmanuelle Charpentier and Jennifer Doudna (FRANCE AND USA)
Prize Princess of Arts: Francis Ford Coppola (USA)
Prémio Princesa das Letras: Leonardo Pandura (CUBA)
Prize Princess of Letters: Leonardo Pandura (CUBA)
Prémio Princesa das Ciências Sociais: Esther Duflo (FRANÇA)
Prize Princess of Social Sciences: Esther Duflo (FRANCE)
Prémio Princesa da Comunicação e Humanidades: Emilio Lledó Íñigo (ESPANHA)
Prize Princess of Communication and Humanities: Emilio Lledó Íñigo (SPAIN)
Prémio Princesa da Investigação Científica e Técnica: Emmanuelle Charpentier e Jennifer Doudna (FRANÇA E EUA)
Prize Princess of Scientific and Technical Research: Emmanuelle Charpentier and Jennifer Doudna (FRANCE AND USA)
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Via @CasaReal Twitter Feed |
Prémio Princesa da Cooperação Internacional: Wikipédia
Prize Princess of International Cooperation Wikipedia
Prémio Princesa da Concórdia: Orden Hospitalaria de San Juan de Dios (ESPANHA)
Prize Princess of Concord: Hospitalaria Orden de San Juan de Dios (SPAIN)
Prémio Princesa do Desporto: Pau e Marc Gasol (ESPANHA)
Prize Princess of Sports: Pau and Marc Gasol (SPAIN)
Prize Princess of International Cooperation Wikipedia
Prémio Princesa da Concórdia: Orden Hospitalaria de San Juan de Dios (ESPANHA)
Prize Princess of Concord: Hospitalaria Orden de San Juan de Dios (SPAIN)
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Screenshot from the Ceremony via CasaRealTV |
Prémio Princesa do Desporto: Pau e Marc Gasol (ESPANHA)
Prize Princess of Sports: Pau and Marc Gasol (SPAIN)
Podem consultar mais sobre os galardoados e sobre a sua obra aqui.
Can see more about the winners and on their work here.
Can see more about the winners and on their work here.
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Via Fundación Princesa de Asturias |
Antes da Cerimónia Felipe e Letizia reuniram-se como os galardoados da parte da manhã.
Before the ceremony Felipe and Letizia all the winners.
Before the ceremony Felipe and Letizia all the winners.
Recepción a los galardonados con los Premios Príncipe de Asturias 2015 #PremiosPrincesa https://t.co/KWmqQlfKfv pic.twitter.com/7DnNyb6NVq
— Casa de S.M. el Rey (@CasaReal) 23 outubro 2015
Ano após ano, me surpreendo com a característica especial deste evento. Além de ser uma Cerimónia prestigiada que premeia a excelência em campos tão esquecidos como as Ciências Sociais ou a Concórdia (o meu prémio favorito), é maravilhoso ver a alegria de Felipe e Letizia neste evento.
Year after year, I am surprised with the uniqueness of the event. Besides being a prestigious ceremony that rewards excellence in fields as forgotten as the Social Sciences or Concordia (my favorite award), it is wonderful to see the joy of Felipe and Letizia in this event.
Year after year, I am surprised with the uniqueness of the event. Besides being a prestigious ceremony that rewards excellence in fields as forgotten as the Social Sciences or Concordia (my favorite award), it is wonderful to see the joy of Felipe and Letizia in this event.
O casal real chegou e saiu do Teatro Campoamor acompanhado pela Rainha Sofia, que faz questão todos os anos de também marcar presença neste evento.
The royal couple arrived and left the Campoamor Theatre accompanied by Queen Sofia, who insists every year to also be present at this event.
The royal couple arrived and left the Campoamor Theatre accompanied by Queen Sofia, who insists every year to also be present at this event.
Centenas de pessoas nas ruas esperavam para ver e aclamar a sua família real. Uma ocasião sempre especial, particularmente para Letizia que é natural de Oviedo.
On the streets hundreds of people waiting to see and cheer their royal family. Always a special occasion, especially for Letizia who was born in Oviedo.
On the streets hundreds of people waiting to see and cheer their royal family. Always a special occasion, especially for Letizia who was born in Oviedo.
Inicio de la ceremonia de entrega de los Premios Princesa de Asturias 2015 #PremiosPrincesa https://t.co/QPeQMfFTkA pic.twitter.com/ukNXuENLgQ
— Casa de S.M. el Rey (@CasaReal) 23 outubro 2015
A Rainha de Espanha estava maravilhosa no vestido com tendências bem espanholas. O vestido cocktail Felipe Varela foi uma maravilhosa obra de arte. A saia assimétrica desdobrava-se num degradée de cores desde o branco até ao preto criando um maravilhoso movimento.
The Spanish Queen was wonderful in a dress with serious Spanish trends. The cocktail dress by Felipe Varela was a wonderful work of art. The asymmetric skirt unfolded in a color degradée from white to black creating a wonderful skirt movement.
The Spanish Queen was wonderful in a dress with serious Spanish trends. The cocktail dress by Felipe Varela was a wonderful work of art. The asymmetric skirt unfolded in a color degradée from white to black creating a wonderful skirt movement.
Maquilhagem e penteados irrepreensíveis como sempre e.......SUPRESA! Letizia usou pérolas! Um fantástico colar de pérolas gigantes russas usado exclusivamente por Rainhas espanholas, e brincos a condizer que terão sido oferecidos juntamente com a Tiara Ansorena!
Make-up and hairstyle faultless as ever and ....... SURPRISE! Letizia wore pearls! A fantastic giant pearl necklace with russian origins exclusively worn by Spanish Queens, and matching earrings that have been offered along with the Ansorena Tiara !
Make-up and hairstyle faultless as ever and ....... SURPRISE! Letizia wore pearls! A fantastic giant pearl necklace with russian origins exclusively worn by Spanish Queens, and matching earrings that have been offered along with the Ansorena Tiara !
A cerimónia vale a pena ser vista, em homenagem aos galardoados.
The ceremony is worth to watch, in tribute to the winners.
The ceremony is worth to watch, in tribute to the winners.
No fim, no seu discurso final, Felipe provou mais uma vez que é dos Reis que mais gosto de ouvir falar. Um Rei sensível, com o coração na boca, mas também firme e certo das suas palavras. Um monarca que mostra compaixão e firmeza. Um Rei que cita escritores nos seus discursos.
In the end, on his final speech, Felipe proved once again why I do love to hear him talk. A sensitive King, with his heart in his mouth, but also firm and sure of his words. A monarch who shows compassion and firmness. A King who cites writers in his speeches.
In the end, on his final speech, Felipe proved once again why I do love to hear him talk. A sensitive King, with his heart in his mouth, but also firm and sure of his words. A monarch who shows compassion and firmness. A King who cites writers in his speeches.
Um Rei que ama a Espanha pela sua "união através da diversidade". Um cidadão do mundo (a nós emprestado como referiu) que perante as divergências, e os muros que se constroem hoje no mundo em geral e em Espanha em particular, devido à questão separatista da Catalunha e País Basco, deixa um apelo:
A King who loves Spain for its "unity through diversity". A citizen of the world (a borrowed planet as he said) that in view of the differences, and the walls that are built today in the world in general and Spain in particular, due to the separatist issue of Catalonia and the Basque Country, makes an appeal:
A King who loves Spain for its "unity through diversity". A citizen of the world (a borrowed planet as he said) that in view of the differences, and the walls that are built today in the world in general and Spain in particular, due to the separatist issue of Catalonia and the Basque Country, makes an appeal:
"Quando se levantam muros emocionais - aquele que promovem divisões - algo de muito profundo se quebra em nós mesmos, no nosso próprio ser, nos nossos corações. Senhores, não permitamos que se construam muros com sentimentos!"
"When there are raised emotional walls - ones that cause divisions. - Something very deep cracks in ourselves, in our own being, in our hearts. Ladies and Gentlemen, let no one to built walls with feelings!"
"When there are raised emotional walls - ones that cause divisions. - Something very deep cracks in ourselves, in our own being, in our hearts. Ladies and Gentlemen, let no one to built walls with feelings!"
Discurso del Rey en los Premios Princesa de Asturias 2015 #PremiosPrincesa @fpa https://t.co/ehqdDdSIo6 pic.twitter.com/aOOdgNerpD
— Casa de S.M. el Rey (@CasaReal) 23 outubro 2015
Uma frase que fez o Teatro explodir numa ovação.
A phrase that made the theater explode with an ovation.
A phrase that made the theater explode with an ovation.
Felipe citou ainda George Steiner, Prémio Princesa da Comunicação e Humanidades de 2001, que nos dizia que "neste planeta somos todos convidados da vida". Cabe-nos a nós mostrar respeito ao planeta e acima de tudo a todos os seres humanos, aos seus direitos e à sua dignidade.
Felipe also cited George Steiner, Prize Princess of Communication and Humanities 2001, he said that "on this planet we are all guests of life." It is up to us to show respect for the planet and above all to all human beings, their rights and their dignity.
Felipe also cited George Steiner, Prize Princess of Communication and Humanities 2001, he said that "on this planet we are all guests of life." It is up to us to show respect for the planet and above all to all human beings, their rights and their dignity.
No final do seu discurso, Felipe desafiou a que todos, à semelhança do que fizerem os vencedores, sigam construindo o futuro com gratidão e alegria e se convertam, segundo Steiner em "uns Ilustres Convidados da Vida"!
At the end of his speech, Felipe challenged everyone, similar to what all winners did, to follow building the future with gratitude and joy and be converted, according to Steiner in "Distinguished Guests of Life"!
At the end of his speech, Felipe challenged everyone, similar to what all winners did, to follow building the future with gratitude and joy and be converted, according to Steiner in "Distinguished Guests of Life"!
Loved it!
Loved it!
Emmanuelle Charpentier and one of her teams worked on the same floor as I while I did the laboratory work for my master thesis during 2014 and 2015.
ResponderEliminarIn the future we probably will see her in Sweden...
Oh, thanks for the comment Caroline8. So you are a Science girl, too?
EliminarYes ;)
ResponderEliminarI got my master's degree (biology) in this summer. I specialized in microbiology and genetics.
I'm currently searching for my first job. It's not that easy...
I really appreciate that your blog is not just royals, fashion and jewels. Not that I don't love those things, but it's much more.
Emmanuelle Charpentier received at least 6 awards/prizes while I worked on my master thesis!
I am glad to know you like my approach on the blog. I am also a biologist. Human biology. I took master's degree in exercise and health, but I exercised very litlle of biology. Good luck in your job search. And thanks for your lovely words.