O (possível) primeiro banquete de Estado do Duque de Cambridge / The (possible) first State Banquet for the Duke of Cambridge
Um dos pontos altos desta semana vai ser a Visita de Estado do Presidente da República Popular da China ao Reino Unido, a convite da Rainha Elizabeth II e do Duque de Edimburgo. A visita começa hoje e o seu programa completo pode ser consultado aqui.
One of the highlights of this week will be the State Visit of the President of China to the United Kingdom at the invitation of Queen Elizabeth II and the Duke of Edinburgh. The visit starts today and its complete program can be found here.
One of the highlights of this week will be the State Visit of the President of China to the United Kingdom at the invitation of Queen Elizabeth II and the Duke of Edinburgh. The visit starts today and its complete program can be found here.
UK and China flags line the Mall towards #BuckinghamPalace ahead of this week's #ChinaStateVisit pic.twitter.com/CDoAkpI7LT
— BritishMonarchy (@BritishMonarchy) 19 outubro 2015
Uma das maiores expectativas dos royal watchers está relacionada com o Banquete de Estado oferecido hoje de noite no Palácio de Buckingham. Porque poderá ser o primeiro Banquete de Estado em que o Príncipe William participa.
One of the biggest expectations of all royal watchers is related to the State Banquet offered today evening at Buckingham Palace. Because it may be the first State Banquet for Prince William, the Duke of Cambridge.
One of the biggest expectations of all royal watchers is related to the State Banquet offered today evening at Buckingham Palace. Because it may be the first State Banquet for Prince William, the Duke of Cambridge.
O filho mais velho do Príncipe de Gales e 2º na linha de sucessão ao trono, participou o ano passado, como muitos se devem lembrar, juntamente com a Duquesa de Cambridge na Recepção de boas-vindas do Presidente de Singapura também em Visita de Estado ao Reino Unido.
The eldest son of the Prince of Wales and 2nd in line to the throne, took part last year, how many of you should be remembered along with the Duchess of Cambridge at the welcome reception of the President of Singapore also in State Visit to United Kingdom.
The eldest son of the Prince of Wales and 2nd in line to the throne, took part last year, how many of you should be remembered along with the Duchess of Cambridge at the welcome reception of the President of Singapore also in State Visit to United Kingdom.
Em relação a esta visita, sabe-se que terá sido o próprio Duque de Cambridge que terá entregue o convite pessoalmente ao Chefe de Estado Chinês, em nome da Rainha, durante a sua visita oficial à China em Março.
Regarding to this visit, it is known that was the Duke of Cambridge himself who made the invitation in person to the Head of Chinese State on behalf of the Queen, during his official visit to China in March.
Regarding to this visit, it is known that was the Duke of Cambridge himself who made the invitation in person to the Head of Chinese State on behalf of the Queen, during his official visit to China in March.
Também se sabe que os Duques de Cambridge acompanharão o casal presidencial durante o dia de amanhã.
It is also known that the Dukes of Cambridge will accompanied the presidential couple during the day tomorrow.
It is also known that the Dukes of Cambridge will accompanied the presidential couple during the day tomorrow.
A presença de ambos não está contudo confirmada para o Banquete de Estado, dado que não se costuma saber antecipadamente que outros membros da família real, com excepção da Rainha e do Príncipe Philip estarão presentes no banquete. Sabe-se contudo que o Príncipe de Gales e a Duquesa da Cornualha não estarão.
The presence of both is not yet confirmed for the State Banquet however, since it isn't usually known in advance which members of the royal family, except the Queen and Prince Philip will attend the banquet. It is known however that the Prince of Wales and the Duchess of Cornwall will not be there.
The presence of both is not yet confirmed for the State Banquet however, since it isn't usually known in advance which members of the royal family, except the Queen and Prince Philip will attend the banquet. It is known however that the Prince of Wales and the Duchess of Cornwall will not be there.
The palace argues that it doesn't normally say which members of the Royal Family will be at state banquets so it's not going to deviate....
— Richard Palmer (@RoyalReporter) 14 outubro 2015
William de 33 anos poderá então assumir um lugar de destaque hoje à noite, como a terceira figura mais importante na mesa principal, depois da Rainha e do Presidente Chinês.
William 33 can then take a prominent place tonight, as the third most important figure at the head table, after the Queen and the Chinese President.
William 33 can then take a prominent place tonight, as the third most important figure at the head table, after the Queen and the Chinese President.
Eu posso ouvir-vos:
I can hear you:
"Pois, T&T, não era bem sobre o William que estávamos à espera que falasses, afinal não é ele que vai usar Tiara."
"Well T & T, this is so not about William... After all he isn't the one wearing a tiara..."
"Well T & T, this is so not about William... After all he isn't the one wearing a tiara..."
Pois é. Mas quis começar com uma abordagem diferente, porque de facto pode ser TAMBÉM o primeiro Banquete de Estado do futuro Rei, mas eu sei o que vocês querem...
É verdade também poderá ser o primeiro banquete de Estado da Duquesa de Cambridge.
Yeah. But I wanted to start with a different approach, because in fact may be ALSO the first State Banquet of the future King, but I know what you want ...
It is true may also be the first state banquet of the Duchess of Cambridge.
Yeah. But I wanted to start with a different approach, because in fact may be ALSO the first State Banquet of the future King, but I know what you want ...
It is true may also be the first state banquet of the Duchess of Cambridge.
- Querido T&T, achas que eles vão?
- Dear T & T, do you think they will go?
Seria um balde de água fria se eles não fossem. Acredito que vão sim. William endereçou o convite, fez ontem um apelo contra a caça ilegal em directo para a estação chinesa CCTV1. Além disso na ausência de Carlos e Camilla faz todo o sentido a presença de ambos.
It would be a cold shower if they were not. I believe they will. William addressed the invitation, made an appeal yesterday against illegal wildlife trend live for CCTV1 Chinese station. Also in the absence of Charles and Camilla makes perfect sense the presence of both.
It would be a cold shower if they were not. I believe they will. William addressed the invitation, made an appeal yesterday against illegal wildlife trend live for CCTV1 Chinese station. Also in the absence of Charles and Camilla makes perfect sense the presence of both.
-Querido T&T, que tiara podemos esperar ver em Catherine?
- Dear T & T, which tiara can we expect to see on Catherine?
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Cartier Halo Tiara |
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Papyrus Tiara |
A pergunta que vale milhões, mas que sinceramente não me parece muito especulativa. Até à data a Duquesa foi vista com duas tiaras: A Cartier Halo que usou no dia do seu casamento e a Papyrus Tiara que usou numa Recepção Diplomática em 2013. Eu diria que uma destas.
Pessoalmente prefiro a Papyrus, e acho que seria uma boa homenagem ao Oriente. Mas há quem refira que a Duquesa só usou esta tiara porque a Halo estava em exibição em Paris, na altura.
The million dollar question, but that honestly does not seem me very speculative. Until now the Duchess was seen with two tiaras: the Cartier Halo that she wore for her wedding day and the Papyrus Tiara, she wore for a diplomatic reception in 2013. I would say one of these.
Personally I prefer the Papyrus, and I think would be a good tribute to the East. But there are those who refer the Duchess only wore this tiara because Halo was on display in Paris at the time.
The million dollar question, but that honestly does not seem me very speculative. Until now the Duchess was seen with two tiaras: the Cartier Halo that she wore for her wedding day and the Papyrus Tiara, she wore for a diplomatic reception in 2013. I would say one of these.
Personally I prefer the Papyrus, and I think would be a good tribute to the East. But there are those who refer the Duchess only wore this tiara because Halo was on display in Paris at the time.
- Querido T&T, que ordem vai Catherine usar?
- Dear T & T, what order will Catherine wear?
![]() |
Queen Elizabeth II Family Order |
Pelo que se sabe, a Rainha ainda não concedeu qualquer ordem à Duquesa. Especula-se que a Ordem de Família já terá sido concedida. Temos que aguardar para ver.
As far as we know, the Queen didn't any order to the Duchess yet. It is speculated that the Family Order has already been granted. We have to wait and see.
As far as we know, the Queen didn't any order to the Duchess yet. It is speculated that the Family Order has already been granted. We have to wait and see.
- Querido T&T, que lugar irão os Duques de Cambridge ocupar à mesa?
- Dear T & T, which places will the Cambridge's occupy at the table?
Depende do tipo de mesa. Como já referi na ausência de Carlos e Camilla, William e Catherine irão ocupar lugares de destaque na mesa principal. Como o jantar é em Buckingham, William sentar-se-á ao lado esquerdo da Primeira-Dama Chinesa e Catherine sentar-se-á ao lado direito do Presidente Chinês, no lugar em que na foto em cima é ocupado pela Duquesa da Cornualha.
It depends on the table. As I said in the absence of Charles and Camilla, William and Catherine will occupy prominent places at the head table. As the dinner will take place at Buckingham, William will be seated on the left side of the Chinese First Lady and Catherine will be sitting right next to the Chinese President, in the place where at the photo above is occupied by the Duchess of Cornwall.
It depends on the table. As I said in the absence of Charles and Camilla, William and Catherine will occupy prominent places at the head table. As the dinner will take place at Buckingham, William will be seated on the left side of the Chinese First Lady and Catherine will be sitting right next to the Chinese President, in the place where at the photo above is occupied by the Duchess of Cornwall.
-Querido T&T, que outros membros da família real poderão estar presentes e de que forma isso pode afectar os lugares de William e Catherine?
-Dear T & T, which other members of the royal family will be present and how this may affect William and Catherine's places?
Segundo a agenda dos membros da família real que costumam comparecer a este tipo de eventos, ficam em aberto as presenças da Princesa Anne, o Duque e a Duquesa de Gloucester e dos Príncipes de Kent. Caso compareçam isso não altera em nada o sitting plan da mesa principal. Caso William e Catherine, contra todas as expectativas não estejam presentes, o lugar de destaque à mesa será ocupado pela Princesa Anne, ou outra dama real sénior.
According to the agenda of the royal family members who usually attend such events, the presence of Princess Anne, the Duke and Duchess of Gloucester and the Prince and Princess of Kent, is still open. If they attend this does not alter the sitting plan of the head table. If William and Catherine, against all expectations won't be present, the honor place next to the President will be occupied by Princess Anne, or other senior royal lady.
According to the agenda of the royal family members who usually attend such events, the presence of Princess Anne, the Duke and Duchess of Gloucester and the Prince and Princess of Kent, is still open. If they attend this does not alter the sitting plan of the head table. If William and Catherine, against all expectations won't be present, the honor place next to the President will be occupied by Princess Anne, or other senior royal lady.
-Querido T&T, vamos ter fotos do Banquete?
- Dear T & T, will we have pictures of the Banquet?
Claro que sim, mas lembrem-se: os protagonistas dos Banquetes de Estado são os Chefes de Estado. E não são, normalmente divulgadas fotografias dos outros convidados. É a família real britânica que temos. Podemos obter um vislumbre da mesa principal e pouco mais. Ficarei surpreendida (e um pouco irritada) se desta vez, por causa do William e Catherine, a cobertura ser maior.
Sure, but remember: the protagonists of the State Banquets are the heads of state. And usually they don't release photographs of other guests. It is the british royal family we have. We can get a glimpse of the head table and that's it. I will be surprised (and a little irritated) if this time, because of William and Catherine, the coverage will be greater.
Sure, but remember: the protagonists of the State Banquets are the heads of state. And usually they don't release photographs of other guests. It is the british royal family we have. We can get a glimpse of the head table and that's it. I will be surprised (and a little irritated) if this time, because of William and Catherine, the coverage will be greater.
-Querido T&T, até parece que não queres que estejam lá?
-Dear T & T, it's like you don't want them to be there?
Não me entendam mal: TODOS os jantares de Estado são bem-vindos. Mas desde que vi artigos em que apontavam a Girls of Great Britain and Irland como uma das tiaras que Kate poderia usar, perdi a crença no conhecimento sobre estes assuntos de muitas pessoas.
Don't get me wrong: ALL state dinners are welcome. But since I've seen articles that pointed the Girls of Great Britain and Irland Tiara as one of tiaras that Kate could use tonight, I lost the belief in the knowledge about these issues of many people.
Don't get me wrong: ALL state dinners are welcome. But since I've seen articles that pointed the Girls of Great Britain and Irland Tiara as one of tiaras that Kate could use tonight, I lost the belief in the knowledge about these issues of many people.
Não suporto fanatismos, mesmo que tiaras e jantares de Estado sejam o assunto!
Espero que vejamos a família real britânica em todo o seu esplendor, independentemente dos seus representantes.
I can not stand fanaticism, even when tiaras and state dinners are the subject!
I hope we see the British royal family in all its splendor, regardless of their representatives.
Tudo a postos? Vamos a isso!
All set? Let's do it!
Espero que vejamos a família real britânica em todo o seu esplendor, independentemente dos seus representantes.
I can not stand fanaticism, even when tiaras and state dinners are the subject!
I hope we see the British royal family in all its splendor, regardless of their representatives.
Tudo a postos? Vamos a isso!
All set? Let's do it!
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