Letizia e AQUELE mini-vestido / Letizia and THAT mini-dress
Na Terça-feira passada a Rainha Letizia de Espanha compareceu à entrega do Prémio "Luis Carandell" que premeia o jornalismo parlamentar. O vencedor desta edição foi o jornalista da Radio Nacional Miguel Ángel Dominguez.
Last Tuesday, Queen Letizia of Spain attended the delivery of the "Luis Carandell" Prize that rewards the parliamentary journalism. The winner of this edition was the journalist of Radio Nacional Miguel Angel Dominguez.
Last Tuesday, Queen Letizia of Spain attended the delivery of the "Luis Carandell" Prize that rewards the parliamentary journalism. The winner of this edition was the journalist of Radio Nacional Miguel Angel Dominguez.
Na sua intervenção Letizia reforçou que "o trabalho legislativo constitui grande parte da nossa arquitectura institucional. E divulgar com rigor e seriedade o que transparece do nosso parlamento é uma tarefa que implica muita responsabilidade. Não é fácil ser um guardião das instituições e fazer um serviço público com esta matéria-prima. E fazê-lo, além do mais, desde a rádio, um modo de comunicação que reúne a magia de sempre com a exigência brutal de rapidez da actualidade."
In her Letizia intervention stressed that "the legislative work is great part of our institutional architecture. And spread with rigor and seriousness what transpires in our parliament is a task that involves a lot of responsibility. It is not easy to be a guardian of the institutions and do a good public service on this matters. And do it, never the less, from the radio, a mode of communication that meets the old magic with the brutal need for speed of our days".
In her Letizia intervention stressed that "the legislative work is great part of our institutional architecture. And spread with rigor and seriousness what transpires in our parliament is a task that involves a lot of responsibility. It is not easy to be a guardian of the institutions and do a good public service on this matters. And do it, never the less, from the radio, a mode of communication that meets the old magic with the brutal need for speed of our days".
Para a ocasião o look de Letizia não passou desapercebido.
For the occasion Letizia's look did not go unnoticed.
For the occasion Letizia's look did not go unnoticed.
Um mini-vestido branco que completou com o casaco preto à chegada, ambos Felipe Varela.
A white mini-dress completed with a black coat on the arrival, both by Felipe Varela.
A white mini-dress completed with a black coat on the arrival, both by Felipe Varela.
Um conjunto já muito visto noutras ocasiões.
An already very seen outfit on other occasions.
An already very seen outfit on other occasions.
Pessoalmente acho que o vestido assenta maravilhosamente bem em Letizia, mas não na Rainha Letizia. Faço-me entender?
Personally I think the dress fits wonderfully well on Letizia, but not on Queen Letizia. I made myself clear?
Personally I think the dress fits wonderfully well on Letizia, but not on Queen Letizia. I made myself clear?
Qual a vossa opinião?
What is your opinion?
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