#KensingtonPalace - 2 últimos dias / #KensingtonPalace - the last 2 days
Já com saudades da nossa Duquesa de Cambridge? Tenho mesmo o que precisam.
4! Sim 4 eventos nos últimos 2 dias. 2 vestidos de gala, várias causas nobres e muitas opiniões distintas.
Already missing our Duchess of Cambridge? I have just what you need.
4! Yes 4 events in the last two days. 2 ball gowns, several worthy causes and many different opinions.
Already missing our Duchess of Cambridge? I have just what you need.
4! Yes 4 events in the last two days. 2 ball gowns, several worthy causes and many different opinions.
Na segunda-feira, o Duque e a Duquesa de Cambridge juntamente com o Príncipe Harry compareceram ao evento da Charities Forum.
On Monday, the Duke and Duchess of Cambridge along with Prince Harry attended the Charities Forum event.
On Monday, the Duke and Duchess of Cambridge along with Prince Harry attended the Charities Forum event.
A Charities Forum é um conjunto de várias instituições, das quais William, Catherine e Harry são patronos. O Forum foi fundado em 2006 pelo Príncipe William e pelo Príncipe Harry com o objectivo de juntar os interesses individuais de cada um deles e dos seus patronatos, de modo a explorar a melhor maneira de proporcionar um melhor apoio e uma acção efectiva e eficiente.
The Charities Forum is a set of several institutions, including William, Catherine and Harry's charities. The Forum was founded in 2006 by Prince William and Prince Harry at in order to join the individual interests of each and their patronages, in order to explore ways of providing better support and an effective and efficient action together.
The Charities Forum is a set of several institutions, including William, Catherine and Harry's charities. The Forum was founded in 2006 by Prince William and Prince Harry at in order to join the individual interests of each and their patronages, in order to explore ways of providing better support and an effective and efficient action together.
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Via The Duke and Duchess of Cambridge website |
Actualmente o Forum conta com a participação de mais de 30 organizações, incluindo os patronatos da Duquesa de Cambridge. O perfil do trio real permite gerar ideias e influenciar o sector solidário através da experiência e diversidade dos vários membros do Forum.
Currently the Forum counts with the participation of over than 30 organizations, including the charities of the Duchess of Cambridge. The royal Trio profile allows them to generate ideas and influence the charity sector through experience and diversity of the various members of the Forum.
Currently the Forum counts with the participation of over than 30 organizations, including the charities of the Duchess of Cambridge. The royal Trio profile allows them to generate ideas and influence the charity sector through experience and diversity of the various members of the Forum.
O Charities Forum reúne-se duas vezes por ano, com cada organização a ser anfitriã do grupo à vez.
The Charities Forum meets twice a year, with each organization hosting the group in turn.
The Charities Forum meets twice a year, with each organization hosting the group in turn.
Na passada segunda-feira o evento da Charities Forum teve lugar no BAFTA, onde o trio real pode assistir à premiere do filme de animação Shau the Sheep: The Farmer's Llmas.
Last Monday the Charities Forum event was held at BAFTA, where the royal trio watched the premiere of the animated film Shau the Sheep: The Farmer's Llmas.
Last Monday the Charities Forum event was held at BAFTA, where the royal trio watched the premiere of the animated film Shau the Sheep: The Farmer's Llmas.
William, Catherine e Harry tiveram ainda a oportunidade de participar em várias actividades que decorrem no programa BAFTA Kids, que estimula a criatividade nas crianças. A acção decorreu em ambiente muito animado com a presença de várias crianças de patronatos dos Duques e Príncipe, como Place2Be, Tusk Trust e Royal Marsden.
William, Catherine and Harry had the opportunity to participate in several activities taking place at the BAFTA Kids program, which encourages creativity in children. The action took place in a very lively atmosphere with the presence of several children of the Dukes and the Prince's patronages, as Place2Be, Tusk Trust and Royal Marsden.
William, Catherine and Harry had the opportunity to participate in several activities taking place at the BAFTA Kids program, which encourages creativity in children. The action took place in a very lively atmosphere with the presence of several children of the Dukes and the Prince's patronages, as Place2Be, Tusk Trust and Royal Marsden.
O trio dividiu-se por três mesas onde fez moldes em plasticina da Ovelha, protagonista do filme.
The trio are divided into three tables where they made plasticine molds of the Sheep, protagonist of the film.
A Duquesa participou ainda numa pequena animação, cujo resultado final foi depois divulgado no Twitter oficial do Palácio de Kensington.
The Duchess also made a short animation, the end result was later released on the official Twitter of Kensington Palace.
Check out the final edit from @aardman #CharitiesForum animation workshop, starring HRH The Duchess of Cambridge!
— Kensington Palace (@KensingtonRoyal) 26 outubro 2015
Para a ocasião a Duquesa escolheu um novo vestido Tabitha Webb, com um design muito clássico, mas com um padrão "edgy". Nem bom nem mau. Mais do mesmo!
For the occasion the Duchess chose a new dress Tabitha Webb, with a very classic design, but with an "edgy" pattern. Neither good nor bad. Same old!
No mesmo dia, os mesmos protagonistas desfilaram no red carpet para assistir à Première do novo filme de 007 - SPECTRE, dirigido por Sam Mendes.
On the same day, the same protagonists marched in the red carpet to attend the Premiere of the new 007 film - SPECTRE, directed by Sam Mendes.
Confesso-vos que é realmente necessário estarem envolvidos membros da realeza para eu assistir a qualquer coisa relacionada com os filmes do famoso agente secreto britânico. Não sou fã.
I confess to you that it is really necessary to be royals involved to make me watch anything related to the films of the famous British secret agent. I'm not a fan.
De facto a comparência de membros da família real britânica a estreias de filmes apoiados pelo Cinema and Television Benevolent Fund (CTBF), não é novidade. Todos os anos este Fundo selecciona um Royal Film Performance.
In fact the attendance of members of the British royal family to film premieres supported by the Cinema and Television Benevolent Fund (CTBF), is not new. Every year the Fund selects a Royal Film Performance.
Starting in 1946, Royal Film Performances have showcased many iconic films over the years #FromtheArchives pic.twitter.com/u6ZWIL0PFE
— Kensington Palace (@KensingtonRoyal) 26 outubro 2015
O Fundo de Caridade apoia todas as pessoas que trabalham por detrás das cenas, nas indústrias do cinema e televisão. Este fundo, em noites de premiers conta ajudar mais de 1000 beneficiários e suas famílias cada ano.
The Charity Fund supports all people who work behind the scenes in the film and television industries. This fund, in premiers nights has help over 1,000 beneficiaries and their families each year.
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Cinema and Television Benevelent Fund website |
Além disso, o trio real foi convidado a nomear mais duas instituições que pudessem beneficiar com os lucros deste evento.
Os escolhidos foram Shelterbox, pelo seu trabalho desenvolvido em resposta de emergência no Nepal, após o terramoto.
In addition, the royal trio was invited to appoint two more institutions that could benefit from the profits from this event.
The chosen were ShelterBox, for their work in emergency response in Nepal, after the earthquake.
In addition, the royal trio was invited to appoint two more institutions that could benefit from the profits from this event.
The chosen were ShelterBox, for their work in emergency response in Nepal, after the earthquake.
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Shelterbox website |
E o Save the Children, pelo trabalho desenvolvido com crianças e suas famílias que fogem na zona de conflito na Síria e Iraque, e ainda por ser uma das principais organizações a monitorizar a crise de Ébola da Africa Ocidental.
And Save the Children, for itswork with children and their families fleeing the conflict zone in Syria and Iraq, and also for being one of the main organizations to monitor the Ebola crisis in West Africa.
And Save the Children, for itswork with children and their families fleeing the conflict zone in Syria and Iraq, and also for being one of the main organizations to monitor the Ebola crisis in West Africa.
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Save the Children Website |
É impressionante o que uma noite de glamour pode trazer de bom e altruísta, não é?
E por falar em glamour....
It's amazing what a night of glamor can bring of good and selfless, is not it?
And speaking of glamor ....
It's amazing what a night of glamor can bring of good and selfless, is not it?
And speaking of glamor ....
Confesso que fiquei bastante surpreendida por tantas pessoas não aprovarem este look. Eu achei que pela primeira vez em muito tempo, a Duquesa usou um fantástico look de noite!
Adorei a cor, a forma, os acessórios, o penteado. Tudo!
I confess I was quite surprised that so many people didn't like this look. I thought for the first time in a long time, the Duchess wore a fantastic evening look!
I loved the color, shape, accessories, hairstyle. All!
I confess I was quite surprised that so many people didn't like this look. I thought for the first time in a long time, the Duchess wore a fantastic evening look!
I loved the color, shape, accessories, hairstyle. All!
Acho que a Duquesa trouxe um toque de glamour em que o clássico e o atrevido se juntaram. A Duquesa perdeu imenso peso, e isso tem sido bastante comentado, e este vestido Jenny Packham não o esconde, mas ainda assim, não concordo com o "efeito envelhecedor". Se A Duquesa parece envelhecida, não acredito que o problema seja do vestido.
I think the Duchess brought a touch of glamour in which classical and daring joined. The Duchess has lost immense weight, and it has been quite talked about, and this Jenny Packham dress does not hide it, but still, I do not agree with its "aging effect." If The Duchess looks aged, I do not believe the problem is the dress.
Ontem mais dois eventos para a Duquesa de Cambridge, desta vez a solo.
No inicio da tarde a Duquesa visitou Islington, onde pode conhecer mais sobre o programa de intervenção da Chance UK.
Yesterday two more events to the Duchess of Cambridge, this time solo.
In the early afternoon the Duchess visited Islington, where she could learn more about the Chance UK intervention program.
Yesterday two more events to the Duchess of Cambridge, this time solo.
In the early afternoon the Duchess visited Islington, where she could learn more about the Chance UK intervention program.
O principal objectivo do Programa da Chance UK é ajudar crianças das escolas primárias com dificuldades de comportamento, reduzindo as suas dificuldades tendo em vista um futuro melhor. As crianças são ensinadas a construir a sua auto-estima e desafiadas a encontrar alternativas positivas para o seu comportamento desviante.
The main goal of the Chance UK program is to help primary school children with behavioral difficulties, reducing their difficulties and allow them to have a better future. Children are taught to build their self-esteem and challenged to find positive alternatives to their deviant behavior.
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Chance UK website |
O projecto já premiado pretende ser replicado por todo o Reino Unido, através de um programa bem especifico onde o acompanhamento entre um mentor voluntário e a criança é desenvolvido semanalmente através de sessões personalizadas em locais públicos, fora de casa e do período escolar.
The award-winning project is intended to be replicated across the UK, through a very specific program where the monitoring of a volunteer mentor and the child is done on weekly sessions at public places, away from home and out school period.
The award-winning project is intended to be replicated across the UK, through a very specific program where the monitoring of a volunteer mentor and the child is done on weekly sessions at public places, away from home and out school period.
Posted by Chance UK on Quinta-feira, 1 de Outubro de 2015
As sessões de trabalho são orientadas em objectivos centrados na criança utilizando uma abordagem focada na solução, onde as é dada também às famílias uma opção de apoio inclusivo.
The sessions are oriented on goals centered on the child using a focused approach for the solution, which is also given the families an inclusive support option.
Would you like to see London through a child's eyes? Meet Philippa and hear about her experiences as a mentor. (Sorry about the buses and motorbike noise!).
Posted by Chance UK on Sexta-feira, 23 de Outubro de 2015
Através deste programa, há uma diminuição da possibilidade destas crianças desenvolverem comportamentos anti-sociais ou até criminais mais tarde.
Through this program, there is a decrease in the ability of these children to develop antisocial behavior or even criminal later in life.
Helping out at Hackney City Farm. Children can join in with doing the daily tasks. Here M is learning how to look after chickens and learning where food comes from. A great session idea.
Posted by Chance UK on Quarta-feira, 30 de Setembro de 2015
Está cada vez mais presente que os interesses da Duquesa estão focados em programas de intervenção precoce, que providenciam às crianças e suas famílias um apoio rápido e eficaz de modo de minimizar o risco de problemas futuros.
It is increasingly present the interests of the Duchess are focused on early intervention programs that provide children and their families a quick and effective support in order to minimize the risk of future problems.
A Duquesa participou numa sessão de trabalho da organização e conheceu várias crianças envolvidas no projecto, conversou com as famílias e com os mentores.
The Duchess took part in the organization's work session and met several children involved in the project, talked to families and mentors.
Para a ocasião a Duquesa escolheu um dos meus vestidos favoritos que estava desejosa de voltar a ver. Este bonito Orla Kiely, visto pela primeira vez em 2012.
For the occasion the Duchess chose one of my favorite dresses that I was eager to see again. This beautiful Orla Kiely, first seen in 2012.
Se o adorei na primeira vez, mais o adorei agora com todo o visual a beneficiar de um simples e elegante rabo de cavalo.
If I loved it the first time, the more I loved now with all the visual benefit from a simple and elegant ponytail.
Finalmente, ontem à noite a Duquesa compareceu à Gala da 100 Women in Hedge Funds, a favor do The Art Room.
Finally, last night the Duchess attended the Gala of 100 Women in Hedge Funds, in favor of The Art Room.
Foi a terceira presença da Duquesa nesta noite de recolha de fundos. A Duquesa é patrona nesta organização, juntamente com o Duque de Cambridge e com o Príncipe Harry. A 100WHF faz parte do Charities Forum.
It was the third appearance of the Duchess for the 100WHF fund raising night. The Duchess is patron of this organization, along with the Duke of Cambridge and Prince Harry. The 100WHF is part of the Charities Forum.
It was the third appearance of the Duchess for the 100WHF fund raising night. The Duchess is patron of this organization, along with the Duke of Cambridge and Prince Harry. The 100WHF is part of the Charities Forum.
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The 100 Women in Hedge Funds website |
A 100 Women Hedge Funds, fundada em 2001 assenta a sua acção em três pilares fundamentais: Educação, Liderança e Filantropia.
The 100 Women Hedge Funds, established in 2001 based its action on three main pillars: Education, Leverage and Philanthropy.
The 100 Women Hedge Funds, established in 2001 based its action on three main pillars: Education, Leverage and Philanthropy.
Na sua Gala anual de actividades filantrópicas em Londres, as receitas recolhidas são em benéfico de um patronato real. Este ano o beneficiado foi the Art Room.
At its annual Gala of philanthropic activities in London, the funds raised are beneficial in a royal patronage. This year's beneficiary was the Art Room.
At its annual Gala of philanthropic activities in London, the funds raised are beneficial in a royal patronage. This year's beneficiary was the Art Room.
Proud to announce that 100WHF raised over £550,000 (gross) for @TheArtRoomUK last night at our 100WHF London Gala.
— 100WomeninHedgeFunds (@100_WHF) 28 outubro 2015
A Duquesa de Cambridge na qualidade de Real Patrona de ambas as organizações compareceu à Gala anual e conversou com os membros e benfeitores.
The Duchess of Cambridge as Royal Patron of both organizations attended the annual Gala and chatted with members and benefactors.
The Duchess of Cambridge as Royal Patron of both organizations attended the annual Gala and chatted with members and benefactors.
Para a ocasião uma dupla surpresa. Confesso que sou uma fã da marca Erdem e este vestido já tinha chamado a minha atenção há algum tempo. Adoro o padrão e a forma (sim, a parte de baixo também) e acho que foi uma escolha adorável.
For the occasion a double surprise. I confess I am a fan of Erdem brand and this dress had called my attention for some time. I love the pattern and shape (yes, also the lower part) and I think it was a lovely choice.
For the occasion a double surprise. I confess I am a fan of Erdem brand and this dress had called my attention for some time. I love the pattern and shape (yes, also the lower part) and I think it was a lovely choice.
A Duquesa preferiu usar o seu cabelo solto, com extra volume, o que na minha opinião foi o único senão do look.
The Duchess chose to wear your hair down, with extra volume, which in my opinion was the only drawback of the look.
The Duchess chose to wear your hair down, with extra volume, which in my opinion was the only drawback of the look.
Até porque a Duquesa usou pela primeira vez uns lindos brincos de safiras e diamantes, pertencentes à Rainha Mãe (obrigada à Ordem of Sartorial Splendor e à Anna do My Small Obsessions) e estas belezas mereciam ser vistos no seu máximo esplendor.
Mostly because the Duchess wore a beautiful pair of sapphires and diamonds earrings belonging to the Queen Mother (thanks to the Order of Sartorial Splendor and Anna MSO) and these beauties deserved to be seen in its full splendor.
A bit better collage of Duchess of Cambridge wearing Queen Mum's sapphire & diamonds fringe earrings. pic.twitter.com/SkwY5zLMC5
— Anna N. MSO (@AnnieElizabethN) 27 outubro 2015
Penso que foram dois dias muito positivos para a Duquesa em moda ( eu sei que estou em minoria desta vez, e estou chocada por isso). Mas principalmente em causas.
I think these two days were very positive for the Duchess regarding fashion (I know I'm in the minority this time, and I'm shocked). But mainly because the causes she supported.
Chance UK ! Não conhecia e parece-me super interessante e promissor!
ResponderEliminarQuanto à nossa Kate...bom....devo dizer que concordo plenamente contigo querida Lu.....adoro o vestido Orla Kiely....fica perfeito nela....mas o que mais me surpreendeu pela escolha foi o vestido Erdem!! Eu tb adoro esse vestido... e nunca pensei que a duquesa pudesse usá-lo pois as escolhas dela recaem sempre num...digamos...marasmo....! Essa explosão de cores maravilhosas, esse padrão tão fantástico, recuperou nela a jovialidade e frescor!! Ficou linda...o problema, e sempre o problema...é ..... o PENTEADO!!......................
:). Sim, é mesmo isso. Temos mesmo opiniões parecidas. Obrigado.