Fiesta Nacional 2015
Ontem foi dia de Festa Nacional em Espanha. Pelo segundo ano consecutivo o Rei Filipe VI e a Rainha Letizia contaram com a presença das suas filhas a Princesa Leonor e a Infanta Sofia nas comemorações.
Yesterday was the National Holiday in Spain. For the second consecutive year King Felipe VI and Queen Letizia were joined by their daughters Princess Leonor and Infanta Sofia in the celebrations.
Yesterday was the National Holiday in Spain. For the second consecutive year King Felipe VI and Queen Letizia were joined by their daughters Princess Leonor and Infanta Sofia in the celebrations.
Os Reis e as suas filhas marcaram presença do acto solene de homenagem à bandeira nacional e assistiram à habitual parada militar acompanhados por membros do governo espanhol e de autoridades locais.
The King and Queen and their daughters attended the solemn act of homage to the national flag and watched the usual military parade accompanied by members of the Spanish government and local authorities.
The King and Queen and their daughters attended the solemn act of homage to the national flag and watched the usual military parade accompanied by members of the Spanish government and local authorities.
Segundo o site da Casa de Su Majestad El Rey:
" a comemoração da Festa Nacional tem como finalidade recordar solenemente momentos da história colectiva que formam parte do património histórico, cultural e social comum, assumido como tal pela maioria dos cidadãos. "
"The celebration of National Party aims to solemnly remember moments of the collective history that are part of the historical, cultural and social common, assumed as such by the majority of citizens."
Segundo a Lei 18/1987:
"O 12 de Outubro simboliza a efeméride histórica em que a Espanha, quase a concluir o processo e construção de um Estado a partir da nossa pluralidade cultural e política e da integração dos Reinos de Espanha na mesma monarquia, inicia ali um período de projecção linguística e cultural além dos limites europeus."
According to Law 18/1987:
"The October 12nd symbolizes the historical anniversary in which Spain, about to complete the process of building a State from our cultural diversity and political integration of all Kingdoms of Spain in the same monarchy, there begins a period of linguistic and cultural projection beyond the European boundaries.
A Princesa das Astúrias e a Infanta Sofia foram as grandes protagonistas do dia, ao cumprirem o seu papel na perfeição junto dos pais.
The Princess of Asturias and the Infanta Sofia were the main protagonists of the day, to fulfill their role perfectly with their parents.
The Princess of Asturias and the Infanta Sofia were the main protagonists of the day, to fulfill their role perfectly with their parents.
Vestidas de forma similar, como é normal, Leonor e Sofia usaram mais uma vez os seus típicos penteados com tranças. Acho que já é hora das meninas aparecerem em público com estilos diferentes.
Dressed similarly, as usual, Leonor and Sofia once again used their typical hairstyles with braids. I think it's about time the girls appear in public with different styles.
Dressed similarly, as usual, Leonor and Sofia once again used their typical hairstyles with braids. I think it's about time the girls appear in public with different styles.
Letizia optou por um conjunto azul klein de vestido e casaco em lã crepe da autoria de Filipe Varela. Confesso que não amei, mas cada vez que olho gosto mais!
Letizia opted for a klein blue dress and jacket in wool crepe by Filipe Varela. I confess that I did not love it, but every time I look more I like it!
Letizia opted for a klein blue dress and jacket in wool crepe by Filipe Varela. I confess that I did not love it, but every time I look more I like it!
O que mais me surpreendeu no visual foi mesmo o penteado o os fantásticos brincos em ouro branco com diamantes e águas-marinhas da Bulgari.
What most surprised me was the hairstyle and the fantastic earrings in white gold with diamonds and aquamarines from Bulgari.
What most surprised me was the hairstyle and the fantastic earrings in white gold with diamonds and aquamarines from Bulgari.
Na Recepção oferecida de seguida no Salão do Trono no Palácio Real, o Rei e a Rainha saudaram cerca de 2.000 pessoas convidadas.
During the follow Reception hosted in the Throne Hall at the Royal Palace, the King and Queen welcomed about 2,000 people invited.
During the follow Reception hosted in the Throne Hall at the Royal Palace, the King and Queen welcomed about 2,000 people invited.
Nesta ocasião a Rainha retirou o casaco e deixou brilhar o vestido de corte simples e com alguns detalhes mais escuros. Gostei do vestido.
For the occasion the Queen took off her jacket and leaves to shine this simple cut dress with some darker details. I liked the dress.
For the occasion the Queen took off her jacket and leaves to shine this simple cut dress with some darker details. I liked the dress.
Podemos recordar os vários looks de Letizia em dias de Festa Nacional ao longo dos anos.
Let's take a look to the several looks of Letizia at the National Party over the years.
Let's take a look to the several looks of Letizia at the National Party over the years.
Nos primeiros anos enquanto Princesa, Letizia jogou pelo seguro, usando maioritariamente vestidos ou saias pelo joelho e casacos compridos, com um look mais out of the box em 2007. Em 2008/2009 dá-se uma mudança tanto estética como de estilo da Princesa das Astúrias.
In the early years as Princess, Letizia played it safe, using mostly dresses or skirts at the knee with matching coats, with one more look out of the box in 2007. In 2008/2009 we see both an aesthetic change as a style change for the then Princess of Asturias.
Os anos seguintes são marcados por uma afirmação de estilo que passou pelo muito criticado look de 2010, pelos tweeds e rendas nos três anos seguintes e pelo visual sexy-fit com que se apresentou em 2014 no ano em que subiu ao trono. O visual de 2015 parece-me o mais acertado, mesmo em termos de penteado. Sobretudo em termos de penteado.
The following years are marked by a style statement that passed for the much criticized look in 2010, for the tweeds and lace on the next three years and the sexy-fit look in 2014 in the year that she became Queen consort. The 2015 look seems to me the right one, even regarding the hairstyle. Especially regarding the hairstyle.
The following years are marked by a style statement that passed for the much criticized look in 2010, for the tweeds and lace on the next three years and the sexy-fit look in 2014 in the year that she became Queen consort. The 2015 look seems to me the right one, even regarding the hairstyle. Especially regarding the hairstyle.
Qual foi o vosso visual favorito?
What is your favorite look?
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