De ovelha negra a orgulho da Nação / From Black sheep to the Pride of the Nation
[Hoje o post vai ser longo].
[Today's post will be a long one].
[Today's post will be a long one].
Não é novidade para ninguém que o trabalho desenvolvido pelo Príncipe Harry me enche de orgulho. Não teria motivos para me sentir orgulhosa. Nunca o vi. Não é da minha família e até somos da mesma idade, mas sinto que neste momento Harry é dos mais jovens membros da realeza europeia que desempenha na perfeição aquilo que para mim é ser Príncipe: dar a voz, emprestar a alma, servir por uma causa. Sim, o bom ar também ajuda!
It's not news to anyone that Prince Harry's work fills me with pride. I would have no reason to feel proud. I never saw him. He is not my family and we are even the same age, but I feel that right now Harry is one of the younger members of European royalty that plays perfectly what for me is to be a royal prince: giving his voice, borrowing his the soul, serving for a cause . Yes, the good looks also helps!
It's not news to anyone that Prince Harry's work fills me with pride. I would have no reason to feel proud. I never saw him. He is not my family and we are even the same age, but I feel that right now Harry is one of the younger members of European royalty that plays perfectly what for me is to be a royal prince: giving his voice, borrowing his the soul, serving for a cause . Yes, the good looks also helps!
Há anos atrás, após a morte da Diana, Harry sempre viveu na sombra do irmão. O irmão rebelde, adolescente problemático, o patinho feio dos Windsor, é hoje um dos membros mais populares do clã Windsor, aquele que é considerado o legítimo sucessor do trabalho da Princesa de Gales, o Príncipe do Povo (para quem gosta de rótulos de legado).
Years ago, after the death of Diana, Harry has always lived in his brother's shadow. The rebellious brother, a troubled teen, the ugly duckling of Windsor's Tree, is now one of the most popular members of the Windsor clan, who is considered the legitimate successor to the work of the Princess of Wales. The People's Prince (for those who like legacy labels).
Years ago, after the death of Diana, Harry has always lived in his brother's shadow. The rebellious brother, a troubled teen, the ugly duckling of Windsor's Tree, is now one of the most popular members of the Windsor clan, who is considered the legitimate successor to the work of the Princess of Wales. The People's Prince (for those who like legacy labels).
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Via |
Numa recente entrevista dada a Victoria Murphy do The Mirror, durante o Walk With the Wounded, um dos patronatos de Harry, o filho mais novo do Príncipe de Gales diz-se focado no seu trabalho junto das várias instituições que apoia e que neste momento é tudo o que lhe interessa. Casamento e filhos virão mais tarde e neste momento está solteiro. Uma declaração que cala os vários rumores de relacionamentos atribuídos a cada semana.
In a recent interview given to Victoria Murphy of The Mirror, during the Walk With the Wounded, one of Harry's patronages, the younger son of the Prince of Wales is said to be focused on his work with the various institutions he supports and which is now all that interests him. Marriage and children will come later and now is single. A statement that shut the various rumors of relationships assigned to him each week.
In a recent interview given to Victoria Murphy of The Mirror, during the Walk With the Wounded, one of Harry's patronages, the younger son of the Prince of Wales is said to be focused on his work with the various institutions he supports and which is now all that interests him. Marriage and children will come later and now is single. A statement that shut the various rumors of relationships assigned to him each week.
#PrinceHarry being interview by @QueenVicMirror at @supportthewalk today in Ludlow, England /photos @ChrisJack_Getty
— British Royal Family (@TRH_BritRoyals) 30 setembro 2015
Dentro das causas que lhe são mais queridas estão os feridos de guerra e as crianças. E se houvessem dúvidas do magnetismo, carisma e genuína compaixão que Harry exerce de forma natural em cada acto a que comparece, ontem durante a atribuição dos Well Child Awards essas dúvidas caíram por terra.
Among the causes that are dearest to the prince are the war-wounded and children. And if there were any doubts about his magnetism, charisma and genuine compassion that Harry has naturally in each act he appears, yesterday during the Gala of Well Child Awards those doubts were erased.
Harry é patrono da organização desde 2007 e este evento anual proporciona sempre algumas das melhores fotografias de Harry com crianças.
Harry is patron of the organization since 2007 and this annual event always provides some of the best photos with children.
Harry is patron of the organization since 2007 and this annual event always provides some of the best photos with children.
— Kensington Palace (@KensingtonRoyal) 5 outubro 2015
E que crianças são estas? A WellChild é uma organização criada em 1977, que ajuda crianças e jovens gravemente doentes e suas famílias por todo o Reino Unido, tentando proporcionar-lhes uma melhor qualidade de cuidados independentemente do seu diagnóstico, situação ou localização.
And who are these children? The WellChild is an organization created in 1977, which helps children and young people seriously ill and their families throughout the UK, trying to provide them a better quality of care regardless of their diagnosis, condition or location.
And who are these children? The WellChild is an organization created in 1977, which helps children and young people seriously ill and their families throughout the UK, trying to provide them a better quality of care regardless of their diagnosis, condition or location.
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Via WellChild website |
[Abro aqui um parêntesis, porque é-me impossível não me emocionar quando estou a escrever posts deste tipo. É fantástico ter e passar-vos este conhecimento acerca das fantásticas instituições que existem por este mundo fora, cujos valores e missão me deixam de coração cheio de esperança. Há quem faça realmente a diferença neste mundo e eu estou grata por isso. Ou como diria uma grande amiga minha GRATA, GRATA, GRATA!!]
[I open a parenthesis here, because I find it impossible not to get emotional when I'm writing posts of this type. It's fantastic to learn and to show you this knowledge about the fantastic institutions that exist in this world, whose values and mission full fill my heart with hope. Some people actually make a difference in this world and I'm grateful for that. Or how would say a great friend of mine GRATEFUL, THANKFUL, GRATEFUL !!]
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Via WellChild website |
Além do grande apoio emocional e prático que dá ás crianças doentes e suas famílias, a WellChild recolhe fundos para projectos e investigação para assegurar que familiares, cuidadores e todos os que trabalhem no sector dos cuidados infantis estejam bem preparados para apoiar as crianças e jovens durante o tratamento, que na maioria dos casos implica necessidades especiais e complexas de cuidados de saúde.
Besides the great emotional and practical support it gives to sick children and their families, WellChild collects funds for projects and research to ensure that family members, caregivers and all who work in the child care sector are well prepared to support children and young people during treatment, which in most cases implies complex and special care needs .
Besides the great emotional and practical support it gives to sick children and their families, WellChild collects funds for projects and research to ensure that family members, caregivers and all who work in the child care sector are well prepared to support children and young people during treatment, which in most cases implies complex and special care needs .
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Via WellChild website |
A WellChild tenta ainda ser uma influência positiva no futuro da saúde, da educação e políticas de cuidado social, assegurando-se que vão de encontro às necessidades das famílias das crianças e jovens gravemente doentes.
The WellChild still tries to be a positive influence on the future of health, education and social care policies, ensuring that meet the needs of families of children and young people seriously ill.
The WellChild still tries to be a positive influence on the future of health, education and social care policies, ensuring that meet the needs of families of children and young people seriously ill.
Ontem foi noite de entrega de Prémios da WellChild. E em que consistem estes Prémios?
Bem, são dos prémios mais fantásticos que já vi. A gala que teve lugar no Hotel Hilton em Londres, reconheceu a coragem de crianças e jovens gravemente doentes e em condições complexas.
Yesterday was the delivery of WellChild Awards. And what these Awards consist?
Well, it's the most fantastic prizes I've ever seen. The gala took place at the Hilton Hotel in London, and recognized the courage of seriously ill children and young people or in complex conditions.
Yesterday was the delivery of WellChild Awards. And what these Awards consist?
Well, it's the most fantastic prizes I've ever seen. The gala took place at the Hilton Hotel in London, and recognized the courage of seriously ill children and young people or in complex conditions.
Our #WellChildAwards are ready and waiting to be presented to some inspirational young people!
— WellChild (@WellChild) 5 outubro 2015
As equipas médicas, voluntários e familiares também foram homenageados como reconhecimento pelo esforço em fazer a diferença na vida destas crianças gravemente doentes.
Medical teams, volunteers and family members were also honored in recognition of efforts to make a difference in the lives of these children seriously ill.
Medical teams, volunteers and family members were also honored in recognition of efforts to make a difference in the lives of these children seriously ill.
Antes do inicio da gala, Harry na qualidade de Patrono da WellChild conheceu e conversou com alguns dos vencedores deste ano e com suas famílias.
Before the start of the gala, Harry as Patron of WellChild met and talked with some of this year's winners and their families.
Before the start of the gala, Harry as Patron of WellChild met and talked with some of this year's winners and their families.
E tanta simpatia e interesse não se pode fingir.
And so much sympathy and interest you can not pretend.
And so much sympathy and interest you can not pretend.
A doçura começou logo no inicio, quando segundo conta o Daily Mail, o Príncipe terá sido questionado por Nellie-Mai de 9 anos diagnosticada com cardiomiopatia, cancro e epilepsia: "És um palhaço? Podes fazer-me um animal em balão, por favor?". Harry riu e e respondeu: " Eu posso tentar, mas não posso prometer nada".
The sweetness soon began, when according the Daily Mail, the Prince will have been questioned by Nellie-May 9 years old diagnosed with cardiomyopathy, cancer and epilepsy, "Are you a clown? Can you make me an animal balloon, please?". Harry laughed and and replied, "I can try, but I can not promise anything."
The sweetness soon began, when according the Daily Mail, the Prince will have been questioned by Nellie-May 9 years old diagnosed with cardiomyopathy, cancer and epilepsy, "Are you a clown? Can you make me an animal balloon, please?". Harry laughed and and replied, "I can try, but I can not promise anything."
Nellie-Mai foi a vencedora do Prémio WellChild para Criança mais inspiradora 7-10 anos (rapariga).
Nellie-Mai won the WellChild Award for most Inspirational Child 7-10 (girl).
Nellie-Mai won the WellChild Award for most Inspirational Child 7-10 (girl).
Um dos momentos mais caricatos foi quando Harry conheceu o fantástico Toby Sweeney-Croft de 9 anos. Toby ficou paralisado subitamente aos 3 anos de idade devido a uma condição designada por Encefalomielite disseminada aguda. Fã de desporto, Toby nunca pensou que pudesse voltar a praticar desporto, até que viu Harry o ano passado, durante os Invictus Games, a jogar numa cadeira de rodas.
One of the most tender moments was when Harry met fantastic Toby Sweeney-Croft aged 9. Toby was paralised suddenly at age of 3 due to a condition called Acute disseminated encephalomyelitis. A Sports fan, Toby never thought he could return to play sports until he saw Harry last year, during the Invictus Games, playing in a wheelchair.
One of the most tender moments was when Harry met fantastic Toby Sweeney-Croft aged 9. Toby was paralised suddenly at age of 3 due to a condition called Acute disseminated encephalomyelitis. A Sports fan, Toby never thought he could return to play sports until he saw Harry last year, during the Invictus Games, playing in a wheelchair.
Hoje, Toby não só joga basquetebol como participa em competições. Foi o vencedor do Prémio WellChild para Criança mais inspiradora 7-10 anos (rapaz). E trouxe uma bola de basquetebol para oferecer a Harry. O Príncipe disse que não poderia aceitar. Ao que Toby respondeu: "Mas tens que aceitar. Custou-me £7!" . O Príncipe terá replicado que ele não podia dizer-lhe quanto tinha custado, mas que aceitaria com todo o gosto com uma condição: " Quando eu estiver velho na minha cadeira de rodas, vamos jogar juntos e vais acabar comigo!"
Today, Toby not only plays basketball as he participates in competitions. He won the WellChild Award for Most Inspirational Child 7-10 (boy). And he brought a basketball to give to Harry. The Prince said he could not accept. To what Toby said. "But you must. It cost me £ 7!" . The Prince will have replicated that he could not tell him how much it had cost, but he would accept with pleasure on one condition: "When I am old in my wheelchair, we will play together and you'll trash me"
Today, Toby not only plays basketball as he participates in competitions. He won the WellChild Award for Most Inspirational Child 7-10 (boy). And he brought a basketball to give to Harry. The Prince said he could not accept. To what Toby said. "But you must. It cost me £ 7!" . The Prince will have replicated that he could not tell him how much it had cost, but he would accept with pleasure on one condition: "When I am old in my wheelchair, we will play together and you'll trash me"
[Momento de secar as lágrimas por aqui]
[Time to dry the tears here]
[Time to dry the tears here]
Harry também conheceu Megan Smith. Megan que sofre de Distrofia Muscular (lembrei-me tanto da nossa querida Boryana ontem) desde os 3 anos de idade mostrou a sua tatuagem a Harry acompanhada da sua mãe.
Harry also met Megan Smith. Megan suffering from Muscular Dystrophy (I reminded me so much of our dear Boryana yesterday) since she had 3-year-old showed Harry her tattoo accompanied by her mother.
Harry also met Megan Smith. Megan suffering from Muscular Dystrophy (I reminded me so much of our dear Boryana yesterday) since she had 3-year-old showed Harry her tattoo accompanied by her mother.
Esta adolescente de 17 anos foi vencedora do Prémio WellChild para Jovem mais inspiradora 15-18 anos (rapariga).
This 17 year old won the WellChild Award for Most Inspirational Young Person 15-18 (girl).
This 17 year old won the WellChild Award for Most Inspirational Young Person 15-18 (girl).
Harry conheceu a "Princesa" Ruby Smallman que o presenteou com um presente feito por ela. Um presente muito personalizado. Harry terá dito que geralmente recebe muitos presentes e que ele tentar sempre dá-los a outras pessoas, mas que este pinguim foi das coisas mais giras que recebeu nos últimos tempos.
Harry met "Princess" Ruby Smallman who presented him with a gift made by her. A very personalized gift. Harry have said that he usually receives many gifts and he always try to give them to other people, but this penguin was the cutest things he received recently.
Harry met "Princess" Ruby Smallman who presented him with a gift made by her. A very personalized gift. Harry have said that he usually receives many gifts and he always try to give them to other people, but this penguin was the cutest things he received recently.
An incredible gift for Prince Harry from most caring young person #wellchildawards winner Ruby - thank you!
— Kensington Palace (@KensingtonRoyal) 5 outubro 2015
[Imaginem a alegria desta criança]
[Imagine the joy of this child]
[Imagine the joy of this child]
Ruby de 7 anos é tudo menos "small" (pequena). Ruby foi vencedora do Prémio de Melhor Criança ou Jovem Cuidador na categoria feminina pelos seus esforços em ajudar a sua irmã Holly de 13 anos que necessita de cuidados se saúde especiais. Olhando para a doçura de Ruby é fácil acreditar que esta menina faz realmente tudo para manter a sua irmã feliz.
Ruby 7 years is anything but "small". Ruby won the Best Child or Young Carer Award in the female category for her efforts to help her sister Holly, 13, who needs special health cares. Looking at Ruby sweetness is easy to believe that this girl really does everything to keep her older sister happy.
Ruby 7 years is anything but "small". Ruby won the Best Child or Young Carer Award in the female category for her efforts to help her sister Holly, 13, who needs special health cares. Looking at Ruby sweetness is easy to believe that this girl really does everything to keep her older sister happy.
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Picture courtesy of Daily Mail |
Podem consultar a lista de todos os vencedores e conhecer mais sobre eles aqui. Vale muito a pena.
You can consult the list of all the winners and learn more about them here. Very worth it.
You can consult the list of all the winners and learn more about them here. Very worth it.
No seu discurso Harry disse que todos os anos o sentimento de humildade perante estas crianças era o mesmo. "As histórias que ouvimos esta noite são comoventes para além das palavras. Relembram-nos da insignificância das nossas preocupações do dia-a-dia. No entanto, uma das coisas que sempre se destaca é o positivismo demonstrado por aqueles que estão à prova nas mais difíceis circunstâncias. É animador ouvir tantas histórias de felicidade e esperança, mesmo em tempos de escuridão."
In his speech Harry said that every year the feeling of humility before these children was the same. "The stories we hear tonight are moving beyond words. They remind us of the utter insignificance of our everyday worries. Yet, one of the things that always stands out is the positivism shown by those in the most difficult ans testing circumstances. It is heartening to hear so many stories of happiness and hope, even through the dark times. "
In his speech Harry said that every year the feeling of humility before these children was the same. "The stories we hear tonight are moving beyond words. They remind us of the utter insignificance of our everyday worries. Yet, one of the things that always stands out is the positivism shown by those in the most difficult ans testing circumstances. It is heartening to hear so many stories of happiness and hope, even through the dark times. "
"Temos literalmente na sala as crianças mais corajosas do Reino Unido!"
"We literally have the bravest children on UK in this room."
"We literally have the bravest children on UK in this room."
O Twitter teve um melt-down com o Harry ontem à noite.
Twitter had a melt-down with Harry last night.
Twitter had a melt-down with Harry last night.
The most inspirational evening imaginable - Prince Harry talking at #wellchildawards @wellchild
— Joshua Kane (@joshuakanebespk) 6 outubro 2015
Prince Harry putting smiles on the faces of some very brave and sick children @WellChild Awards ...@KensingtonRoyal
— Helen Fospero (@LadyFosp) 6 outubro 2015
#wellchildawards @wellchild a great evening with inspirational young people. Very moving and lots of tears! ...and Prince Harry.....
— Lucy Noble (@LucyNobleflute) 5 outubro 2015
E em jornais online assistimos a alguns comentários no mínimo curiosos mas não surpreendentes. Não para mim.
And in online newspapers we can see some comments at least curious but not surprising. Not for me.
And in online newspapers we can see some comments at least curious but not surprising. Not for me.
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Via Daily Mail comment feed |
E sim, a questão que se coloca é mesmo:
And yes, the question that arises is indeed:
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Via Daily Mail comment feed |
O ano passado Harry foi uma das personalidades da realeza que nomeei como figura de destaque em 2014. Este ano, ele está a fazer a minha vida complicada para não o nomear novamente. E não estou só a falar do que ele fez ontem à noite. Tudo o que fez até agora e tudo o que vai fazer até ao final do ano, coloca-o como um dos membros mais trabalhadores da família real britânica e como uma peça chave para a instituição.
Last year Harry was one of the royal personalities named as a leading figure in 2014 here on T&T. This year he is making my life difficult not to name him again. And I'm not just talking about what he did last night. All he has done so far and everything he is going to do by the end of the year, places hi, as one of the most working members of the British royal family and as a key player for the institution.
Last year Harry was one of the royal personalities named as a leading figure in 2014 here on T&T. This year he is making my life difficult not to name him again. And I'm not just talking about what he did last night. All he has done so far and everything he is going to do by the end of the year, places hi, as one of the most working members of the British royal family and as a key player for the institution.
Geralmente falamos apenas de mulheres aqui. Acho que é tempo de alargarmos os nossos horizontes e reconhecermos o trabalho e humildade de quem passou de menino rebelde a orgulho de uma nação!
Usually we speak only of women here. I think it is time to broaden our horizons and recognize the work and humility of one who went from rebel boy to the pride of a nation!
Usually we speak only of women here. I think it is time to broaden our horizons and recognize the work and humility of one who went from rebel boy to the pride of a nation!
E como não falar de quem tem um par de sapatos personalizados, certo???
And how not to mention those who have a pair of custom shoes, right ???
And how not to mention those who have a pair of custom shoes, right ???
Obrigado Lurdes por este post fantástico! Voltei a ter a lagrimita a ouvir novamente as histórias destas crianças fantásticas. A felicidade que o Harry lhes trouxe ontem é extraordinária. É uma das grandes qualidade dele, aquele jeito de fazer as pessoas com quem fala únicas :) Andou perdido, mas assim que encontrou o rumo, o Harry "Veni, vidi, vici" - veio, viu e venceu!
ResponderEliminarEle neste momento estás talvez no topo das minhas personalidades de 2015, pelo trabalho todo que está a fazer. E isto tendo estado 3 meses "desaparecido"!
Obrigada Ana pelo comentário. Estamos juntas na divulgação do trabalho extraordinário que Harry faz. Ainda vamos ver muitas mais lagriminhas quando ele for ao Leshoto. :P