O Presidente da República Popular da China, Xi Jinping acompanhado da Primeira-Dama Peng Liyuan (que por sinal é uma conhecida cantora chinesa) estão no Reino Unido em Visita de Estado.
The President of China, Xi Jinping accompanied by the First Lady Peng Liyuan (which by the way is a well-known Chinese singer) are in the UK on State Visit.
The President of China, Xi Jinping accompanied by the First Lady Peng Liyuan (which by the way is a well-known Chinese singer) are in the UK on State Visit.
O casal chegou na noite de Segunda-feira.
The couple arrived late on Monday.
The couple arrived late on Monday.
Ontem de manhã, o casal chinês foi formalmente recebido pelo Príncipe de Gales e pela Duquesa da Cornualha, no Hotel Mandarin Oriental, para a primeira cerimónia de boas-vindas.
Yesterday morning, the Chinese couple were formally received by the Prince of Wales and the Duchess of Cornwall at the Mandarin Oriental Hotel for the first welcome ceremony .
Yesterday morning, the Chinese couple were formally received by the Prince of Wales and the Duchess of Cornwall at the Mandarin Oriental Hotel for the first welcome ceremony .
De seguida o Chefe de Estado Chinês e a Primeira-dama seriam formalmente recebidos pela Rainha, pelo Duque de Edimburgo e pelo primeiro ministro inglês David Cameron na habitual cerimónia de boas-vindas a um chefe de estado que tem lugar no Pavilhão Real da Horse Guards Parade, onde os hinos nacionais foram tocados .
Then the Head of Chinese State and the First Lady would be formally received by the Queen, the Duke of Edinburgh and the English Prime Minister David Cameron in the usual welcome ceremony to a head of state that takes place at the Royal Pavilion of Horse Guards Parade, where the national anthems were played.
Then the Head of Chinese State and the First Lady would be formally received by the Queen, the Duke of Edinburgh and the English Prime Minister David Cameron in the usual welcome ceremony to a head of state that takes place at the Royal Pavilion of Horse Guards Parade, where the national anthems were played.
E onde o Presidente fez a inspecção à Guarda acompanhado pelo Duque de Edimburgo.
And where the President made the inspection the Guard accompanied by the Duke of Edinburgh.
And where the President made the inspection the Guard accompanied by the Duke of Edinburgh.
De seguida, e à boa maneira inglesa o cortejo a cavalo e carruagem seguiu para o Palácio de Buckingham.
Then on a good English way the horse and carriage procession followed to Buckingham Palace.
Then on a good English way the horse and carriage procession followed to Buckingham Palace.
The Queen and President Xi arrive at Buckingham Palace in the Diamond Jubilee State Coach #ChinaStateVisit pic.twitter.com/PcyKh94sKf
— BritishMonarchy (@BritishMonarchy) 20 outubro 2015
À chegada ao Palácio de Buckingham.
The arrival at Buckingham Palace.
The arrival at Buckingham Palace.
Após o almoço, como é habitual, a Rainha mostrou aos seus convidados peças relacionadas com a China da Royal Collection e procedeu-se à habitual troca de presentes.
After lunch, as usual, the Queen showed to her guests sevaral pieces on display related to China's from the Royal Collection and proceeded to the usual exchange of gifts.
After lunch, as usual, the Queen showed to her guests sevaral pieces on display related to China's from the Royal Collection and proceeded to the usual exchange of gifts.
Algumas peças da Royal Collection.
Some pieces from the Royal Collection Trust.
A Rainha terá oferecido ao casal Presidencial uma colecção de sonetos de Shakespeare, uma fotografia em moldura de prata dela mesma com o Duque de Edimburgo e um par de castiçais Royal Crown Derby para a Primeira-Dama. Enquanto que o Presidente ofereceu os álbuns folk da sua esposa, uma bordado de 1.18 metros, a grande prato de porcelana, uma talha e um livrete de selo.
The Queen has offered yo the Presidential couple a collection of Shakespeare's sonnets, a photo in silver frame from herself with the Duke of Edinburgh and a pair of Royal Crown Derby candlesticks to the first lady. While the President offered Mademe Pens's folk albums, a 1.18 meters embroidery, a large plate of porcelain, a woodcarving and a stamp booklet.
Some pieces from the Royal Collection Trust.
Posted by Majesty magazine on Terça-feira, 20 de Outubro de 2015
A Rainha terá oferecido ao casal Presidencial uma colecção de sonetos de Shakespeare, uma fotografia em moldura de prata dela mesma com o Duque de Edimburgo e um par de castiçais Royal Crown Derby para a Primeira-Dama. Enquanto que o Presidente ofereceu os álbuns folk da sua esposa, uma bordado de 1.18 metros, a grande prato de porcelana, uma talha e um livrete de selo.
The Queen has offered yo the Presidential couple a collection of Shakespeare's sonnets, a photo in silver frame from herself with the Duke of Edinburgh and a pair of Royal Crown Derby candlesticks to the first lady. While the President offered Mademe Pens's folk albums, a 1.18 meters embroidery, a large plate of porcelain, a woodcarving and a stamp booklet.
Durante a tarde o Presidente e a primeira dama foram convidados para um chá em Clarence House, oferecido pelo Príncipe de Gales e pela Duquesa da Cornualha.
In the afternoon the President and the First Lady were invited for tea at Clarence House, hosted by the Prince of Wales and the Duchess of Cornwall.
In the afternoon the President and the First Lady were invited for tea at Clarence House, hosted by the Prince of Wales and the Duchess of Cornwall.
Carlos e Camilla não compareceriam ao Banquete de Estado mais tarde e como tal estiverem duas vezes no mesmo dia com os ilustres convidados.
Charles and Camilla won't attend the state banquet later and as such they met twice in the same day with the distinguished guests.
Charles and Camilla won't attend the state banquet later and as such they met twice in the same day with the distinguished guests.
É conhecida a simpatia do Príncipe de Gales pela causa do Tibete (território ocupado pelo Governo de Pequim desde 1950). As relações entre o futuro Rei e os anteriores chefes de estado chineses nunca foram as mais diplomáticas. E nesse sentido, e apesar de Carlos afirmar que a sua relação com o Sr. Xi é amistosa, é ainda um assunto desconfortável para o filho mais velho de Elizabeth II.
It is well known the Prince of Wales support for the cause of Tibet (occupied by the Government of Beijing since 1950). Relations between the future King and former Chinese heads of state has never been very diplomatic. So, and although Carlos said his relationship with Mr. Xi is friendly, it is still an uncomfortable subject for the eldest son of Elizabeth II.
It is well known the Prince of Wales support for the cause of Tibet (occupied by the Government of Beijing since 1950). Relations between the future King and former Chinese heads of state has never been very diplomatic. So, and although Carlos said his relationship with Mr. Xi is friendly, it is still an uncomfortable subject for the eldest son of Elizabeth II.
Aliás, não só para ele. Durante o dia, foram várias as manifestações contra a visita do Chefe de Estado Chinês. A questão tibetana, a posição de Pequim perante as alterações climáticas a direitos humanos não foram esquecidas e centenas de pessoas encheram as ruas em protesto, em frente do Palácio.
Actually, not only to him. During the day there were several demonstrations against the visit of the chinese Head of State. The Tibetan issue, the Beijing position on climate change to human rights were not forgotten and hundreds of people filled the streets in protest in front of the Palace.
Actually, not only to him. During the day there were several demonstrations against the visit of the chinese Head of State. The Tibetan issue, the Beijing position on climate change to human rights were not forgotten and hundreds of people filled the streets in protest in front of the Palace.
Mas houve também quem manifestasse o seu apoio.
But there were also those who express their support.
But there were also those who express their support.
Durante a tarde, o Twitter oficial da Casa Real Britânica foi publicando detalhes sobre a preparação do Banquete.
In the afternoon, the official Twitter of the British Royal House posted several details about the preparation of the Banquet.
In the afternoon, the official Twitter of the British Royal House posted several details about the preparation of the Banquet.
Preparations begin in the Royal Kitchens at #BuckinghamPalace ahead of tonight's #ChinaStateVisit Banquet pic.twitter.com/ZsFtNo8JUw
— BritishMonarchy (@BritishMonarchy) 20 outubro 2015
Floral displays in the Ballroom at the #ChinaStateVisit Banquet will include Clematises, flowers native to China pic.twitter.com/3R42ObdDkx
— BritishMonarchy (@BritishMonarchy) 20 outubro 2015
A Rainha não deixa de passar a sua inspecção durante a preparação. Dizem que ela tem um olho clínico para os detalhes.
The Queen does not fail to pass her inspection during the preparations. They say she has a keen eye for detail.
The Queen does not fail to pass her inspection during the preparations. They say she has a keen eye for detail.
The Queen inspects the table ahead of tonight's #ChinaStateVisit Banquet pic.twitter.com/w8saXZS6sG
— BritishMonarchy (@BritishMonarchy) 20 outubro 2015
E eis que chega o grande momento. A Rainha e o Duque de Edimburgo ofereceram um Banquete de Estado em honra dos convidados chineses.
And here comes the big moment. The Queen and the Duke of Edinburgh offered a State Banquet in honor of the Chinese guests.
And here comes the big moment. The Queen and the Duke of Edinburgh offered a State Banquet in honor of the Chinese guests.
À chegada do quarteto principal. A Rainha resplandecente num vestido de noite branco como é hábito, usou o seu conjunto de Safiras. O que muito me alegrou! Já era tempo de vermos estas belas peças de novo.
On arrival the main quartet. The Queen resplendent in a white evening gown as always, wore her set of Sapphires. What really made me happy! It's about time we see these beautiful pieces again.
On arrival the main quartet. The Queen resplendent in a white evening gown as always, wore her set of Sapphires. What really made me happy! It's about time we see these beautiful pieces again.
A Sra. Peng Liyuan na minha opinião foi a mais elegante da noite. Que simplicidade clássica maravilhosa.
Ms. Peng Liyuan in my opinion was the most elegant of the night. What a wonderful classic simplicity.
Ms. Peng Liyuan in my opinion was the most elegant of the night. What a wonderful classic simplicity.
Como esperado, os Duques de Cambridge marcaram presença na mesa principal, naquele que foi o seu Primeiro Banquete de Estado.
As expected, the Duke and the Duchess of Cambridge were present at the head table in what was their first State Banquet.
As expected, the Duke and the Duchess of Cambridge were present at the head table in what was their first State Banquet.
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The Telegraph Live Feed Screenshot |
A Duquesa de Cambridge optou (e ainda bem!) pela Papyrus Motif Tiara (também conhecida por Lotus Flower). O vestido de cor vermelha foi feito para a ocasião por Jenny Packham. Adorei o cabelo e a escolha de tiara. Fiquei contente pela cor de vestido escolhida, uma nítida homenagem à bandeira chinesa.
The Duchess of Cambridge opted (and thankfully!) for the Papyrus Motif Tiara (also known as Lotus Flower). The red dress was made for the occasion by Jenny Packham. I love the hair and the choice of tiara. I was pleased by the dress color choice, a clear tribute to the Chinese flag.
The Duchess of Cambridge opted (and thankfully!) for the Papyrus Motif Tiara (also known as Lotus Flower). The red dress was made for the occasion by Jenny Packham. I love the hair and the choice of tiara. I was pleased by the dress color choice, a clear tribute to the Chinese flag.
A Duquesa completou o look com duas pulseiras de diamantes. Duas peças históricas que terão sido emprestadas pela Rainha. No pulso esquerdo, Catherine usou, ao que tudo indica a pulseira desenhada pelo próprio Príncipe Philip para oferecer à então Princesa Elizabeth como prenda de casamento. A outra terá pertencido à Rainha-Mãe e foi feita a partir de uma gargantilha da Rainha Mary. Aprendam mais sobre as peças aqui e aqui.
The Duchess completed the look with two diamond bracelets. Two historic pieces that have been lent by the Queen. On her left wrist, Catherine used, what it seems the bracelet designed by Prince Philip to offer to then Princess Elizabeth as a wedding gift. The other bracelet belonged to the Queen Mother and was made from a Queen Mary's choker. Learn more about the pieces here and here.
The Duchess completed the look with two diamond bracelets. Two historic pieces that have been lent by the Queen. On her left wrist, Catherine used, what it seems the bracelet designed by Prince Philip to offer to then Princess Elizabeth as a wedding gift. The other bracelet belonged to the Queen Mother and was made from a Queen Mary's choker. Learn more about the pieces here and here.
A pessoa simétrica que há em mim preferia que as duas pulseiras fossem iguais, ou que ela tivesse optado por uma delas apenas.
The symmetric person on me rather that the two bracelets were equal, or that she had opted for one of them only.
The symmetric person on me rather that the two bracelets were equal, or that she had opted for one of them only.
A Duquesa não ostentava a Ordem da Família, contrariamente aos rumores que alegavam que esta já lhe teria sido concedida pela Rainha. Li todo o tipo de disparates sobre o assunto. Tenham calma, a Duquesa há-de ter a Ordem. Simplesmente só a terá, quando a Rainha achar que ela o merece!
The Duchess did not wear the Family Order, contrary to rumors claiming that this would have been already granted by the Queen. I read all kinds of nonsense about it. Take it easy, the Duchess will have to order some day. But it will only happen when the Queen thinks she deserves it!
Durante o Banquete decorreram os habituais discursos e brindes.
During the Banquet the usual speeches and toasts.
The Duchess did not wear the Family Order, contrary to rumors claiming that this would have been already granted by the Queen. I read all kinds of nonsense about it. Take it easy, the Duchess will have to order some day. But it will only happen when the Queen thinks she deserves it!
Durante o Banquete decorreram os habituais discursos e brindes.
During the Banquet the usual speeches and toasts.
O Banquete contou ainda com a presença de outros membros da família real: A Princesa Real, o Duque de York, o Earl de Wessex, o Duque e a Duquesa de Gloucester, a Princesa Alexandra de Kent.
The Banquet also included the presence of other members of the royal family: The Princess Royal, the Duke of York, the Earl of Wessex, the Duke and Duchess of Gloucester, Princess Alexandra of Kent.
The Banquet also included the presence of other members of the royal family: The Princess Royal, the Duke of York, the Earl of Wessex, the Duke and Duchess of Gloucester, Princess Alexandra of Kent.
A princesa Real optou pela Festoon Tiara, aqui fotografada à chegada.
The Princess Royal opted for her Festoon Tiara, here photographed on arrival.
The Princess Royal opted for her Festoon Tiara, here photographed on arrival.
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Via Mail Online |
A Duquesa de Gloucester escolheu a Honeysuckle Tiara (à esquerda) e a Princesa Alexandra de Kent pela versão pérola da Ogilvy Tiara (à direita).
The Duchess of Gloucester chose the Honeysuckle Tiara (left) and Princess Alexandra of Kent the pearl version of the Ogilvy Tiara (right).
The Duchess of Gloucester chose the Honeysuckle Tiara (left) and Princess Alexandra of Kent the pearl version of the Ogilvy Tiara (right).
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The Telegraph Live Feed Screenshot |
Na minha humilde opinião, todas as damas estava resplandecentes nas suas jóias e ordens!
Tal e qual um Banquete de Estado deve ser!
In my humble opinion, all the ladies were resplendent in their jewelry and orders!
Just like a State Banquet should be!
In my humble opinion, all the ladies were resplendent in their jewelry and orders!
Just like a State Banquet should be!
Só houve um senão.....
There was only one drawback .....
There was only one drawback .....
Não conseguimos ver que sapatos usou o Duque de Cambridge.
Era um interesse pessoal. :P
We couldn't see what shoes the Duke of Cambridge wore.
It was a personal interest. :P
We couldn't see what shoes the Duke of Cambridge wore.
It was a personal interest. :P
Can someone tell the photographers to try to capture William's shoes? @TesourasTiaras and I are very curious.
— european royals (@european_royals) 20 outubro 2015
E vocês o que acharam?
Tell me your opinions.
David Cameron and Xi Jinping decided to build a nuclear power station in GB with the money of chinese investors. The nuclear power station shall go into action in 2025.
ResponderEliminarIn MY opinion this was a very unsuccessful state visit.
Thanks for your comment. And thanks to point that out. Sometimes we focus on the royal bling regarding a state visit and don´t mention all the details.I noticed it wasn´t a soft visit for sure. But didn´t know about that decision. It´s a sensitive subject no doubt. Thanks once again and please don't be a stranger around here. I love to read all your opinions , because T&T it´s not all about tiaras and fashion, it´s also about draw attention to certain relevant issues. :)