Camilla faz um apelo a um futuro com tolerância zero para o abuso sexual / Camilla appeals to a future with zero tolerance for sexual abuse
Hoje trago-vos uma cara diferente. Há muito que prometi introduzir nos meus posts algumas pessoas de quem eu acho que vale a pena falar.
Hoje é dia de Camilla....Uma figura que eu muito admiro. E achei que o recente evento em que ela participou ainda reforça mais essa minha ideia.
Today I bring you a different face. I have long promised to introduce in my posts some people who I think is worth talking about.
Today is Camilla .... A figure which I greatly admire. And I thought the recent event in which she participated reinforced my opinion.
Today I bring you a different face. I have long promised to introduce in my posts some people who I think is worth talking about.
Today is Camilla .... A figure which I greatly admire. And I thought the recent event in which she participated reinforced my opinion.
Recentemente a Duquesa da Cornualha visitou The Havens, em Whitechapel, Londres. Um centro especializado em ajudar e apoiar vítimas de agressão sexual.
Recently the Duchess of Cornwall visited The Havens, in Whitechapel, London. A center specializing in assisting and supporting victims of sexual assault.
Recently the Duchess of Cornwall visited The Havens, in Whitechapel, London. A center specializing in assisting and supporting victims of sexual assault.
Dr Cecilia Ajayi, Havens Specialty Doctor, shows The Duchess into the forensic room and explains what it’s used for.
— King's College NHS (@KingsCollegeNHS) 14 outubro 2015
Durante a visita a Duquesa conheceu as instalações e conheceu as equipas de apoio do centro, como por exemplo a Dra. Cecilia Ajayi com quem aprendeu mais sobre o processo forense na recolha de provas que podem ajudar na investigação.
During the visit the Duchess toured on the facilities and met the center's support teams, such as Dr. Cecilia Ajayi with who she learned more about the forensic process in gathering evidence that may assist in the rape investigation.
During the visit the Duchess toured on the facilities and met the center's support teams, such as Dr. Cecilia Ajayi with who she learned more about the forensic process in gathering evidence that may assist in the rape investigation.
Havens staff are introduced to The Duchess and explain their roles at the centre
— King's College NHS (@KingsCollegeNHS) 14 outubro 2015
A Duquesa também se encontrou com vítimas de agressão sexual (duas raparigas e um rapaz) que contaram a sua experiência e como este centro as ajudou.
The Duchess also met with victims of sexual assault (two girls and a boy) who told her their experience and how this center has helped them.
The Duchess also met with victims of sexual assault (two girls and a boy) who told her their experience and how this center has helped them.
Existem três centros The Havens em Londres. O conceito The Haven é administrado pelo The King's Collage NHS e financiado pelo Serviço Nacional de Saúde Inglês (NHS) e pelo MOPAC (Gabinete do Mayor para a Policiamento e Crime).
There are three centers The Havens in London. The Havens concept is administered by The King's Collage NHS Foudation Trust and funded by the National English Health Service (NHS) and the MOPAC (Mayor's Office for Policing and Crime).
There are three centers The Havens in London. The Havens concept is administered by The King's Collage NHS Foudation Trust and funded by the National English Health Service (NHS) and the MOPAC (Mayor's Office for Policing and Crime).
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Via The Havens website |
Os três centros abertos 24h por dia, 7 dias por semana funcionam juntos de modo a assegurar o mesmo nível de serviços onde quer que uma vítima de agressão apareça. Um bom serviço passa por uma actuação imediata, nomeadamente na recolha de evidências e tratamento da vítima. É crucial que uma vítima de violação seja examinada o mais rapidamente possível de modo a que se minimize a perda de provas, permitindo que o violador seja apanhado e impedido de fazer mais vítimas.
The three centers open 24/7 work together to ensure the same level of service wherever a victim of aggression appear. A good service goes through immediate action, particularly in evidence collection and treatment of the victim. It is crucial that a rape victim be examined as soon as possible so that it minimizes the loss of evidence, allowing the rapist to be caught and prevented from making more victims.
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Via The Havens website |
Desde que abriu portas em 2000, The Havens já recebeu mais de 20.000 pessoas para cuidados especiais após uma agressão sexual. E a sua acção fez toda a diferença na capital inglesa.
Since opening its doors in 2000, The Havens has received more than 20,000 people for special care after a sexual assault. And their action made all the difference in the English capital.
Since opening its doors in 2000, The Havens has received more than 20,000 people for special care after a sexual assault. And their action made all the difference in the English capital.
Para terem uma ideia, antes de existir um plano de acção imediato e especializado de cuidados como os prestados por este centro, após uma violação, as vitimas podiam ter que esperar horas sem poderem beber, comer, tomar banho, antes que uma equipa forense estivesse disponível para o exame médico e outros serviços de apoio à vítima. Conseguem imaginar?
To get an idea, before there was a plan for immediate and expert action of care as provided by this center after a rape, the victims might have to wait hours without being able to drink, eat, take a shower before a forensic team was available for medical examination and other victim support services. Can you imagine?
To get an idea, before there was a plan for immediate and expert action of care as provided by this center after a rape, the victims might have to wait hours without being able to drink, eat, take a shower before a forensic team was available for medical examination and other victim support services. Can you imagine?
Além disso, e no caso inglês, existiam ainda muito poucas mulheres médicas com experiência em exames médicos e forenses na capital. E era extremamente complicado assegurar contracepção de emergência e prevenção contra DST. A disponibilidade para aconselhar e ajudar era também precária.
Moreover, in the English case, there were still very few female doctors with experience in medical and forensic examinations in the capital. And it was extremely complicated ensure emergency contraception and STD prevention. The readiness to advise and support the victims was also precarious.
Moreover, in the English case, there were still very few female doctors with experience in medical and forensic examinations in the capital. And it was extremely complicated ensure emergency contraception and STD prevention. The readiness to advise and support the victims was also precarious.
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Via The Havens website |
O primeiro The Havens no seu primeiro ano recebeu e tratou 676 pessoas.
The first The Havens in its first year received and treated 676 people.
The first The Havens in its first year received and treated 676 people.
Agora os três centros asseguram excelentes cuidados médicos, apoio e exames forenses, disponíveis dia e noite, graças a uma equipa de polícias, médicos e peritos.
Now the three centers ensure excellent medical care, support and forensic examinations, available day and night, thanks to a team of policemen, doctors and referrals.
Now the three centers ensure excellent medical care, support and forensic examinations, available day and night, thanks to a team of policemen, doctors and referrals.
Camilla há muito que apoia, dentro das suas causas, as vítimas de violação e agressão sexual. Em 2013 ela lançou uma iniciativa, agora implementada, de distribuição de kits pelos três centros The Havens. Cada kit contém produtos de higiene pessoal para serem usados pelas vítimas após um exame forense. A Duquesa no mesmo dia visitou o Rape and Sexual Abuse Support Centre, onde ajudou a empacotar os kits.
Camilla has supported, within her causes, victims of rape and sexual assault for a long time now. In 2013 she launched an initiative, now implemented, of distribution of wash-kits for The Havens centers. Each kit contains toiletries for use by victims after a forensic examination. The Duchess on the same day visited the Rape and Sexual Abuse Support Centre, where she helped package the kits.
Camilla has supported, within her causes, victims of rape and sexual assault for a long time now. In 2013 she launched an initiative, now implemented, of distribution of wash-kits for The Havens centers. Each kit contains toiletries for use by victims after a forensic examination. The Duchess on the same day visited the Rape and Sexual Abuse Support Centre, where she helped package the kits.
"É um pequeno gesto para que as mulheres e raparigas que passaram por esta experiência terrivel se possam sentir um pouco mais humanas de novo. Não mudará o que aconteceu mas pode oferecer um pouco de conforto naquele que é um momento horrível"
"It's a small something to make women and girls who go through such terrible ordeal just a little more human again. It will not change what happened but might offer a small crumb of comfort at what is a very difficult time"
O próprio staff pessoal da Duquesa, em Clarence House também está a empacotar kits nas horas vagas. A iniciativa conta com o apoio de várias companhias da indústria da higiene pessoal e beleza que oferecem produtos para os kits.
Even the personal small staff of the Duchess, at Clarence House is also packing kits during free time. The initiative has the support of several personal care and beauty industry companies that offer products for the kits.
E decidi escrever hoje sobre isso, porque é uma causa pouco comum. Diria até um pouco tabu.
E admiro Camilla por emprestar a sua voz ao serviço de todos os homens, mulheres e crianças vítimas de agressão sexual.
So today I decided to write about this because it is an uncommon cause. I would say even a taboo.
And I admire Camilla for lending her voice to the service of all men, women and children victims of sexual assault.
So today I decided to write about this because it is an uncommon cause. I would say even a taboo.
And I admire Camilla for lending her voice to the service of all men, women and children victims of sexual assault.
Em palavras ao Daily Mail, a Duquesa disse:
In some words for the Daily Mail, the Duchess said:
In some words for the Daily Mail, the Duchess said:
"Violação e abuso sexual: estas são palavras que deixam a maioria de nós desconfortáveis. Até há bem pouco tempo estes assuntos não eram discutidos, mas agora, eu espero, que haja uma mudança no ar".
"Rape and sexual abuse:. These are words that make most of us feel uncomfortable. Until recently they were issues which were not really discussed, but now, I hope, there is a change in the air."
A Duquesa acrescenta:
The Duchess adds:
The Duchess adds:
"Já o disse e volto a dizer: temos que tentar construir um futuro onde simplesmente a violação e o abuso sexual não sejam mais tolerados"
"I have said before and I will said it again: we must try to build a future where we will simply not tolerate rape and sexual abuse asny longer"
No Reino Unido, o ano passado foram reportados 88.219 violações e outras agressões sexuais. Um aumento de 37% para 240% por dia. Tais números podem sugerir que cada vez mais vítimas estejam mais disponíveis para reportar as ocorrências. No entanto, segundo o Telegraph, apenas um terço dos arguidos por violação, acabam condenados.
In the UK last year were 88,219 reported rapes and other sexual assaults. An increase from 37% to 24o per day. Such numbers may suggest that more and more victims are more willing to report occurrences. However, according to the Telegraph, only a third of rape trials end up convicted.
In the UK last year were 88,219 reported rapes and other sexual assaults. An increase from 37% to 24o per day. Such numbers may suggest that more and more victims are more willing to report occurrences. However, according to the Telegraph, only a third of rape trials end up convicted.
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