Baptizado Real do Príncipe Nicolas da Suécia / Royal Christening of Prince Nicolas of Sweden
Podemos sempre contar com os grandes eventos familiares na Suécia para grandes momentos de doçura, naturalidade e beleza.
O Baptizado do Príncipe Nicolas que teve lugar ontem não foi excepção.
We can always count on the big family events in Sweden for great moments of sweetness, naturalness and beauty.
Prince Nicolas's Christening held yesterday was no exception.
We can always count on the big family events in Sweden for great moments of sweetness, naturalness and beauty.
Prince Nicolas's Christening held yesterday was no exception.
Nicolas Paul Gustaf, segundo filho da Princesa Madeleine da Suécia e de Christopher O'Neill recebeu o seu primeiro sacramento na Capela Real do Palácio de Drottningholm, à semelhança do que aconteceu com a sua irmã, Leonore em 2014.
Nicolas Paul Gustaf, the second child of Princess Madeleine of Sweden and Christopher O'Neill received his first sacrament in the Royal Chapel of the Drottningholm Palace, similar to what happened to his sister, Leonore in 2014.
Nicolas Paul Gustaf, the second child of Princess Madeleine of Sweden and Christopher O'Neill received his first sacrament in the Royal Chapel of the Drottningholm Palace, similar to what happened to his sister, Leonore in 2014.
O pequeno príncipe teve como padrinhos: Príncipe Carl Philip (irmão de Madeleine),Catherine von Horn (amiga de Madeleine), Gustaf Magnuson (primo de Madeleine, filho da Princesa Christina), Natascha Abensperg und Traun (meia-irmã de Christopher), Henry d'Abo (cunhado de Christopher, esposo da sua irmã Tatjana) e Marco Wajselfisz (amigo de Christopher).
The little prince had as godparents: Prince Carl Philip (Madeleine's brother), Catherine von Horn (Madeleine's friend), Gustaf Magnuson (Madeleine's cousin, son of Princess Christina), Natascha Abensperg und Traun (half-sister of Christopher) Henry d'Abo (brother of Christopher, husband of his sister Tatjana) and Marco Wajselfisz (friend of Christopher).
The little prince had as godparents: Prince Carl Philip (Madeleine's brother), Catherine von Horn (Madeleine's friend), Gustaf Magnuson (Madeleine's cousin, son of Princess Christina), Natascha Abensperg und Traun (half-sister of Christopher) Henry d'Abo (brother of Christopher, husband of his sister Tatjana) and Marco Wajselfisz (friend of Christopher).
A homilia foi celebrada em sueco e em inglês pela Arcebispo Antje Jackelén, pelo Bispo Emérito Lars-Göran Lönnermark e pelo Capelão Michael Bjerkhagen e, como é tradição na religião luterana teve vários hinos durante a celebração.
The homily was held in Swedish and English by the Archbishop Antje Jackelén, by Bishop Emeritus Lars-Göran Lönnermark and the Chaplain Michael Bjerkhagen and as is tradition in the Lutheran religion had several hymns during the celebration.
The homily was held in Swedish and English by the Archbishop Antje Jackelén, by Bishop Emeritus Lars-Göran Lönnermark and the Chaplain Michael Bjerkhagen and as is tradition in the Lutheran religion had several hymns during the celebration.
Alguns dados simbólicos:
A pia baptismal esculpida em madeira dourada em estilo barroco data de 1600.
Some symbolic data:
The font carved on gilded wooden has a Baroque style and went back to 1600.
Some symbolic data:
The font carved on gilded wooden has a Baroque style and went back to 1600.
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Presente a um canto a coroa da Princesa Elizabeth Hedvig Charlotta. A peça em ouro e adornada com pérolas e pedras preciosas data de 1778 e esteve também presente no baptizado da princesa Madeleine e no casamento de Madeleine e Christopher.
Present at a corner the Princess Elizabeth Hedvig Charlotta Crown. The piece in gold and adorned with pearls and precious stones was made in 1778 and was also present at the christening of Princess Madeleine and Madeleine and Christopher marriage.
Present at a corner the Princess Elizabeth Hedvig Charlotta Crown. The piece in gold and adorned with pearls and precious stones was made in 1778 and was also present at the christening of Princess Madeleine and Madeleine and Christopher marriage.
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Numa tradição começada pelo Rei Carl Gustaf e pela Rainha Silvia, com os seus filhos, Nicolas foi baptizado com água de uma nascente de Öland, na Suécia.
On a tradition begun by King Carl Gustaf and Queen Silvia, with their children, Nicolas was baptized with water from a spring font of Öland, Sweden.
Em comparação com as primas Estelle e Leonore, Nicolas esteve menos paciente durante a cerimónia, tanto no baptismo propriamente dito...
Compared to Estelle and Leonore, Nicolas was less patient during the ceremony, both at the baptism itself ...
Ao contrário dos outros mais recentes baptizados reais suecos que ocorreram na primavera, Nicolas foi baptizado em pleno Outono.
Unlike other recent Swedish royal christenings, that occurred in the spring, Nicolas was baptized during the autumn.
Compared to Estelle and Leonore, Nicolas was less patient during the ceremony, both at the baptism itself ...
...como no momento porque todos os royal watchers esperavam: a mini faixa da Ordem do Sarafim, cuidadosamente colocada pelo avô, o Rei Carl XVI Gustaf. Curiosamente após a colocação da mais alta condecoração sueca, o primeiro neto dos reis da Suécia pareceu acalmar. at the moment all royal watchers were waiting for: a mini Sarafim Order sash, carefully placed by his grandfather, King Carl XVI Gustaf. Interestingly after placing the highest Swedish honor, the first grandson of the Swedish kings seemed to calm down. at the moment all royal watchers were waiting for: a mini Sarafim Order sash, carefully placed by his grandfather, King Carl XVI Gustaf. Interestingly after placing the highest Swedish honor, the first grandson of the Swedish kings seemed to calm down.
No fundo, no fundo, era tudo o que ele queria naquele dia.
Deep, deep down, was all he wanted on that day.
Deep, deep down, was all he wanted on that day.
Cada evento familiar sueco me surpreende pela naturalidade, simplicidade e beleza do acontecimento e dos seus intervenientes.
Every Swedish family event surprises me by the naturalness, simplicity and beauty of the event and its participants.
Every Swedish family event surprises me by the naturalness, simplicity and beauty of the event and its participants.
Ao contrário dos outros mais recentes baptizados reais suecos que ocorreram na primavera, Nicolas foi baptizado em pleno Outono.
Unlike other recent Swedish royal christenings, that occurred in the spring, Nicolas was baptized during the autumn.
E adorei como isso se reflectiu na decoração da Capela e nas cores escolhidas pelas damas reais para este dia. Uma complementaridade sazonal, onde os pastéis foram substituídos pelos tons mais quentes, e onde as rendas deram lugar a tecidos mais estruturados e ricos.
And I loved how it was reflected in the decoration of the Chapel and in the colors chosen by the royal ladies to this day. A seasonal complementarity, where the soft tones were replaced by warmer ones, and where laces have given way to more structured and rich fabrics.
And I loved how it was reflected in the decoration of the Chapel and in the colors chosen by the royal ladies to this day. A seasonal complementarity, where the soft tones were replaced by warmer ones, and where laces have given way to more structured and rich fabrics.
Madde, Chris, Leonore & Nicolas
A filha mais nova dos Reis da Suécia optou por um vestido Valentino, à semelhança do que aconteceu no dia do seu casamento e no baptizado de Leonore. O vestido é da coleção Outono Inverno 2015. Adorei o fascinator escolhido em tom fuscia. Para mim a mais elegante do dia!
The youngest daughter of the Swedish Kings chose a Valentino dress, similar to what happened the day of her wedding and at Leonre's christening. The dress is from the Autumn Winter 2015 collection I loved the fascinator chosen in fuscia. For me the most elegant of the day!
Muito elegante. Chris usou um fraque.
Very elegant, Chris wore a morning suit.
O protagonista do dia usou um vestido de baptismo real, usado por todos os membros da família real sueca desde 1906. À saída da Capela, Nicolas foi cuidadosamente protegido do frio com um cobertor.
The protagonist of the day used a royal christening gown, worn by all members of the Swedish royal family since 1906. On leaving the chapel, Nicolas has been carefully protected from the cold with a blanket.
The youngest daughter of the Swedish Kings chose a Valentino dress, similar to what happened the day of her wedding and at Leonre's christening. The dress is from the Autumn Winter 2015 collection I loved the fascinator chosen in fuscia. For me the most elegant of the day!
Muito elegante. Chris usou um fraque.
Very elegant, Chris wore a morning suit.
Leonore não parou durante a cerimónia. A princesa com 1.5 de idade mostrou-se muito curiosa durante o evento e foi notório o esforço de todos para a acalmar. A pequena princesa usou um vestido cinza da marca Bonpoint. Especula-se que a aplicação em renda (inexistente no modelo original) seja alguma renda histórica da casa real, dado o gosto por estas pequenas homenagens em dias como este.
Leonore did not stop during the ceremony. The princess aged 1 year and half proved to be very curious during the event and was notorious the effort of all to calm her down. The little princess wore a gray dress by Bonpoint brand. It is speculated that the lace application on the neckline (non-existent in the original model) is some historical fabric of the royal household, given how much the swedish ladies like these small tributes on days like this.
Leonore did not stop during the ceremony. The princess aged 1 year and half proved to be very curious during the event and was notorious the effort of all to calm her down. The little princess wore a gray dress by Bonpoint brand. It is speculated that the lace application on the neckline (non-existent in the original model) is some historical fabric of the royal household, given how much the swedish ladies like these small tributes on days like this.
O protagonista do dia usou um vestido de baptismo real, usado por todos os membros da família real sueca desde 1906. À saída da Capela, Nicolas foi cuidadosamente protegido do frio com um cobertor.
The protagonist of the day used a royal christening gown, worn by all members of the Swedish royal family since 1906. On leaving the chapel, Nicolas has been carefully protected from the cold with a blanket.
O vestido contêm bordados os nomes e datas de baptismo de todos os seus usuários.
The dress contains embroidered the names and baptism dates of all its users.
The dress contains embroidered the names and baptism dates of all its users.
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Carl Gustaf & Sílvia
No baptizado do seu terceiro neto, e prestes a ser avó pela quarta vez, a Rainha da Suécia mostrou-se elegante num conjunto azul que combinou com pérolas.
At the christening of her third grandchild, and about to be a grandmother for the fourth time, the Queen of Sweden proved to be an elegant wearing a blue suit that combined with pearls.
Principalmente quando o cabelo não ajuda em nada.
Especially when the hair style does not help at all.
At the christening of her third grandchild, and about to be a grandmother for the fourth time, the Queen of Sweden proved to be an elegant wearing a blue suit that combined with pearls.
Carl Gustaf usou o seu uniforme militar.
Carl Gustaf wore his military uniform.
Carl Gustaf wore his military uniform.
Victoria, Daniel & ESTELLE
Victoria, que nos deu a alegria do ano, ao anunciar a sua segunda gravidez o mês passado estava deslumbrante num vestido roxo da marca de maternidade Seraphine. A Princesa da Coroa Sueca usou um chapéu pillbox a condizer. Daniel usou um fraque.
Victoria, who gave us the joy of the year by announcing her second pregnancy last month was stunning in a purple dress by the maternity label Seraphine. The swedish Crown Princess wore a pillbox hat to match. Daniel wore a morning suit.
Victoria, who gave us the joy of the year by announcing her second pregnancy last month was stunning in a purple dress by the maternity label Seraphine. The swedish Crown Princess wore a pillbox hat to match. Daniel wore a morning suit.
Estelle, provou mais uma vez que é um doce de menina. Sempre a sorrir, sempre preocupada com os primos mais novos. Sempre prestável (durante a cerimónia, enquanto Nicolas chorava, Estelle correu a buscar uma chupeta para entregar ao primo - a situação levou a várias gargalhadas na Capela real). Uma verdadeira líder em serviço. Estelle voltou a repetir um conjunto de vestido e casaco da marca "real" Marie-Chantal.
Estelle, proved once again that she is the sweetest girl. Always smiling, always concerned about her younger cousins. Always helpful (during the ceremony, while Nicolas cried, Estelle ran to seek a pacifier to deliver his cousin - the situation led to several laughs in the Royal Chapel). A real leader in service. Estelle returned to repeat a dress and jacket set from the "royal" brand Marie-Chantal Clothing.
Estelle, proved once again that she is the sweetest girl. Always smiling, always concerned about her younger cousins. Always helpful (during the ceremony, while Nicolas cried, Estelle ran to seek a pacifier to deliver his cousin - the situation led to several laughs in the Royal Chapel). A real leader in service. Estelle returned to repeat a dress and jacket set from the "royal" brand Marie-Chantal Clothing.
Carl Philip & Sofia
Naquela que foi a sua primeira aparição com a Ordem da Família, Sofia não desapontou na escolha do vestido. Um lindo modelo Gucci em seda carmim. Adorei os tons dos acessórios a complementar a cor do vestido, mas....Laços no cabelo são exclusivos para Estelle e Leonore, ok Sofia?
In what was her first appearance with the Family Order, Sofia did not disappoint about her dress choice. A beautiful silk crimson by Gucci. I loved the colors of accessories to complement the dress color, but .... bows in the hair are exclusive for Estelle and Leonore, ok Sofia?
In what was her first appearance with the Family Order, Sofia did not disappoint about her dress choice. A beautiful silk crimson by Gucci. I loved the colors of accessories to complement the dress color, but .... bows in the hair are exclusive for Estelle and Leonore, ok Sofia?
Principalmente quando o cabelo não ajuda em nada.
Especially when the hair style does not help at all.
Carl-Philip, usou o seu uniforme militar e foi um Padrinho orgulhoso. Carl Philip também é Padrinho da Princesa Estelle.
Carl-Philip, used his military uniform and was a proud Godfather. Carl Philip is also godfather of Princess Estelle.
Carl-Philip, used his military uniform and was a proud Godfather. Carl Philip is also godfather of Princess Estelle.
Após a cerimónia, seguiu-se uma recepção, onde como é tradição, Nicolas foi colocado no berço real, e saudado pelos convidados que cumprimentaram os seus pais.
After the ceremony, a reception followed it, where as is tradition, Nicolas was placed in the royal cradle, and welcomed the guests who greeted their parents.
After the ceremony, a reception followed it, where as is tradition, Nicolas was placed in the royal cradle, and welcomed the guests who greeted their parents.
Princess Madeline and Chris greet their guests as Prince Nicolas sleeps in his gold crib!
— Gert's Royals (@Gertsroyals) 11 outubro 2015
Estelle e Leonore ajudaram durante a recepção...
Estelle & Leonore helped during the reception ...
Estelle & Leonore helped during the reception ...
Estelle being a lovely little hostess to the Christening guests! What a great cousin!
— Gert's Royals (@Gertsroyals) 11 outubro 2015
E mostraram toda a sua classe.
And showed all their class.
And showed all their class.
Epic picture imo!! Classy Estelle!
— Tesouras&Tiaras (@TesourasTiaras) 11 outubro 2015
Seguiu-se um almoço, oferecido pelos Reis.
This was followed by a lunch offered by the Kings.
This was followed by a lunch offered by the Kings.
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As fotografias oficiais da família de quatro, com os avós, tios e padrinhos de Nicolas.
The official photos from the family of four, and with Nicolas's greatparantes, uncles and aunts and godparants.
Madalena ainda partilhou uma foto muito especial no seu Facebook.
Madeleine also shared a very special picture on her Facebook.
O perfil de Nicolas já está incluindo no site da família real sueca, e o seu monograma também foi divulgado ontem.
Nicolas profile is already including in the Swedish royal family site, and a monogram was also released yesterday.
The official photos from the family of four, and with Nicolas's greatparantes, uncles and aunts and godparants.
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Photo Mattias Edwall, The Royal Court, Sweden |
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Photo Mattias Edwall, The Royal Court, Sweden |
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Photo Mattias Edwall, The Royal Court, Sweden |
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Photo Mattias Edwall, The Royal Court, Sweden |
Madeleine also shared a very special picture on her Facebook.
We are so happy and thankful that we had such a lovely christening for Nicolas. Leonore had a lot of fun and Nicolas was a bit overwhelmed!
Posted by Princess Madeleine of Sweden on Terça-feira, 13 de Outubro de 2015
O perfil de Nicolas já está incluindo no site da família real sueca, e o seu monograma também foi divulgado ontem.
Nicolas profile is already including in the Swedish royal family site, and a monogram was also released yesterday.
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Mais uma cerimónia memorável, repleta de momentos doces e únicos que pode ser vista e revista aqui.
Another memorial ceremony, filled with sweet and unique moments that can be seen and reviewed here.
Another memorial ceremony, filled with sweet and unique moments that can be seen and reviewed here.
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