O Príncipe lenhador na Suécia e o regresso dos Espanhóis ao trabalho / The Swedish woodcutter Prince and the return of the Spanish to work
Depois de uns posts mais sérios, hoje, para acabar a semana, uma outra perspectiva da vida real:
After some more serious posts, today to end the week, another perspective of the royal life:
After some more serious posts, today to end the week, another perspective of the royal life:
Daniel é um homem prevenido: se a vida de Príncipe não der certo, ele sabe que é sempre bom aprender um ofício.
A fotografia foi tirada durante a visita do Príncipe às instalações da Stora Enso, onde Daniel teve oportunidade de conhecer um pouco mais sobre a visão desta empresa no sector florestal sueco do ponto de vista da sustentabilidade.
Daniel is a prudent man: if the life as Prince does not work out, he knows it's always good to learn a trade.
The photograph was taken during the Prince's visit to Stora Enso's premises, where Daniel had the opportunity to know more about the vision of this company in the Swedish forestry sector from the sustainability point of view.
Daniel is a prudent man: if the life as Prince does not work out, he knows it's always good to learn a trade.
The photograph was taken during the Prince's visit to Stora Enso's premises, where Daniel had the opportunity to know more about the vision of this company in the Swedish forestry sector from the sustainability point of view.
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Via Stora Enso website |
A empresa, criada em 1998, é fornecedora líder global em soluções de embalagens renováveis, biomateriais e produtos em madeira e papel. A meta da empresa é substituir materiais não-renováveis, através da criação e desenvolvimento de novos produtos e serviços extraídos a partir da madeira e outros materiais renováveis. A Stora Enso tem aproximadamente 27.000 funcionários em mais de 35 países. Só na Suécia conta com 5.100 trabalhadores.
The company, established in 1998, is a leading global provider of renewable packaging solutions, biomaterials and wood and paper products. The company's goal is to replace non-renewable materials, through the creation and development of new products and services derived from wood and other renewable materials. Stora Enso has approximately 27,000 employees in more than 35 countries. Only in Sweden has 5,100 employees.
The company, established in 1998, is a leading global provider of renewable packaging solutions, biomaterials and wood and paper products. The company's goal is to replace non-renewable materials, through the creation and development of new products and services derived from wood and other renewable materials. Stora Enso has approximately 27,000 employees in more than 35 countries. Only in Sweden has 5,100 employees.
Por Espanha, Felipe e Letizia estão de volta ao trabalho.
No dia 2, os Reis de Espanha receberam em audiência na Zarzuela, representantes de três Instituições.
In Spain, Felipe and Letizia are back to work.
On the 2nd September, the Kings of Spain received in audience at the Zarzuela, representatives of the three institutions.
In Spain, Felipe and Letizia are back to work.
On the 2nd September, the Kings of Spain received in audience at the Zarzuela, representatives of the three institutions.
Los Reyes recibieron en audiencia al nuevo Consejo General de la ONCE http://t.co/AcGlBhIRBg pic.twitter.com/nGQx1tUtOC
— Casa de S.M. el Rey (@CasaReal) 2 setembro 2015
Primeiramente Felipe e Letizia deram as boas-vindas ao novo Conselho Geral da ONCE. Uma Organização que faz da sua missão a melhoria das condições de vida das pessoas cegas e com outras incapacidades visuais.
Felipe and Letizia first gave the welcome to the new General Council of ONCE. An organization that makes its mission to improve the living conditions of the blind and other visually impaired people.
Felipe and Letizia first gave the welcome to the new General Council of ONCE. An organization that makes its mission to improve the living conditions of the blind and other visually impaired people.
Los Reyes, con el Patronato de la Fundación Adecco en el 15º aniversario de su constitución http://t.co/tdPq1TBbh0 pic.twitter.com/32KceLjhhc
— Casa de S.M. el Rey (@CasaReal) 2 setembro 2015
De seguida foi a vez da Fundação Adecco, que comemora o seu 15º aniversário ser recebida. Esta Fundação tem como objectivo a integração no mercado laboral de pessoas com alguma incapacidade ou limitação física.
Then it was the turn of the Adecco Foundation, celebrating its 15th anniversary, to be received. This foundation aims at integration into the labor market of people with a physical disability or limitation.
Then it was the turn of the Adecco Foundation, celebrating its 15th anniversary, to be received. This foundation aims at integration into the labor market of people with a physical disability or limitation.
Los Reyes, con la Unión de Asociaciones Empresariales de la Industria Cultural Española http://t.co/49sNxH6WIr pic.twitter.com/kQNYchKymQ
— Casa de S.M. el Rey (@CasaReal) 2 setembro 2015
Finalmente, os Reis receberam representantes da União de Associações Empresariais da Indústria Cultural Espanhola, das quais se incluíam representantes da FEDICINE (Federação de Distribuidores Cinematográficos) e da FAPAE (Confederação que integra a totalidade das produtoras audiovisuais espanholas- cinema, televisão, animação e documentários).
Finally, the Kings received representatives of the Spanish Cultural Industry Business Associations Union, of which included representatives of FEDICINE (Federation of Cinematographic Distributors) and FAPAE (Confederation that integrates all the spanish audiovisual productions - film, television, animation and documentaries ).
Finally, the Kings received representatives of the Spanish Cultural Industry Business Associations Union, of which included representatives of FEDICINE (Federation of Cinematographic Distributors) and FAPAE (Confederation that integrates all the spanish audiovisual productions - film, television, animation and documentaries ).
Ontem o casal teve actos a solo. Leti num conjunto leve e em despedida do Verão, recebeu primeiramente representantes da Fundação Lo que de Verdad Importa ( O que importa realmente). Esta Fundação visa a promoção e divulgação dos valores universais e humanos no sociedade.
Yesterday the couple had solo acts. Leti wearing e very light outfit as a farewell to summer, first received representatives of Foundation Lo que de Verdad Importa (What Really Matters). This foundation aims to promote and disseminate the universal and human values in society.
Yesterday the couple had solo acts. Leti wearing e very light outfit as a farewell to summer, first received representatives of Foundation Lo que de Verdad Importa (What Really Matters). This foundation aims to promote and disseminate the universal and human values in society.
La Reina se reunió con una representación de la Fundación “Lo que De Verdad Importa" http://t.co/mPqXl41BPR pic.twitter.com/y0RMS8wwBy
— Casa de S.M. el Rey (@CasaReal) 3 setembro 2015
De seguida, uma causa muito especial para a Rainha de Espanha. Letizia recebeu uma delegação da FEDER e da Rede de Entidades Solidárias. A FEDER como já aqui falámos dá a voz (e Leti dá a cara) a mais de 3 milhões de pessoas com doenças raras em Espanha.
Then a very special cause to the Queen of Spain. Letizia received a delegation from the FEDER and the Solidarity Entities Network. FEDER as has already mentioned here gives voice (and Leti gives the face) to more than 3 million people with rare diseases in Spain.
Then a very special cause to the Queen of Spain. Letizia received a delegation from the FEDER and the Solidarity Entities Network. FEDER as has already mentioned here gives voice (and Leti gives the face) to more than 3 million people with rare diseases in Spain.
La Reina recibió a una representación de FEDER y de la “Red de Entidades Solidarias” http://t.co/yZ4hEC7ISa pic.twitter.com/yl9Hn0WhFh
— Casa de S.M. el Rey (@CasaReal) 3 setembro 2015
Já todos os nossos meninos e meninas estão de volta ao trabalho. As coisas pelo Reino Unido ainda estão calmas, mas para a semana há muitos motivos para celebrar. 63 motivos para ser exacta! :)
All our boys and girls are back at work. Things on the United Kingdom are still calm, but next week there are many reasons to celebrate. 63 reasons to be exact!:)
P.S.: No fim-de-semana retomamos a rubrica o Casamento Real. Fiquem atentos.
PS: At the weekend T&T is back with the Real Wedding posts. Stay tuned.
All our boys and girls are back at work. Things on the United Kingdom are still calm, but next week there are many reasons to celebrate. 63 reasons to be exact!:)
Bom fim-de-semana e muito obrigada pelas mensagens de apoio sobre a nova estrutura do blog.
A nice weeked to everybody and thanks for the messages of support on the new structure of the blog.
P.S.: No fim-de-semana retomamos a rubrica o Casamento Real. Fiquem atentos.
PS: At the weekend T&T is back with the Real Wedding posts. Stay tuned.
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