Grandes chapéus e roupas coloridas de volta à Holanda / Big hats and colorful clothes back in the Netherlands
Sabem quem já voltou também ao trabalho? A Rainha Máxima da Holanda.
Não sei quanto a vocês, mas eu tinha imensas saudades dela...
Do you know who also returned to work? Queen Máxima of the Netherlands.
I do not know about you, but I missed her terribly ...
Do you know who also returned to work? Queen Máxima of the Netherlands.
I do not know about you, but I missed her terribly ...
Com Máxima voltaram os chapéus e roupas coloridas. E talvez seja isso que eu senti mais saudades durante o Verão...
With Maxima the hats and colorful clothes are also back. And maybe that's what I missed most during the summer ...
With Maxima the hats and colorful clothes are also back. And maybe that's what I missed most during the summer ...
Koningin Máxima opent het Papageno Huis voor jongeren met autisme #stpapageno
— Koninklijk Huis (@koninklijkhuis) 26 agosto 2015
A 26 de Agosto a Rainha Consorte da Holanda compareceu à inauguração das instalações da Casa Papageno. Uma residência destinada a receber jovens com autismo, numa iniciativa da Fundação Papageno em Laren. E usou um dos meus vestidos favoritos. O vestido sorvete, como eu lhe chamo.
On 26 August the Queen Consort of the Netherlands attended the inauguration of the Papageno House. A residence designed to accommodate young people with autism, a Papageno Foundation initiative in Laren. She wore one of my favorite dresses. The ice cream dress, as I call it.
On 26 August the Queen Consort of the Netherlands attended the inauguration of the Papageno House. A residence designed to accommodate young people with autism, a Papageno Foundation initiative in Laren. She wore one of my favorite dresses. The ice cream dress, as I call it.
Durante a visita, Máxima foi informada de como o novo centro pretende integrar, através de várias actividades onde a música estará sempre presente os seus residentes temporários com especial atenção e foco.
During the visit, Maxima was informed of how the new center intends to integrate, through various activities where music will always be present, the temporary residents with special attention and focus.
During the visit, Maxima was informed of how the new center intends to integrate, through various activities where music will always be present, the temporary residents with special attention and focus.
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Via Stichting Papageno website |
Dois dias depois a esposa de Willem-Alexander visitou a Fundação Talent Coach, em Haia. Aí, Máxima voltou a ser a alegria personificada cores que usou.
Two days later King Willem-Alexander's wife visited the Foundation Talent Coach in The Hague. This time Máxima has returned to be the personified joy through the colors she wore.
Two days later King Willem-Alexander's wife visited the Foundation Talent Coach in The Hague. This time Máxima has returned to be the personified joy through the colors she wore.
Koningin Máxima was @Talentcoach070 , waar professionals uit bedrijfsleven Haagse stadsgenoten coachen @OranjeFonds
— Koninklijk Huis (@koninklijkhuis) 28 agosto 2015
Esta Fundação conta com o trabalho de profissionais altamente qualificados que são "treinados" para fazer a diferença na vida dos cidadãos mais vulneráveis, com um enorme efeito enriquecedor sobre o seu desenvolvimento pessoal e profissional.
This Foundation has highly skilled professionals "trained" to make a difference in the lives of the most vulnerable citizens, with a huge enriching effect on their personal and professional development.
This Foundation has highly skilled professionals "trained" to make a difference in the lives of the most vulnerable citizens, with a huge enriching effect on their personal and professional development.
Ao mesmo tempo pessoas que vivem no limiar da pobreza ganham aqui a oportunidade de colocar as suas vidas no caminho certo e participar activamente na sociedade, com a ajuda do seu "treinador".
At the same time people living below the poverty line earn with this programm the opportunity to put their lives on track and actively participate in society, with the help of their "coaches."
No fim-de-semana tempo para participar na comemoração dos 20 anos da Fundação Opkikker em Amesterdão, onde se apresentou em grande força num elegante conjunto creme com acessórios a condizer.
At the end of last week time to participate in the commemoration of the 20th anniversary of the Opkikker Foundation in Amsterdam, where she shows us her great force in an elegant cream set with matching accessories.
At the same time people living below the poverty line earn with this programm the opportunity to put their lives on track and actively participate in society, with the help of their "coaches."
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Via Talent Coach website |
No fim-de-semana tempo para participar na comemoração dos 20 anos da Fundação Opkikker em Amesterdão, onde se apresentou em grande força num elegante conjunto creme com acessórios a condizer.
At the end of last week time to participate in the commemoration of the 20th anniversary of the Opkikker Foundation in Amsterdam, where she shows us her great force in an elegant cream set with matching accessories.
Queen Máxima attends 20th anniversary of foundation Opkikker in Amsterdam #Opkikker #QueenMaxima #Amsterdam
— Albert Nieboer (@Royaleurope) 29 agosto 2015
Esta Fundação que se mostrou muito orgulhosa com o apoio de Máxima surgiu como uma iniciativa privada mas assenta o seu trabalho no voluntariado.
This Foundation that was very proud of Maxima's support, rised through a private initiative but based their work in volunteerism.
This Foundation that was very proud of Maxima's support, rised through a private initiative but based their work in volunteerism.
Wat een bijzondere dag is het vandaag! De eerste van twee prachtige Ambassadeursdagen is momenteel gaande! Stichting...
Posted by Stichting Opkikker on Sábado, 29 de agosto de 2015
A sua missão? Proporcionar um dia memorável para as famílias de crianças entre os 0-17 anos que sofram de doença crónica e tratamento prolongado.
Their mission? Provide a memorable day for the families of children aged 0-17 years suffering from chronic illness and prolonged treatment.
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Via Stichting Opkikker website |
Bem-vinda de volta Máxi! E obrigada por seres a cara por causas tão importantes! Cada vez mais fico boquiaberta com a maneira de trabalhar destas associações e com os seus valores e missões.
Welcome back Maxi! And thank you for being the face for such important causes! Increasingly I get gaping with the way of working of these associations and their values and missions.
Welcome back Maxi! And thank you for being the face for such important causes! Increasingly I get gaping with the way of working of these associations and their values and missions.
Maxi é a personificação do que é alegria nunca antes vi uma princesa tão feliz, e agora uma rainha como poucas, e parece que as cores lhe caem tão bem sempre, por mais que se misture tudo para ela está sempre linda. E seu papel social uau crianças são o futuro do mundo, se queremos um mundo melhor temos que olhar e zelar por nossos pequenos. Parabéns pelo post incrível