E Mathilde? / And about Mathilde?
Pois é, tenho falado muito das outras meninas, as da Suécia têm dado particularmente muitos posts, e nem uma palavra da Rainha dos Belgas.
Well, I have talked a lot of other girls, particularly our Swedish girls have given me many reasons to talk about, and not a single word about the Queen of the Belgians.
Well, I have talked a lot of other girls, particularly our Swedish girls have given me many reasons to talk about, and not a single word about the Queen of the Belgians.
Ainda está de férias? Não. Mathilde tem conduzido vários compromissos oficiais nos últimos dias.
Mas lembram-se daquele meu desabafo sobre a falta de fotografias credenciadas da família real belga que eu pudesse publicar aqui no blog? Pois bem, a queixa mantêm-se.
Still on vacation? No. Mathilde has conducted several official engagements in recent days.
But remember my complaint about the lack of accredited photos of the Belgian royal family I could post here on the blog? Well, the complaint remains.
Still on vacation? No. Mathilde has conducted several official engagements in recent days.
But remember my complaint about the lack of accredited photos of the Belgian royal family I could post here on the blog? Well, the complaint remains.
Recuando um pouco, a 2 de Setembro a Rainha Mathilde compareceu à Reunião da Organização Mundial de Saúde para saber mais sobre o Plano de Vacinação Europeu.
Going back to September 2 Queen Mathilde attended the World Health Organization meeting to learn more about the European Vaccination Plan.
Going back to September 2 Queen Mathilde attended the World Health Organization meeting to learn more about the European Vaccination Plan.
La vaccination, une priorité pour l'#OMS: réunion des responsables de vaccination européens @WHO_Europe @UAntwerpen pic.twitter.com/N9lRyCW1a8
— Belgian Royal Palace (@MonarchieBe) 2 setembro 2015
Mathilde trabalha muito de perto com a OMS, especialmente no que toca à saúde infantil.
Mathilde works very closely with WHO, especially as regards child health.
Dois dias depois a Rainha compareceu ao 20º aniversário da Célula para Procura de Pessoas desaparecidas da Polícia Federal Belga.
Two days later the Queen attended the 20th anniversary of the Missing Persons Search Cell of the Belgian Federal Police.
Mathilde works very closely with WHO, especially as regards child health.
Dois dias depois a Rainha compareceu ao 20º aniversário da Célula para Procura de Pessoas desaparecidas da Polícia Federal Belga.
Two days later the Queen attended the 20th anniversary of the Missing Persons Search Cell of the Belgian Federal Police.
20e anniversaire #CellulePersonnesDisparues de @PolFed_presse: coopération entre autorités et citoyens @ChildFocusFR pic.twitter.com/SZCmbWUQy5
— Belgian Royal Palace (@MonarchieBe) 4 setembro 2015
A importância da colaboração entre autoridades e cidadãos foi reforçada neste encontro.
The importance of collaboration between authorities and citizens was reinforced at this meeting.
The importance of collaboration between authorities and citizens was reinforced at this meeting.
Já esta semana houve tempo para Philippe e Mathilde comparecerem a um Espectáculo de Gala do Comité de Apoio à Flandres Oriental da Fundação Rei Balduíno.
Already this week there was time to Philippe and Mathilde attend a Gala Performance of the Committee of Support for East Flanders of the King Baudouin Foundation.
Already this week there was time to Philippe and Mathilde attend a Gala Performance of the Committee of Support for East Flanders of the King Baudouin Foundation.
— Belgian Royal Palace (@MonarchieBe) 9 setembro 2015
Por falar em Gala não se enganem. Não existiram tiaras.
Speaking of Gala, take no mistake. There were no Tiaras.
Ontem o casal real visitou a província de Limbourg, onde ficaram a conhecer um pouco mais sobre empreendedorismo ao visitar uma Incubadora de empresas Startups em Hasselt.
Yesterday the royal couple visited the province of Limburg, where they learned a little more about entrepreneurship while visiting Startups companies incubators in Hasselt.
Na despedida o casal foi saudado por imensos populares, especialmente crianças que se concentraram das ruas de Maasmechelen para cumprimentar o seu Rei e Rainha.
On their Goodbyes the pair were greeted by crowds, especially children who have waited on the Maasmechelen streets to salute their King and Queen.
Speaking of Gala, take no mistake. There were no Tiaras.
Ontem o casal real visitou a província de Limbourg, onde ficaram a conhecer um pouco mais sobre empreendedorismo ao visitar uma Incubadora de empresas Startups em Hasselt.
Yesterday the royal couple visited the province of Limburg, where they learned a little more about entrepreneurship while visiting Startups companies incubators in Hasselt.
En visite au #Limbourg: incubateur de startups au @cordacampus #Hasselt @LimburgBe @stadhasselt pic.twitter.com/Nyu4clTdlp
— Belgian Royal Palace (@MonarchieBe) 10 setembro 2015
Mais tarde o casal visitou um Centro de Férias e Tempos-livres visitado em 1966 pela Rainha Fabíola em Maasmechelen.
Later the couple visited a Vacances Center visited in 1966 by Queen Fabiola in Maasmechelen.
#VakantiehuisFabiola, centre de vacances visité en 1966 par SM la Reine Fabiola #Maasmechelen #Limbourg @MAASMECHELEN pic.twitter.com/T5fiL6LN0c
— Belgian Royal Palace (@MonarchieBe) 10 setembro 2015
Philippe e Mathilde visitaram ainda o Parque Nacional de Hoge Kempen na mesma localidade.
Philippe and Mathilde also visited the Hoge Kempen National Park in the same locality.
#Connecterra #Terhills porte d'accès au Nationaal Park Hoge Kempen + site #Ecotron de @uhasselt #LimburgBe pic.twitter.com/YnW134fZrl
— Belgian Royal Palace (@MonarchieBe) 10 setembro 2015
Na despedida o casal foi saudado por imensos populares, especialmente crianças que se concentraram das ruas de Maasmechelen para cumprimentar o seu Rei e Rainha.
On their Goodbyes the pair were greeted by crowds, especially children who have waited on the Maasmechelen streets to salute their King and Queen.
— Belgian Royal Palace (@MonarchieBe) 10 setembro 2015
Portanto Mathilde anda ai.
So, Mathilde is out there!
Bom Fim de Semana!
Have a nice weekend!
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