Bebé #2 para Victoria e Daniel / Royal Baby #2 for Victoria and Daniel
Após semanas de especulação (para não dizer meses ou anos) acaba de ser anunciado pela Casa Real Sueca que a Princesa da Coroa Victoria está grávida pela segunda vez.
After weeks of speculation (if not months or years) has just been announced by the Royal House that the Swedish Crown Princess Victoria is pregnant for the second time.
After weeks of speculation (if not months or years) has just been announced by the Royal House that the Swedish Crown Princess Victoria is pregnant for the second time.
O nascimento do terceiro na linha de sucessão ao trono está previsto para Março de 2016. A avaliar pela agenda da Princesa, a gravidez está a correr bem e não estão previstas alterações nos seus compromissos oficiais até ao fim do ano.
The birth of the third in line of succession to the throne is scheduled for March 2016. Judging by the schedule of the Crown Princess, the pregnancy is going well and are no planned changes in her official commitments until the end of the year.
The birth of the third in line of succession to the throne is scheduled for March 2016. Judging by the schedule of the Crown Princess, the pregnancy is going well and are no planned changes in her official commitments until the end of the year.
A feliz noticia surge no dia em que o feliz casal juntamente com os Reis da Suécia e o Príncipe Carl-Philip e a Princesa Sofia, irão comparecer a um Jantar que antecede a abertura do Parlamento Sueco do próximo dia 15 de Setembro.
The Happy news comes on the day that the happy couple along with the Kings of Sweden and Prince Carl-Philip and Princess Sofia will attend a dinner preceding the opening of the Swedish Parliament on the 15th of September.
The Happy news comes on the day that the happy couple along with the Kings of Sweden and Prince Carl-Philip and Princess Sofia will attend a dinner preceding the opening of the Swedish Parliament on the 15th of September.
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Não é novidade nenhuma: ESTOU SUPER FELIZ por Victoria e Daniel. Há muito que esta noticia era aguardada pelos royal watchers. Nas últimas semanas os rumores circulavam e as roupas suspeitas da Princesa só deram esperanças a todos nós, que cautelosamente mantivemos o silêncio, dada a desilusão do ano passado.
No surprises here: I AM SUPER HAPPY for Victoria and Daniel. There's been a common wish among royal watchers for a while. In recent weeks rumors emerged and the Princess's suspicions clothes only gave hope to all of us who carefully kept silence, given the disappointment of last year.
No surprises here: I AM SUPER HAPPY for Victoria and Daniel. There's been a common wish among royal watchers for a while. In recent weeks rumors emerged and the Princess's suspicions clothes only gave hope to all of us who carefully kept silence, given the disappointment of last year.
A Casa Real Sueca parece determinada a dar-nos todos os anos razões para celebrar! Nós agradecemos!! E começa uma nova era: #EstelleAsBigSister! Conseguem imaginar??
The Royal Swedish House seems determined to give us every year something to celebrate! We thank them for that!! And a new era begins: #EstelleAsBigSister! Can you only imagine it??
The Royal Swedish House seems determined to give us every year something to celebrate! We thank them for that!! And a new era begins: #EstelleAsBigSister! Can you only imagine it??
E assim faço um check na minha lista de desejos 2015!
And so I do a check on my 2015 wishlist!
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