Aberturas de Parlamento e...Harry / Openings of Parliament and Harry ...
Há dias assim, em que tudo acontece. 15 de Setembro já é normalmente um dia bastante preenchido com três aniversários reais (Letizia, Harry e Daniel), mas em 2015 também foi o dia escolhido para TODOS os grandes eventos da rentrée. E a excitação começou logo na véspera.
There are days like this, where everything happens. September 15 is already quite usually a day filled with three royal birthdays (Letizia, Harry and Daniel), but in 2015 was also the day chosen for ALL major events of the rentrée. And the excitement began just the day before.
There are days like this, where everything happens. September 15 is already quite usually a day filled with three royal birthdays (Letizia, Harry and Daniel), but in 2015 was also the day chosen for ALL major events of the rentrée. And the excitement began just the day before.
ROYAL GANG: Who's ready for tomorrow??? Hands up!
— Tesouras&Tiaras (@TesourasTiaras) 14 setembro 2015
E por TODOS eu quero dizer:
And by ALL I mean:
And by ALL I mean:
- Abertura do Parlamento Sueco - Serviço Religioso, Abertura Oficial do Parlamento e Concerto
- Opening of the Swedish Parliament - Religious Service, State Opening of Parliament and Concert
- Opening of the Swedish Parliament - Religious Service, State Opening of Parliament and Concert
Um dia começou, como é hábito com o tradicional Serviço Religioso em Storkyrkan.
The day began, as always with the traditional Religious Service in Storkyrkan
The day began, as always with the traditional Religious Service in Storkyrkan
Presentes o Rei, a Rainha...
There the King and the Queen...
There the King and the Queen...
O Casal da Coroa, o Príncipe Carl Philip, a Princesa Sofia e a Princesa Madeleine (no seu primeiro acto oficial desde o nascimento do pequeno Nicolas).
The Crown Princess Couple, Prince Carl-Philip, Princess Sofia and Princess Madeleine (on her first official engagement since Prince Nicolas's birth).
The Crown Princess Couple, Prince Carl-Philip, Princess Sofia and Princess Madeleine (on her first official engagement since Prince Nicolas's birth).
Apesar dos meus pedidos para que os antigos vestidos da corte sueca voltassem, as damas suecas fizeram o que podiam dentro do género para as cerimónias solenes de dia.
Despite my requests to the return of the old dresses from Swedish Court, the Swedish ladies did what they could regarding that matter for the solemn ceremonies of day.
Despite my requests to the return of the old dresses from Swedish Court, the Swedish ladies did what they could regarding that matter for the solemn ceremonies of day.
O dress code impõe que as mulheres vistam preto e branco.Victoria manteve-se fiel ao seu uniforme pré-mamã da Abertura do Parlamento e repetiu o look de 2011 (quando estava grávida de Estelle).
The dress code requires women to wear black and white.Victoria remained true to her pre-mom uniform of Parliament Opening and repeated the 2011 look (when she was pregnant with Estelle).
The dress code requires women to wear black and white.Victoria remained true to her pre-mom uniform of Parliament Opening and repeated the 2011 look (when she was pregnant with Estelle).
Sofia e Madeleine em looks bastante semelhantes causaram sensação e deram-nos o que de mais aproximado pode existir de vestidos da corte sueca (em termos de homogeneidade, é claro). Sofia esteve melhor na minha opinião.
Sofia and Madeleine quite similar in style caused a sensation and gave us what it can be more approached to the old dresses of the Swedish court (in terms of homogeneity, of course). Sofia was better in my opinion.
Sofia and Madeleine quite similar in style caused a sensation and gave us what it can be more approached to the old dresses of the Swedish court (in terms of homogeneity, of course). Sofia was better in my opinion.
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Photo courtesy of kungahuset.se/ David Sica/Stella Pictures |
À noite a família, com excepção de Madeleine compareceu a um Concerto, na Opera Hall de Estocolmo.
In the evening the family, with the exception of Madeleine attended a concert at the Opera Hall of Stockholm.
In the evening the family, with the exception of Madeleine attended a concert at the Opera Hall of Stockholm.
Swedish royal family attended an exhibition at the Royal Opera, event in connection with the Opening of Parliament pic.twitter.com/6vNbbCmpid
— Simo.R (@Like_aPrincess2) 15 setembro 2015
E aqui Vicky foi a estrela.
And Vicky was the star.
And Vicky was the star.
Um dia em cheio para os suecos que também comemoraram os 42 anos de Carl Gustaf no trono, e o 42º aniversário do Príncipe Daniel. Sim, no dia em que Carl Gustaf se tornou Rei, o seu futuro genro nascia. Coisas da vida...
A full day for the Swedes who also celebrated yesterday 42 years of Carl Gustaf on the throne, and the 42nd Birthday of Prince Daniel. Yes, on the day that Carl Gustaf became King, his future son-was born. Life's things...
A full day for the Swedes who also celebrated yesterday 42 years of Carl Gustaf on the throne, and the 42nd Birthday of Prince Daniel. Yes, on the day that Carl Gustaf became King, his future son-was born. Life's things...
- Prinsjesdag na Holanda - Cerimónia e Aparição ao Balcão
- Prinsjesdag on the Netherlands - Ceremony and balcony appearance
- Prinsjesdag on the Netherlands - Ceremony and balcony appearance
Foi também dia de Abertura do Parlamento na Holanda. Um ano importante porque foi a última vez que vimos a famosa Carruagem Dourada que normalmente transporta os Reis neste dia. Após muitos actos oficiais, o famoso transporte irá retirar-se para ser restaurado e irá para um Museu.
It was also the day of the Opening of the Parliament in the Netherlands. An important year because it was the last time we saw the famous Golden Carriage which usually carries the Kings on this day. After many official acts, the famous carriage will retire to be restored and will go to a museum.
It was also the day of the Opening of the Parliament in the Netherlands. An important year because it was the last time we saw the famous Golden Carriage which usually carries the Kings on this day. After many official acts, the famous carriage will retire to be restored and will go to a museum.
No percurso até ao Parlamento, a Princesa Beatrix acenou à procissão real.
On the way to the Parliament, the Princess Beatrix waved the royal procession.
On the way to the Parliament, the Princess Beatrix waved the royal procession.
Prinses Beatrix zwaait het gezelschap toe vanaf het bordes van het Mauritshuis
Posted by Vorsten on Terça-feira, 15 de Setembro de 2015
Willem-Alexander e Maxima compareceram a um dos actos mais solenes do calendário holandês numa manhã marcada pela chuva.
Willem-Alexander and Maxima attended one of the most solemn acts of the Dutch calendar in one morning marked by rain.
Willem-Alexander and Maxima attended one of the most solemn acts of the Dutch calendar in one morning marked by rain.
E contaram com a presença do Príncipe Constantijn e da Princesa Laurentien.
And they were joined by Prince Constantijn and Princess Laurentien.
And they were joined by Prince Constantijn and Princess Laurentien.
Maxima escolheu um lindo vestido para este dia. Em tons malva, e pela primeira vez, de manga curta, a criação de Jan Taminiau foi inspirada nas pinturas e decoração do Salão japonês do Palácio Huis ten Bosch.
Maxima chose a beautiful dress for this day. On mauve tones, and for the first time, short sleeve, i twas made by Jan Taminiau and it was inspired by paintings and decorative of the Japanese Rooms from Huis ten Bosch Palace.
Maxima chose a beautiful dress for this day. On mauve tones, and for the first time, short sleeve, i twas made by Jan Taminiau and it was inspired by paintings and decorative of the Japanese Rooms from Huis ten Bosch Palace.
Maxima's dress is based on the Japanese Room in Palace Huis ten Bosch.It´s from @JANTAMINIAU pic.twitter.com/27aJ0T3cGf
— Tesouras&Tiaras (@TesourasTiaras) 15 setembro 2015
Este ano Maxi optou por uma peça floral a adornar os seus cabelos em vez do habitual (e expectável) chapéu.
This year Maxi opted for a floral piece to adorn her hair instead of the usual (and expected) Hat.
- Regresso do Harry - E mais um motivo para o adorar!
- Harry's Return - and one more reason to love him!
E depois tivemos a melhor foto do dia.
And then we had the Best Photo of the Day!
This year Maxi opted for a floral piece to adorn her hair instead of the usual (and expected) Hat.
Máxima's haardecoratie #prinsjesdag pic.twitter.com/rYoEAvFV8b
— Lisa (@Fanvanroyalty) 15 setembro 2015
O rei proferiu o seu habitual discurso, sobre o olhar atento da sua Rainha.
The King gave his usual speech on the look of his Queen.
The King gave his usual speech on the look of his Queen.
Finda a cerimónia, os Reis voltaram para o Palácio onde acenaram durante breves minutos à multidão, juntamente com o Príncipe Constanjin e a Princesa Laurentien.
The ceremony ended, the Kings returned to the Palace where they waved for a few minutes the crowd, along with Prince Constantijn and Princess Laurentien.
- Regresso do Harry - E mais um motivo para o adorar!
- Harry's Return - and one more reason to love him!
E depois tivemos a melhor foto do dia.
And then we had the Best Photo of the Day!
Harry, em dia do seu 31º aniversário, compareceu às comemorações do 75º aniversário da Batalha da Bretanha.
Harry, on the day he turned 31, attended the celebrations of the 75th anniversary of the Battle of Britain.
Harry, on the day he turned 31, attended the celebrations of the 75th anniversary of the Battle of Britain.
Naquele que foi o seu primeiro compromisso após o regresso de África, o filho mais novo do Príncipe de Gales foi convidado para participar no festival aéreo, juntamente com vários veteranos de guerra na Academia de Voo de Boultbee. Uma iniciativa do Fundo Endeavour que procura ajudar antigos veteranos que ficaram feridos ou doentes durante o serviço militar, a atingir as suas ambições no âmbito do desporto e aventura.
In what was his first engagement after returning from Africa, the younger son of the Prince of Wales was invited to participate in the flypast, along with several war veterans in Boultbee Flight Academy. An initiative of Endeavour Fund, which seeks to help older war veterans or ex- service injured or sick people to achieve their ambitions in sport and adventure.
In what was his first engagement after returning from Africa, the younger son of the Prince of Wales was invited to participate in the flypast, along with several war veterans in Boultbee Flight Academy. An initiative of Endeavour Fund, which seeks to help older war veterans or ex- service injured or sick people to achieve their ambitions in sport and adventure.
Prince Harry tours the flight line with @BoultbeeAcademy @EndeavourFund #spitfirescholar Nathan and Alan #BoB75 pic.twitter.com/5aLVbIQenq
— Kensington Palace (@KensingtonRoyal) 15 setembro 2015
Infelizmente uma das relíquias que iria participar no voo não estava em condições. Harry gentilmente cedeu o seu lugar no avião ao veterano Tom Neil, de 95 anos, e ficou a assistir ao desfile do chão, ao mesmo tempo que segurava a bengala de Tom.
Unfortunately one of the relics that would participate in the flight was in no condition. Harry kindly gave his place on a plane to veteran Tom Neil, 95, and watched the flypast from the ground while holding Tom's stick.
Unfortunately one of the relics that would participate in the flight was in no condition. Harry kindly gave his place on a plane to veteran Tom Neil, 95, and watched the flypast from the ground while holding Tom's stick.
A fotografia acima publicada regista o momento em que o avião regressou a terra, e Harry foi cumprimentar o seu piloto.
The above published photograph records the moment the plane returned to land, and Harry was greeting the pilot.
The above published photograph records the moment the plane returned to land, and Harry was greeting the pilot.
Ah, é importante referir que o seu novo visual foi aprovado globalmente no Twitter. E pelo T&T também...
Oh, it's important to note that Harry's new look was approved globally on Twitter. And by T & T too...
Oh, it's important to note that Harry's new look was approved globally on Twitter. And by T & T too...
Prince Harry's latest look seems to be meeting with twitter approval.
— Mark Stewart (@RegalEyes) 15 setembro 2015
No doubt!! :) https://t.co/mmZUKlJITC
— Tesouras&Tiaras (@TesourasTiaras) 15 setembro 2015
Harry, sentimos a tua falta....
Harry, we missed you...
Harry, we missed you...
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