#VisitVärmland e mais /and more
Bom dia!
Boa semana!
O mais recente casal real visitaram o seu Ducado na semana passada. Uma visita de dois dias e que marcou a primeira visita oficial da Princesa Sofia da Suécia. O Duque e a Duquesa de Värmland foram recebidos com muito entusiasmo, chuva e esbanjaram simpatia por onde quer que passaram.
Good day!
Have a nice week!
The newest royal couple visited their Duchy last week. A two-day visit that marked the first official visit of Princess Sofia of Sweden. The Duke and Duchess of Värmland were received with much enthusiasm, rain and squandered sympathy wherever they went.
Good day!
Have a nice week!
The newest royal couple visited their Duchy last week. A two-day visit that marked the first official visit of Princess Sofia of Sweden. The Duke and Duchess of Värmland were received with much enthusiasm, rain and squandered sympathy wherever they went.
Värmland está localizada na antiga nação de Svealand e faz fronteira com a Noruega a Oeste.
Värmland is located in the ancient nation of Svealand and borders with Norway to the west.
Värmland is located in the ancient nation of Svealand and borders with Norway to the west.
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Värmland map via www.nationalmediamuseum.org.uk |
Trata-se de uma província histórica e como tal não possui funções administrativas, nem significado político, mas são referenciadas todavia em contextos históricos, culturais, escolares, turísticos e desportivos.
It is a historical province and as such does not have administrative functions or political significance, but are nevertheless referenced in historical, cultural, educational, tourist and sports contexts.
It is a historical province and as such does not have administrative functions or political significance, but are nevertheless referenced in historical, cultural, educational, tourist and sports contexts.
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Via Visit Värmland website |
Dia 1 / Day 1
Carl-Philip e Sofia chegaram de comboio a Karlstad, onde foram recebidos pelo Governador da região, Kenneth Johason e a sua esposa Viola.
Carl-Philip and Sofia arrived by train in Karlstad, where they were received by the Governor of the region, Johason Kenneth and his wife Viola.
Carl-Philip and Sofia arrived by train in Karlstad, where they were received by the Governor of the region, Johason Kenneth and his wife Viola.
Arrival Prince Carl Philip & Princess Sofia at Karlstad for two day visit to Värmland #PrincessSofia #Värmland pic.twitter.com/tidZ4FE0l2
— Albert Nieboer (@Royaleurope) 26 agosto 2015
O primeiro compromisso oficial do casal foi inaugurar a Reserva Natural de Byamossarna.
The first official engagement of the couple was the openning of the the Byamossarna Nature Reserve.
The first official engagement of the couple was the openning of the the Byamossarna Nature Reserve.
O casal real são patronos da reserva e passearam pelo terreno com um total de 3.5km de comprimento. O Príncipe fez um discurso onde esperava que a reserva fosse capaz de contribuir para uma aumento da importância da protecção, gestão e conservação da Natureza. O príncipe referiu ainda a importância da natureza para a sociedade e que esperava que no futuro todas as crianças pudessem desfrutar de uma natureza como a vivida ali em Byamossarna.
The royal couple are patrons of the reserve and toured by the area with a total of 3.5km long. The Prince gave a speech where he hoped that the reservation would be able to contribute to an increase in the importance of the protection, management and conservation of nature. The prince also mentioned the importance of nature to society and hoped that in the future all children could enjoy a nature as the present there in Byamossarna.
The royal couple are patrons of the reserve and toured by the area with a total of 3.5km long. The Prince gave a speech where he hoped that the reservation would be able to contribute to an increase in the importance of the protection, management and conservation of nature. The prince also mentioned the importance of nature to society and hoped that in the future all children could enjoy a nature as the present there in Byamossarna.
De seguida o casal visitou a casa da escritora sueca Selma Lagerlof, a primeira mulher a ganhar o Prémio Nobel da Literatura em 1909.
Then the couple visited the house of the Swedish writer Selma Lagerlof, the first woman to win the Nobel Prize for Literature in 1909.
Then the couple visited the house of the Swedish writer Selma Lagerlof, the first woman to win the Nobel Prize for Literature in 1909.
De noite o casal foi convidado de uma jantar no casa do Governador em Karlstad.
At night the couple was invited for a dinner at the Governor's house in Karlstad.
At night the couple was invited for a dinner at the Governor's house in Karlstad.
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Via kungahuset.se / David Sica /Stella Pictures |
Dia 2 / Day 2
Swedish Prince Carl Philip & Princess Sofia at 2nd day visit Mariebergsskogen #Värmländ #Karlstad #PrincessSofia pic.twitter.com/qyG02DhfA3
— Albert Nieboer (@Royaleurope) 27 agosto 2015
O dia começou com um passeio de barco por Karlstad. O casal visitou ainda o Mariebergsskogen Park, onde o Príncipe inaugurou a exposição Naturum e onde visitaram hortas de crianças.
The day began with a boat ride through Karlstad. The couple also visited the Mariebergsskogen Park, where the Prince inaugurated the exhibition Naturum where they visited children's gardens projects.
The day began with a boat ride through Karlstad. The couple also visited the Mariebergsskogen Park, where the Prince inaugurated the exhibition Naturum where they visited children's gardens projects.
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Via kungahuset.se / Jonas Ekströmer |
De seguida o casal real passeou pela cidade com várias autoridades locais e cumprimentou as centenas de pessoas que se aglomeravam nas ruas para ver o casal.
Then the royal couple toured the city with several local authorities and greeted the hundreds of people who crowded the streets to see the couple.
Then the royal couple toured the city with several local authorities and greeted the hundreds of people who crowded the streets to see the couple.
A visita acabou com um passeio de barco pelo arquipélago de Kristinehamn, onde o casal soube um pouco mais da História e dos negócios da região.
The visit ended with a boat trip through the archipelago of Kristinehamn, where the couple knew a little more of the history and business of the region.
The visit ended with a boat trip through the archipelago of Kristinehamn, where the couple knew a little more of the history and business of the region.
Na despedida o casal visitou a exposição Picasso Uddens, onde visitaram a escultura de 15 metros de altura da autoria do famoso artista, inaugurada no Verão de 1965.
On their goodbyes the couple visited the exhibition Picasso Uddens, where they visited the 15 meters hiigh sculpture of the famous artist unveiled in the summer of 1965.
Confesso que Sofia não me desiludiu. Nem em estilo nem em atitude. A princesa da Suécia mostrou-se confiante, simpática e muito envolvida durante a visita. Carl-Philip é um homem de sorte e visivelmente orgulhoso e apaixonado pela sua Princesa.
I confess that Sofia did not disappoint me. Neither style nor in attitude. The Princess of Sweden was confident, friendly and very involved during the visit. Carl-Philip is a lucky man and visibly proud and passionate about his Princess.
I confess that Sofia did not disappoint me. Neither style nor in attitude. The Princess of Sweden was confident, friendly and very involved during the visit. Carl-Philip is a lucky man and visibly proud and passionate about his Princess.
Os compromissos oficiais do casal não param.
Quando se comemoram 100 anos do nascimento da Princesa Lilian da Suécia (falecida em 2013), Carl-Philip e Sofia, acompanharam a Rainha Sofia à inauguração da exposição The Lilian Look.
The official duties of the couple do not stop.
When we celebrate 100 years since the birth of Princess Lilian of Sweden (died in 2013), Carl-Philip and Sofia, accompanied the Queen Sofia attended the opening of the exhibition The Lilian Look.
The official duties of the couple do not stop.
When we celebrate 100 years since the birth of Princess Lilian of Sweden (died in 2013), Carl-Philip and Sofia, accompanied the Queen Sofia attended the opening of the exhibition The Lilian Look.
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Via kungahuset.se |
Em exibição vários tipos de roupa e acessórios usados pela Princesa Lilian, divididos em 6 categorias: casamentos, festas de família, lazer, Nobel, inaugurações e humor. Uma exposição patente no Palácio Real até 6 de Janeiro de 2016.
In display several types of clothing and accessories worn by Princess Lilian, divided into 6 categories: weddings, family celebrations, leisure, Nobel, openings and humor. A display at the Royal Palace until January 6, 2016.
In display several types of clothing and accessories worn by Princess Lilian, divided into 6 categories: weddings, family celebrations, leisure, Nobel, openings and humor. A display at the Royal Palace until January 6, 2016.
No final da semana o casal marcou presença no Jantar solidário do Project Playground, do qual Sofia é co-fundadora e actualmente Presidente Honoraria.
At the end of the week the couple was present at the solidarity Dinner of Project Playground, of which Sofia is co-founder and current Honorary President.
At the end of the week the couple was present at the solidarity Dinner of Project Playground, of which Sofia is co-founder and current Honorary President.
Prince Carl Philip and Princess Sofia attended a Project Playground charity dinner tonight in Stockholm pic.twitter.com/oWIeMRppLr
— Royaltyspeaking (@Royal_talk) 29 agosto 2015
Uma semana super ocupada para estes dois pombinhos!
A super busy week for these two lovebirds!
P.S. Tenho MUITO a contar-vos no próximo post sobre o casamento real. Já sentem falta de novidades?
P.S. I have MUCH to tell you in the next post about the real wedding. Already missing something new?
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