Os dois lados da mesma moeda no 70º aniversário do Dia da Victoria sobre o Japão / The two sides of the same coin after 70 years on Victoria over Japan Day
Há 70 anos atrás...
70 years ago ...
70 years ago ...
"The war is over. Our hearts are full to overflowing" #VJDay pic.twitter.com/lzxg8o34VF
— St Paul's Cathedral (@StPaulsLondon) 15 agosto 2015
Londres rejubilava com o fim iminente da segunda guerra mundial. O Dia da Victoria sobre o Japão como ficou conhecido marcava a rendição do Império do Japão e colocava o ponto final iminente ao Conflito militar que tinha tido início 6 anos antes.
London rejoiced with the end of World War II. The Victoria over Japan Day as it became known marked the Empire of Japan's surrender and put the imminent end to the military conflict that had begun six years before.
London rejoiced with the end of World War II. The Victoria over Japan Day as it became known marked the Empire of Japan's surrender and put the imminent end to the military conflict that had begun six years before.
Entre os que comemoravam a ocasião quatro elementos que o povo desejava ver: O Rei George VI, a Rainha Elizabeth, e as duas princesas Elizabeth e Margaret. Símbolos de União e Resistência para todo o Reino.
Among those celebrating the occasion four elements that people wanted to see: King George VI, Queen Elizabeth, and the two princesses Elizabeth and Margaret. Symbols of Unity and Resistance for the entire kingdom.
Among those celebrating the occasion four elements that people wanted to see: King George VI, Queen Elizabeth, and the two princesses Elizabeth and Margaret. Symbols of Unity and Resistance for the entire kingdom.
70 anos depois, a actual Rainha Elizabeth II não deixou passar este dia em branco e assistiu, juntamente com o Duque de Edimburgo ao serviço religioso que marcou o fim do conflito, na St. Martin-in-the-Fields Church.
70 years later, the current Queen Elizabeth II did not miss this day blank and attended, along with the Duke of Edinburgh to the religious service marking the end of the conflict, in St. Martin-in-the-Fields Church.
70 years later, the current Queen Elizabeth II did not miss this day blank and attended, along with the Duke of Edinburgh to the religious service marking the end of the conflict, in St. Martin-in-the-Fields Church.
Também presentes na Cerimónia o Conde e a Condessa de Wessex, assim como o Duque e a Duquesa de Gloucester.
Also present at the ceremony the Earl and the Countess of Wessex, and the Duke and Duchess of Gloucester.
Also present at the ceremony the Earl and the Countess of Wessex, and the Duke and Duchess of Gloucester.
Também participaram na cerimónia vários veteranos de guerra, a quem os membros da família real não deixaram de cumprimentar.
Also attended the ceremony several war veterans, whom the members of the royal family did not fail to greet.
Also attended the ceremony several war veterans, whom the members of the royal family did not fail to greet.
O Príncipe de Gales a a Duquesa da Cornualha não estiveram presentes no serviço religioso, mas marcaram presença na Recepção oferecida pela Royal British Legion.
The Prince of Wales aa Duchess of Cornwall were not present at the religious service, but attended the reception offered by the Royal British Legion.
The Prince of Wales aa Duchess of Cornwall were not present at the religious service, but attended the reception offered by the Royal British Legion.
Charles e Camilla confraternizaram com vários veteranos de guerra...
Charles and Camilla fraternized with several war veterans ...
Charles and Camilla fraternized with several war veterans ...
....prestaram o seu tributo a todos os que perderam a vida neste conflito mundial.
... They paid their tribute to all who lost their lives in this world conflict.
... They paid their tribute to all who lost their lives in this world conflict.
E apesar da solenidade do evento e das memórias que trazem datas como estas, para quem as viveu, a alegria também não foi esquecida!
And despite the solemnity of the event and memories that dates like these bring for all whom lived it, the joy was also not forgotten!
And despite the solemnity of the event and memories that dates like these bring for all whom lived it, the joy was also not forgotten!
Entretanto no outro lado do mundo (e da História) também o Império do Japão prestou homenagem aos seus mortos de Guerra.
Meanwhile on the other corner of the world (and on the other side of History) also the Empire of Japan paid tribute to their war dead.
Meanwhile on the other corner of the world (and on the other side of History) also the Empire of Japan paid tribute to their war dead.
O Imperador Akihito e a Imperatriz Michiko compareceram a um serviço memorial no Nihon Budokan em Tóquio.
The Emperor Akihito and Empress Michiko attended a memorial service at the Nihon Budokan in Tokyo.
The Emperor Akihito and Empress Michiko attended a memorial service at the Nihon Budokan in Tokyo.
No seu discurso, o Imperador referiu que comparecia a este serviço "com um profundo e renovado sentido de pesar". 70 anos passaram desde o fim da guerra, e hoje o Japão "desfruta de paz e prosperidade, graças aos esforços incensáveis do povo japonês para recuperar da devastação da guerra e apostar no desenvolvimento, sempre suportado pelo grande desejo de continuação de paz".
In his speech, the Emperor said that he attended this service "with a deep and renewed sense of sorrow". 70 years passed since the end of the war, and today Japan "enjoys peace and prosperity, thanks tothe ceaseless efforts of the Japanese people to recover from the devastation of war and focusing on the development, always supported by the great desire for continued peace."
In his speech, the Emperor said that he attended this service "with a deep and renewed sense of sorrow". 70 years passed since the end of the war, and today Japan "enjoys peace and prosperity, thanks tothe ceaseless efforts of the Japanese people to recover from the devastation of war and focusing on the development, always supported by the great desire for continued peace."
Tais esforços ao longo dos anos emocionam o Imperador que acrescenta ainda que "reflectindo no nosso passado e tendo em conta os sentimentos de profundo remorso acerca da última grande guerra, Eu espero que os desaires de um conflito desta natureza nunca mais se repitam (...) e hoje manifesto o meu mais sentido tributo a todos os que perderam as suas vidas durante a guerra, no campo de batalha ou noutros lugares e rezo para a paz mundial e para o contínuo desenvolvimento do nosso país".
Such efforts over the years thrill the Emperor who adds that "reflecting on our past and taking into account the feelings of deep remorse about the last great war, I hope the setbacks of a conflict of this nature never happen again (.. .) and now I express my most heartfelt tribute to all who lost their lives during the war, on the battlefield or elsewhere and pray for world peace and for the continued development of our country. "
Em 1945 no seu discurso de rendição, o Imperador Hirohito, pai do actual soberano, nunca usou as palavras "Rendição", preferindo usar o termo "Cessar fogo". O receio de suicídios em massa, devido à humilhação da derrota, fez com que as palavras do Imperador fossem cuidadosas. Tal não impediu no entanto, que grandes figuras do Estado colocassem fim à suas vidas. Hirohito esteve a ponto de ser retirado do trono pelas forças aliadas. No entanto tal não se revelou fácil. Em baixo, a emblemática foto do Imperador com o General americano MacArthur na Embaixada Americana em Tóquio. O Japão viria a render-se oficialmente a 2 de Setembro de 1945.
In 1945 on his speech of surrender, Emperor Hirohito, father of the current ruler, never used the words "Surrender", preferring to use the term "Cease fire". The fear of mass suicides due to the humiliation of defeat, made the words of the Emperor being more careful. This did not prevent however that large state figures ended to their lifes. Hirohito was about to be removed from the throne by the allied forces. However this did not prove easy. Below, the iconic photo of the Emperor with the American General MacArthur at the US Embassy in Tokyo. Japan would surrender officially on 2 September 1945.
In 1945 on his speech of surrender, Emperor Hirohito, father of the current ruler, never used the words "Surrender", preferring to use the term "Cease fire". The fear of mass suicides due to the humiliation of defeat, made the words of the Emperor being more careful. This did not prevent however that large state figures ended to their lifes. Hirohito was about to be removed from the throne by the allied forces. However this did not prove easy. Below, the iconic photo of the Emperor with the American General MacArthur at the US Embassy in Tokyo. Japan would surrender officially on 2 September 1945.
Após a segunda guerra mundial, a monarquia no Japão mudou consideravelmente. Hirohito permaneceu no trono, apesar de muitos aliados o considerarem um criminoso de guerra "mais ditatorial que o próprio Hitler". O povo, no entanto, ainda considerava o Imperador um Deus e seria inadmissível ser julgado por crimes de guerra.
After World War II, the monarchy in Japan has changed considerably. Hirohito remained on the throne, although many allies consider him a war criminal "more dictatorial than Hitler himself". The people, although still considered the Emperor a God and would be unacceptable to be tried for war crimes.
After World War II, the monarchy in Japan has changed considerably. Hirohito remained on the throne, although many allies consider him a war criminal "more dictatorial than Hitler himself". The people, although still considered the Emperor a God and would be unacceptable to be tried for war crimes.
Por imposição dos aliados que ficaram no Japão até 1950, o Imperador toma medidas excepcionais, entre as quais a negação do carácter divino do seu cargo. Hirohito abandona os rituais da corte, deixa de usar quimono e permite a publicação de fotos da família imperial e admite publicamente sofrer de cancro.
By imposition of allies who stayed in Japan until 1950, the Emperor takes exceptional measures, including the denial of the divine nature of his position. Hirohito leaves the court rituals, stops wearing kimono and allows the publication of photos of the imperial family and publicly admits suffering from cancer.
By imposition of allies who stayed in Japan until 1950, the Emperor takes exceptional measures, including the denial of the divine nature of his position. Hirohito leaves the court rituals, stops wearing kimono and allows the publication of photos of the imperial family and publicly admits suffering from cancer.
Perto do final da ocupação Hirohito estaria preparado para se desculpar formalmente aos Estados Unidos pelas acções do Japão na Segunda Guerra Mundial. Diz-se que no dia em que o Imperador chegou para se desculpar, MacArthur recusou recebê-lo. Um pedido de desculpas é algo muito importante no Japão.
Near the end of the occupation, Hirohito would be prepared to apologize formally to the United States by Japan's actions in World War II. It is said that on the day the Emperor came to apologize, MacArthur refused to receive it. An apology is a very important thing in Japan.
Estima-se que entre o Reino Unido e os territórios da Commonwealth perderam-se cerca de 71.244 vidas no Conflito do Pacífico. Os bombardeamentos às cidades de Hiroshima e Nagasaki pelos americanos em 1945 resultaram na perda de 200.000 vidas.
It is estimated that between Britaind and other territories of the Commonwealth were lost about 71 244 lives in the Far East conflict. The Bombings to the cities of Hiroshima and Nagasaki by the Americans in 1945 resulted in the loss of 200,000 lives.
Os números são relativos. Afinal o sofrimento de guerra não é mensurável. O importante é nunca esquecer!
The numbers are relative. After all the suffering of war is not measurable. The important thing is to never forget!
Near the end of the occupation, Hirohito would be prepared to apologize formally to the United States by Japan's actions in World War II. It is said that on the day the Emperor came to apologize, MacArthur refused to receive it. An apology is a very important thing in Japan.
Estima-se que entre o Reino Unido e os territórios da Commonwealth perderam-se cerca de 71.244 vidas no Conflito do Pacífico. Os bombardeamentos às cidades de Hiroshima e Nagasaki pelos americanos em 1945 resultaram na perda de 200.000 vidas.
It is estimated that between Britaind and other territories of the Commonwealth were lost about 71 244 lives in the Far East conflict. The Bombings to the cities of Hiroshima and Nagasaki by the Americans in 1945 resulted in the loss of 200,000 lives.
Os números são relativos. Afinal o sofrimento de guerra não é mensurável. O importante é nunca esquecer!
The numbers are relative. After all the suffering of war is not measurable. The important thing is to never forget!
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