O Casamento Real #4 / The Real Wedding #4
Ora bem, tivemos o pedido, temos o espaço, o catering (ainda por falar), o fotografo...Tempo para dar uma festa!!
Well, we had the proposal, we have the venue, the catering (still not discussed here), the photographer ... Time to throw a party !!
Well, we had the proposal, we have the venue, the catering (still not discussed here), the photographer ... Time to throw a party !!
As nossas placas de discurso!Para mais informações e encomendas: info@amoraportuguesa.com
Posted by Amor à Portuguesa on Quarta-feira, 4 de Junho de 2014
Depois de dizermos às nossas famílias que íamos casar, e após demonstrações das contentamento recebidas, resolvemos fazer uma das coisas que mais gostamos de fazer enquanto casal: receber e cozinhar para os nossos amigos!! Um festa de Noivado para as nossas pessoas especiais com algumas surpresas pelo meio.
After telling our families that we were engaged, and after received contentment demonstrations, we decided to make one of the things we like the most to do as a couple: receiving and cooking for our friends !! An engagement party for our special people with a few surprises in between.
After telling our families that we were engaged, and after received contentment demonstrations, we decided to make one of the things we like the most to do as a couple: receiving and cooking for our friends !! An engagement party for our special people with a few surprises in between.
O dress-code foi estabelecido: uso de suspensórios para os meninos e flores no cabelo para as meninas.
The dress-code was established: suspenders use for boys and flowers in the hair for girls.
The dress-code was established: suspenders use for boys and flowers in the hair for girls.
A mesa foi posta, sem esquecer elementos que nos ligam a algumas pessoas que não puderam , e algumas não poderão, fazer parte de toda esta alegria, mas que sabemos que estão sempre connosco e que nos inspiram diariamente.
The table was set, with some special mention elements that bind us to some people who could not, and some won't be part of all this joyful occasion, but that we know in our hearts they are always with us and inspire us daily.
The table was set, with some special mention elements that bind us to some people who could not, and some won't be part of all this joyful occasion, but that we know in our hearts they are always with us and inspire us daily.
Se há coisa que estou certa é que o nosso dia vai ser repleto de pequenos simbolismos.
If there's one thing I am sure is that our day will be filled with small symbolisms.
If there's one thing I am sure is that our day will be filled with small symbolisms.
Perguntem a qualquer um dos nossos amigos, se há coisa pela qual NÃO somos conhecidos, é pela simplicidade na hora de cozinhar. É algo que adoramos e uma mesa cheia fica sempre mais bonita.
Infelizmente o nosso amigo P. tem sempre azar, porque por mais que eu tente, nunca consigo fazer grande coisa sem lactose. É sempre um grande desafio nas minhas possíveis ementas....
Ask any one of our friends, if there's one thing for which we are NOT known, it is for the simplicity when it comes to cooking. It's something we love and a full table is always more beautiful.
Unfortunately our dear friend P. has always unlucky, because no matter how I try, I can never cook lactose free food. It is always a great challenge in my menus possibilities ....
Ask any one of our friends, if there's one thing for which we are NOT known, it is for the simplicity when it comes to cooking. It's something we love and a full table is always more beautiful.
Unfortunately our dear friend P. has always unlucky, because no matter how I try, I can never cook lactose free food. It is always a great challenge in my menus possibilities ....
O bolo foi mais uma vez criação da nossa querida M. Uma deliciosa criação red velvet.
The cake was again made by our dear M. A delicious red velvet creation.
The cake was again made by our dear M. A delicious red velvet creation.
Mas tirando isso tínhamos de tudo, e acima de tudo, tínhamos partilha. Partilha de tudo o que se pode partilhar à mesa.
Se foi como eu imaginei? Não. Mas faz parte da complexidade que existe entre pessoas e de tudo o que se partilha à volta de uma mesa e por vezes transcende todas as iniciativas.
But apart from that we had a lot, and above all, we shared. Sharing everything you can share on the table.
It was how I imagined? No. But it's part of the complexity that exists between people and all that we share around a table that sometimes transcends all initiatives.
But apart from that we had a lot, and above all, we shared. Sharing everything you can share on the table.
It was how I imagined? No. But it's part of the complexity that exists between people and all that we share around a table that sometimes transcends all initiatives.
Mas de facto é bom saber que o #onoivadodeles como já foi "hashtagado" também lhes proporciona momentos de criatividade com que somos brindados. Como este presente!
But in fact it is good to know that what was hastagged as #theirengagement also provides our friends some moments of creativity with which we are presented. Like this gift!
But in fact it is good to know that what was hastagged as #theirengagement also provides our friends some moments of creativity with which we are presented. Like this gift!
"Calma, não é para beber tudo hoje"- disseram eles. E não foi. Cada garrafa trás uma etiqueta para ser aberta numa ocasião muito especial até ao dia do casamento. Cada garrafa também ela tem uma origem muito particular e muito intimista, relacionada com a nossa própria história. São garrafas de vinho, já agora!
"Easy, is not to drink everything today" - they said. And it was not. Each bottle has a label to be opened on a very special occasion until the wedding day. Each bottle also it has a very private and very intimate origin, related to our own history. By the way, they are wine bottles.
"Easy, is not to drink everything today" - they said. And it was not. Each bottle has a label to be opened on a very special occasion until the wedding day. Each bottle also it has a very private and very intimate origin, related to our own history. By the way, they are wine bottles.
Adorámos! A segunda garrafa tem abertura próxima (a primeira foi aberta no dia, chamava-se Monte dos Amigos). Depois falo sobre ela.
We loved! The second bottle's oppening is very soon (the first was opened on the party day and it was called Mount of Friends . Then I will talk about it.
We loved! The second bottle's oppening is very soon (the first was opened on the party day and it was called Mount of Friends . Then I will talk about it.
Mas as surpresas foram mútuas...Confesso que foi uma decisão que pensei muito se havia de tomar ou não. Mas depois de pensar bastante cheguei à conclusão de que mais do que uma decisão era uma necessidade devido ao facto de estar afastada da minha família nesta altura especial.
But the surprises were mutual ... I admit that was a decision that I had long been thought of taking or not. But after much thought I decided that rather than a decision, it was a need, because I'm planning this special time away from my family.
But the surprises were mutual ... I admit that was a decision that I had long been thought of taking or not. But after much thought I decided that rather than a decision, it was a need, because I'm planning this special time away from my family.
A ideia de ter damas-de-honor foi uma ideia que nunca me tinha passado pela cabeça, mas que foi ganhando um carinho especial. O meu maior medo (como em todos os convites que temos feito relacionados com o casamento) é que as pessoas vejam mais problemas do que alegria nesta acção.
Reacções como "E agora? O que esperas que eu faça? " ou "Quanto é que isto me vai custar???" podem até ser pensamentos naturais, mas por favor, não deixem que passem de pensamentos.
The idea of having Bridesmaids never crossed my mind before, but was winning a special affection on my heart for a few time now. My biggest fear (as in all calls we have made related to this wedding) is that people see more trouble than joy on this action.
Reactions like "What now? What do you expect me to do?" Or "How much is this going to cost me?", may even be natural thoughts, but please do not let these thoughts left your mouth.
The idea of having Bridesmaids never crossed my mind before, but was winning a special affection on my heart for a few time now. My biggest fear (as in all calls we have made related to this wedding) is that people see more trouble than joy on this action.
Reactions like "What now? What do you expect me to do?" Or "How much is this going to cost me?", may even be natural thoughts, but please do not let these thoughts left your mouth.
No meio do nervosismo e da expectativa que rodeia um pedido destes, a última coisa que queremos sentir é realmente insegurança do outro lado. Queremos lágrimas, queremos abraços, queremos alegria, não queremos palavras. Queremos olhares que digam tudo!!! Ou então queremos um sincero e directo "Não", se tiver que ser . Tudo o que fica no meio disso pode tornar-se horrível!
In the middle of all the nervousness and anticipation that surrounds this kind of request, the last thing you want is to feel true insecurity on the other side. We want tears, we want hugs, we want happiness, we do not want words. We want looks that say it all !!! Or we prefere a sincere "No", instead. All that stays in the middle of this can become horrible!
In the middle of all the nervousness and anticipation that surrounds this kind of request, the last thing you want is to feel true insecurity on the other side. We want tears, we want hugs, we want happiness, we do not want words. We want looks that say it all !!! Or we prefere a sincere "No", instead. All that stays in the middle of this can become horrible!
Escolhi três. Cada uma por diferentes motivos. Cada uma bastante diferente da outra. Três personalidades distintas, mas que nos acompanharam nos momentos mais importantes. E que acima de tudo me inspiraram muito. Cada uma à sua maneira. São 3 das 4 amigas que tenho mais próximas ( a outra será Madrinha!).
I chose three. Each one for different reasons. Each one quite different from each other. Three distinct personalities, but who accompanied us along our love story. And that above all inspired me a lot. Each one on her own way. They are 3 of my 4 closest friends (the other one will be my Maid of Honor!).
I chose three. Each one for different reasons. Each one quite different from each other. Three distinct personalities, but who accompanied us along our love story. And that above all inspired me a lot. Each one on her own way. They are 3 of my 4 closest friends (the other one will be my Maid of Honor!).
Alguns de vós devem pensar: "Que loucura!!! Vão dar opinião em tudo!!!!!" E vão, e sim, provavelmente a opinião de cada uma é diferente entre si e ainda diferente da minha. Mas EU PRECISO DISTO! Preciso de ter amigas com quem partilhar. Preciso de momentos entre meninas, que por vezes podem passar esquecidos quando já vivemos com alguém, e PIOR, que muitos podem pensar que já não precisamos.
Some of you may think, "what madness !!! They will give an opinion in everything !!!!!" They will, and probably the opinion of each is very different from each other and yet different from mine. But I NEED THIS! I need to have friends with whom to share. I need girls time, which can sometimes go overlooked when we already live with someone, and WORST, what many may think that you no longer need.
Some of you may think, "what madness !!! They will give an opinion in everything !!!!!" They will, and probably the opinion of each is very different from each other and yet different from mine. But I NEED THIS! I need to have friends with whom to share. I need girls time, which can sometimes go overlooked when we already live with someone, and WORST, what many may think that you no longer need.
E foi isso que deixei bem expresso no convite. Três rosas brancas para três mulheres especiais. "Encontrei o meu Rapaz. Mas preciso das minhas meninas! Dás-me a honra de ser minha Dama-de-Honor no meu casamento?".
E sim, o efeito foi o esperado! :) Elas também disseram SIM!!
And that's what I expressed in the invitation. Three white roses for three special women. "I found my boy. But I need my girls! Can you give the honor of being my Bridesmaid at my wedding?".
And yes, the effect was expected! :) They also said YES!
And that's what I expressed in the invitation. Three white roses for three special women. "I found my boy. But I need my girls! Can you give the honor of being my Bridesmaid at my wedding?".
And yes, the effect was expected! :) They also said YES!
Ideias, entusiasmo, emoção, partilha. A viagem a partir de agora será diferente. E a primeira etapa já está agendada: experimentar vestidos de noiva!
Ideas, enthusiasm, emotion, sharing. The trip from now on will be different. And the first step is already scheduled: shop for wedding dresses!
Ideas, enthusiasm, emotion, sharing. The trip from now on will be different. And the first step is already scheduled: shop for wedding dresses!
Posted by Vintage Lover on Domingo, 24 de Março de 2013
Mais alguém está a ter uma "Say yes to the dress" vibe?? Eu tenho e ESTOU EM PÂNICO!!!!
Someone else is having a "Say yes to the dress" vibe ?? I do and I am IN PANIC !!!!
Someone else is having a "Say yes to the dress" vibe ?? I do and I am IN PANIC !!!!
E vocês? Tiveram ou querem ter damas de honor? Como foi a vossa experiência?
Estarei em risco de perder amizades? LOOL.
Agora já é tarde...
And you? Did you have or want to have bridesmaids? How was your experience?
I'll be at risk of losing friendships? LOOL.
Now it's too late ...
Estou a adorar acompanhar esta tua fase de noiva. Tens tido excelentes ideias e lindas escolhas. Gosto muito da ideia das damas de honor e não te preocupes que certamente e acima de tudo será uma honra para as tuas amigas assumir esse papel. P. S o pormenor do vestido da foto é adorável. Boa sorte para a escolha do teu que imagino não ser tarefa fácil. Marisa
ResponderEliminarOh obrigada Marisa. ;) De coração....
Eliminareeeeeeee aqui também! :D Este muito especial! <3