Notas finais de Verão, Regresso ao trabalho e Privacidade / Summer final notes, Back to work and Privacy
O ritmo no mundo real continua a estar muito lento, embora as coisas lentamente comecem a voltar à normalidade, depois das férias.
Para quem sentiu falta de uma sessão fotográfica de Verão da família real norueguesa, aqui está:
Slow days on the royal world, although things slowly begin to return to normal after the summer vacations..
For those who missed a summer shoot the Norwegian royal family, here it is:
Slow days on the royal world, although things slowly begin to return to normal after the summer vacations..
For those who missed a summer shoot the Norwegian royal family, here it is:
Bem de Verão, não tem nada. A família reuniu-se no norte da Noruega para um passeio em família. Presentes o Rei Harald e a Rainha Sonja, o casal da Coroa acompanhados pelos filhos, a Princesa Ingrid Alexandra e o Príncipe Sverre Magnus e a Princesa Martha Louise com o marido Ari Behn e as suas filhas, Maud Angelica, Leah Isadora e Emah Tallulah (podem ver mais fotos aqui).
No Summer here. The family gathered in northern Norway for a family outing. King Harald and Queen Sonja, the Crown Princely Couple accompanied by their children, Princess Ingrid Alexandra and Prince Sverre Magnus and Princess Martha Louise with her husband Ari Behn and their daughters, Maud Angelica, Leah Isadora and Emah Tallulah (You can see more photos here).
Entretanto na Dinamarca, a Princesa da Coroa Mary já voltou ao trabalho. Como é habitual o seu primeiro evento da rentrée costuma ser a semana da moda de Copenhaga. Como amiga e grande embaixadora da marca Melene Birger, a Princesa assistiu a um desfile destas estilista.
Meanwhile in Denmark, Crown Princess Mary has returned to work. As usual her first event of the rentrée is often the Fashion Week in Copenhagen. As a friend and great brand ambassador, the Princess attended to a Malene Birger fashion show.
Meanwhile in Denmark, Crown Princess Mary has returned to work. As usual her first event of the rentrée is often the Fashion Week in Copenhagen. As a friend and great brand ambassador, the Princess attended to a Malene Birger fashion show.
Yesterday, Crown Princess Mary attended a Malene Birger fashion show as part of Copenhagen fashion week
— Royaltyspeaking (@Royal_talk) 8 agosto 2015
No dia seguinte, na qualidade de Patrona do Desfile e Prémio do Ninho de Talentos de Moda, Mary assistiu ao desfile e entregou o prémio monetário ao estilista mais promissor.
The next day, as the Patron of the Designers Nest Talent Show&Award, Mary watched the show and handed the money prize to the most promising designer.
The next day, as the Patron of the Designers Nest Talent Show&Award, Mary watched the show and handed the money prize to the most promising designer.
O evento visa dar a oportunidade a estudantes e jovens licenciados em moda da Dinamarca e de toda a Escandinávia de apresentar os seus trabalhos e talento num efeito tão conceituado como é a Semana da Moda de Copenhaga.
The event aims to provide opportunities for students and young graduates in fashion from Denmark and throughout Scandinavia to present their work and talent in such a prestigious effect as the Copenhagen Fashion Week.
The event aims to provide opportunities for students and young graduates in fashion from Denmark and throughout Scandinavia to present their work and talent in such a prestigious effect as the Copenhagen Fashion Week.
Mary reuniu ainda esta semana com a sua fundação, Mary Fonden, na sua residência em Copenhaga.
Mary also met this week with its foundation, Mary Fonden, at her residence in Copenhagen.
Mary also met this week with its foundation, Mary Fonden, at her residence in Copenhagen.
I dag holdt vi et møde med Dr. Maria Furtwängler fra Tyskland, som selv er involveret i arbejdet mod vold i hjemmet, og...
Posted by Mary Fonden on Segunda-feira, 10 de agosto de 2015
A princesa reuniu com uma médica alemã Maria Furtwängler, que está envolvida na luta contra a violência doméstica a mulheres. A reunião focou-se no projecto Advice for Life, que ajuda precisamente mulheres vítimas de violência doméstica.
The Princess met with a German doctor Maria Furtwängler, which is involved in the fight against domestic violence to women. The meeting focused on the project Advice for Life, which helps precisely women victims of domestic violence.
The Princess met with a German doctor Maria Furtwängler, which is involved in the fight against domestic violence to women. The meeting focused on the project Advice for Life, which helps precisely women victims of domestic violence.
Ainda na Dinamarca hoje foi o primeiro dia de escola primária para o Príncipe Henrik. O pequeno posou à saída da sua nova casa em Copenhaga junto aos pais, o Príncipe Joachim e a Princesa Marie, e perante o olhar atento da sua irmã mais nova, a Princesa Athena.
Also in Denmark today was the first day on primary school for Prince Henrik. The little prince posed on his new home in Copenhagen with his parents, Joachim Prince and Princess Marie, and before the watchful eye of his younger sister, Princess Athena.
Also in Denmark today was the first day on primary school for Prince Henrik. The little prince posed on his new home in Copenhagen with his parents, Joachim Prince and Princess Marie, and before the watchful eye of his younger sister, Princess Athena.
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Henrik irá ingressar na escola católica St. Joseph Sisters em Ordrup, muito perto da sua casa. Ver vídeo aqui.
Henrik will join the St. Joseph Sisters Catholic school in Ordrup, very close to his home. See video here.
Henrik will join the St. Joseph Sisters Catholic school in Ordrup, very close to his home. See video here.
Tivemos finalmente noticias de Harry na sua viagem por África ao serviço da Conservação.
We had finally some news regarding Harry on his trip through Africa in the service of conservation.
We had finally some news regarding Harry on his trip through Africa in the service of conservation.
HRH #PrinceHarry visited Khulula CareForWild to learn about rhino conservation!
— AfricanConservation (@AfricanConsExp) 12 agosto 2015
Duas fotos publicadas no Twitter oficial de African Conservation mostram um Harry com barba, com o seu grupo de trabalho e dois rinocerontes.
Two photos published on the official Twitter of African Conservation show a bearded Harry, with his working group and two rhinos.
Two photos published on the official Twitter of African Conservation show a bearded Harry, with his working group and two rhinos.
Hoje, o Palácio de Kensingnon fez um apelo.
Today, Kensington Palace has appealed.
Today, Kensington Palace has appealed.
Kensington Palace has issued a letter on the security and ethical issues around unauthorised photos of children
— Kensington Palace (@KensingtonRoyal) 14 agosto 2015
Foi divulgada uma carta dirigida aos meios de comunicação, em nome do Duque e da Duquesa de Cambridge apelando uma vez mais ao respeito pela privacidade das suas crianças, G. e Lottie. A história não é nova e levanta muitas questões complexas.
A letter addressed to the media was disclosed on behalf of the Duke and Duchess of Cambridge appealing once again to respect the privacy of their children, G. and Lottie. The story is not new and raises many complex issues.
A letter addressed to the media was disclosed on behalf of the Duke and Duchess of Cambridge appealing once again to respect the privacy of their children, G. and Lottie. The story is not new and raises many complex issues.
Nos últimos meses é crescente o número de fotografias do Príncipe George tiradas por paparazzi e vendidas para revistas e jornais fora do Reino Unido. Fotografias do pequeno Príncipe em momentos de brincadeira com a mãe, com a avó materna ou com a ama.
In recent months is incresed the number of Prince George's photographs taken by paparazzi and sold to magazines and newspapers outside the UK. Photos of the little Prince playing with his mother, with his grandmother or with his nanny.
In recent months is incresed the number of Prince George's photographs taken by paparazzi and sold to magazines and newspapers outside the UK. Photos of the little Prince playing with his mother, with his grandmother or with his nanny.
Yet undercover paparazzi continue to pursue their children, selling images of Prince George to international publications.
— Kensington Palace (@KensingtonRoyal) 14 agosto 2015
KP revelou que William e Kate gostam imenso de partilhar fotos dos seus filhos e que irão continuar a fazê-lo no futuro, mas fazem um apelo para que os media e os fãs reais não divulguem fotografias não oficiais, tiradas muitas vezes de maneira bastante intrusiva e planeada como descrito na carta.
KP revealed that William and Kate have been delighted to share photos of their children and will continue to do so in the future but make an appeal to the media and royal fans to do not release any unofficial photographs taken often quite intrusive way and planned as described in the letter.
KP revealed that William and Kate have been delighted to share photos of their children and will continue to do so in the future but make an appeal to the media and royal fans to do not release any unofficial photographs taken often quite intrusive way and planned as described in the letter.
They have been delighted to share photos of their children and will continue to do so in the months and years ahead.
— Kensington Palace (@KensingtonRoyal) 14 agosto 2015
Pessoalmente compreendo o ponto de vista deles. Afinal de tudo é uma questão de bom senso. Mas acredito também que tal desejo é utópico. Mesmo que os media respeitem o embargo a fotografias de paparazzi e mesmo que alguns blogs e sites de fãs de William e Kate o façam (que acredito que o farão!), vivemos num mundo em que toda a gente tem uma câmara fotográfica à disposição.
Personally I understand their point of view. It´s above all a matter of common sense. But I also believe that this desire is an utopian one. Even if the media respects the embargo on paparazzi photos and even some blogs and fan sites of William and Kate do so (I believe they will!), we live in a world where everyone has a camera on hand.
Personally I understand their point of view. It´s above all a matter of common sense. But I also believe that this desire is an utopian one. Even if the media respects the embargo on paparazzi photos and even some blogs and fan sites of William and Kate do so (I believe they will!), we live in a world where everyone has a camera on hand.
A tentação é demasiado grande para não publicar uma foto de George. Eu não o faria, mas acredito que há quem o faça, e até sem maldade.
Penso que esta carta foi boa no sentido de compreendermos como as coisas são feitas e nos fazer pensar um pouco mais sobre estes assuntos.
The temptation is too great to not publish a photo of George. I wouldn't, but I believe that some people do, even without malice.
I think that this letter was good regarding providing us some information about understanding how things are done and make us think a little more about these issues.
The temptation is too great to not publish a photo of George. I wouldn't, but I believe that some people do, even without malice.
I think that this letter was good regarding providing us some information about understanding how things are done and make us think a little more about these issues.
No entanto e como seria de prever muitos jornalistas e fotógrafos já levantaram questões pertinentes acerca das directrizes deste apelo, como o caso de Richard Palmer, que revela até um pouco de revolta e indignação perante este assunto.
However, as would be expected many journalists and photographers have raised pertinent questions about the guidelines of this appeal, as the case of Richard Palmer, who reveals even a bit of anger and outrage at this.
However, as would be expected many journalists and photographers have raised pertinent questions about the guidelines of this appeal, as the case of Richard Palmer, who reveals even a bit of anger and outrage at this.
I think Kensington Palace needs to explain in what circumstances a free press should be able to take photos of the Cambridge family off duty
— Richard Palmer (@RoyalReporter) 14 agosto 2015
The palace's control freakery has exacerbated the problem. eg Most regular royal photographers were banned from Charlotte's christening.
— Richard Palmer (@RoyalReporter) 14 agosto 2015
Ou Victoria Arbiter com a qual concordo acima de tudo na parte final.
Or Victoria Arbiter with which I agree most of all at the end.
Or Victoria Arbiter with which I agree most of all at the end.
Certainly in the US celebrity kids are continuously harassed. As long as royal children make money foreign editors will continue to print.
— Victoria Arbiter (@victoriaarbiter) 14 agosto 2015
In their quest to provide as "normal" a childhood as possible I applaud W&K's desire to allow their children to go beyond palace walls but
— Victoria Arbiter (@victoriaarbiter) 14 agosto 2015
...if pix are taken in a "public" place they have very little recourse. The threat to security is the greater issue here.
— Victoria Arbiter (@victoriaarbiter) 14 agosto 2015
Uma coisa é certa, perante a quantidade de novas fotos oficiais divulgadas este ano pela família, William e Kate estão determinados a expor um pouco mais os seus filhos num ambiente controlado, na esperança que a curiosidade que leva a uma procura por fotos não oficiais, diminua.
One thing is certain, given the amount of new official photos released this year by the family, William and Kate are determined to expose a little more their children in a controlled environment, hoping that curiosity that leads to a search for unofficial photos decreases.
Se olharmos para outras casas reais, temos fotografias de paparazzi e temos imensas fotografias oficiais. Todos os anos, pelo menos no verão, são várias as famílias que fazem uma sessão conjunta com as crianças.
If we look at other royal houses, we have also photographs of paparazzi and we have also immense official photographs. Every year, at least in summer, there are several royal families who make a joint session with the kids.
Isso impede o aparecimento de fotografias de paparazzi? Não. Mas as manobras que são feitas para as obter talvez não sejam tão arriscadas. Há que saber jogar o jogo!
Is this avoiding paparazzi photographs? No. But the maneuvers that are made to obtain them may not be so risky. It is necessary to know how to play the game!
One thing is certain, given the amount of new official photos released this year by the family, William and Kate are determined to expose a little more their children in a controlled environment, hoping that curiosity that leads to a search for unofficial photos decreases.
Se olharmos para outras casas reais, temos fotografias de paparazzi e temos imensas fotografias oficiais. Todos os anos, pelo menos no verão, são várias as famílias que fazem uma sessão conjunta com as crianças.
If we look at other royal houses, we have also photographs of paparazzi and we have also immense official photographs. Every year, at least in summer, there are several royal families who make a joint session with the kids.
Is this avoiding paparazzi photographs? No. But the maneuvers that are made to obtain them may not be so risky. It is necessary to know how to play the game!
Tenham um bom fim-de-semana!
Have a nice weekend!
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