As férias em Marivent / Summer time in Marivent
Não, ainda não vou falar do casamento que envolveu mais vestidos por hora! Isso ficará para outro dia...Sim, também gosto de implicar por vezes...
No, I'm not talking about that marriage involving an huge amount of dresses per hour! That will be for another day ... Yes, I also have quite a temper sometimes...
No, I'm not talking about that marriage involving an huge amount of dresses per hour! That will be for another day ... Yes, I also have quite a temper sometimes...
Felipe e Letizia estão finalmente de férias. Os Reis de Espanha tiveram um ano super preenchido, e foram os últimos a abandonar a sua agenda oficial. Tempo para rumarem até Palma de Maiorca, ao Palácio de Marivent, com as suas filhas a Princesa Leonor e a Infanta Sofia.
Felipe and Letizia are finally on vacation. The Kings of Spain had a super filled year , and were the last to abandon their official agenda. Time to travel to Palma de Mallorca, at Marivent Palace, with their daughters Princess Leonor and Infanta Sofia.
Felipe and Letizia are finally on vacation. The Kings of Spain had a super filled year , and were the last to abandon their official agenda. Time to travel to Palma de Mallorca, at Marivent Palace, with their daughters Princess Leonor and Infanta Sofia.
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Palácio de Marivent via |
Como é hábito a família deixou-se fotografar na entrada da residência de Verão da família real espanhola.
As usual family shared some moments for a photoshoot at the summer residence of the Spanish royal family.
As usual family shared some moments for a photoshoot at the summer residence of the Spanish royal family.
Letizia que sofreu a perda do seu avó materno, na semana passada, estava visivelmente ainda abatida do que é normal.
Letizia who suffered the loss of her maternal grandfather, last week, was still visibly more sad than usual ...
Letizia who suffered the loss of her maternal grandfather, last week, was still visibly more sad than usual ...
As grandes estrelas foram mesmo Leonor e Sofia que cada vez maiores assumem personalidades cada vez mais distintas.
The big stars were indeed Leonor and Sofia that increasingly grown up take on distinct personalities.
The big stars were indeed Leonor and Sofia that increasingly grown up take on distinct personalities.
Leonor, que em criança era mais extrovertida, está mais contida. Super feminina e dona de uns esplendorosos olhos azuis, a actual Princesa das Astúrias, de 9 anos mostra uma timidez de quem está consciente do seu papel.
Leonor, who as a child was more outgoing, is more restrained now. Super feminine and owner of a splendid blue eyes , the current Princess of Asturias, age 9 shows a timidity of those who are aware of their future role.
Leonor, who as a child was more outgoing, is more restrained now. Super feminine and owner of a splendid blue eyes , the current Princess of Asturias, age 9 shows a timidity of those who are aware of their future role.
Sofia de 8 anos (a candidata perfeita para o Christian da Dinamarca segundo a nossa comunidade T&T) mostra-se cada vez mais confiante e dona de um sorriso que enche uma sala. A Infanta está bastante crescida sendo actualmente mais alta do que a sua irmã mais velha.
Sofia, 8, (the perfect candidate for the Danish Prince Christian according to our T & T community) shows up increasingly confident and owner of a smile that fills a room. The Infanta is now taller than her older sister.
Sofia, 8, (the perfect candidate for the Danish Prince Christian according to our T & T community) shows up increasingly confident and owner of a smile that fills a room. The Infanta is now taller than her older sister.
Como é habito os olhares apaixonados entre Felipe e Letizia foram uma constante.
As usual the passionate glances between Felipe and Letizia were a constant.
As usual the passionate glances between Felipe and Letizia were a constant.
A união desta pequena família há muito que é notória e nestas ocasiões mais descontraídas esses gestos são ainda mais evidentes.
The union of this little family has long been notorious and on these more relaxed occasions these gestures are even more evident.
The union of this little family has long been notorious and on these more relaxed occasions these gestures are even more evident.
Especula-se que Willem-Alexander e Maxima (juntamente com a sua equipa A - Amalia, Alexia e Ariane) sejam convidados de Felipe e Letizia para passar uns dias em Marivent.
A confirmar-se, eu temo pela sanidade mental de Felipe e WA, rodeados de 7 mulheres!!!
It is speculated that Willem-Alexander and Maxima (together with their A-team - Amalia, Alexia and Ariane) are guests of Felipe and Letizia to spend a few days in Marivent.
To confirm, I fear for the sanity of Felipe and WA, surrounded by seven women !!!
It is speculated that Willem-Alexander and Maxima (together with their A-team - Amalia, Alexia and Ariane) are guests of Felipe and Letizia to spend a few days in Marivent.
To confirm, I fear for the sanity of Felipe and WA, surrounded by seven women !!!
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