A segunda parte do casamento não-real mais longo de sempre (como este título!) / The second half of the longest no-royal wedding ever (as this title!)

Ok,ok, eu falo deles...Um pouco contrariada, mas falo. Afinal de contas estou em modo casamento. Tudo isto foi um pouco de mais, na minha opinião. Mas foi a opção da noiva e do noivo e como tal, só nos resta apreciar o que pode ser apreciado. Estou falando do mais longo casamento não-real de sempre (apesar de muitas pessoas o verem como real)!
Okay, okay, I will do it ... a little upset, but I will. After all I am on wedding mode. All this was a bit too much, in my opinion. But it was the choice of the bride and groom and as such, we can only appreciate what can be enjoyed. I am talking of the longest non-royal wedding ever (although many people see it as royal)!

Ora bem, depois da cerimónia civil (e das festas e vestidos que se seguiram), Pierre e Beatrice Casiraghi rumaram para Itália, para Lake Maggiore, onde a família da noiva possui uma ilha, onde teria lugar a cerimónia religiosa.
As festividades começaram na véspera, sexta-feira à noite, com uma recepção para os convidados.
Now, after the civil ceremony (and all the parties and dresses that followed it), Pierre Casiraghi and Beatrice headed to Italy to Lake Maggiore, where the bride's family owns an island, where the religious ceremony would take place.
The festivities began on the eve,on Friday evening with a reception for the guests.
Uma foto publicada por albertaferretti (@albertaferretti) a

A noiva num estilo flower-power em que tudo me fez lembrar Amanda Seyfried no musical Mamma Mia, usou um modelo da estilistas italiana Alberta Ferreti. Foi o vestido de noiva #5
The bride in a flower-power style dress where everything reminded me of Amanda Seyfried in the musical Mamma Mia, wore a model of the Italian designer Alberta Ferretti. It was the wedding dress # 5.

Presentes na recepção pré-casamento estiverem o Príncipe da Coroa Haakon na Noruega acompanhado na esposa a Princesa da Coroa Mette-Marit e do filho mais velho da princesa, Marius Borg Hoiby.
Crown Prince Haakon of Norway accompanied by his wife Crown Princess Mette-Marit and by the Princess's eldest son, Marius Borg Hoiby, attended the pre-wedding party.

No dia seguinte, finalmente a cerimónia religiosa. A noiva continuou a honrar os estilistas italianos, e desta vez, como tudo fazia prever, a escolha recaiu sobre Armani.
On the following day, the most expected religious ceremony. The bride continued to honor the Italian designers, and this time, as it was expected, the choice fell on Armani.

Confesso que foi o meu look favorito do dia. Romântico, simples e elegante. Este vestido marfim com com bonitos detalhes de renda e com uma original aplicação do véu mereceu toda a minha atenção. E este vestido #6 bastava!
I confess that was my favorite look of the day. Romantic, simple and elegant. This ivory dress with beautiful lace details and with a unique application of the veil deserved my full attention. And this dress # 6 was enough!

Mas não basta para esta noiva! E sendo assim, eis um #7. Também Armani e também muito belo.
But not enough for this bride! And therefore, behold, a # 7. Also Armani and also very beautiful.
Uma foto publicada por Armani Official (@armani) a

Este vestido tem tudo a ver com o cenário de ilha mediterrânica e com o glamour tão típico da família Casiraghi. Ainda assim, sabem o que mais me surpreendeu? Beatrice lembra muito a Rainha Paola da Bélgica nos seus anos de juventude. Verdade?
This dress has everything to do with the Mediterranean island venue and the glamor so typical of the Casiraghi family. Still, you know what surprised me most? Beatrice is very reminiscent of Queen Paola of Belgium in her younger years. Right?

Na cerimónia religiosa e recepção algumas caras conhecidas: Haakon e MM (ver aqui e aqui), Félix e Claire do Luxemburgo (ver aqui e aqui), e segundo consta o Príncipe Amedeo da Bélgica e a sua esposa a Arquiduquesa Elisabetta da Áustria.
The religious ceremony some familiar faces: Haakon and MM (see here and here), Felix and Luxembourg Claire (here and here), and reportedly the Prince Amedeo of Belgium and his wife Elisabetta Archduchess of Austria.

Podem ver fotografias de algumas convidadas da família do noivo aqui e aqui.
You can see some pictures of the groom's family guests here and here.

E pronto! Está feito!!
And that's it! It´s done!!


  1. Amadeo was there too, you can see him in the background of this pic: http://i.imgur.com/BKrhT1q.jpg

    The girl in the from is brazilian supermodel, Ana Beatriz Barros btw :P

  2. I am in agreement with you on the length of the wedding celebrations. For every event there was a pre-event and an after-event. I thought to myself, here we have the joining of two families who love to "party". I know in some cultures a wedding is a big and important event and does go on for a long time, but this one was the exceptional. I was thinking that the bridge and groom will need to have a long honeymoon to rest and have time to themselves, but owning to the fact that events were so spaced out, they may not have been that tired as they got to rest between events. Nevertheless, the fashion that was as much a part of these celebration was interesting --the bride definitely out did herself fashion wise. Thank you as always for an interesting post.

    1. Thanks a lot for your comment and oppinion. I got tired and I wasn´t even there! :P


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