Ora bem, há duas ocasiões na Suécia que são únicas e fazem parte de qualquer agenda dos Royal Watchers. Se por um lado os Prémios Nobel são o apogeu do esplendor real sueco (e imagem só quando a Estelle fizer parte da cerimónia!), por outro lado o aniversário da Princesa da Coroa Victoria, aka Victoriadagen, mostra bem a proximidade desta família com os súbditos e o carinho e união que está presente entre todos os membros da (cada vez) maior família.
Well, there are two occasions in Sweden that are unique and are part of the agenda of any Royal Watchers. On the one hand we have the Nobel Prizes, known as the pinnacle of the Swedish royal splendor (and only image when Estelle will be part of the show!), on the other hand we have the anniversary of the Crown Princess Victoria, aka Victoriadagen that shows the closeness of this family with their people and the love and unity that is present among all members of the (increasing) family.
Well, there are two occasions in Sweden that are unique and are part of the agenda of any Royal Watchers. On the one hand we have the Nobel Prizes, known as the pinnacle of the Swedish royal splendor (and only image when Estelle will be part of the show!), on the other hand we have the anniversary of the Crown Princess Victoria, aka Victoriadagen that shows the closeness of this family with their people and the love and unity that is present among all members of the (increasing) family.
Com o bónus que Estelle, pelo quarto ano consecutivo, toma parte nas festividades! Oh yeah!
With the bonus that Estelle, for the fourth consecutive year, takes part in the festivities! Oh yeah!
With the bonus that Estelle, for the fourth consecutive year, takes part in the festivities! Oh yeah!
As celebrações começaram no Palácio de Solliden, residência oficial da família real sueca durante o verão.
The celebrations began in Solliden Palace, official residence of the Swedish royal family during the summer.
The celebrations began in Solliden Palace, official residence of the Swedish royal family during the summer.
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Via sollidensslott.se |
Ao início da tarde a aniversariante acompanhada pelo marido, o Príncipe Daniel, pela Princesa Estelle e pelo Rei Carl Gustaf e pela Rainha Sílvia, saiu para os jardins para cumprimentar as centenas de pessoas que anualmente, faça chuva ou faça sol, não deixam de vir desejar um Feliz Aniversário à sua futura rainha.
By early afternoon the birthday girl accompanied by her husband, Prince Daniel, by Princess Estelle, King Carl Gustaf and Queen Silvia, left the gardens to greet the hundreds of people, who every year, with sun or rain, do not stop coming to wish a Happy Birthday to their future queen.
By early afternoon the birthday girl accompanied by her husband, Prince Daniel, by Princess Estelle, King Carl Gustaf and Queen Silvia, left the gardens to greet the hundreds of people, who every year, with sun or rain, do not stop coming to wish a Happy Birthday to their future queen.
O seu pai fez um breve discurso, como é hábito, e de seguida foi a vez de Victoria agradecer a todos o carinho.
Victoria's father made a short speech, as always, and then it was time for Victoria to thank all the affection.
Victoria's father made a short speech, as always, and then it was time for Victoria to thank all the affection.
Depois, sobre uma forte ameaça de chuva, que acabou por cair, toda a família foi cumprimentar todos os que queriam dar os parabéns à herdeira. E foi de louvar a disponibilidade de cada membro da família real. Não se limitaram a apertar mãos.
Then on a strong threat of rain, which eventually fall, the whole family went to greet everyone who wanted to congratulate the heiress. And it was to praise the availability of each member of the royal family. They did not just shake hands.
Then on a strong threat of rain, which eventually fall, the whole family went to greet everyone who wanted to congratulate the heiress. And it was to praise the availability of each member of the royal family. They did not just shake hands.
Cumprimentaram todos com calma, conversaram, tiraram fotografias, responderam a perguntas, sorriram. Uma coisa fantástica de se ver. Demoravam o tempo que fosse necessário com cada pessoa.
They greeted everyone with calm, talked, took pictures, answered questions, smiled. A fantastic thing to see. They took the time as long as was necessary with each person.
They greeted everyone with calm, talked, took pictures, answered questions, smiled. A fantastic thing to see. They took the time as long as was necessary with each person.
Victoria foi presenteada como é hábito com vários bouquets de flores e bijutaria feitas à mão, que logo colocou. Pergunto-me o que fará ela a todas estas peças acumuladas ano após ano...
Victoria was presented as always with several bouquets of flowers and jewelry made by hand, which she wore right way. I wonder what she will do to all these pieces accumulated year after year ...
Victoria was presented as always with several bouquets of flowers and jewelry made by hand, which she wore right way. I wonder what she will do to all these pieces accumulated year after year ...
E depois, claro houve Estelle. Com 3 anos e meio e idade, é impressionante a simpatia desta criança, e sentido de dever que já tem. Sem birras, sempre com um sorriso na cara...E com uma capacidade fantástica para se entreter e cativar todas as atenções.
And then of course there was Estelle. 3 and a half years old, it's amazing the friendliness of this child, and sense of duty she already has. No tantrums, always with a smile on her face ... And with a fantastic ability to entertain herself and captivate all eyes.
And then of course there was Estelle. 3 and a half years old, it's amazing the friendliness of this child, and sense of duty she already has. No tantrums, always with a smile on her face ... And with a fantastic ability to entertain herself and captivate all eyes.
E o momento Alerta Doçura total: Aí vem ela, com um chapéu-de-chuva e a acenar: "Vamos lá trabalhar! Olá minhas pessoas! Obrigado por me virem ver!"
And the super cuteness alert moment: Here's she comes, waving with her umbrella - "Well, let´s work! Hello my people. Thanks for coming to see me!"
And the super cuteness alert moment: Here's she comes, waving with her umbrella - "Well, let´s work! Hello my people. Thanks for coming to see me!"
Tenho a certeza que esta miúda vai ser das Rainhas mais amadas da História. Tanto carisma não pode ser ensinado. É inato nela!
I am sure that this girl will be one of the most beloved queens in history. Such charisma can not be taught. It is innate on her!
I am sure that this girl will be one of the most beloved queens in history. Such charisma can not be taught. It is innate on her!
Simplesmente um retrato de uma família feliz! Victoria que completou 38 anos deve estar orgulhosa!
Just a picture of a happy family! Victoria who turnes 38 should be proud!
Just a picture of a happy family! Victoria who turnes 38 should be proud!
Ao fim da tarde, um dos momentos altos: o Concerto em honra da Princesa da Coroa, que marcou a primeira aparição oficial da Princesa Madeleine após o nascimento do Príncipe Nicolas, e a estreia da Princesa Sofia em actos oficiais.
In the evening, one of the highlights: the Concert in honor of the Crown Princess, which marked the first official appearance of Princess Madeleine after the birth of Prince Nicolas, and the premiere of Princess Sofia in official acts.
E foi óptimo vê-los todos juntos e sorridentes! Silvia e Victoria com trajes nacionais.
And it was great to see them all together and smiling! Silvia and Victoria with national costumes.
And it was great to see them all together and smiling! Silvia and Victoria with national costumes.
Por falar em união, a Princesa Madeleine, como é hábito, fez questão de desejar os Parabéns à sua irmã via Facebook.
Speaking of unity, the Princess Madeleine, as always, made sure to wish a Happy Birthday to her sister via Facebook.
Speaking of unity, the Princess Madeleine, as always, made sure to wish a Happy Birthday to her sister via Facebook.
Happy birthday to my wonderful sister Victoria! I am so blessed we are sisters!
Posted by Princess Madeleine of Sweden on Terça-feira, 14 de Julho de 2015
E realmente é uma bênção ver tamanha união entre irmãs!
And it really is a blessing to see such unity between sisters!
Todas as festividades ainda estão disponíveis na SVT para ver, durante 29 dias.
All festivities are still available on SVT to watch for 29 days.
E sim Estelle, tens que ter paciência. Ainda não foi desta...
And yes Estelle, you need to have patience. It was not yet the day ...
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Via Royal Watcher.tumblr |
But we are with you all the way!
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