It´s (Royal) Summer time!
Olá! Boa semana para todos! É chegada aquela altura do ano, em que as nossas caras favoritas vão de férias mas antes disso se deixam fotografar em clima de descontracção com todos os membros da família: crianças, cães e outros animais incluídos! São as sessões fotográficas de Verão!
Hello! Good week for all! Now is that time of year when our favorite guys go on vacation but before that they gave us some great snapshots in relaxation atmosphere with all family members: children, dogs and other animals included! It's the Summer Annual Photosessions!
Hello! Good week for all! Now is that time of year when our favorite guys go on vacation but before that they gave us some great snapshots in relaxation atmosphere with all family members: children, dogs and other animals included! It's the Summer Annual Photosessions!
Este ano começamos pela Holanda e Bélgica.
This year we started with the Netherlands and Belgium.
This year we started with the Netherlands and Belgium.
Willem-Alexander e Máxima da Holanda e a sua equipa A (Amalia, Alexia e Ariane) acompanhados pelos fiéis Skipper e Nala deixaram-se fotografar numa praia de Moçambique, onde o casal de soberanos holandeses está a passar férias.
Willem-Alexander and Máxima of the Netherlands and their A-Team (Amalia, Alexia and Ariane) accompanied by the faithfuls Skipper and Nala let themselves be photographed on a beach in Mozambique, where the Dutch sovereign couple is going on vacation.
Willem-Alexander and Máxima of the Netherlands and their A-Team (Amalia, Alexia and Ariane) accompanied by the faithfuls Skipper and Nala let themselves be photographed on a beach in Mozambique, where the Dutch sovereign couple is going on vacation.
A união e alegria do casal e das três princesas foi evidente em brincadeiras na areia e corridas até ao mar.
The unity and happiness of the couple and the three princesses was evident during sand games and runs by the sea.
The unity and happiness of the couple and the three princesses was evident during sand games and runs by the sea.
Pais extremosos e presentes estes momentos em família devem ser preciosos para o casal real, como de certo o são para qualquer casal que tenha, por motivos profissionais, passar algum tempo longe dos filhos.
For these doting and present parents such these family moments should be precious to the royal couple, as for any couple that has, for professional reasons, spend some time away from their children.
For these doting and present parents such these family moments should be precious to the royal couple, as for any couple that has, for professional reasons, spend some time away from their children.
Amalia, Alexia e Ariane estão super crescidas e revelaram-se muito unidas.
Amalia, Alexia and Ariane are over grown and proved to be very close.
Amalia, Alexia and Ariane are over grown and proved to be very close.
Pais e filhas, vestidos de forma super descontraída posaram para dezenas de fotógrafos que se deslocaram ao continente africano para testemunhar o início das férias da família.
Parents and daughters, dressed very casual posed for dozens of photographers who traveled to Africa to witness the start of the family vacation period.
Parents and daughters, dressed very casual posed for dozens of photographers who traveled to Africa to witness the start of the family vacation period.
Entretanto na Bélgica, Philippe e Mathilde levaram os seus quatro filhos para um programa diferente.
Meanwhile in Belgium, Philippe and Mathilde took their four children to a different program.
La famille royale à la rencontre des pandas à Pairi Daiza
Meanwhile in Belgium, Philippe and Mathilde took their four children to a different program.
In #PairiDaiza met baby olifant Nang Faa en haar gezin
— Belgian Royal Palace (@MonarchieBe) 11 julho 2015
Os Reis belgas passaram o último Sábado no Parque belga Pairi Daiza onde tiveram contacto com vários animais exóticos. Um programa que certo agradou aos quatro filhos do casal: Elizabeth, Gabriel, Emmanuel e Éléonore.
Belgian Kings spent the last Saturday in Pairi Daiza, a Belgian Park where they had contact with various exotic animals. A program that must been an hit for the couple's four children: Elizabeth, Gabriel, Emmanuel and Éléonore.
Le Roi, la Reine et leurs enfants ont passé un moment en famille au parc Pairi Daiza ce samedi
Posted by Place Royale on Sábado, 11 de Julho de 2015
A família de seis alimentou elefantes e posou com lémures.
The family of six fed elephants and posed with lemurs.
Chouette moment en famille avec les lémuriens du Parc Pairi Daiza
Posted by Place Royale on Sábado, 11 de Julho de 2015
La famille royale à la rencontre des pandas à Pairi Daiza
Este Parque é localizado na Bélgica, e significa "Jardim Escondido" em antigo persa. O parque aspira ser um verdadeiro paraíso na terra.
This park is located in Belgium, and means "Hidden Garden" in ancient Persian. The park aims to be a true paradise on earth.
No site pode fica o convite: "Deixe os seus problemas lá fora, quando entrar nos portões e deixe-se abrir para as maravilhas que o esperam."
On the site we can read the invitation: "Leave your troubles outsite as you came though the gates; open yourself to the wonders that await you."
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Via Pairi |
"Uma vez cá dentro, a Natureza exuberante em forma de árvores centenárias, plantas e flores refinadas de todo o mundo irão acenar-lhe. Conforme avançar pelo parque irá surpreender-se a cada passo com os tesouros arquitectónicos que irá encontrar. "
"Once inside, lush nature in the form of centuries-old trees, plants and exquisite flowers from all over the world will wave you in. As you advance further into the park you will be continuously amazed at each step with the architectural treasures you encounter."
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Via Pairi |
"Tudo autêntico, trazido até você por artesãos que viajaram das distantes China, Indonésia, Tailândia e outros lugares até à Bélgica, para que o seu trabalho possa ser observado em primeira mão. Finalmente, faça amizade com os cerca de 5.000 animais que vivem e prosperam aqui."
"All authentic, they have been brought to you by artisans who traveled from theur far-flung homes of China, Indonesia, Thailand and elsewhere to ply their art here, in Belgium, so that you can enjoy the fruits of their labours first-hand. Finally, come and make friends with the 5,000 animals that live and thrive here."
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Via Pairi |
Um local perfeito para passar tempo em família!
A perfect place to spend family time!
Acho perfeitas estas sessões. Possibilitam um momento público e oficial, onde os media podem recolher fotos e testemunhos da família em momentos mais descontraídos, sem invadir a privacidade, especialmente das crianças em tempos de férias!
I think these sessions are just perfect. They allow a public and official moment where the media can collect family photos and testimonies in more relaxed moments, without invading privacy, especially of children during the vacations time!
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